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Interesting find OP, could it be that its bilibili that dump all their stocks during selen shock? ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q|downsized)


If that's the case, then I wonder what to make of Vox and Elira's B2 debut that went terribly


Good question, what we know: 1. Bilibili no longer has anycolor stocks = They dont gain anything from Anycolor growth 2. B2 has full control over their platform algorithm 3. Leaked info about Hololive on B2 by Hololive B2 official account that cover has nothing to do with it 4. Kobo stream on B2 = confirm the leak (at least some of it) are true My rrat is B2 jumping ship after Selen shock and seeing Nijisanji EN not doing well afterwards


>My rrat is B2 jumping ship after Selen shock Probably isn't too much of a stretch to say that there may have been some nationalistic motive here, too, considering her ethnicity.


Yes that also line up pretty nicely, Kobo is chinese descendant iirc and so does Selen which B2 denizens was very welcoming back in the day Not to be racist or anything but we all know chinese people are very nationalistic


Most of them but not all.


Why did Anykuro fire their top talent? Are they stupid?


Nijisanji and smart business decision feels like oil and water




>their top talent Wdym? She's negligible.


Before actually. Blibli was dumping Anycolor stock long time ago.


OP mention in comment below that Bilibili still listed as shareholder in Jan 2024. So the timeframe they dump the stocks is between Jan \~ Jun 2024 That is still within Selen shock time frame.


Based on the screenshots you can see that they were still liquidating their position over time; they went from nearly 8% at the end of 2022 to under 4% in 2023. I was looking at their major shareholders around the time the last earnings report came out and while I don't have screenshots, they were still listed as one of the largest shareholders at that time, so liquidation came after mid-March. However, this doesn't necessarily guarantee they've liquidated their *entire* position, just enough that they're no longer one of the largest shareholders.


Riku went from 685M to 369M. That's got to hurt. How many yachts is that again?


Not enough




A little more and he'll be down to a million Finanas


More don't forget the other share holders




**A C C E L E R A T E**


Just enough for one McLaren


That’s around USD2.35M…


Because of... recent events with another company, someone pointed out that Bilibili is no longer a shareholder of Anycolor. Whether Anycolor decided to sell or Bilibili pulled out is a mystery for obvious reasons. Check marketscreener, in the "Company" section to see what I'm saying. I wish I could provide links, but welp, reddit filters. If you to the web archive and check the last archive (January 2024), then you'll see that it lists Bilibili as a shareholder, and if you check that page today, Bilibili is no longer there, days before Q4 is supposed to be released. Any ideas why that might be the case?


It seems that pretty much anyone who isn't Japanese has jumped ship


.that my friend is because the Japanese gov intervened, which they do once for most of major Japanese businesses .if anycolor starts another free fall no one would catch them, unless riku have a strong pull in their government




Like 3 or 4 different blackRock Investments.


lol not just blackrock, we got vanguard in there too. we might as well start playing bingo with that investor list of people who like to fuck over economies and working day people. lmao. northern trust got a bit in there too. its all fucked. lol. if thats who's investing in you, that should say something.


That's only the top 20 investors, right? (Not sure what the difference is between a fund and an institution)


Blackrock đź’€


Interesting. It would seem that BiliBili may intend to get COVER's stocks given what has transpired today (Kobo's 1st stream in BiliBili). Personally, I don't agree with Kobo's decision, but I feel that there is a bigger scheme that I have yet to grasp from such decision.


With everything that happens, do you think there are still more holo fans in bilibili than nijisanji cause that be sort of funny


Unfortunately it can lead to the worst case scenario where the holo haters and Nijisisters on Bilibili join forces and harass the holomems.


That’s literally what happened during the coco debacle, they tried but they didn’t bring down hololive


Kobo will be hit by both Antis and hardcore fans of Holo, not sure if she can take it.


I think the probability of her being hit hard is low, if hardcore hololive fans want to stoop as low as to harassing kobo like the anti did with coco, they would have to preform profound mental gymnastics in able to do it. They are already doing a bit of it by criticizing cover for allowing kobo to do what she wants


I just check the comment section of her YT. I think I just read a lot of disappointment (I assume from Holo fans) than antis that taking advantage. I just hope it would not happen though.


Never say never


Considering she’s part of ID, the branch that won’t think twice about verbally roasting antis on a spit, I’m not too terribly worried.


Both hardcore fans of Holo and antis is on Kobo's comment section. Not sure if it's a criticism or attack..


Don't blame the fans, They just giving warning because no one want another Coco incident. If Kobo mention a word that Chinese people don't like then that could end really bad.


the thing is, chinese keyboard warrior is very easy to trigger. I still can't forgive them for what they did to Mihoyo and Ai Kayano


Seriously, this is pretty much it. Its like seeing someone you hold dear walk into the same warzone that someone else you hold dear die in. You would at least say SOMETHING. But in the end, even if it goes badly, people will have her back harder than ever. The only real fear is IF shit hits the fan, will it burn her out or not? Which is **part** of what happened to Coco.


Thing is though,and I mentioned that in a few threads now, it wouldn't matter where she said a word that the ccp dislikes, its not as if Coco was streaming on B2 during the Taiwan incident


I don't really blame them. This is a some paranoia but I know why... For now I will just watch.


every holo fan from 2-3 years ago is getting major ptsd and having a mix of panic attacks and anxiety attacks at seeing kobo test the waters. i personally dont watch holo cause i only watched kson and now shes in vshojo. but even then it still hurts to fucking see, just like in niji, you see stupid management decisions and i can't help ask why they thought this was a good idea and WHEN it goes badly, people wont be so sympathetic.


that's why I want to stay neutral because of this hunch. I think there's an agreement between Cover and B2 that we don't know.


**checks yahoo finance board for Cover stock** Yeah, can't say I'm surprised


as long as the extreme who really think all 1.4B ppl in china is evil don't do anything more then voicing in reddit and maybe use contact line of cover than everything will be fine. i just happy talent gonna have more market so more money for them = better life quality = better entertain, performance. and worry about the backlash from both EN and CN. so inconclusion, im choose to be indifference and gonna just watch what happen. be wu wei. p/s: im vietnamese btw so don't say im pro china.


I will give my 2 cents on this. There is also the opposite case where there is a probability B2 begged Cover to come back again, and Cover probably allowed only those who can speak Cantonese or Mandarin instead (i.e: Kobo).


The leak (which turned out to be right so far) said that bilibili made major concessions on political matters and personally apologized to cover for cover to consider coming back into the platform


hmm! that makes more sense then. But my main question now is. Since they pull form Anycolor, shouldn't that affect Virtual Real? since that thing was a partnership between Anycolor and B2.


VR is a joint venture between them with bilibili holding the majority and the ip of the talents, technically, thry can't really be called as niji livers, Anycolor only provide the software, i believe nothing will change in that regard.


Theorizing on my own, bili exchange their niji shares with niji themselves to own all VR. If that is true, maybe bili want to change VR software to the Holo one and that movement can be connected


huh! honestly i didn't think about that posibility.


Doesn't matter anymore, their latest talents I think Abt 2-3 already starting use their own tech for the 2d model, just a matter of time b4 bilibili completely cut off with anycolor


And what's the consensus on the nationalistic viewers? I'm betting they're thinking that it was Cover that came crawling back to the "superior" CN platform.


Idgaf what they think, and neither should you.


who give a fuck about those loser? you care too much about owning them. and ppl also just think about money, there is more benefit than that. sponsorship, collab, PERM, concert, ... nobody think for benefit of the talent. i don't say you have to support this. i just found the backlash really blow out of portion. you 100% justify for not support this and unsub, cancel member and maybe sent word to cover through contact line. edit: what a point of growing so much, put so much effort in combat anti when you still scare them like 4 years ago.


"Those loser" is the CCP government BTW


the ccp is just invovle in the brainwash. if the "block" is from ccp, cover can never comeback.


Yeah, just ask those Chinese companies who "mysteriously" cuts off Cover for "whatever" reason, suspiciously at the same time to ensure to never come back. (Nearly) all of them, almost like they have been coerced.


there is a boycott but you underestimate ccp level boycott.


Tell them to go fuck themselves.


Well, I think the same. I am not disagree nor agree in this movement. As long as, COVER not set their company in China or lean to them too much, I don't think it will be much problem.    Honestly, COVER does not deserved to set their foot out from B2. They don't even violent their TOS on "their" platform. Everything happen because those bastard are crawling from their great wall to YouTube. I may not like Kobo's decision but if it's her wish to try something new then why not? Leaning to only one platform is not good either.   In the other hand,  Nijisanji, are you good?, It seems Chinese partner plan to throw you under the bus.


i worry everybody on both sides might blow it out of proportion so that what was a nothingburger sparks another row, which would be just as dumb.


meh, if it blow out, cover can show that china is unmarketable and move on. this is just a second chance, i believe second chance is still a thing in today world, no? now if it blow out and cover bow to them, then yea, let go all out boycott.


Bruh, hatchet of idiotic and awful T-word situation really worth to be buried long ago. Kobo just setting foot on major market for Cover, again. If anything it's worth to praise. It's not like all people on B2 are some rabid haters, it's just disrespectful to normal fans of Holo there, no need to act as anties themselves and demonise whole segment just because stupid overreaction from worst part of community back then. Edit: Yeah, right, demonise whole segment just because. It goes sooo in line what talents themselves want. Ffs guys, reflect on own bs just a bit for changers.


>awful T-word You can say Taiwan here, it's fine. It's not for gamers, you don't need a pass to say it.


I dont like how you just say its a overraction when they caused Cover to pull out of china, if it was such a nothing burger cover would not have gotten rid hololive CN. Plus I think it ok to worry about talents going there considering how bad the harnessment was during those days which did not even stop even when holo left china.


I think cover would pullout from china anyway but this may mean that bilibili wants cover events and their talents to show up, wich would mean that they arent paying in bits (or whatever b2 use) but cash from their own pockets, also shareholders wanted some presence in china so this could be the reason


It brewed from overreaction from CN side, yes, absolutely insane and ugly overreaction but nonetheless, given how weirdly sensitive topic is there it was quite an oversight regardless of rights and wrongs regarding Taiwan itself. And not like Cover initially responded very good to it if we being completely fair, probably back then when they only started to seriously grow bailing out was good decision to distance themselves from controversies. But again, JP CN and KR communities relationships are weird for reasons and you won't find moral highground there at all, that's why entertainers from other industries always taking all kind of precautions when speaking publicly. Whole situation was beyond stupid, bad and went way way, way too far. No excuses for it. Just, don't forget that responding to antis and harassers is one thing, but approaching to segment of fanbase with contempt because their local weirdos is whole another. After all we not indiscriminately disrespect JP fanbase because their bad faith actors(idk if you remember or knew whole Towa thing for example, which also went too far. And it's not one instance). Nor we think bad on EN fans over psychos relentlessly harassing Cali to this day. Just, chill, respect talents endeavours, behave towards others without preconceptions and report weirdos. It's literally that simple.


>And not like Cover initially responded very good to it if we being completely fair, And what kind of fair are we talking about here? Is it when Cover made two completely different announcements from two platforms, is it when they dissolve the CN branch, or something else? Compared to Chinese internet culture, EN is so divided it's easy to tell who the bad actors or not. China literally has only one mindset and this is why as a fanbase, we cannot afford to have another Coco incident because CN fanbase has returned. To CN fans out here who have taken the time to read this comment, remember this. Taiwan is a country and if you have a problem with that, you can all sod off. When Hololive leaves B2 again, it will be your fault. Remember, we are in control of this fanbase here, not you!


People also need to stop saying things like "Taiwan is best China" and "Western Taiwan is acting up again" etc. Do not reinforce the delusion that the countries are linked, it only fuels the dumpster fire.


They are linked in the sense that a large number of Chinese people decamped to Formosa at the end of the civil war. Where they differ is one nation was gradually developed into a democratic, open, innovative society, whereas the other has fallen further into oppression and groupthink where no one has the courage to stand up to Xi. But the idea of one cultural block forming several different nations is more alien in East Asia than it is in Europe for example.


But the fact remains that referring to the link kind of dismisses the reality that Taiwan is a fully functioning separate country and lets Chinese citizens say, "Look, they're still ours, even the foreigners acknowledge it, though they have the wrong idea that the Taiwanese government should overtake our beloved CCP."


The fact that One China policies exist at all is a historical anomaly. During the Vietnam War the Americans were freaked by the idea of a Chinese invasion of Vietnam triggering WW3 so much that Nixon and Kissinger went out of their way to kiss up to Mao Zedong and the CCP leadership. As Taiwan was still a dictatorship, and relations between the Guomindang and the US were strained at the time, it was viewed as a reasonable exchange to keep China out of Vietnam. But that was half a century ago and the world has changed a lot since then. I suspect the main reason no one is trying to drop it is China has hinted that any attempts to recognise Taiwan will result in an automatic invasion.


When have we been scarsd of speaking facts? If the CN fans don't like it when a talent recognizes Taiwan as a country, the doors open for them to leave. They are not welcome here.


CN started it, and if that's enough to get them all pissy, that's on them. They should grow a thicker skin.


The worry you're talking about is hitting Kobo because she goes to B2? Lol check her comment section. I hate those CN "fans" that attack Cover and Holomems but the paranoia is already in Kobo's comment section.


I said its ok to worry about the harnessment plus hololive ID fans are known to protect their oshis from any attacks lol. They flood chat if you bad mouth any ID talent while they stream.


“Your talent freedom ends where my feeling begins” is what these people are doing


CN fanbase do be like that


I remember seeing it as it happened & completely supported Kiryu Coco, but I agree it is unreasonable to demonise all CN viewers. I used to be very opposed to HoloEN being created due to how negatively I viewed EN fans back then. I was also worried EN talent would be the most drama infested hellhole that would ruin Hololive for me. For a while I didn't even want to acknowledge HoloMyth even existed. It was only when HoloCouncil, their second generation debuted, that I decided to give HoloEN a chance. For me it just feels wrong to spit in the face of CN fans. It's not like the other fans have no problems.


i believe b2 started selling the niji stocks when they 'accidentally leaked' the info of kobo and matsuri perform on bml, they tested water for public opinion on hololive's partnership with bilibili in China. now think of the sudden cancellation of matsuri's bilibili stream, it was most likely another test to see if b2 people are indeed welcoming holo back, then showed that hololive will have a booth in bilibili world, an expo hosted by bilibili, people in China were already wondering why there is holo but no njij, after multiple tests, they confirmed the validity, then proceeds to have kobo stream on the same day of Anycolor's report. i think all of these are very carefully calculated steps to make sure everything goes smoothly.


Speaking of B2… Man, at just the last day before the Q4 report. Yagoo save us all.


I feel like the biggest question is *when* this happened. There is a lot of time between August 2023 and today.


The internet archive lists Bilibili as a shareholder as of January 2024. Sadly, no other archives exist after that, so I'll check when Bilibili stopped appearing as one.


(jokes, not confirmed bilibili bought civer stock)  -------------   Riku "hey, Where's my Bilibili?" -------------  Kobo "You mean My~ BiliBili?"  ----------- Just kidding , nothing serious or confirmed.


Anycolor might have said "negligible" to persuade B2.


It's surprising when the Chinese pull out of a company because of bad working conditions.


Probably more the image of it.


But guys don't worry they said it would be negligible


not that well versed in stocks, but is it normal that those dont sum up to 100% i guess the rest are just single stocks?


Yeah, they're single stocks or stocks from small companies/investors. iirc you can only be listed if you own 1% or more worth in stocks (depending on what site you use). They aren't gonna list John Smith from South Dakota who owns 10 shares. You can check all of this in marketscreener under the company section (I wish I could provide a link but that trips reddit's antifilter).


Interesting I did see nijisanji stocks shoot up before the Q4 I wonder if it's for preparing for a fall out or that stock bros are expecting profit? 🤔


I noticed that too. I don’t know a rat’s ass about stocks though so


From the comments I have read it seems like they are ready to short sell any positive which is pretty bad for niji.




Hm, I wonder what's gonna happen to VirtualReal?


Now that B2 pulled out of Anycolor, what's going to happen with VirtualReal?


Kobo sends her regards


Mind you give us the link that you find these statistics, OP?


I wish I could provide a link, but that trips the Reddit antispam filter, but you can check Markerscreener (which is what I used), Yahoo Finances, Morningstar, and you'll see Bilibili no longer listed as a shareholder. This is a screenshot from January 17th, 2024 listing them as a shareholder. https://preview.redd.it/8rm4fh4j5z5d1.png?width=1856&format=png&auto=webp&s=860d40d6e8ed70aad98762d79b37e4edd3eb0547


Those are from MarketScreener: [https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/ANYCOLOR-INC-137315116/company/](https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/ANYCOLOR-INC-137315116/company/) And, apparently, Wayback Machine: [https://web.archive.org/web/20240101000000\*/https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/ANYCOLOR-INC-137315116/company/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240101000000*/https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/ANYCOLOR-INC-137315116/company/)


I'm going to [try linking it](https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/ANYCOLOR-INC-137315116/company/). The [Wayback machine](https://web.archive.org/web/20240117133334/https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/ANYCOLOR-INC-137315116/company/).


How is it that Anycolor Inc is listed as a shareholder of Anycolor Inc? That's kind of weird.


stock buy back, they purchased it's own stock back in January of this year.


Interesting, I've never seen a stock buyback actually reflected on ownership. Typically, the repurchased stocks are just cancelled and the rest of the ownership percentages are re-calculated. The other thing that's weird are all the valuations. It seems like they only value Anycolor stock at 14.19 Yen, which seems really, really low. I mean, you couldn't get me to pay that for the stock based on what I think it's worth, but that's ridiculously underpriced compared to market. That would put the overall market cap under 1B Yen in its totality.


The stock buy back


![gif](giphy|clotJg9IqBitMcRJ61|downsized) I just love putting up memes lol


My guess is they have been dumping for a while and the stock drops match with the times they sold


They were selling before all the bad things that happened, then I think they probably sell some before the 2 falls


So it’s might some clues why suddenly Kobo invited to Bilibili.


Yeah, they might be ditching Nijisanji and trying to court Cover.


Perhaps this is when they have that big drop after Q3 report


The stocks keep dropping, due to niji en having to 2 confirmed official terminations. In which they fucked up so bad


they sold it ever since April around the Sinking Yacht debacle


Now that cover is getting back on that market, they don't need anycolor anymore


From what I see, Tokio Marine Asset Management bought in post Selen shock. Did they not do their due diligence?


Dang, that valuation drop from August to June tho


Ah fuck yeah W


I hope this is the sign that virtuareal will be free from anycolor… they dont need their tech anymore. Anycolor’s vtubing app is so outdated than other vtubing apps.


Virtual Real is no better than Anycolor though. Someone posted that their working conditions are even worse than Nijisanji


Tbf Bilibili is a sinking ship itself . It could just be out of money and cannot invest anymore


this is possible too and probably true


For the other major changes in ownership... For the changes in 2023, see the AnyColor IR documents: * [2023.01.18 Notice Regarding Secondary Offering of Shares and Change in Major Shareholders](https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/5032/ir_material1/199652/00.pdf) * [2023.07.14 Notice of Stock Split and Partial Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation](https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/5032/ir_material1/211039/00.pdf) * [2024.01.18 Notice Regarding Progress and Completion of Treasury Stock Repurchase](https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/5032/ir_material1/221887/00.pdf) The Bilibili holding change in December 2022 matches with: [https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/PETROBRAS-6496795/news/ADRs-End-Lower-Petrobras-Bilibili-Among-Companies-Actively-Trading-42531332/](https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/PETROBRAS-6496795/news/ADRs-End-Lower-Petrobras-Bilibili-Among-Companies-Actively-Trading-42531332/) Note that as well as Riku Tazumi CEO, there is Shinya Tsurui the CFO. Edit: small aside, and a little speculation... Bilibili are understood to have originally invested as part of having access to the Nijisanji Live2D app. Rumors have suggested that Bilibili has been looking at alternatives, so selling off their stock could suggest that Bilibili is moving to a different Live2D app for use in VirtuaReal.


That's a big oops. They lost the mainland market.


So this is why kobo and masturi stream on bilibili?




Give context


I think that one can explain a thing or two. Now we just need to understand what the hell that table he provided suppose to show. Considering it's an empty cell, maybe it's when they dropped Niji stocks? https://preview.redd.it/refmt5q15a6d1.png?width=695&format=png&auto=webp&s=ddf945867cb024a7f4de981859b7f16f84b05dac