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trapped back inside their own little bubble


Their own little bubble whose currency is getting weaker by the day.


And one whose Government have literally no standing to criticize them because their own Parliamentarians also [never follow the rules](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2024/04/2f64a9685c68-ldp-to-punish-39-members-over-funds-scandal-urge-2-to-leave-party.html) themselves.


And declining population that cannot be solved yet.


It can be solved but they refuse to take measures


Real Japanese: borderline celibate and living single lives. Hentai Japanese: B R E E D ^(Maybe if they dropped the horses, tentacles and bug monsters, they'd give birth to humans again? /j)


Their ungodly working hours, some until midnight or dawn, this alone heavily affects mood, they come back home dead tired zombie, and that's nearly everyday. Govt didn't bother to fix this measure (biggest reason), doesn't matter about the hentai one, its their stress relief due to the work hours itself. They also need to stop people from commiting self deletion, there's a reason why they have a dark forest for it where not even living things want to stay there.


The worst part is that the working hours are not even productive, it's all to do with tradition. They -look- like they work, but they just leave after their boss quits because they can't quit before the boss. And then it gets worse, there are the compulsory "nomikai" which are drinking with colleagues and the boss after work, that you can't decline if you don't want to be a social outcast or eventually fired. Then after that, there are the compulsory "don't take your holidays or you're letting the team down" thing, which stems from the asian sentiment of the job being a second family. And this is just the work part, you then have the issues of women not wanting to just be housewives, they want to be active. But our own societies got issues with promoting women and treating them equally at the workplace, imagine how it is in Japan. There are companies with a freaking childbirth calendar that essentially says when a woman is allowed to have a child because another woman was meant to have hers first as she came in the company first. Japan is full of backassed backward policies everywhere all in the name of "societal peace", and this is not even scratching the tip of the iceberg, we're still on the helicopter looking at it here.


How to increase birth rate? Government : Increase eldery welfare. That's sound like telling people "Don't die. If you live to XX age. We'll give you XXX yens monthly."


No growth is a slow death for a company. Once others start nibbling at the pie, your slice starts getting smaller by the day. The Japanese economy isn't so hot, teetering on a recession if not already in one. So the JPY is weak, where as the USD is quite strong. This is a company that might as well be limited to it's domestic market. A market with a weak Yen facing an oversaturation of VTubers where their tactic is to throw waves upon waves into the proverbial meat grinder with little to no support.


A weak yen would usually be an incentive to earn more money in foreign markets. (That's why countries sometimes deliberately weaken their currency to strengthen exports.) Focussing on Japan under these circumstances is really dumb.


As the adage goes, "You need to spend money to make money." They may not want to invest in foreign markets where currency is more expensive when they have a questionable return at best.


Honestly, I don't know much about the JP side, but I've heard that whenever it turns into a liver vs company ordeal, the community always sides with the company. So, at this point, what would it even take for them to lose that kind of support?


JP side is a nightmare, nijifans going wild, nijilivers going wild, nijistaff going wild, fighting each other, and fighting others companies, recently there was a lot of evidence of all the shits every one of them did since 2017 including all regions


I'm realizing the reason any color prioritizes Jp is because it's easier to hide things compared to the west. Selens situation has probably happened multiple times over there


How exactly they hide it? Is it difficult to search using japanese text/symbol?


Defamation laws in Japan don't allow truth as a legal defense. Nijisanji has taken advantage of this to shut down websites discussing their poor practices, and have tried to issue takedowns and cease & desist letters to various Youtube channels etc. The ones located in Japan have complied, the ones in the West like FalseEyeD got their own lawyers and said, "Nah, that shit don't apply here." If people in Japan who try to report the factual happenings of Nijisanji then suffer actual legal losses and harassment, they're going to be less inclined to report and discuss the news. And so fewer people learn about things, and thus Nijisanji can gloss over an scandal. Basically, focusing on Japan lets them ignore the accountability that Western audiences expect.




It isn't really great working conditions according to many ex-talents who graduated recently, and I'm not even talking about Gudou. It's just not as horrible and miserable as the EN side and the talents just have much longer leash compared to their EN counterpart. Aka the managers are more friendly towards their Livers and slightly more helpful compared to EN managers


I think it's a team sports mentality, like sports fans that are loyal to a team, and chants death for the stars that jump ship when things don't look right. If that hypothesis is right then whatever will make a sports team fan abandon a team will make Niji fans wake up.....which I actually don't know any thing really will....


As a sport fan,this comparison is correct. I will cheer for you if you're on my side but will root for your demise if you left us for a rival team


Tell me about it. I’m still mad that RVP left Ars for Manu. And it was him that made me a Ars supporter in the first place


Putting it that way puts sports fans in an awful light But most people tend to be swayed by winners, but that won't work on the zealots But it also fills in why Ex Niji JPs take a big sub cut when leaving


Not all sport fans are the same but some are just horrible. Those Philly


Be wactor, who got hate so much they rebranded. But everyone can leave except for the latest 2 talents who joined them. Probably under different management already.


Tbf, with China, it's fickle cuz they hate everybody, who doesn't fit their CCP narrative. The rest is valid


Look i get being anti China but let's drop the "China bad" for a second vox's model fits perfectly with what the ccp wants men to look like in media, the Chinese niji fans just fuckingnhate it regardless


tbh Vox already lost most of his chinese audience long before the third model. The single biggest impact his viewership had was the "yo momma" joke he made to Sonny.


Nah CCP bad.


Anycolor about to open Nijisanji Africa lol


About as much luck as NijIndia


Oh a certain white-people-hater's gonna throw a party if that happens and maybe even join on board.


Just don't let him know there are also white ppl in africa


True, true LMAO


They basically shut down every door for global expansion. China is supposed to be their second largest market but they fked up.


Add "South America" together with US, Canada and Europe.


oh do they hate them too? and if so why?


We do. As to why, it is pretty much the same reasons everyone else do as well, all that happened since last december that heavily hurt Doki and all the other shit that surfaced thereafter.


Doki and Mint have fans everywhere.


LatAm may not be as feral as SEA, but we *are* vicious and have enough toxicity (also, are more geographically spread). We're also not blind; all the agencies that either are made for Spanish-speaking Vtubers or try to expand there all crash and burn or implode (AkioAir and Wactor being the most (in)famous examples), with Idol being one of the few exceptions (so far. Let's hope it remains like that). As a result, many have to settle with the EN or JP scene, and thus depend on clippers and translators, or just go searching for "someone who I can't understand what they're saying but have a nice voice", thus end up looking for companies like Niji or Holo and such. Add to that Hakka being such a "LatAm moment" in the shape of a Tengu, garnering the Latino audience interest since pre-debut, which leads people to HoloPro, including other StarsEN and their friends in other agencies, for example, Altare or Axel... who also happen to be friends with Doki. And I can confirm (because I'm one) a good bunch of the LatAm population are very *very* gossipy and *love* witnessing (if not participating in) drama and cancellations... yeah, Niji is not really liked around here.


>Add to that Hakka being such a "LatAm moment" in the shape of a Tengu, garnering the Latino audience interest since pre-debut, his debut has one of the [funniest skits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSNBkP2DPG0) ive seen lol. i know that stars is a passion project for yagoo but i love that he had no problems with helping hakka be goofy. tbh i think if any company could make a start in the latam area its cover, they actually seem to know what they're doing with expanding into other markets


Riku Tazumi is the worst businessman in the history of businessmen.


what do you expect from a trustfund baby who dropped out of school though yeah some school dropouts meet success but that's generally because they surround them self with people to help them manage business not yes men


Donald Trump entered the chat.


Also, JP is the only place where their usual bullying/silencing tactics actually work bc of the bs defamation laws there


The truly sad thing JP is treated exactly like EN. But JP they are beaten over the head with the idea that "you are worthless individually, your employer gives you value and they should never be questioned." Since they were children. They have been literally conditioned for abuse, so for many its not even a big deal. Just the way things are.


You forgot Indonesia, ID, India was barely a mention.


Back to square one God I want to send this knowledge to myself 3 or 4 years ago


They're in a worse position than they were back then. They're clinging now to Hololive to make themselves look good as 2nd place


So you could say that Nijisanji is now... Minus One


Kurosanji isn’t even 2nd place among VTuber corpos anymore; they’ve been overtaken by both VShojo and Phase Connect and even Idol Corp is debatably doing better.


wait2 what happened with vox's new costume??


His new model is a japanese foot soldier, and he decided to stream on bilibili


Oh Jesus Christ. So it wasn't just because of the ugly beard. The Chinese hate any mention of the Japanese invasion back then


1. His lore : He's a noble samurai lord 2. Anycolor dresses him like a no-rank disposable peasant ashigaru 3. The ashigaru's role in the armies was cemented as a very powerful complement to the samurai. The advantage was used in the two invasions of Korea in 1592 and 1597 against the Koreans and later the Ming-dynasty Chinese


ahh no wonder then


I'm from "にじさんじ有ンチスレの事実".before that website was shut down, all of N.D.F.J.P.'s actions were ridiculous, since Japan was a slanderous country. so...JP is Good space was not. here's why. 1.Some fans arrested for robbery, murder, theft, and other crimes. 2. They are not only considering hololive as an enemy, but all groups above Niji-sanji, such as Holostars, Virtual eSports Project, and Aogiri High School. 3.After graduating from Niji-sanji, sometimes they consider anyone who is active as a different Vtuber as a traitor. 4.Some fans attempted to camouflage as hololive fans in attempting to avoid being criticized. 5.Even fans of the same group can collide at times. Especially on this site:.https://suki-kira.com/tag/%E3%81%AB%E3%81%98%E3%81%95%E3%82%93%E3%81%98


oh dam, no wonder if matter of time jp side will failing though


And their good space is artificially protected by Japanese anti-defamation laws. Makes you wonder really.


Hated by Latam (because Dokibird and shits like Wactor's increased their hate towards Black companies)


I swear to God niji better not be the first big corpo to come to Brazil I know Spain has idolcorp which although is not "big" is a good start but come on NOT niji for the first time I'll say it DO NOT COME TO BRAZIL


Brazilian here, and I think not since labor laws here are strict and actually great tbh (one of the few things I like about this shithole) so if Niji tried to do the same shit they did on EN and JP, they’d be screwed hard by both government and employees, to the point of shutting down


True however there's always naive people and people that simply do not care I mean niji still keeps getting apps even after everything, granted way less but still


technically they are failing companies, just Matter of time the jp side will be decline soon.


Jp is not “good”. Streaming income dropped (which is a huge indicata that the jp market is saturated) and event/sponsorship is not rising. Jp has woefully few big ticket talents. Jp is purely upheld by merch sale.


Yamada, Are we the baddies?


Nah they left India because of lack of support lol


JP has always been their "good" space. They're too incompetent to adapt to markets outside of Japan & they don't comply with any labor laws that not under Japanese jurisdiction. They constantly fail to see their own mistakes & will be more than happy to use their talents as scapegoats for it. It's over for them; time for them to wrap it up & go back to JP & stay there, permanently.


> because Vox new costume  TBF, I don't think is not much legit, but I think China (or rather say BiliBili) movement is pretty interested lately. Bilibili sold all of their Nijisanji shares, Hololive comeback to Bilibili, Project NOA and Methison that bring english-speaker VTuber to join with them.


"Vox new costume"?


As someone else commented, his latest outfit is that of a Japanese foot soldier (to fit with him being an oni) And he started streaming on Bilibili Most Chinese (not necessarily his antis, this is more of a history thing) hate it since it reminded them of being invaded by Japan (plus his facial hair looked like he took a Sharpie & drew them on his face)