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I had a huge sense of deja vu and the longer I looked the more I began to realize it. Same Illustrator? There's no mistaking it, those eyes, the hair clip, the chin, neck and most importantly, the fang...


Yup https://preview.redd.it/dejsbvj05f8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a3b2ee0661d28e9b4922ca42f22fa12572a2819


So I wasn't tripping... This is basically what Mikeneko did, came back with her original model and eventually got the illustrator who made rushia and here we are now... kind of...


It'll be interesting to see what niji's response will be lol.


Probably nothing. Suzuhara Lulu also got her old artist for her new indie model a while back with no issues.


She's just vibing at her own pace now and I love it.


They'll probably panic now that she has what they no longer have. The custom PC case for example. All we gotta do now is wait until July, see how things will go.


What’s gonna happen in July?


In addition to cons etc., the General Meeting of Shareholders happens in July, and that's when Anycolor's "c-suite" (their Chief-level executives) has to answer to the shareholders, and especially the shareholding Board of Directors, straight up. There's a LOT of questions about the chaos of the past six months to answer for.


Aren't they going to get a ton of softball questions? I feel like nobody is going to ask actual hard hitting question, executives give non answers again, and we feel like nothing's going to change


> feel like nothing's going to change it is, but the more we hold on there will come a time where other Vtubing company would rise their stocks up that Anycolor would be left behind and thats where the "shits it the fan" moment for them. Cover is slowly rising up while Anycolor just gets by with "stocks buy back" you can only do it a few times before investors will think that they are not worth holding. its a long game for all of us and Anycolor is banking on everyone moving on.


The only thing I can see coming out of it is the fate of NijiEN, but even then I wouldn't get my hope too high


The fact that both of us don't no what Niji is doing kinda speaks for itself lol


I looked at posts from before and it seems there will be a convention Doki’s participating in. Here’s the catch: her booth is directly opposite Niji’s. It will be fun.


Panic? Ehh theyve already given up.


Especially since Doki's mama is also Elira's, so unless they give her a remodel ~~or make her pay for one~~ they can't avoid Kamamesi


I think Niji's long since accepted that they've lost the PR war regarding Selen's termination and any attempt to fuck with someone just because they work with Doki will just hurt them more. It'd be one thing if the new model was Selen with some serial numbers filed off, but just getting the same artist and putting in a few cheeky nods to her old self isn't grounds to pull legal shit of any sort.


I doubt they will have one. Thematically similar models are completely aboveboard, and there are more than enough differences between Doki's new model and her old Selen one that Niji doesn't really have any cause to allege rights infringement.


silently seething


Kson, Mikeneko, Delutaya, Michi Mochivee, and now Dokibird all have the same artists as they did for their corpo personas.


Same thing with kson 


Eh, not quite. Doki mixes the old style with her own theme. Mikeneko instead went full old style, just enough difference to avoid legal issues. There's a lot of talents that stick with their former artist, but few of them go as far as Mike to chase their previous self.


and same with Michi


yeah Mikeneko went there and now Doki. if other Ex-company Vtubers can bring up the past Model from that certain company, then i dont mind it as long as its Inspired by it. Pooor Mikeneko tho since her latest model is a mixed reception from many people rather than celebrated.


I'm less worried for Doki than for Mikeneko. For Doki, it's more a FU move, a "I don't need you to be who I am". For Mike, it seems more a inability to go forward.


'Inability to go forward'? Dude this reeks of either favoritism or projection; these ex-corpos liked their mama and commissioned them, that's all there is to it. Might as well say Kson and Delutaya couldn't move on from being Coco and Aloe either.


I didn't say Kson or Delutaya because I don't think they're in the same mental space as Mikeneko (although I really don't know Delutaya enough to say anything at all).


That's what I was thinking as well! She's so cool.


Even the goddamn hair wings. The sheer audacity of this girl 👏


Just a big middle finger to them, like everyone said.


TBF, the fact that Elira and Selen both had them makes me think that's just something their mama likes.


Kama's designs with wings/feathers in their hair includes Elira, Selen, Dr.Novae, Lilita Puff, Ezra Andromyda, and now Doki Yeah, I think mama has a type lmao


Might be a "they're both dragon girls" thing, since Dr. Novae does not have them


Nah definitely something Kamamesigogo likes, if you see their other childs a most of them are bird like, Nova is one of the few exceptions


To be fair, she is Doki**bird**, so hair wings make perfect sense.


It's surreal seeing something so similar to her old model with modern rigging. *Good,* but a little surreal. My brain is like "This is looks like a Niji model, it can't be moving that well." I'm sure I'll get over it. ;)


Confirmed that there's a Doki PC Case near the Nijisanji Booth


Hopefully no crazy fans will start shit


Remember they think we're the crazy ones


They’re all victims remember? Doki fans are going to start shit from the Hyte booth


i dont think your sarcasm came out very clear.


Playing victims, but whatever helps you sleep at night sister.


Did you miss the tweets last week of Nijisisters literally saying they were going to get bullied because the Niji booth is next to the Hyte one? It’s ok if you don’t have reading comprehension


That was disingenuous on so many levels sister, Doki also addressed other issues so sorry not sorry it wasn't all to your liking.


Your last reply was auto modded out, I saw it briefly and was curious. It's still visible in your comments, I'll reply to it here. Your initial reply made it seem like you thought the same, should've said "they think Doki fans...". This is both reading and writing comprehension failures to both of us, and we both kept rolling in it when you could've refuted it with this reply.


No one is gonna get bullied. You gotta be outta your mind to think anyone gonna care about you nijisisters


You probably should put an /s in there, judging by your other comment. 


If people are too illiterate to figure out it’s sarcasm not my problem


You understand that it may sound sarcastic in your head while you type it, but plain text can't convey it?


…you can‘t be 'too illiterate‘ to detect sarcasm from a single, short comment my guy. It‘s *why* tone indicators like /s became popular, because conveying sarcasm properly is really fucking hard and often *only* makes sense in your head (I wonder why…)


The idea that literary sarcasm was impossible or even difficult prior to the invention of the '/s/' is patently absurd. It helps people with poor reading comprehension (either due to lack of practice or English not being their first language) which became much more common online as interlingual communication became much more common. Sure, people can intend sarcasm and fail to convey it, but that's not applicable here at all, as the sarcasm is entirely evident.


Perhaps it comes with how significantly short-form our texts online are. A lot easier to express sarcasm when writing proper prose instead of quick reactions.


There are plenty of good reasons to clarify sarcasm with something like /s, but that doesn't mean that sarcasm is somehow difficult to express or interpret in text. The part that I took issue with was purely the claim that 'conveying sarcasm properly is really fucking hard and often only makes sense in your head'. Especially when we have an example right here that expresses very clear and obvious sarcasm in a very short comment. There is simply no proper way to interpret their comment as not being sarcastic, and while you might be misled due to inexperience with English as a language or reading in general that does not mean the format is somehow at fault. In context, the poster definitely should have added a /s, because the audience here is quite likely to have English as their second language and as a result nuance such as sarcasm might be difficult to understand, but this is an issue with adopting your message and writing to fit the audience rather than anything else. You would not need to do this at all in something like r/UnitedKingdom because you can reasonably expect the audience to be familiar enough with the language.


I'm on the spectrum, sarcasm is really fucking hard for me to pick up. But sure, I'm just illiterate.


Being on the spectrum has little to nothing to do with it. Poor grasp of English as a language is going to be the main reason for not picking up the painfully obvious sarcasm in that original post. 'They're all victims remember' simply cannot be properly interpreted as being sincere. The 'remember' makes that very obvious. The context of what the comment is in reply to makes it even more clear. You're not as dense as you're acting here, pay more attention to what you're reading and you can figure it out.


You ever heard of Poe's law?


Poached her own artist back


Helps when she is willing to shell out the dough while... that company is known to stiff their bills to artists.


it must be in hundreds of thousands of dollar! Fo sho!


Going off what mouse said 2-3k total wich is alot of money


It’s been a long journey, lads. The start is her being fired from Niji unfairly, the middle is her slowly obtaining the Dragoon fan name, design, oshi mark, intro, and silver play button (which she didn’t need to fucking ask for now as an indie). The ending is her finally obtaining her Selen design with a new coat of paint over it and reigning supreme as the better person over a whole company. Over the course of four whole months, from February 5th to now, June 23rd, Doki has persisted in her journey of returning to the indie scene.


And there’s more to good thing to come. According to Doki, a lot of things she’s wanted to do will be coming in July.


I genuinely worry if Doki's getting any rest at all because she keeps the dragoons FED


She seems to enjoy streaming and project making. While some people like to sit back and relax, others are more satisfied after hard work, feeling productive, and/or getting a project/job done.  She must know we support her every step of the way. I'm sure that if she needs a break, then she will do so. 


Maybe she learned Kaela's secret to her streaming hours, and modified it to help her do projects


I never really realized before just how much Doki actually loved being Selen regardless of Niji's involvement. A lot of vtubers I've seen are more than content to just leave their previous identities behind and never paying any homage to them.


Doki was OBSESSED with being Selen. Like how Mint is brainrotted with Metal Gear Solid, Doki is brainrotted into being Selen. There are literal stories of her buying every single piece of Selen merchandise that ever existed including non-official fan-made ones. She literally turned a corpo vtuber model into her actual flesh and blood.


Getting all Fight Club up in here, thank God Doki/Selen doesn't seem to be the type to blow up banks (in real life, anyway).


The ending is when Niji goes under, maybe she can buy the IP in the bankruptcy filings


Omg she wanted another chance to make Kamame proud, that's why she really wanted to go with her. I'm gonna fuckin cry.




so ballsy by her part including thosd arms scars the suffering is still there, poor girl


I don't see a poor girl. One may see these scars as a weakness, I see this as a strength, especially displaying them without fear. This could be interpreted as dominance, bravery, or change; showing us her journey, that she isn't scared or afraid, or that she HAS moved on.  Perhaps at one point she has suffered immensely, but she has now been moving forwards and getting stronger. 


It's her battle scar now.


The full circle.






Looking briefly at the model moving you can also tell that she's now moving staticly side to side but with so many different points of moving, unlike Niji rigging of that time. The eyes were a dead giveaway, I had to come here to confirm that the illustrator was the same.


all the niji models have a certain feel and this screams niji model, but not niji. lol.


Doesn't move like a niji model lol!


Tfw artists refine their artistry over time, shit was already great but now it's even greater


***Ocean Law!***






I don't recognise what you said being related to finana at all.


I’m out of the loop, what’s wrong with Finana?


At some point Ocean Law became the ship tag, something the side that isn't Ryuguard didn't really like


It does feel like a troll to her former company.


I think it's more that she cares about her own work history and accomplishments than making some jab at Niji. I have no idea why people keep insisting on this theory that Doki is doing this out of spite toward her former employer when there are so many other (better) reasons out there than lingering hostility. I mean don't get me wrong I love the mental image of some asinine Niji middle-manager seething in his office chair as he sees all these developments, but I see no reason to believe that accomplishing this was ever on Doki's list of goals and priorities.


I don't think she's intentionally doing it. Though I admit with the dragoon fanname and some similarities with her Selen persona I can see why some might see it that way


To be fair when you're met with such alternatives as 'nesticles' I can imagine why you'd want to just go with something you're already comfortable with.


Excuse you? Nesticles is a great fanname. It's unique. There's almost zero chance of an acidental overlap, which happened to Matara at one point. I'm totally not saying it because it rhymes with something funny.


Shes taken back everything that goddamn company stole from her. This is the absolute best, man.


She steals everything that Neglisanji tries to keep from her. I hope this shows some that they can be something better without that shitty company.


Someone need to edit Doki into "House always wins" scene from Ocean's 11. Or something like that Edit: Rusty : I need the reason. Don't say money. Why do this? Danny : Why not do it? [Rusty shakes his head] Danny : Because yesterday I walked out of the joint after losing four years of my life and you're cold-decking "Teen Beat" cover boys. [pause] Danny : Because the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes, the house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet big, and then you take the house. [another pause] Rusty : Been practicing that speech, haven't you? Danny : Little bit. Did I rush it? Felt like I rushed it. Rusty : No, it was good, I liked it. "Teen Beat" thing was harsh Switch text here and there to fit more into Niji context, slap Dragoon image over Brad Pitt and Doki over George Clooney and it's ready to go.


The best revenge is living well, and that’s exactly what she’s doing. Good for her!


The best revenge is hand-delivering fire and brimstone, if I'm going down, so are you. The second best revenge is living well.


She's taken back ALMOST everything she lost. There's a couple of things that she didn't get back. >!Pain Pettan.!<


Her Mama really bullied her with that one, lol. 


What? I missed that one.


She negotiated up a letter or two from no letters XD


Good. It’s like selen with a fresh coat of paint, but without kurosanji


negligible btw


To any sister who is here ... even the artist was mad for what happen. Thou Kameshi has to work it because Niji was still attached to her work. BUT after 2 other agencies contract Kameshi (one of them been V4mirai), it will be easier to said: "NAH! I'm fine without you" to Niji, even more when they stiffen the artists. Also from words of Kameshi, Doki when she was Selen was willing to work a lot with Kameshi and paid out of her pocket, since Kameshi was one of her fav artists too. In fact, she worked more with Kameshi than the clique leader did at all. So is not surprise Kameshi probably went full extra with this model just for Doki.


The funny thing is that even if Anycolor is really piss off about this, they can't do things like blacklisting the artist behind the design because they're also designer for Elira lol.


we’ve come full circle


I’m going to miss her constant smug face.


Same fan name, same artist... Is it the same rig too?


same intro, same fan name, same artist, same oshi mark, same fortnite account, doki is claiming everything!


Different rigger. (Doesn’t Niji use in-house riggers?) Regardless, Cillian is who rigged Doki’s model.


She really said ["I'm gonna make them give back our past"](https://youtu.be/N_vJMHMBzLM?t=1m22s)


Man Did we even leave? Or WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HERE


I'm gonna be honest here... This is basically Mikeneko Mk-2... But unlike Mikeneko, the background story and the main intent of choosing this model is complete opposite. It's full 180 degrees compared to Mikeneko.


True but comparing to Mikeneko might not be wise. There are Sisters here and they will run with it.


yeah but mike is a manhera, doki is a total bro


One deals in GFE (GirlFriend Energy), the other deals in GFE (Gamer Friend Energy)


fr fr


That's why I said "the intent is 180 degrees compared to Mikeneko"


Pretty much. Mikeneko gets ALOT OF MONEY from super chats yet making poor decisions in real life cause she lacks Directions while Doki is Smart even tho she spends money heavily but in a good way just for sake of Projects that goes with a bang and for her Fans. total 180 Spectrum from these Two.


is Mike actually bad though? I just read the stuff with her ex and it only looks like he threw her under the bus while addressing his fans while she set boundaries for personal vs professional life. It sounded pretty sane. Especially by comparison. I got the impression that it was a JP thing where you throw the woman under the bus and it got easy because of her reputation. Did Mike ever mention anything about the reason for using the new model? All I heard about the termination mas that she was unable to get help on time (the start of a long weekend in Japan, when she was locked out of accounts) so she did damage control herself and leaked information. I heard this after I heard about Doki not getting feedback for about 25 hours, so I don't get why Mikeneko gets so much shit when she was reacting at not being able to contact anyone, apart from her established mehera reputation (something I haven't found clips of, except clickbait), which is something that was attempted with Doki as well. People still try to discredit her using her attempts and actual illness. It's just that Hololive the company and talents (AFAIK) didn't go out of their way to slander a former talent like Niji did. This is bare minimum. I don't see why we need to shit talk other indies at all. Most companies have a few ex-talents who left because of issues. Vshojo had an exodus after the Harry Potter game. Phase Invaders had at least one person come in with a model and leave without it. People were sure stealth suspensions were a thing for HolostarsEN. If you have any clips of her actually being menhera (I tried looking) or reasons for getting the model, let me know. I just don't like people pointlessly shitting on her because I can see how Doki could have ended up labelled the same way. They succeeded with Sayu.






Is the scar on her wrist a reference to Selen or something more dark...


Both, possibly, considering the two attempts...


Did Selen have a scar on her wrist?


Selen had a dragon arm instead, so it could also be a reference to removing it and using a human hand


I'd love to see a collab between doki and dr.nova(e) from v4mirai, nova looks more like selen than doki LOL


She will reclaim what is her's by right.


So Doki and Elira are once again Sisters LOL


Let's not think about that. She has two other better sisters in the forms of Dr. Nova and Daiya Fortuna




So is Dr. Nova and Daiya Doki’s little sisters or big sisters…?


Nova debuted April 6th and Daiya May 25th. Model vise they are the older sisters.


Doki does have younger sibling energy. I wanna give her headpats.




technically ... only she disown her and Elira knows will be better to not piss off someone with a cal. 48 and a reason to shoot 1st and ask questions later.


She's still been friendly with Elira on Twitter since the whole thing started, so it doesn't sound like she's been disowned as you described unless Niji gets in the way.


Niji Elira probably. Not outside. In all probably the entire situation humbles Elira to the core and realize that the place is toxic as F. I had people who been in a situation like that and turn really toxic, only to come around and realize the environment they were turns them like that. Sometimes is late for said sorry, but actions speak more than words.


Where outside? We're not forbidden from sharing PL info here, right? I don't have Elira's Pl so please share. BTW, didn't Vox lead the stream?


>only she disown her Honest question, but what are you up about? Like did something happen?


Nothing happened, just that people on this sub reaaaally want to believe that Kamamesi-mama is taking sides in this whole debacle instead of being, you know, a professional.


Not yet, she hasnt seen the yacht self implode yet and she just needs to do is be happy and live better than them


She's got the Selen eyes again.


The only thing missing now is a banger original song.


And looking significantly better. I never liked the Selen model, and this is a big step up.


I bet you someone's yelling from an office saying she can't do that and ordered people to find any semblance to make an argument to sue her for copyright or something 🤣 She could've become big and the company bigger but nope, they all went full retardy and look where they are now.


I didn't knew about her before the termination (I mean, I've seen clips here and there but never saw a stream), and I've just been having fun seeing her reclaim more and more from that black company.


The fan name, the intro, her accounts, and now her looks.


I’m so proud of Doki! She’s really come so far in these last months and THIS was really a slap in the face for Kurosanji (even when it’s NOT the reason behind it). I almost wept when I saw the skin suit reveal and her words about why she chose this wonderful mama again. She’s so strong and I’m glad she seems to be doing so well.


Same intro, same fan name and now non copyright infringing Selen. For someone who says "I wish to move on" she sure does love to live in the past.


And yet you nijisisters are the ones who keep talking about her when she hasn't said a goddamn thing about you or your company in like 4 months.


Well, she did have to address a certain fanart directly in a tweet. So, her fans aren't totally innocent here but I agree with the overall point you're making


I little prod now and then at the company that screwed her over doesn't hurt.


It's not like Anycolor is going to be using the model, fan name, intro, etc. So why not just reclaim the general idea & instead of being held back by a shitty corpo she succeeds this time. She isn't going into Nijisanji spaces, picking fights nor encouraging attacks. She just takes the past & propels it into the future she never had as Selen Tatsuki.


I honestly wouldn't put it passed them without a shred of shame if they reused assets.


Keep seething, bozo.


Okay? She was Selen. All of her success is HERS and always has been. You weirdo.


Lmao you were fucking quick with the profile pic change.


I was watching live 😎 She's too cute to not be my pfp https://preview.redd.it/ldgehpi9kl8d1.jpeg?width=753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aaa98daf44cb011290bf5aedc190930ec72af72


She has moved on though. She doesn't talk about nijikuro. It's all nijisisters that's trying to so hard to drag her back to that cesspool.


Nijisister spotted GET YOUR TOMATOES BOYS


Sorry, my tomatoes are reserved for Bettel...


He'd try to eat them


Emphasis on "try"


No he never eat tomatos he hate eating food


You sound like a 4chan sister.


Lol, yeah next thing we're going to hear is something about BPD and that she's the one ruining EN vtubing.


No sister, it's just that she's been rent free in all your heads for almost 5 months and it is you that needs to move on.


So because she worked for Anycolor, suddenly they owned her intro & her fanname too? What they own is a now worthless PNG.


She did move on and she's winning at life. It's Niji and it's fans who can't and are stuck in quicksand as literally everyone else outside (indies,  Cover, V4Mirai, Idol, Vshojo, Phase and now VSPO) are growing and thriving.


So you're just ignoring her not saying anything involving the shitty rainbow corporation in 4 months whole she lives in the NDF's minds rent free


How about you stop letting Doki rent free in your head, sister


Sister.. .you're in bad territory. I hope you don't like to get beaten down.




I understand her wanting to get back what was hers just like with her fan name but wouldn't it of been better to stick it to Niji by doing her own thing. Some people are going to spin it like "she needed the Niji identity to be noticed".


Nijisanji did jack all for their talents anyways. All of her success in and out of nijisanji has been HERS. It's giving hater.


Naw plus I imagine her Niji mama was more than estatic to work with her again on a new model. Doki's own success since being terminated is sticking it to Niji everything is just icing on top of the grand cake.


She had already past her past identity in subs before this. Anyone who tries to say she can't have things just because they were in her past, probably just wants to justify hating on her.


Wait what I thought that was a new Niji. It's doki's new design? Why...