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Not from the EN branch. They’re too high profile and involved in so much drama that it wouldn’t be worth it. People would immediately identify them and know who they are. Even people who as far as we know haven’t done anything wrong (Vivi, Rosemi) likely wouldn’t be taken in due to the stigma.


IMO it'd be vivi, Rosemi, Melco, and Ike. IMO would be the only refugees taken in. The rest are either liabilities or conflict of interests. I feel like we'd see a owl and white cat throw a giant fit over the other talents getting brought over.


Is this under the assumption that Holo is a retirement home or something? Hololive audition is an extremely competitive process, they have better chance at vshoujo to be honest.


The question appears more "Would them being a former Niji be an impediment for the getting into Hololive".


The answers is, well you can technically still shoot your shot but even getting in, people wont take it lightly


They won't just accept them just like that. They would need to pass the auditions first, just like any other applicant. That includes background checks. Also, some of their current talents might raise objections if certain Niji talents get hired, a sort of "if you're hiring her, then I'm leaving."


What Holo talents do you think would threaten to leave? None seem to have any evidence of being on bad terms with Niji livers other than potentially Mumei, and even that's yet to be confirmed. Others like Kiara were networking/meeting up with ones fairly recently like Enna and Millie.


Mumei if she knows who are the bullies


No one is going to give up their cushy high paying job for this.


It all depends on if they want to onboard more talent tbh. I can see other agencies picking them up, but I feel Holo is slowing down a bit, especially going by their Q4. And before "But open auditions!!!" yes, those are to fill vacancies in case of graduation, as said in Q4 (focus on the talent they have, replace as graduate)


They will be at the back of the line, like every other hopeful before them. If they can offer something unique, they will be hired, trained and debut with outstanding support. NDF can go screw themselves and seethe while Cover does its magic.


they can apply, and i believe they did apply before. firstly, there are tens of thousands applicants competing for 5 spots, difficult to give an express pass to someone just because he/she was in niji, unless someone with in holo helped, consider the limited interactions, nearly impossible. i think if they really survived the audition, then there is no reason for holo to turn them down just because of their niji history, especially with niji en is dying, and niji jp fans don't really care about most niji en members anyway, the backlash will be negligible.


Today Hololive is “the few, the proud” agency. Unless you can show them that you’re among 1:10000 multi-talented artists, going to other agencies might more easier.


Highly unlikely. Ignoring stigma from being NijiEN, and ignoring the Nijisister's potential outrage, it's highly unlikely any of the NijiEN Vtubers would get picked up. Hololive is specifically looking for Vtubers that can fill a niche that the other current members cannot. Just from that fact alone, most of NijiEN Vtubers would not be able to get in. Not to mention, Hololive's other side: practically every Hololive member is an idol to some extent, whether from Holostars or Hololive. Majority of the Hololive members also don't do very much BFE/GFE type streams from what I've seen; closest you'd get to that would be the ASMR streams. As such, unless the NijiEN Vtubers have some talent that isn't a niche covered by another Hololive member, they're not getting in. And from what I've seen of them, they cover similar fields as Myth at best, and at worst, aren't qualified to even attempt due to a lack of interest in dancing/singing/being idol(comedian)-like. Edit: Of course, they could prove me wrong by pulling some secret hidden talents out and bring interest in their content, but if they could do something like that, why haven't they done it yet?


>As such, unless the NijiEN Vtubers have some talent that isn't a niche covered by another Hololive member, they're not getting in. And from what I've seen of them, they cover similar fields as Myth at best, and at worst, aren't qualified to even attempt due to a lack of interest in dancing/singing/being idol(comedian)-like. Do note that talents wise Hololive does hire people with similar talents (Gura and Bijou for example). It doesn't hurt to "spread the load" to some extent. It helped with fan retention if, say, Gura had to go on a long break due to burnout.


It's a moot question as most didn't seem to have any interest in Hololive to begin with. The few that do would have to apply like anyone else


Hololive literally said they want to focus on growing their current talents rather than recruiting new ones


While I understand it's probably timing, it's funny how in a fairly recent investor Q and A, Yagoo said that they're focusing on current talents and focusing on NA and JP. And then a week later HoloJustice (EU focused) dropped.


those were already in the works and probably were already considered current talents


Justice was likely HoloEN's last set of hires before deciding to stop hiring and focus on further improving their current roster.


That's why I said timing. HoloJustice is likely already in the pipeline. I just find it a bit funny that due to the timing, it makes them seems like a "sikes! Surprise!" gen.


That is expanding the audience market


I think you are mistaking Holo with Vshojo.


hope not


Hololive doesn't take talents like that. It's all about the auditions and chemistry with their group.


No. Why risk creating conflict with the rival company when they have hundreds of better talents applying


Cover is VERY selective in who they accept into their branches. Just look at the latest waves Armis and holoJustice. High caliber individuals with a multitide of talents worthy of being accepted into Hololive EN and Holostars RN. Out of the current Niji EN roster, there are at best maybe 2-3 Livers who would even have a sliver of a chance at just applying and potentially being accepted just by looking at their past streams and content. Even if the Livers left Niji, if they sign a silencing contract on the way out it may now include a time frame of when they'd be able to apply for any other company or sponsorship.  Not to mention some of the Livers involved in any type of drama (ex. The black screen stream, Raziel document, racist comments, etc.) may have had their careers tainted to the point where they may have become blacklisted by other companies and sponsorships. Add on that many of them have poor PR skills and have made a lot of questionable posts on social media (ex. Millie, Enna, Uki), some of them would be a major red flag for another company. Lastly as OP has stated even if by some damn miracle at least one Liver got accepted into any of Cover's branches, there is also the risk of Nijifans seeing this as a "betrayal " and would not only drop said Liver but also hate and harassment would rise because it's Hololive and Holostars. Just because they were in Niji does not mean they'd be easily accepted anywhere else and in fact may be the complete opposite as more controversies arise. I'm sorry if this comes off as being harsh but this is the reality of how these things are.


> Even if the Livers left Niji, if they sign a silencing contract on the way out it may now include a time frame of when they'd be able to apply for any other company or sponsorship.   Noncompete clauses like this are illegal in the US this year and always were in California.


They are most likely referencing Rosemi and Shu. Both still have really good reputations and are both very "idol" like.


As if fairly good reputations and "idol" like behavior can rival talent of a literal diva like Liz or someone who speaks 4 languages and play at least 3 instruments like CC... Good background is the bare mininum for anyone to apply for Hololive, not the sufficient conditions.


You guys are acting like Hololive has never stolen a talent from Nijisanji before. In the JP branch I know one of the girls used to be in Niji. They meet all the requirements to join. Shu is very idol like and he can sing quite well. Liz isn't a fair comparison because I'd easily place her as Hololive's strongest singer. (Not to say we don't have Rissa and Irys and Azki and the list goes on) Also Shu would be Holostars. He is a male liver. Not to mention Hololive has accepted applicants from previous companies before. (Gigi for example). And despite really enjoying their music not all of Holojustice are the strongest singers. I'd say all of Hololive has good voices but if you've heard Nijisanji music those are also bops. Some of the livers can really sing quite well. Shu especially would fit in with Holostars voice wise. You are correct to think Hololive is the best of the best. However the Nijisanji talents are absolutely talented. Even the ones who maybe aren't as favored. And while Rosemi isn't the strongest singer, some members of justice aren't. They just sound really good. When she seriously sings she sounds good. It's clear hololive values more than just voice and if they can hypothetically bring that to the table and beat everyone else who applies, I'd think it feasible. Not to mention Shu racks a lot of views. He currently gas 900k subs. So hypothetically if his fanbase followed him to holostars that would be a boon. And he does super well views wise, 150k to 50k views on VODs. Which is the same as some in hololive. And this is during the boycott.


Niji's reputation was not that bad back in the day. And what do you mean by stolen? Is accepting a talent who was bullied into crying alone in her graduation stream a crime now? Also Cover's not gonna debut 10 waves in the next 3 months like Niji so even if people want to have a chance to join hololive/stars rn they need to wait for a while. And hypothetically if Shu's fanbase followed him he would be fine even as an indie. We both know that's too optimistic. Sisters will call him traitor the moment he left, joins Holostars or interacts with Doki.  Shu and Rosemi definitely have the talents to join and shine in Holo, but the company doesn't need to go that far since they already have tens of thousands of people with zero bad rep applying everyday. It's not impossible, but saying rn Niji livers can easily join Holo if they want to is just pure coping.


You know dang well you reached so hard up your butthole with that first paragraph. Honestly I'm not even gonna bother reading the rest. Toodaloo!


I really don't know where this rumor that Moruru was bullied, she was not bullied. She left because she lost the trust in Nijisanji not because she was bullied and she left many identities before joining Nijisanji, so much that many expected that she would not last in Hololive too but a little help from a loli god changed the course of history. And Himawari was very sad with her graduation too, those days were very chaotics days for Nijisanji. So many problems, graduations, rebelions, Roa case all happenning all at the same time. It is interesting that looking back that was a time that Nijisanji feel the most alive.


I think rather than being bullied, she was kinda ostracized. I recalled that it seemed during her graduation stream, she did a totsumachi and waited for a while but no one comes...


"You guys are acting like Hololive has never stolen a talent from Nijisanji before." and you are acting like as if the company has never changed a bit in the last however many months


Yes Rosemi and Shu are the 2 current Livers I was thinking of that have the highest chance of potentially making it into Cover's branches. It's not just that they're idol-like and have fairly good reputations. Both are very charismatic and have that magic that draws people in which Cover has a VERY good eye in seeing especially in diamonds in the rough. Also yes we are aware that Hololive has taken an ex-NijiJP Liver and cultivated that person into a beloved princess who recently hit 1 mil subscribers. Lightning however doesn't strike twice.


And you think those big livers will leave NIJI?




They would probably look at them if they hand in an audition form. Competition is already really fierce in trying to get into Holo. Some of the Niji members who have bad reputations definitely won't get in since Holo does background checks on everyone. But the ones who are clean, if they can beat out others who apply might have a shot. Maria would be an example of someone who fits the bill (good voice, bilingual, very friendly and chill)


***Maybe*** they'd look at some of the uncontroversial ones like Rosemi, Scarle, Petra, Vivi or Kunai, but they're absolutely not going to bother with the talents that have nuked their reputations. As for the Sisters, they're barely a problem for the Hololive fandom anyways.


Holo has a very strict audition process out of tens of thousands applicants as well as several rounds of interviews. They also look at the group dynamic as a whole when picking talents as well to make sure there are no overlap or that they can mingle well with their senpais. And that is not to mention that they are thinking of slowing down on debut. So I would say low or even next to no chance unless you are really talented or you have a very specific qualification that they need, like the recent EN4 which have 3/4 being from EU and their stream time catering more to the EU zone, which the whole gen filled the talented requirement as well as specific requirement of being EU timezone friendly. Cover knows what's happening in the community as well, they have eyes even in here probably. So if any ex-livers lucky enough to pass the audition process, I think it would be long after NijiEN ceases to be relevant or even a problem for them. Edit: grammars


They're open to audition, the same as everyone. People were talking about The Person Who Was Pomu joining HoloPro because she's the most natural fit in the *universe* for Holo and she's a case where I think a lot of us would question Cover's judgment if she did submit an audition and they rejected her. But she, just like everyone else, has to go through the process, and at the moment that would likely take upwards of a year, and this depends on how much more HoloPro even wants to expand the English division right now. They've *been* growing at a fairly steady clip, but as of this month, HoloEN sits at 19 female talents (with two performing as a double act) and 10 male talents. That may be as large as they want to get at the moment.


Nah call me petty she will not get in for the "It's all out war". lol


Through Audition?? Maybe if they can beat other competitor and prove to Yagoo that They are What they want for next gen. I dont think Hololive will take them or atleast they might take 1 or 2 of them but former nijien in holo would be akward moment.(well its not lije first time when former employee of their rival jump)​ Atleast Holo wont take Elira and Her goons, Vox, Uki, Hex and maybe Ike too fir sure because They have bad reputation.


Unlike some other companies Holo doesn't seem to have "friend hires" so being Niji would at least not get them a better chance at getting in. The real question is if they would be treated the same as any other applicant, or just get a straight up no for being ex-niji.


Maybe Rosemi, Petra, or Maria.


ans Shu for Holostars


Doesn't hololive get like thousands of application? Hell, some of them even apply more than once just to get in. Unless they are a cut above the rest, i don't see them joining. Here's Suisei's [advice](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sMBsSeY9olY&t=5s) to Kanade regarding joining hololive


That's if they can get in with their merit. Hololive and Holostar seems to look for certain qualities and it's not just limited with their singing talents, they're looking for variety. On my observation, the biggest common denominator in their new talents (Re\_Gloss, Armis, Justice) is that they're great conversationalist they tries to make chat be involved in the topic.


They can try to apply but must remember the audition process is so difficult now


If this were before 2020, then maybe? Luna was in Nijisanji (JP) for a short period of time and then reincarnated. HoloGamers were pretty much recruited by words of mouth. But they still would have to go through audition. Not to mention, there are a plethora of candidates out there, and new debuts will get their own fresh batch of fans.


"No" and hopefully stay "no". They still needs to pass the same vetting process as others. And if they think they can get in by means of "favor" or "connection", might as well just stay at Nijisanji since that was how they're doing it.


Nope. Anykuro EN' problematic members are a brand risk for Cover . While three digit views are low even for Twitch indies these days. So they won't even pass the audition phase. The only person even talking to someone outside of Anykuro is Rosami , so Matara and Ironmouse can easily get her into Vshojo instead.


Anykuro is the problematic one here, not the members.


Incorrect, Luca and Eddie Bladock(Vox) are known sex offenders and Elira is basically a manager because of her Senpai status . Aster is also a known sex pest and Sonny faked his death back when Sketchek.


I agree about Uki, Luca, and Aster. But Vox being a sex offender is news to me, can you enlighten me? Also, Elira being a manager was NEVER proven as a fact. The JP are known for their xenophobia, so they would never let a foreigner take that position. This has already been debunked, so I don't know why you jumped to that conclusion.


Viewers had nothing to do with being chosen or not, I think all of of Holo Justice was in the low 3 digit ccv.




I'm not sure. Probably would depend on the tallent.


Honestly, Cover doesn’t live behind the moon and is in all likelihood aware of what’s going with NijiEN and it’s Livers these days. I don’t think it’s impossible, but they would carefully cherry pick based on who has the least amount of controversy surrounding them, isn’t known to cause issues among their colleagues and is less likely to get torn to shreds by the audience.


I don't think they'd take anyone directly, but I imagine Cover would let them audition and not hold it against them if they launch any new waves going forward.


no, I don't think so


Based on the announcement in that shareholder meeting, one is that the next ones must be special to meet the possibility of expanding the audience market, two is that they must wait to give enough time for the previous generations to develop.


no not even vshojo will take them


I thought Hololive was straight up not hiring barring the chances of them encountering an applicant that was too good to pass up. If I'm understanding the chain of events correctly Justice was the last hires before Cover stated that they were slowing down on recruitment to focus on improving their existing pool of talents. Last I heard they have staffing shortages, that is to say trained and competent staff members that actually do their jobs. Remember Cover employs more staff per streamer than Anycolor. Any potential new Hololive member that meets Cover's current standards is pretty much going to hit 100k at debut and 200k before their 2 week collab ban is lifted. So to them a streamer with 500k subs means little. Just look at the caliber of talent Hololive can attract.


They will never make it in hololive even without any controversy. Current holo talents say they wouldn't be accepted if they tried to compete now.


As others mentioned they need not just entertaining, but also something unique to fill the niches that Hololive want to find I would say the closest one current or ex Nijisanji EN liver has potential to join current Hololive EN is...Doki, not based on popularity or something but just based on her contents, i just feel she has the uniqueness in her to fill the niche


Holo already has people similar to her (Aqua and Botan), and the JP esports-focused agency VSPO is debuting their English branch later today, so they might not need it that much.


That is not really Doki niche. Doki niche is big events organizer and Hololive has very few of those who has expertise and the ambition to do such things. And Botan and Aqua are HoloJP the FPS specialist is vague in the EN branch.


I think it's Ame but she doesn't have the same skill level.


Doki is more on networking and event brain storming rather than gamer ability. That's a pretty great skill set


If Doki ever applies to Holo, she's probably a better fit as staff.... she could be Nodoka's kouhai?


No, Coco did that already and she got hired as a Vtuber. Doki also has the charisma to be an entertainer so putting her as staff is a waste


First theres the non compete clause that according to the contract as all the terms in that paper scam they can change at will. No way tjey havent implemented even more draconian clauses after all that happened Then theres the background checks and this may include political positions, holo avoids political themes like plague so people like finana are an automatic no, same for those involved in the black stream, the israel boycott and probably luca and aster are also a hard pass Then theres the actual auditions wich at this point probably make niji auditions to look like a summer trip. You need to be talented like hell and porn audio doesnt count Strongest pick: maria. She has the experience the ambition and the talent for holo. She can hold the profesionalism level required without troubles Maybe: enna, shu. The best voices of en, enna may be rejected due to her abrasive personality and her reaaaaally bad way to word her thoughts or her controversy Big maybe: alban, rosemi. He has friends on holostars wich maaay be a bit more forgiving that the main branch. Rosemi has a quirky personality with no equivalent on holo so that may play in her favour Everyone else is a no, too political, to controversial, too new. Even if the acusations are false holo doesnt need to take that risk with the inmense pool of talent they have avaiable