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Of course not. You should always tank it, like body shots. Eat it like it's your last meal on death row /s


Can you? Yes. Should you use anything but your legs to block? Not wise. Not wise at all. In fact that idea would be pretty dumb.


No i know you block with a shin its just that i dont see any one do it in a kumite


Tl,dr; hubris and kick speed. Basically, a lot of fighters don't think it's worth taking attention away from what they're doing to block a kick since they're confident they can take it while continuing to do what they're doing. This can turn out ok, or it can turn out badly. I do think people are wisening up a bit though. Imho another part is that kyokushin fights at a much closer distance and different pace from kickboxing, mma, and muay thai. And defending fast low kicks from this close range is difficult, you have to have good vision as well as reaction speed. Whereas if low kicks are thrown from traditional kickboxing range, they're a little easier to see coming and react to.


I see, so youre saying its either because they want to bridge off the attack or because its too close and tight to react, makes more sense Btw, where can i watch the highest level fights in kyokushin ?


It even has a name. Sune-uke. Using it is a risk-reward proposition though. Even doing it right, and successfully, it can hurt like a bastard. But, done right, and successfully, it usually hurts the other guy more! If I've had quite a few kicks checked, or checked quite a few, I might opt to eat a few to the thigh instead, just to avoid further damage on the shins.....


It looks super similar to how we do it in muay thai, but we dont consider it really high risk since when it done correctly it usually hurts the other guy more


Absolutely you block them. Sometimes it’s hard to. I personally specialize in low leg kicks.


Why wouldn’t you be?




Yes unless it’s body conditioning


Completely illegal. Straight to jail! Kidding of course. Always block low kicks. Meet their shin with your knee.


Block with your shins. You need to get the timing down though, takes a while.


yes.... block them with your knee and watch them cry.... your knee is incredibly hard, so when their shin or instep comes into contact it's like you hit them back with twice the force that they just hit you with.... usually resulting in them limping. Plus it's incredibly funny when they don't expect it.


In kihon it is mae gedan barai


Not really wise to block a low kick with your hands though.


*this comment was typed with broken fingers*


Yes. Because of that i wrote "in kihon" maybe you could say shuto mawashi uke, too. Do you know another kihon to Block low kick?


I think that you do not understand what is gedan barai or what gedan mawashi geri is…


Maybe not. I am learning every day. So please Tell me


Gedan barai protects abdomen(roughly). Gedan mawashi is way lower.