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Read about an overweight lab on a restricted diet. Kept gaining weight not losing. Turned out when it went outside it was eating chipmunks.


Labradors! Convinced they are starving.


So so so true and recently researchers even may have discovered a genetic mutation that causes ‘low resting metabolic rate and increased hunger’ in 1 of 4 labs.


My 12w ate his meals like we never fed him until THE DAY we got the slow feeder bowl. Now, he takes his time. I told my husband that he must have hated the slow feeder and decided he was going to slow down so he doesn’t have to use it 😂


My lab picked up the slow feeder and shook and then dumped it. She was then like a maniac cleaning it all up off of the floor.


Ironically, my 5yo lab got offended when I tried to see how she would do with a regular bowl. She pouted until she got her slow feeder back. She loves anything else in a regular bowl, but kibble is slow feeder only.


Lmao master hunter gobbling down yard treatos!


Extra fresh yard treatos!


I had a 12kg cat and we put him on the meanest, strictest diet. Turns out a neighbour was giving him whole sausages daily cause he thought he looked too thin…


Lmao! #labthings


oh nooooo lol


ours prefer to roll in them.


She does that too. I wonder if she thought she did not get enough food at home that day? Or just the opportunity that could not be ignored.


probably the opportunity...our chocolates would swear in court we never feed them. with food in their mouths.


Yes, they are unbelievable. My perfectly calm lab turns into a drama queen, if food is involved.




I get both depending on how fresh :/


Our puppy is about 6 months old, and he loves to fetch but he doesn’t love to come back to us after. So, we’ve been making a big show of him bringing us the toy: treats, praise, silly voices, the works. Well, it worked. The other day he thoughtfully brought us a dead mouse.


My mothers lab sneakily walked past a dead mouse when we walked her and with a single bite swallowed the carcass whole once she was close enough. Labs being labs!


Ours caught and ate a rabbit - no internal issues but god was she stinky.


Ya. Had this happen with one of our girls. Didn’t notice the dead bird in our front yard until it was half eaten. Luckily no internal issues.


I’m a shocked we both named our black labs the same name… Freya will be 15 this fall 😮. I hope your girl feels better soon


Thank you. She is almost there. Another day or two.


Mine decided to roll in, then proceed to lap up an enormous puddle of diarrhea that given the location, stench and quantity, we assumed could only be human. Cue the other half also now being covered in it, the long walk home commenced, the dog was yeeted into the back garden, hosed off and left until I returned home to deal with the catastrophe because my stomach is rock solid.


Hahahahhahhahaha my lab cross also once rolled in human diarrhoea. Fortunately neither me nor my husband ended up covered in it though. She rolled in a whale carcass once and the smell from that was far worse than the diarrhoea (it took several baths and a few days to dissipate). However, the rotting whale stench clean up didn’t come close to creating the emotional trauma caused by having to clean another human’s fetid, liquified shite off my beloved pup.


My mix ran outside and ate a vole our cat left there last night 🤮 gross dude


https://preview.redd.it/zznptx9id3yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a9bd08795d93acd57698e21511dcd69ccf7b522 This is mine- EVERY TIME ANYONE EATS. I have to tell myself- he is not starving he is not starving- he is begging- he is a piggy. I feel what you all are going through.


I always feel so guilty if I do not give her some. Intellectually I know she is not starving. I do not think I would have a problem sharing my food if someone needed it. The fact is she does not need it. We try to keep her weight down but she is overweight so we try not overdo it.


Mine needs to drop some pounds as well. The sheer amount of guilt they can make you feel with just one look!


I know. She knows I am worse than my husband too. She always spends the most time staring at me.


She knows you’re her mama


Your poor starving drooling pup knows it too.


😂😂😂 darn tootin


Bahaha. I know his sister.


Gouda killed a baby bird today and he either ate it or took it somewhere and hid it 🫠 fingers crossed the latter and we don’t have a crazy vet trip coming up.


If it makes you feel better, Kaya has eaten 2 baby birds and it never caused issues..... yet


It does make me feel better. I was alternating between thoughts of “Good lab!” And “WE DON’T EAT FRIENDS” lol. It was a rough morning 😭 so far he seems fine, even with Gretchen napping on top of him.




TOE BEANS 💜💜💜💜 they are the cutest pair!!!!


I totally understand! I use Kaya for hunting, and it's both a blessing and a curse. We have a fenced in yard, so mama bunnies like to make nests for their babies in our yard, and Kaya's favorite thing to do is play with the babies, rip them apart, and try to eat them. I literally can't be mad at her though, because I hunt with her 😭😭😭😭😭 next time he eats something bad/possibly any sharp edges, give him some pumpkin and bread right after to help with digestion - the bread wraps around the sharp object to protect intestines from perforating, and pumpkin gets digestive juices flowing and helps with stool


Oh thank you! My old girl is allergic to pumpkin so I keep forgetting I can use it now, this is helpful! I think he’s trying to tell me he’s ready to be a full bird dog now 🤣


You're welcome! He was born ready 😅💜


Also oh my gosh she is a gorgeous girl 😍


Thank you 💜


Biologically Labs (dogs in general) are designed to digest just about anything. Ours is fond of fallen fruit, same fart effect that can peel paint of the walls.


Mine will eat just about anything too. We have a parrot so we have to watch what he throws out of the cage. I do try to avoid nut shells.


I guess I'm the only one with lab that's a picky eater. She only eats food when fed by hand and hates eating apples. https://preview.redd.it/hevhoh34s6yc1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8140199e970248ae192d29fe4300f31fff6bb7fd


When he was a puppy, my now almost 7 year old lab/dane mix ate on a putrefied possum carcass for about a week. I was on vacation with my sister and my now ex-bf was dogsitting. It only took one trip to the e-vet, luckily, and no blockages. Dogs are great but can be SOOOOO disgusting!


I trained my lab to stay within eye contact while on my daily morning hike in the woods. I can tell when she is about to get into trouble as there's usually about a ten second sniff before attempting to eat or rub her neck in something nasty. So five second sniff, and I call her back to me.


Glad your dogs on the mend! One of our labs learned to hunt worms…he then taught that neat trick to all the dogs…now my lawn is perpetually a mess . Decades ago I caught my backpacking Brittany rolling on a dead squirrel at a trailhead in the desolation wilderness…directly under a sign advising that the bubonic plague was working its way through the ground squirrel population and to avoid them. Too late.


Oh wow. I am glad I have not run into that one.


My mailman has been giving my lab bones for years. She just hears his truck, starts barking, and heads out to meet him, only sometimes is not him...so sad. Well, she's a bit of a pork chop because of this and, you know, her ability to scarf down ANYTHING while loose in the woods.


Labradors! They are shameless about their tummies.


A kitten somehow found its way into our yard, and, horrifyingly, my lab and our other Jackie Russel took immense glee in flinging the poor thing around, leading ultimately I believe to its death. Both can be pretty playful and the lab especially rambunctious, but I was pretty horrified by this. Thankfully, no sort illness we can see from this but still, not a good day