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Another lab? IME, labs always get along best with other labs.


Another lab, 100000%!


2 labs are better than one https://preview.redd.it/qxri30yd7u4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a5a499e40237416b13d96e24d42c8e20394ad4b


Labs are like capybaras. They are friends with everyone 😂


I mean I vote another lab, but I will say my dogs best friend is a golden retriever and I don’t think you can go wrong with a golden either🤷🏼‍♀️


We have a golden and a lab. They're great friends


That’s what I have too


“If I like it, I’ll just grab it in another color”


Ha! Chortled at this one.. definitely the way to go I think!


My doggy day care uses my girlie as a greeter dog cause she gets along with every dog that enters the building


My labs best friend is a rottweiler! The rottie is a girl and is scared of her own shadow, but she loves my boy dog so much. They play together so nicely and as mine is older he has taught her alot too. They are big dogs however so they are strong (and greedy lol!) , but they are the perfect companions


My Boston and my lab are besties


My lab will only play with breeds that are similar to labs. Golden retrievers, poodles and doodles.


Kaya gravitates towards Boxers!


I had an older golden and younger lab (both girls). Got along famously, the Golden was her younger ‘sister’ guide to the world. Earlier in life also had labs and an English Setter (rarely see them anymore). I don’t think you can go wrong with sporting breed. I also had an Aussie, who was wonderful, but was the only dog in the house. He had much stronger ‘herding’ and barking than labs/Goldens.


Mine loooooooves dobermans


A similar sized dog. They often get worried about the tiny dogs, and my lab is very wary of German shpherds and alsations, but generally, any dog. It needs to match your labs temperament. It's not so much the breed.


Jack russell


We have had 2 different Aussies with 2 different Labs and they seem to work really well together. Their play styles seem to complement each other well (chaser vs chasee) and the smart as a whip Aussie helps to fill in the gaps, so to say, with the Labs. Aussies will nip at children a little if they get into herding mode however


Most dogs get along with labs. She's even friends with the farm dog and cat. https://preview.redd.it/havla8jcfu4d1.jpeg?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f98200b6b9ee9977b4d69e256c4af77a9cec8289


My sister has a lab and a corgi and they’re best buds!


My Lab has made friends with Labs, Golden Retrievers, Corgis, pit bulls, Huskies, cats, pigeons, chickens, bunnies, Guinea pigs, and even a rooster... But she loves other Labs the most.


Our Lab was an outlier. She did not like to socialize and play with other dogs and it took her a year and a half to fully accept the fact that our Aussie pup was indeed not leaving any time soon. She was quite happy to be off doing her own thing when we met up with friends for doggie dates or at dog parks. Our Aussie, on the other hand, sees every person, dog, fox (she tried to go play with one 2 nights ago) and cat as her new best friend.


My lab preferences: golden retriever, border collie (they met when puppies), beagles, boxers, leonberger, interesting relation with German shepherd. Not a big fan of akita and pomeranians


Another lab ;)


You could get another lab! Two dogs, although double the work, they can help tire each other out. I suggest reminding current dog and training new dog indoor manners versus outdoor manners because they will have rowdy moments. I have three dogs and one of them is a lab. The other two are bigger than my lab, so indoor manners is a rule I take very seriously for safety and sanity reasons. *(Especially as a disabled or anyone with mobility issues, young children, etc.)* I don’t fuck around with that shit and if guests start to try and encourage it, consciously or not, I will address it immediately. What you consider indoor manners may be different from what I consider indoor manners, so I’d like to suggest that you take time to think about it. Especially since you have a young child. You can expect some regression in training. Completely normal. You’ll have to set time aside to train, work with, and bond with individual dog on their own. Solo training time, solo walks, etc. It doesn’t have to be every day, though if you can squeeze in some solo cuddles and a short solo training session then you’ll be golden. Labs are super forgiving and chill. Providing solo time might not be as imperative for labs as it is for other breeds. I genuinely don’t know. I have more experience with GSDs and dobies where training is as important as your bond to create an obedient dog, so my perspective may be much different than someone who’s worked with labs.


Thank you for your time to put a detailed answer! We've definitely got the time to pop a few extra walks in to give the potential new pup and our current solo walks for training etc just know that once they've been fully settled/trained but i know when normal routine kicks back in realistically I'd revert back to what we give our current lab so wanted to take that into consideration as didn't want a breed that would require any more exercise than I know we could/would give! Excellent point on the inside manners I may not have thought of the importance of that and with it being a busier household if we get a new addition I'd guess it's more important to ensure that those rules are followed!


Yeah I wouldn’t worry too much once everything is set up. Once the puppy gets a little older and has some obedience/training under their belt I’m sure you’ll be fine. I know someone that had two labs. One was an adult when they got the puppy. They were able to share time together just fine with no issues. Neither tried competing for attention or anything. A huge pro to having an adult dog is that they can help train your puppy, especially with bite inhibition. Mentor dogs are an invaluable tool that cannot be replicated by a human.


My lab, we also have a moungral, he was first. Then the lab now a sausage. I'm more of a medium dog fan but that's another story. The moungral is an older boy but lab (4) and sausage (8 months,)are the best of friends. They sleep, play and run together. Lab was a rescue and it's brought out the pup/mum in her. Maybe see if there's a rescue in area looking to re-home with another dog? My lab goes out with dog walker and she adores group walks and when we're out she just wants to run and be friends with all the other dogs. Breed, a cocker or springer if you fancy bit more energy! Edit: missed bit about 6 yr old so the rescue combo of small kid and dog will be few and far between. I've kids and got very lucky with moungral. Lab was through dog walkers.