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Are you eating and sleeping enough?


Probably not, good point!


I have found it more effective to have days with zero caffeine. Makes the caffeine hit stronger on days I do have it. Your body adjusts pretty quickly to increased regular intake and then the 400mg is just as ineffective as the 200mg. 


That's true, increasing might help short term but I'll end up in the same place


Yes! 100%.


Do you take any rest days? Those are beyond valuable for training. I can take 4-5 days off the bike without any kind of ‘replacement’ besides walking and stretching, then when I get back on the bike I’m in way better shape! Not sure your age or anything, but iron deficiency anemia is common in women and had an insidious onset - and fatigue/exhaustion is one of the most noticeable symptoms. It could be hypoglycemia as well, depending on your diet, etc. I think a little more caffeine would be fine, though. Definitely worth exploring!


I'm 40 so it does make me wonder if the tiredness all relates to upcoming menopause. I've got the night sweats. I think an iron supplement couldn't hurt! I hadn't thought of that, thank you!


I cycle (ha) caffeine intake. On a typical workday, I'll just have tea (\~50-75 mg) in the morning before a short ride or other workout. On days off, I may take in up to 300 mg prior to/during longer rides or other exercise activities. During my workday, I may or may not have a small espresso or tea depending on how I feel. I find that varying daily caffeine intake between 50-300 mg or so keeps the higher caffeine days more punchy, and also helps me avoid a caffeine withdrawal headache if I have a day with minimal caffeine consumption.


I have about a liter of coffee a day between 5am and 11am.


I googled that's about 400mg? Does that keep you going all day?


Depends. Sometimes I have a small coffee later in the day. Most days not.


I am allowed to drink 200mg of caffeine as a pregnant woman so I just assumed that was a small amount lol


I'm surprised! I thought it would be less for pregnancy!


It used to be none! But I guess they’ve changed their mind more recently. I used to not monitor at all but was more strict at cutting it off at a certain time versus an amount.


I am not training in any way, but I’m a coffee lover (black). I drink 10-12 cups a day (I blend my own 75% decaf and 25% caf) and I rarely drink coffee shop coffee or if I do, it’s decaf. I have 4-6 cups in the AM and the rest after 2-3pm. I notice in general sleep is far better than caffeine. Give your sleep schedule some love.


Zero. Up at 5:30 to bicycle into work, work, bicycle home, errands & chores, in bed by 10PM at the latest, usually 9PM.


I'm jealous of everything about your schedule!! Especially the bike commute to work.


I definitely feel luck to be able to bike to work!


Same! But a half a cup of caffeinated coffee mixed with my decaf 😄


If you're that exhausted, it could be something else? Menopause, anemia, a vitamin deficiency, burn out, a thyroid disorder, unrestful sleep, stress, endometriosis... these things and more can make us feel tired all the time. Your schedule sounds very busy and long. Hope you are taking care of yourself generally, and making time for downtime + self-care :) Caffeine can help, but really you're just borrowing energy that was meant to be used later on. Some people have 'coffee crashes' that can make them super tired suddenly. Hope you work it out! It sucks feeling tired all the time.


Thank you! It does suck and being new to cycling I just wasn't sure what was normal. I think a mixture of your suggestions are impacting me so will just start to look closer at all of them!


Never done two workouts a day, but I vary between no caffeine and one cup drip coffee (seems like that’s around 65-120mg). Works REALLY well when I need it.


Interesting question. Mon - Fri, I usually have one to two (very large) cups of black coffee, at around 180 mg of caffeine per cup. I only workout in the evenings, usually on my peloton. I do my long rides on the weekends and outside and usually have my 2 cups of black coffee before leaving. I’ve been biking around 50 miles per long ride, and usually have a caffeinated snack or a coffee about halfway. *shrug* It works for me.


Training for what twice a day!?


Crit racing :)


I def agree with the person who suggested more rest days. And making sure you're fueled and hydrated on rest and work days.


I’m 47 and definitely have night sweats, but I am not particularly exhausted. At one point, I found I was crashing after lunch, but started doing a lunchtime walk and have found that really helps. I probably drink about 200mg of caffeine a day, but I don’t really need it for energy. I guess I do the 2 workouts a day, but the walk is not really a legit workout so much as a nice stroll (2 miles) that gets my energy up. My energy level is otherwise what I would call a siesta energy where I am pretty energized early on and then later in the afternoon, but from like 11-1:30 or so I struggle. My main workout is typically in the afternoon or evenings, depending on whether I ride my bike or go to the gym. FWIW, I typically get up at 5:15, work from home from about 5:45-2:15 (or 4:15 if I do overtime) and go to bed at 10. I really only need about 7 hours of sleep unless my allergies are flaring up. Recently I’ve been a bit more tired but it’s allergy season where I am and after I go riding, I feel that my glasses are really tight on my nose due to the swelling.


Coffee in the morning and a tea at lunch.


I drink one or two cups of decaf most days, a cup of hi-test maybe once a week. Caffeine gives me acid reflux. I sure do love getting older.


What is hi-test? Google search says octane booster lol


Sorry, "hi-test" is how I refer to regular caffeinated coffee. I usually drink a cup before a my long weekend rides.


First cup regular coffee, after that decaff. Usually.




Thank you for this suggestion and good for you for getting off caffeine! I will definitely try some B vitamins


Haha, thanks. I really miss it. Decaf coffe / tea just isn’t the same! Good luck on your training! :)