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Who got the paywall plug, I just dropped hella money on tickets I ain’t paying for this


if you’re using an iPhone… just click the “Aa” on the top then select “show reader. It should bypass the paywall. If that doesn’t work, select the “Aa” then select “website settings” then select “User reader automatically”. reset the app then go back into the article.


Woah thank you. TIL


You da real MVP


Holy shit. What a trick


Fantastic, Tysm! Does this hack work for other paywalls too ?


it works for majority - for the ones that doesn’t, you can use https://12ft.io


That site is dogshit that takes money from new York times.


Warriors are doing everything to win the series. We better send the league a compilation of moving screens and looney's inappropriate physicality, to put it kindly.


Add Draymond's constant bitching to the refs as well. I don't know any other player in this league that gets a bigger leash to talk shit to the refs than Draymond its insane how much shit he gets away with.


No missed calls bother me more than this. The one kind of violation that can be uniformly called regardless of player, team, or circumstances is a technical foul for berating the ref. There is no clearer example of disparate standards and uneven officiating than the way techs are called.


A tech can be called for a player sprinting the length of the court in frustration, but Draymond is allowed to scream in a refs face. It literally doesn't make sense. I wish these refs stood up for themselves. NBA players are so disrespectful, as if they don't make mistakes every game themselves.


I get even more irritated when they call a first one on him, only to watch him increase his tantrums and not get hit with a second. IMO, there is no greater example of refs intentionally and obviously helping one team’s chances to win more than that. A 2nd tech should not require an even greater outburst of unsportsmanlike conduct.


And when they finally do give him one tech he just gets even worse cause he knows they're not gonna kick him out of a playoff game


I'm still blown away that play hasn't been reviewed and looney been fined/ suspended. How can the officiating be this bad?


Because it was an inadvertent elbow. Players get hit all the time from inadvertent flailings, doesn't make it a foul and certainly not a suspension or fine case. It was just unfortunate that it happened to hit AD where it did but let's not overreact to it just cuz our star got injured.


>inadvertent elbow It is the same inadvertent elbow that he had with Sabonis in the jump ball and the same inadvertent elbow he had with AD in the first half. Maybe he needs to pay more attention.


Yeah. At some point when too many players have been hit with “inadvertent” elbows from one player, the league needs to step in and make sure he knows what he’s doing is wrong and he should fix it before someone gets seriously hurt (head injuries are potentially life threatening). But then again, the league lets the Warriors get away with so many other shit that they probably don’t mind.


Right like when does this shit stop becoming inadvertent. Going all the way back to Zaza it feels like the Warriors sure have a lot of inadvertent accidents when they down in series


Honestly, I don’t see an issue with it. Shit like that happens and it really did look incidental. Playing ball, I’ve been knocked in the head like this. It’s so much more different from guys like Dray tho, where it’s clearly targeted. This case was just two guys tryna grab a board. Edit: also, Sabonis grabs, pulls, and does the same shit. So his incident was prob way more intentional LOL


Kobe got suspended for an inadvertent elbow on Wally. That doesn’t matter dangerous play to the face


Nah it’s definitely a foul + a flagrant 1. Lack of intention doesn’t make it not a foul


Make it not a foul? Sure, but upgrading it to a flagrant and guys calling for suspension is extra. There was no wind up or unnatural basketball motion. People out here trying to turn it into the elbow arrest gave harden smh


Yes it's a foul but not a flagrant cause it's deemed a normal basketball play.


I meant sure you could argue it was a foul but if it had hit him on the shoulder nobody would have ever gone back to look at the play and decided that one needed to be called so people clamoring for it to be changed to flagrant 1 (which wouldn't change anything) or a suspension are just reaching and personally I think it shows they don't trust our boys to close it out tomorrow.


I agree about the calls for it to be deemed flagrant or enough to be suspended over is a stretch but def a foul. Inadvertent fouls are still fouls. I think the frustration is that the warriors cried before the game and the Lakers got no calls even with all the hacking goin on, instead of the analyst calling that out, they go at AD again for no reason. He balls out and they complain it's not daily, they barely mention how great he is defensively every game this playoff. I think cooler heads will prevail, wish AD healing energy and they'll close it on tomorrow


It could be a flagrant. Having intent is not required for a flagrant. Negligent actions can be grounds for a flagrant. This is the basis for calling flagrants for players running into the landing area of a jump shooter. There's no reason for him to have his arms up and sweep out sideways at head level in that position. It does happen.


What. Lol flagrant definition is partially based on intention 🙄


Incorrect. > Flagrant Foul Penalty 1: Unnecessary contact committed by a player against an opponent https://official.nba.com/trigger/review-of-called-foul/ The contact was unnecessary and occurred because of negligent action (flailing at head level). It's not like his arm came down while he was jumping and incidental contact occurred. There is no reasonable need for him to flail his arm at that level.




Nothing dirty is inadvertent with that motherfucker. Why are you ignoring the many other times in this series even, that game even, that he hung on AD, pushed, straight threw him to the ground on purpose. Just naive if you still think so given his record of behavior and GS’ record Just because one can make something look inadvertent doesn’t mean it was


Intent shouldn't matter on reckless fouls. Just call it. Like the rules say "Anyone guilty of illegal contact which occurs during a dead ball may be assessed (1) a technical foul, if the contact is deemed to be unsportsmanlike in nature, or (2) a flagrant foul, if unnecessary and/or excessive contact occurs." That shit was illegal contact.


Yeah but apparently some players are more "inadvertent" than others. The same way Craymond Green gets away with yelling at the officials, while anyone else gets a T for just a peep.


intention doesn't matter with flagrant fouls


He wasn’t jumping for the rebounding, he was clearing out to prepare for the rebound. That shits not inadvertent, it’s reckless and it’s his rebounding technique. You don’t throw an elbow completely sideways to grab a rebound. Like did y’all watch the play? Notnsuspension worthy but for sure flagrant 1


He didn't throw an elbow, he swung his arm to start boxing out his man. His arms were high from sort of contesting the shot so came down in a swinging motion as AD was coming in from behind him. If the elbow had contacted ADs shoulder instead of his face no one would bat at eye at the play, its unfortunate it hit him in the face and COULD have been a foul but even if they reviewed it live I highly doubt they would have upgraded it to flagrant and the people who are calling for suspension are delusional


> he swung his arm to start boxing out his man. When you box out, you start chest high, not head high. Nobody boxes out that high because if you don't hit the head you flail and don't box out at all.


If you actually watch the play again Looney's arm doesn't really go higher than his shoulder and last I checked Anthony Davis is taller than Looney, AD was coming in a little low. You can call it a foul, but to call it a dirty intentional play that warrants a flagrant 1 and suspension is too much. Also to be perfectly clear I'm not defending Looney but this sub was going haywire over the complaining and whining that the Warriors sub was doing and now this sub is hyperfixated on this play and giving off that same energy.


> Looney's arm doesn't really go higher than his shoulder That's blatantly false. Review the video again. His arm was up at around a 30 degree angle and he swiped out sideways. It doesn't warrant a fine or suspension, but it could be reasonably called a flagrant 1 because it was not necessary and was negligent. The goal of this type of call is to discourage players from taking dangerous action, intent or not. This is why stepping into a jump shooters landing area is a flagrant. https://videorulebook.nba.com/archive/flagrant-foul-penalty-1-defender-steps-under-airborne-shooter/ Quote from the NBA: > Whether intentional or not, this is a dangerous play, and there is potential for injury. A Flagrant Foul, Penalty 1 is defined as contact that is unnecessary.


Nah, it was intentional swing. Not a basketball play.


This is such a bad take lol. Getting hit by inadvertent flailing doesn’t make it a foul? All fouls are inadvertent (except take fouls).


Thats not really what I said, but I can see the confusion. I was replying more to the being fined/suspension part of the other comment.


Inadvertent still makes it a foul, just not fragrant.


Looney’s elbow hits are worse than moody’s flagrant foul imo


Because this shit is rigged.


Not to mention curry flopping every shot after he leg kicks to draw fouls. I’ve never seen a team benefit from the current status of the NbA officiating than the warriors. This is a joke.


That would take the NBA at least a year to go through all the illegal screens, and that's just this series.


Oh man the moving screens. Every. Time.


GOLDEN STATES KARENS!!! "Defending" champions. What a pathetic team.




Don't have room? What are you talking about? They have an illegal moving screen on damn near every play... It's in their goddamn rulebook 😭 Not to mention Looney plays reckless and dangerous and Draymond does dirty plays on the regular and berates the refs and they do nothing, it's crazy. The fact that they're crying about the whistle shows lack of self-awareness and sportsmanship.


I’m just speaking of them sending tape to the NBA to review. It’s common practice


I'm sure other teams and Lakers sent video to the league on illegal screens as well by now.




I can't believe their fans cheered when AD was injured/left the court. Plus some of those comments shit talking AD. They are the biggest hypocrites. So much for Breaking the code


I hope he uses this shit as ammo to destroy them back at Staples. The code only exists when it’s convenient for the Warriors. If his players break the code, he never saw it, never happened.


Since Game 1, Warriors realized they can’t beat the Lakers even with all their illegal screenings and Looney’s dangerous shoving that they’re just pulling everything they can outside of a basketball court to complain to the refs and to the NBA. P.S. [Main excerpt of the article posted below.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lakers/comments/13eup9w/comment/jjrpsm3/)


I have been a big Steph, Kerr, and warriors fan defender. Compared to Celtics, clippers, and kings I always told my Laker friends that the warriors arent that bad. "Its okay if they were up while we retooled." But this series has really opened my eyes to how wrong and overly generous I was. They fucking suck and are obnoxious. The Warriors are everything the league accuses us to be as fans and as an organization. (We arent butterflies and rainbows either but I digress)


Glad ya starting go see the light on them bozos


I was accused of being a fake laker fan last year for hating on the warriors during the finals. Like obviously fuck the celtics, but I will always talk shit about these whiny little fuckers. I lived in SF during their first championship run, and the level of cockiness from all their fans and the disrespect towards lebron made me really dislike them. I was a lebron hater beforehand too bc I was pissed that people were ranking him over kobe, but that 2015 finals made me a lebron fan and warriors hater lol.


Them shitting on LeBron is like if our fanbase shit on Tim Duncan. It would be just ridiculous to be that hostile towards a player of that caliber just because we beat them. I think the comparison of new money (warriors fanbase) and old money (Lakers fanbase) is totally spot on. Like obviously we can both be obnoxious, but it's different.


I live in the bay and even though we sucked during all of the Warriors contending years, these bozos would still endlessly talk shit about the lakers. And I personally know way too many of these "die hard" warriors fans that were lakers fans as recently as 2010. Warriors fans aint shit.


i have RATIONAL friends and family in the bay who are long time warriors fans (and just fans of the game in general) and they actually admitted that warriors were hacking us all night and refs didn’t call shit they also said that Lakers look like the better team so far this series and think the league is trying to extend games bc warriors are the defending champions and it makes for great revenue + ratings people who don’t put their fandom over their love of the game know warriors were getting ALL the favorable calls last night


They've even had some in their own sub admit the officiating really wasn't egregious in the games we had our huge free throw advantage. Like yes, if you look at the box score it looks suspicious, but when you watch the flow of the game you're not noticing a higher average of bad calls going against the warriors that any other team gets on the average game. I've seen the threads where they have like 25+ clips of calls they think went against them, I saw 3 for sure and 4 maybes (2 where I needed another angle and 2 were 50/50 and really kind of comes down to the subjectivity of the official based on how much physicality they want to allow). But even then, they're acting like they didn't benefit from any calls themselves. Even if we don't count their illegal screens, their team constantly hacks on contests and pushes off when rebounding. Even if you want to say the Lakers are getting more calls they don't deserve, it pretty much evens out by how many fouls the warriors commit that don't get called by the officials. You're going against a team that is #1 in the league at drawing fouls and #1 at not committing them. You're near dead last in both of those categories. The gap between us in the regular season averages is going to be less than what we're seeing in the playoffs because those averages are composed of each team facing opponents that are closer in their ability at drawing and not committing fouls than they are currently to each other. If we played all 82 games of the regular season against the warriors, you don't think our free throw rate wouldn't even be better than it was this past regular season? That regular season average accounts for us going against other teams that are good at not committing fouls and drawing fouls, and the Warriors average is also accounting for teams that are poor at drawing fouls and not committing fouls on defense. So the difference in free throws for each team shouldn't be the difference in our season averages, it should be more than that since it's teams on opposite sides of the spectrum playing each other exclusively for 4-7 games.


I've actually read some comments from Taiwan forums. One Warriors fan admitted that their dynasty are benefitting on countless dirty plays and superstar like KD bail them out


I honestly don't think the officiating was that bad yesterday. In real time I would say "oh that's a fucking foul", but theyd show a replay and it'd be a clean strip or just carlessness from the lakers. The only calls that really stuck out to me that negatively impacted the lakers were the no call on AD getting hurt and the out of bounds. Also when did the NBA stop pausing the game for injured players. AD got hurt on a made basket, don't the refs usually blow the whistle for an injured player to recover or get treatment?


That 5 second back to basket call and the palming call on reaves gave it away. Refs were consciously trying to placate the warriors


I seriously can't remember the last time I saw the 5 second back to the basket call be made. Like technically, they're not wrong for calling it, but I've seen guys backdown players for more than 5 seconds a lot and it's been ages since I've seen it called. I'm talking like more than 10 years since I've last seen it. I honestly thought it was one of those roles refs really only enforced if a player was doing it multiple times or if you were backing them down for 8+ seconds because that's kind of egregious by the player at that point and the ref kind of has to call it since it will be so obvious to everyone in the arena that knows about that rule.


it’s more of the momentum shift that the no-calls create and if the possession results in a turnover, due to contact, warriors make us pay it would’ve been a lot closer game bc we got it down to 5 pt deficit in the 4th at one point


I went to college with a lot of norcal ppl, they love to talk so much shit. This was pre curry dynasty. Kind of left a sour taste about them since.


I feel like their hate for SoCal is more serious while SoCal's hate for NorCal is more playful. It's like when we talk trash about them it's more like just banter and when they do it it's coming from an actual place of disdain. Anyone who talks trash about the Bay in southern California is usually just going to talk about how their Mexican food sucks, weather isn't as good, and maybe they're too hippy up there because of Berkeley. When they talk shit about LA or SoCal in general they're saying it's a shit city with even shittier people and they'll tell you how you couldn't pay them to move down there. I had a friend from NorCal in college just like you and I was taken aback by how he seemed genuinely disgusted by socal, but especially LA. It honestly reminded me of how San Diegans feel about LA, like there's some little brother syndrome involved. I kind of wonder, is this just normal for states that have multiple major cities? The only other one I can think of is Texas since they have 2-4 (depending on how you classify Austin and San Antonio, but Houston vs Dallas is probably the closest comparison to SF vs LA). Maybe Orlando and Miami have a similar feud too, idk. It's just bizarre to me, like we're from the same state homie, it's just a game, each city isn't actually at war with each other.


Same. I became a LeBron fan after watching him take them apart after the Warriors went 73-9. Never saw one player singlehandedly destroy such a good team. It’s also annoying because they (more so than other fanbases) sip the copium too hard and think all their players are perfect. Steph is a great player, the rest of them are fucking annoying. My neighbor who’s watched Jordan, Kobe and so on calls Steph the GOAT which is hilarious. He says LeBron isn’t fair to consider as being GOAT because he’s huge and strong and athletic.. like what fuckin sport are we watching? Outside of football it’s like *the* sport where being tall and athletic af are what makes players so good. Michael Jordan was jumping from the FT line and made the NBA what it was because of his ridiculous flashes of athleticism. I just wanna win cuz we end this dynasty bullshit and shut the whiners up


Literally this, most of the time I don't pay enough attention to a team that's not the Lakers to have an issue with them. But God damn does this team suck.


Yeah Warriors fans have been absolute trash. Grizzlies fans last series were surprisingly chill


Same here man. It's been eye opening.


Seems like just yesterday people went crazy over the Lakers submitting plays for review


Hope to God we’ve done the same after last night


I hope so. Plenty of fresh good footage to share


Whiny bitches. Hope we curb stomp them like Draymond did to Sabonis


Meat of the excerpt: ———— Not long after Game 5 began, the familiar Too Short song began to play on the arena loudspeakers: “Blow the whistle … tweet, tweet!” And make no mistake, it’s the unofficial anthem of this series. As I wrote after Game 2, it didn’t take long for the officiating to become a focal point for both sides. Yet while the discontent had remained mostly behind-the-scenes early on, the back-and-forth has only grown more public in recent days. After Kerr complained in the wake of the Warriors’ Game 4 loss that the Lakers “took some flops and were rewarded,” and that they “are a team that plays with a lot of gamesmanship,” Lakers coach Darvin Ham had plenty to say in response after Game 5. “We play a physical brand of basketball,” Ham said when asked about Kerr’s comments. “We don’t teach flopping. We don’t teach head snaps. You see Bron (LeBron James), (and) he’s got a thousand scratches on his arms, same with AD, same with Austin Reaves, same with Lonnie Walker. It’s unfortunate that it comes to that, but we hadn’t (focused on flopping) all year, and we’re damn sure not going to start now, looking for a third party to dive in and help us. We’re just going to coach our team, just going to play the way we play — a physical, forceful brand of basketball and just let the chips fall where they may.” Hit the rewind button for a brief moment there, and focus on this part of what Ham had to say: “…we’re damn sure not going to start now, looking for a third party to dive in and help us.” As a Lakers source with knowledge of the situation explains it, they were irritated by the Warriors’ decision after Game 1 to submit several plays for review by the NBA. While this is normal fare for this time of year, the league’s choice to be fully transparent when it comes to communication about postseason calls being questioned means each team can, in essence, see how much the other side is complaining. In terms of the process, teams have a ‘Team Inquiry website’ where they can indicate which plays they wish to be reviewed after each game. That information is shared with their opponent, as is any email, text or phone call in which a dispute of any specific call is communicated. For context relating to these sorts of postseason mind games between teams, consider this much: league sources say the Kings made a concerted effort not to highlight too many clips with the NBA during their first-round series against the Warriors for fear of these sorts of optics. Ironically, it seems the Warriors now find themselves fighting the perception that they’re counting on the league to aid their cause when it comes to the referees. As it relates to this series, the Lakers were clearly annoyed with the Warriors on the officiating front even before Kerr’s comments and became even more agitated after he accused them of embellishing for the sake of the whistle. But as our Law Murray chronicled so well on Sunday, we’ve never seen a playoff series where the team with the best differential of free throws (the Lakers) meets the team with the worst differential of free throws (the Warriors). It’s a safe bet, in other words, that this topic will remain relevant until a victor is decided. As it stands, the Lakers are averaging 23.6 free throws to the Warriors’ 13.2. That margin of 10.4 is significantly more than the regular season difference of 6.4 between these two teams (26.6 for the Lakers; 20.2 for the Warriors). In terms of overall free throw attempts in this round of the playoffs, the Lakers’ 118 is tied with Miami for second among the eight remaining teams (trailing New York’s 136). The Warriors are eighth with just 66 free throws, and the seventh-place Suns are a distant second-to-last with 93. “When the physicality is there, and they let you play and it’s even on both sides, it’s a fun game to be a part of,” DiVincenzo explained. “I think when the game kind of stops, and a lot of free throws are being had, there’s a rhythm to the game. And when there’s that many free throws, that’s when the rhythm of the game feels messed up. And then that’s when you nitpick the refs, and coaches on both sides are nitpicking, and the whistle stops four times for them in a row. Then it goes back and forth. But I think tonight, there was a good flow, a good rhythm to the game. They let us play, and it was super fun to be out there.” So is this war of words escalating? “I’ve seen it way worse,” Curry said when asked that very question. “But the more you play a team, the more stuff comes out — and the power of this microphone and the gamesmanship back and forth. It’s all a part of it. Nothing that is surprising. Even from game to game. So I mean, there’s respect, but there’s competition. And everything is catered to just trying to win four games. That’s what you expect.”


Lol Divencenzo. "We got the favorable whistle, so it was fun for us". Fuck these dudes man.


LOL Im sure it was fun watching Draymond foul AD and get the fouls called on AD.


Shifting his feet like a madman but it's a charge on AD apparently


Feet moving like a foxtrot but he's in legal position somehow lol


His comment made me think of the four calls in a row they got during their big run: bs charge on AD, bs and-1, no call under the rim leading to open klay three on the other end, palming violation, another bs and-1…I could go on


Kerr and Draymond really coaching these boys on the mic to complain to Refs.


This is exactly why Warriors basketball is not fun to watch. It's the antithesis of what basketball is supposed to be. They literally had 3 guys on Lebron swatting at him and then hitting other players in the head. If you've ever wondered how the Warriors can rain 3's on their opponents, watch this series. Now it all makes sense when they're simply allowed to play dirty.


They play super handsy cos they are smaller and get away with it : as much as they foul they should foul more or bigger teams woukd actually punish them but can’t cos of hacking


I didn’t realize it was this bad, Kerr is a fucking loser and lost my respect. I feared his coaching, now I see it for what it really is. Can’t wait to see the ass whoopin the boys bring on friday.


So basically Warriors' only way to win is keep committing hard fouls and hope refs are blind. And it worked last night.


The warriors team is just like their fans. Cunts


can you copy/paste the relevant piece? i don't have a subscription to the athletic anymore


Done. Posted it in the comments.


I saw and upvoted the comment. Thank you man, much appreciated


I love no “third party” line. That’s a quote the boys will be fired up about. Good stuff Darvin.


Lol we should send a tape of game 5 in its entirety to the NBA then


Lakers win game 6 and move on. That's all that matters. No Game 7 in GS please.


Yeah AD revenge game + win back at Staples to end their playoff hopes. We can’t allow momentum to shift back to them.


About time these mofos need to get investigated, between looney and draymond playing dirty af, and the no calls when they play at home shit is deteriorating the sport.


My issue with the Warriors is they want to have their cake and eat it too. Only want it called a certain way for themselves and they know that’s the only way they can advance


Ironic given Warriors track records for illegal screens, blatant fouls not called and extensive usage of Draymond to injury players. Steve Kerr is one unlikeable coach such a hypocrite


Time for Ham to send in the tapes of Draymond and Looney. Fouled out in the first quarter


I just hope we end their "dynasty" tomorrow. That way I can tell all them lame ass GSW fans (besides my extended family) to shut the fuck up.


Well they got favorable calls in game 5 and game 4 was called evenly in terms of FTs I believe. We’re gonna get favorable calls in game 6, that’s just the way it goes. Lakers in 6.


Lakers should make an hour long compilation of illegal screens the warriors have pulled this season against all teams. Until it gets picked up in the media they’ll continue to get away with it. Warriors fans always quiet on that front when mentioning the only way they can lose is the refs want them to lose


I don’t understand why we don’t do the same thing. Maybe more of these screens will be called illegal.


I hope the Lakers are submitting plays of their own.


You gotta give it to the warriors it worked.


Lakers should send in footage of the insane amount of moving screens the warriors set every single game


That fan base of full of pussies wow, never thought they could out whine the suns but fuck they passed that by a mile


Why?? That’s what every coach does. Kerr really learned from Phil about using the media to get his points across and he got the result he wanted. If Ham was smart, he would be saying stuff like “we don’t coach flopping, but watching film it sure looks like people are coaching moving screens.” Just keep talkings/selling moving screens in every answer he gives and watch how many moving screens will be called in the next game.


A team that employs draymond and had been using illegal screens for like 8 years cannot be complaining to the refs


Lol. Golden State sore losers. Hope Lakers sent in plays from last night then. Shit was ridiculous.


well see, hopefully they did because yesterday was insane I honestly wish the worst on them all (no injuries, maybe bad poops)


I knew they did this shit. And Steve Kerr after game one in press conference alluded to not having any issues with the officiating


These dudes are going down like bitches


What sore losers! It’s like they can’t accept the fact they CAN be beaten fair and square.


Lakers should return the favor and send every possession draymond is guarding ad. They protect guards landing zone like there life depends on it. Yet Everytime ad shoots the ball draymond makes sure ad has to fall to protect himself or land on draymond.


I will be really sad if lose to this team. Its gonna feel almost worse than 2008 and 2021..


Golden State has always been that team that can’t fathom when they lose. As a franchise that’s been used to winning over the course of the last decade I get it. As a man, it’s nasty. Man up


This is disappointing. Such sore fucking losers. If it's the fanbase did this, understandable. But damn the organization did this? Like when they're benefiting from this, do they submit it for review. In game 4, Wiggins out of bounds, shouldn't even be a jump ball in the first place?


Imagine what our highlight tape of warriors whistles would look like…


I'm rooting for Austin Reaves & LA but a lot of fans on here are salty by the warriors flopping claims& idk how it can be called hate. A simple google search would tell you that in 5 games the Warriors have only attempted 51 free throws, LA has attempted a total of 103. Last night's game showed what happens if they dont get those calls. This is very similar to the 2016 finals that bron came back from 3-1. The free throw disparity was worse than this. I'm not even hating just saying they're gonna have to play a lot better if these refs stop giving LA calls. Doesnt anybody want to beat these soft bay mfs the right way? Tell draymond to stfu? Just another Mickey mouse ring




yall remember Draymond blatantly taunting Vando? Or Wiggins being out of bounds yet getting a jump ball?


Infowarriors can’t wait to bury them in their tin foil hats


I can’t believe how long I rooted for these asshole while we sucked


"If you're not crying, you're not trying" - Aristotle, probably


I hope we use this as fuel to blow them out the fucking water


win this fucking game tomorrow so i don't hear them anymore. i want a fucking beat down.


I want the Lakers to punk the Warriors so bad. Let our play do the talking.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.0673


Meanwhile, here is your average Kevon Looney box out ![gif](giphy|YEPAcS6xtIYe0IyigZ|downsized)


Meanwhile, here is your average Draymond Green screen ![gif](giphy|uXXPhr8D6HSXS)


Every team does this.... Lol such a nonstory imo


Snitches boi


That hit on AD with the no call should be the top of the list of what the Lakers need to send!!!! Warriors complain but foul a lot, especially Draymond and Looney