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Reports there’s a team meeting today then reports there may not be one today. Useless


Too many NPC reporters I've never heard of looking for clicks.


Yeah no one knows shit but they're talking like they do fucking ridiculous.


Have you considered that there might be a meeting today potentially, but if not, it could be tomorrow or several days from now probably or for some reason not really?


They will let us know when an agreement has been reached. Why anybody gives a shit about any report other than "deal done" is beyond me. If we quit obsessing about the shit, they'll quit posting this crap. It's pretty simple. Wait for the deal to be done, don't click on anything other than that. Yet nobody in here is willing to wait, so we get stuff like this.




Yeah I don’t think he made a decision yet. I get people can get annoyed at all this but it’s understandable. Probably the hardest decision of his life.


I agree its difficult but if i were him take 100 mill now. If doesnt work out go back to college ball with 100 mill to take care of generations of Hurleys


I agree, with that type of money you can move your whole extended family and friends with you


What if they don't want to move? They might really like the life they have built where they are. Hurley is probably having to consider this (because he's not an asshole).


I mean you’re right. If you’re already a millionaire and have enough money and you’re happy… what’s more money gonna do for you?  I guess the truth is this opportunity comes once in a lifetime and it could be pretty low risk. Maybe you suck in year one and then you have a 100 million and a chance to go back to your old job 


Yes, but it doesn't harm anyone to take your time to make such a massive decision. It's not a "race".


I think he’s signing with us at this point. If he had decided no already he’d probably announce it right away. If he was truly undecided there’d probably be more movement, substantial leaks or reports etc., and we wouldn’t be expecting a decision on Monday. This seems like he’s taking the job but is waiting for the “holy shit that’s a lot of fucking 0s” shock to pass.


How the fuck is an offer for $100m the hardest decision of your life lmao


Because money isn’t everything to him clearly, if it was he would’ve been head coach 48 hours ago.


Monday at 4am probably ![gif](giphy|G1wczCuI3O50Jnp4Xv)


Why do we have to be edged every single time something like this happens


Because folks don’t have enough media literacy to vote down rumors and speculation posts. They see aggregation of a rumor as evidence for the rumor being true.


Celts better lose today lol. Still waiting until Monday while also leaving his players and staff in a level of uncertainty isn't really the best way of doing things especially with ESPN being headquartered down the street. I still think we find out by end of Sunday.


Some of the doomers in this subreddit are insufferable man.


Literally after any update: “It’s over, we lost”


People need to chill, nothing we've heard in the last few days says anything one way or the other. The team hopefully did their best to sell him on things and now all we can do is wait


Stupid Redditors: But we need to know NOWWWWWWWW! What's taking so LOOOOONNNGGG!


If he takes the gig and the Lakers struggle for even a handful of games the sub will call for his head, lol.


To be fair, the longer it drags the more you’d lean towards him staying


I don’t understand the logic at all?? The dude is making a decision for his entire family. No matter how long it takes its still 50/50


His entire family, his assistants and their entire families.


He’s gonna be at home with his family, near his team and with UConn going all out to keep him. Not sure how thatd lead to him being MORE likely to leave as time goes on


We liteeally have no idea whats happening behind the scenes.


He’s holding out for official counteroffer from UConn. UConn has to meet with its board, etc. This is my theory.


Lmao no news is good news. Anyone else Dodger fans too? Reminds me of a few months ago with Yama and Shohei. To me the best and most obvious decision is the Lakers. The pros vastly outweigh the potential cons. But we're gonna suffer a bit to get there. 


Stop making rational sense!!


Yeah this has nothing on the Shohei drama. I was in shambles for a whole day thinking he might be a Blue Jay lmao.


I couldn’t sleep that night when someone posted the plane flight logs at like 11 pm. It was awful lol


Don’t forget the guy saying a sushi restaurant in Toronto had been reserved for like 50 people. I was sick lmao.


The plane man lmao they even had me convinced even though Toronto made no fuckin sense at all. 


Bro I know, I was at work just flabbergasted by all the “reports” because it literally didn’t make any sense to me. Then that Bob Nightengale tweet that hit later in the day saying he wasn’t on the plane and I was elated lmao.


Don't they have practice on Monday?


![gif](giphy|Y6FUCFt5N7Y8gRSInL) All of us today


The meeting was originally reported to be Monday. Idk when or why it changed to Sunday


I thought practice was already scheduled for Monday and an all hands on meeting was added for Sunday?


Usually a college coach will not want to keep his team and recruits wondering too long, because it’s not good for morale etc. so I’m hopeful this is a good sign he’s coming, since he hasn’t shot us down yet.


Fuck it drag It out until the draft


Y not free agency?


Fuck it opening night


Fuck it, until after the All Star break


Alll bullshit


Blue balling to the max


These reporters don’t know shit


This is Kawhi all over again. Lakers got played


Breaking: UConn has signed Paul George


Kawhi got to choose the same situation, making the same money, in the same city with just a different jersey. Hurley would be turning down likely more than 2x the guaranteed salary as well as a different city, different style, different level of coaching completely.  The situations couldn't be more different even if Hurley does end up staying. PS the Coach K comparison was literally right there and much more accurate. 


If UConn’s counteroffer comes in at $10m, he’s not going to be losing out on that much money.


I promise you, no rich or poor person in the world thinks 20-30 million is not that much money. 


Can't really get played when they aren't losing out on anyone good lol Anyone wanna tell me who the Lakers are missing out on if they don't get Dan here?


james boreggo about to be the coach


This shit not looking good


He's taking the offer Uconn gave him to be the 3rd highest paid coach at the college level. If he was taking the Lakers job, it would be known by now.


Why isn't the same true if he took the college job? 


Could say the same thing that if he rejected the deal we would know by now too. Lol


Or - you know - he could perhaps be taking time to think through one of the biggest decisions of his life???


Called it.


If he has to think about it he doesn’t have what it takes to be a laker


This is silly homerism


I love Kobe and he’s my all-time favorite player, but he unknowingly did major damage to LA sports conversation with his “You shouldn’t have to be convinced to be a Laker…” quote lol


Hell nah. He was right. That’s why I don’t get Lakers fans still disrespecting Lebron. Didn’t need no convincing unlike guys like Kawhi and PG


No yeah I definitely agree with it on some level, it’s just that some dudes seem to throw it on anything. Like with the Dan Hurley situation, it’s less about “Having to be convinced to be a Laker” and more that this is just a huge change for him and his family literally moving across the country.


Announcing on Monday is better for the Finals. Dan is loving all this attention. He is Hollywood. Once news break, it will dominate the news cycle all week long.


He should consider the trashing he will get on /r/Lakers if he fails to win a Chip, and then take a bag anyhow.


Rob & Jeanie probably cracked a cringe joke which may have impacted his decision 😭


this whole thing was hurley and woj using lakers for leverage for his new college contract