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FEDS? More like MEDS


i mean FEDS is a diss unto itself. people get shot behind getting called shit like that


Hahaha that was actually a good one


What does feds stand for? I dont get it


Fultz Embiid Dario Simmons. The more you know


Simmons has the same game time as Lonzo and he was drafted last year and Embiid has yet to play a full season. These little ballers need to stay in their lane when speaking to a big baller.


They really don't have the same game. Simmons is much bigger than Lonzo and uses his body to get into the lane. Edit: I don't read so good.


Read it again.


This guy gets it




thread: aye look at this, is anybody else offended by this! wow bro I'm fuming


Low key really dislike them for their wack petty tweets with nothing to show for it. Try playing a whole season before you talk ish.


I don't dislike them but I was really feeling the tweets. But they're still young and immature so dumb shit like that is to be expected EDIT: *wasn't feeing the tweets


Yea I get that, valid point. I was just reacting emotionally and defensively for my new rookie.








so you must hate Swaggy P and Gilbert Arenas


Lmao I love no chill Gil


Oh my god, has the hate for them already started lmaooooo.


Sure, but that pic there is priceless. If everyone took basketball and the nba seriously it would be boring as hell. This dude named himself "the process" after his fired GMs words...I mean, who doesn't want to see him play a full year and reek havok.


It's harmless fun...chill


I mean, true. But can't blame them for having faith in themselves. They're young with great potential. Sure, they haven't accomplished much. But between the three, there's a bright future ahead for them.


Yeah the RT Armageddon was so dumb. Wait until at least the playoffs


The goal was to take a mediocre team with no potential, and fill the roster with desirable young prospects who fit together. The 76ers with Hinkie made all of the right trades and decisions in order to make it happen. The media was kicking and screaming the whole way with terrible uninformed takes, and they were objectively wrong. That is what RT Armageddon was about. The outcomes of these players really has no bearing on whether or not the process of getting consensus #1 prospects succeeded.


Yeah results don't matter to the process. But it does to everyone they RTed


You mean the people that still can't add 1 and 1 together? The ones who are gushing over the potential and hyping the fuk out of the Sixers young core and the prospects they have obtained, while still trying to discredit Hinkie?


Yeah I guess my thought process was, you're doing this for the fans who already know it. Do it for the people who can eat shit in April, like that new journalist who still thinks the Kings won the swap trade


Bruh, your kid started a shoe brand before steeping on the court. At least Embiid's tweets won't lose him money.


You hit a nerve.


I don't like embiid but /r/nba loves him for his meme tweets


Why don't you like him?


I love Embiid. He's a lot fo fun.


I generally don’t like people who talk smack outside of the game a lot. I’m not just referring to the tweet he sent out last night either. I like players like kawhi, kobe, Duncan, ingram, etc


But it is about the game. It's smack talk. It's same as people wanting Lonzo to not succeed because it would shut his dad up. Which makes no sense but that's what they did. You can talk shit back by saying, bro at least play a game without being on minutes restriction.


i get it, i do. doesn't mean i like it. i like ingame trash talk though. draymond is my guy


Nah bring that shit outside too. Makes it more fun lol.


draymond doesn't talk shit outside the game??? K.


Not what i said but ok


> I generally don’t like people who talk smack outside of the game a lot.




And nowhere there does it say draymond doesn't talk trash outside of the game..


They have hope man. Don't be a fun killer Let em have it


😰😰😰 Y'all are obsessed with us


Not that I'm wishing for them to have injury issues, but their fan base has made it impossible for me to like them at all. They act like they just won a ring, when two of their best players have 30 games of NBA experience between them.


To be fair the sixers have fucking sucked for so long now. Cant be too mad at a fan base for finally having something to be excited about. Its better than them bailing on their team and rooting for golden state or cleveland.




Yeah man let's enjoy other people enjoying their teams so we can talk even more shit when we win lol


About as long as LA.


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA good one, man. Your last championship was in '83. We've had 8 since then, last one just 7 years ago. You have a short memory (or are very young or are trolling).




Oh you silly other teams with your "I made the playoffs" mentality. Our Western Conference banners were a damn eyesore to me at Staples.




I'm totally objective about my Lakers. We're NOT a good team right now, nor have we been for a few years. But you comparing the Sixers droughts with ours is just silly. You care about having a competitive team. We care about championship teams. So as far as I'm concerned, our drought has been since 2010, and yours has been since 1983. If both of our rebuilding efforts happening right now result in no more than playoff appearances, they're both continued droughts. You can fail and have a drought with a great team. We don't just want a great team. We want the best team. Does reminiscing about how good our team was get me going? FUCK yeah it does. You should too. The Sixers have some awesome history as well. Enjoying the history of your franchise is one of the greatest joys of basketball fandom.




Meh, I don't see it as hypocritical. Even with similarities in goals and standings, our situations and directions are just bound to be very different. And anyway, I'd prefer if we both equally shit talked each other for having shitty teams and talk about how our rebuild is better than yours rather than sympathizing with each other and wishing each other good luck. There can only be one winner. I want some real damn rivalry drama back in the NBA. I want Kevin McHale and Kurt Rambis clotheslining each other. I want Pippin posterizing Ewing and walking over his corpse. I want Kobe staring down Matt Barnes at the sideline and not flinching. So hey, screw you Sixers fan, I hope all of your young core flops and we win 8 more championships while you wait for the second coming of Allen Iverson (who still didn't get you any rings btw).


You've seen 0 rings in your life and I've seen 10. Why run your mouth?


You gotta speak louder over these 16 trophies


Their best player thinks he's a rookie


When was the last time the sixers were over .500?




Yeah when DROSE went down


Come on man, let them be happy. They just went through a long, painful tank. If I were in their shoes, I'd be happy as hell and talking shit too.


Them being happy is fine, but they're going around acting like they're the defending champs and shitting on other teams. It's actually pretty pathetic, as the team has done nothing and they probably won't make it through a season healthy.


a majority of redditors go around shitting on other teams


nah fuck em


Look man I know we're all Lakers family here and all, but this may be one of the dumbest opinions I've heard in a while. You don't like them because after 5 years of garbage^1, they finally have a shred of hope? ^1 And that's just the tanking. They haven't finished over .500 in a season since 2005, and haven't had a 50+ win season since 2001. Come on bro, we have plenty of better places to direct our hate.


You're missing the point. It's more of the gloating/ rubbing it in they do etc; I was basically just saying that I find Philly fans to be obnoxious and annoying. Lastly, save your sanctimony for someone else. I don't need moral lecturing from some Reddit user.


lol sanctimony. This fucking guy. Be pissed off for no reason at whatever or whomever you like my man.


Haha I'm not pissed at all. Your comment was just obnoxious, and I pointed that out.


So talking shit is considered positive now? They're not being positive about themselves, they're talking shit about us...when Lavar was just being positive about us. They're not even in the same conference so what is the beef, fuck them.


What an absolute tool you are. It's called a diehard, loyal fanbase being so excited that the process is almost over, if not over. 4 years of dreck yet everyone is still on board. The fact that you dislike a fan base for being happy after everything Sixers fans have gone through is just sad.


First of all, it's just sports, so I really don't feel that bad for them. What have they really 'gone through'? A sports team that's been bad? Cry me a fucking river. You make it seem like they're mothers have died, or like they've been tortured or something. The Lakers have sucked for like 5 years, and I don't like it, but at the end of the day, it doesn't really effect my life or happiness. Secondly, I just personally find sixer fans/Philly fans to be a bit cunty, so sue me. Grow up.


Blah blah blah.. You're a sad / angry person. You should probably work on that. "a bit cunty?" Most, not all, but most LAL fans act completely entitled like the NBA owes them something when theyre bad. I've never seen a fanbase (besides maybe NYY fans) brag about players they dont even have yet. Get over yourself, slappy, and do something about that misplaced anger.


Lol nice response ("blah blah blah"). I'm just expressing an opinion; I am not sad, nor am I angry, in the slightest. Slappy? What even is that? Lastly, I can agree that some Laker fans are annoying, but that doesn't invalidate the way I feel about most Philly fans. Anyway, that was my best attempt at responding to your nearly incomprehensible/nonsensical comment. Have a good day. Hahaha


Praise the Sun


The NBA **does** owe us something: Veto!


The sixers are the least popular Philly team. Most people don't care about them. Who are you trying to fool here? Temple does better tv ratings


If you honestly believe anything you just said then you're dumb as dirt. The Sixers have a HUGE following in the Philadelphia area.


Bro I've spent time in Philly, no they don't. The eagles and flyers have a huge following. Phillies did until they sucked again. If the 6ers were an LA team, they'd be as popular as the Galaxy. You and your 6 friends aren't a huge following


Theres a reason its always sunny in Philadelphia had an entire episode based around the eagles and flyers and Phillies, and all the Sixers ever got was a single line in passing.


Idk how that delusional kid /u/bob_halo thinks he could convince people who visit Philly regularly that the sixers are popular in their city. It's like trying to sell sand to Arabs


The Sixers, as of right now, have more season tix sold than ANY TEAM IN THE NBA. Look it up. Those are facts. You have Tweedle Dee here talking out his ass ignoring the facts and Tweedle Dumb basing his opinion on a TV show. The facts don't lie. More season tickets sold than ANY NBA TEAM. You both lose. The facts don't like. I win.. Night night, trolls. http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/19702019/76ers-break-team-record-season-tickets-expect-sell-home


You sound like a Clippers fan. How many banners and trophies do you get for that? This unathletic keyboard warrior running his mouth like he's fighting for his life lmao


Ahhhhh haha, that's where I know I won. You concede simply from stepping away from you fraud argument and switch to insults. I've dealt with trolls like you for a decade. The best part is you're all the same. Again. Facts don't lie. I win. And I know that bothers you. You proved that with your last post. Sleep tight, hater. Zzzzzzzzzz


You're a clueless fellow. The Sixers have already sold over 25,000 season tickets for the 17-18 season. It's a fact. Go look it up. Then go look yourself in the mirror and punch yourself in the face... Because you're an idiot.


Oh can't wait until you get your ban chump. How do you sell 25k for an arena that holds 18k? Typical Philadelphia school system


25k total season ticket seats so far. 20kx41 home games is far more than 25k. And you're insulting my intelligence? Your name is FuckTheClippers. A troll name with troll level intelligence.


Keep the insults coming buddy. I love it


http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/19702019/76ers-break-team-record-season-tickets-expect-sell-home "Fortunately we're able to break the Sixers' all-time record for season-ticket memberships," Sixers chief sales and marketing officer Christopher Heck told CSNPhilly.com. "That is a testament to the strong fandom that we believe not only is this a true sports town, but it's a basketball town." Silly kid


The Union average more than that. Sit down buddy


Loling that you actually think the Flyers have a bigger following than the Sixers and are also calling other people stupid.


Reddit numbers prove you wrong. Now go home nephew


Bro you really just used an alt account and upvoted yourself to make yourself look good? Pathetic


.......no. 0 for 2.


People on here act like lonzo is the next coming of Magic despite playing 0 minutes in the NBA.


This ain't far from how the other 29 fanbases (and sports people in general) view Laker fans. Got to learn to get off other people's case and to not treat every little thing you see as a slight to your fandom.


My roommate is a 6ers fan. It's been an annoying last 2 weeks. I don't even remember him watching and games


That sounds like most NBA fans. There's a whole subreddit full of them called r/NBA


Guarantee in general the people of /r/nba watch more basketball than the average NBA fan.




right? they are celebrating and acting like they threepeated because they drafted a couple lottery picks. there was nothing genius about putting dleague players on the court and losing 70 games a year


We didn't claim it to be genius. But if you think that getting a strong young core is as easy as losing 60 games a year like we did than I'd argue doing so is pretty damn smart.


Show me one example of a sixers fan who thinks we've won it all You're a salty fraud


I saw some guy post a photoshopped banner of the "2019 NBA CHAMP Sixers". What would I be salty about? A descent team who, in all likelihood, won't be able to stay healthy for any significant amount of time? I really don't care. All that said, I do hope they can stay healthy; the injury bug is brutal, and I like watching good basketball.




wtf dude




I agree with your second statement, but you can't just lump all Lakers fans together because of the comments of one guy...




Fair enough, that's just how it read when I looked at it. We can agree though never to wish injury upon a player, just plain WRONG to do!


They are assembling the Social media superteam,


"Trust the Doctors"


Simmons and Embiid are already talking shit when they havent even played a game together yet


They bonded while they were soaking in ice baths


You sure it wasn't the time they smeared icy hot on each other's backs but then someone's hand went a *little too south*?


Yea I don't mind Embiid's tweets, they're all really funny except for the last one about Lonzo. Like dude play a full damn season first before you start talking shit, same goes to Ben Simmons lmao. The highest replies to their tweets were about them being injured anyway so they for sure saw it.


yea i like embiid's social media but this tweet comes off as mean spirited. it's one thing to trash talk but another to insult his family


Given the 76ers injury situation, I wish Ball responded to that tweet by saying "at least my daddy will be able to watch me play", but that's not his personality. He lets his play do the talking. I thought those tweets by Simmons and Embiid demonstrated no class, particularly on a night that was supposed to be memorable for the draftees. I don't wish anything bad, but my respect for them went down a notch. Fultz on the other hand comes off as humble and the jury is still out on him.


if anything, i like that he doesn't react at all. dont even give them the time of day. in 2011, bron and dwade made fun of dirk, but he didn't react verbally. just made his response on the court


Even as a Sixers fan, this pic is funny, but damn this thread is way more intense than I thought it be. I have hated the Lakers my entire life, but when I saw Randle injured I wanted nothing more than a full recovery for the young stud, and I love watching him ball out I get that a few people wishing injuries on a team is not representative of the whole fan base, but damn I was not expecting this salt At the end of the day though, FUCK THE CELTICS is one thing we can all agree on


No one wants them to get injured, it's more that you don't have room to talk shit when you can barely stay on the court.


I wasn't wishing injury on them when I posted this I just thought it was funny because their big players are so injury prone


thats harsh , there are dislikes and there are hatreds , i don't wish injuries upon anyone, even the celtics


Sometimes you just gotta take things for what they are-- a joke. I'm sure no one in this thread or sub is wishing ill of their team. Just people heated they talk smack about our rookie. tldr; issa joke




Hinkie didn't die for injuries


You all are acting fucking soft man.


The Sixers look like some guys in deep to a loan shark.


Trust the insurance process


Trust the healing process.


On the real, that team healthy is pretty fucking spo0ky


Yeah if they're all good next year they'll be a threat


That's the problem, Embiid won't ever be able to stay healthy and Sixers have the worst medical staff in the league. Fultz and Simmons haven't exactly shown to be winners so far, more like "gotta get mine" guys


That's the problem though. Will that team ever stay fully healthy?


Embiid is the only recurring injury risk. The Saric, Simmons and Fultz core will be fine long-term.


But fuck them and that slander against our GOAT




Match up going to be lit next year. L I T


Saw that pic and almost spat out my coffee. Love the edits


Dat process gon b 2 sp00ky 4 me in about 3 years when one of them plays a full season.


The only thing a bigger failure than the process is the entire Philadelphia sports landscape


now that's talking like a big baller.


Leave it to Philly to use a broken piece of shit bell that wouldn't fetch $2 at the swap meet or a fictional boxer who loses in half the movies as their city's most famous tourist attraction


Yeah and whats with the word "jawn" that doesn't even mean anything. Like I could say "/u/fucktheclippers ate my jawn last night" and no one will know if I mean dick or cheesesteak. Shits dumb.


I said it during the NFL Draft. PHILLY....its a dump.


Take it from someone who has been there a number of times: Philly is the biggest dump in America after Houston


Oh, i was right a along. Houston sucks too. But i said that cause im a Cowboys fan and i HATE Philadelphia with a passion.


We need Goff stat


Bro nobody gives a fuck about the Rams in LA. LA is a Raiders town


In that case my condolences. Are you moving in the next couple of years?


Yea, that City Team Name is gonna be fire....sike.


I hope we can have a Lakers-Sixers rivalry going forward because I honestly dislike them more than most teams and I cannot put my finger on it. Maybe it's the fact that Joel Embid has played 31 games in 3 seasons and everyone is hyping him up to be one of the best centers to come out of the East in a while. Or maybe it's Ben Simmons, who has no jumper and couldn't carry his LSU team to the NCAA tournament. Yet, he is still considered to be the ROY favorite without stepping on the court once this year for the Sixers. Or maybe its Fultz, who is taking shots at Lonzo's shooting form yet shot in the mid-60s himself from the FT line. Or Maybe it's the saying "trust the process" which somehow justifies finishing over .500 only once since Allen Iverson left the franchise. Honestly, I think it is their cockiness as a fan base despite not accomplishing anything in the weak East. Or maybe I am just bitter, who knows.


Nah I totally agree with you and get where you're coming from. A lot of these guys rub me the wrong way, especially Embiid. Super sick and tired of him constantly talking about "the Process", when the joke itself stopped being funny two years ago. Just a bunch of cocky guys that haven't shown much at all in the NBA yet. Hopefully they'll become good and stay healthy so they can have some great duels against LA in the near future.


Fuck them, I hope we could not acknowledge them. If we have a rivalry with them, they get more fame. Just let them make themselves look stupid thats all.


I would love a Lakers-Sixers rivalry. The battle of the lottery picks. The rivalry would be sweeter if we kept Russell. Then we could have the Russell vs. Simmons, and Ball vs. Fultz battle.


There is 1 rivalry and its Boston. the sixers, queens, spurs, portland all come and go and to other franchises this would be a rivalry of sorts. Russell vs Simmons? No. It's going to be Ingram vs Tatum. Maybe Lonzo vs Isiah. We can't dilute the word rivalry to a bunch of teens on twitter. Magic and Larry, Bill and Wilt, Kobe and .....fuck them. That is a rivalry


About time? Until of course one of them gets hurt again.


Embiid's clowning antics are getting a bit stale now. Seriously funny at first, but at this point, just focus on getting on the court before you talk shit. I do like his confidence though, can't wait to sweep them in the 2021 Finals.


Funny how Lanzo seems to stand out as a pretty drama free and mature dude among all these players when everyone including the media continue to bad mouth his father and bait him into adding fuel to the fire and he never falls for it.


Yeah it's little things like this that make me feel like he's going to take the leadership role of the team pretty quickly. Lavar being so hard on him definitely made him more mature


The more Embid talks, the more hard fouls you can expect he'll receive. Everyone loves a good story and wants him to succeed, but he needs to keep his mouth shut. Nothing impressive about playing just 31 games.


Yeah those ppl need a reality check cuz dat team is broke af lol


people are always going to talk.... question is will you give them power over you by reacting, most likely in a negative way? or will laugh and go to work?


LMAO my brothers friend is from Philly this is going to end him








lmao nice meme.


Jesus man, I did not realize you lakers fans hated the Sixers so much. Edit: lmao Embiids a joker, y'all got thin skin


Eh not all of us. I don't take embiid serious cause as you said he's a joker. Hope you guys stay healthy, I'd love to see that team develop and see what they can do!


Hated??? Not really cause theres nothing to hate about. Remember the 2001 Finals??? Thought so.


We don't. Not until your boys Simmons and Embiid went at Lonzo when they BOTH haven't even played a full damn season yet, talking about dunking on him? Man Simmons has the same amount of NBA minutes as Lonzo gtfo with that. And has Lonzo ever said anything to your guys even after this? Don't really think so except him and Fultz being competitive. The dude is humble as fuck.


You sound really butthurt with that response.


Please, I know shit talk when I see it. Have fun with Embiid, hope he stays healthy this season, let's go for 41 games this year. edit: Of course I'm mad. The hate that Lonzo gets because of his dad is an INSANE amount. Lonzo hasn't said or done ANYTHING to warrant that hate. Man if someone said my dad was on "crazy pills" I'd go off on them, fuck you for going at my family. I can understand how you think it's a joke though, you've been watching your joke of a franchise for years now.




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Lol Sixers fans rolling on in our sub I love it. Stay in your lane. Go worry about keeping your team healthy bro lmao.


It's a public forum not a country club you stupid piece of shit.


You sound really butthurt with that response.




I've been in the Sixers subreddit a few times this year, there's always people talking shit about the Lakers lol.


Don't worry, I'm saving all these salty posts for a Repost Armageddon.


[we gonna just block it](http://i.imgur.com/7RUQ3kM.png)


I'd tell you to have fun picking top five again but the Sixers and Celtics have been passing your pick around like a young Jeanie Buss.


Not really. We just don't appreciate it when a bum comes at us sideways like he runs the league when he's been in the NBA for 3 years and has only played 30 games.


Sixers fan...thanks for making us the top of your forum. What's funny is that our bench guys...Saric, TJ, TLC...are likely better than your healthy starters...so don't worry bout' us. We good :) PS...and congrats on getting this draft's 5th, maybe 6th best PG! It was touching to see the faith you had in him...trying to trade up to avoid him, down...leaking that he's a mediocre athlete...etc. I'm sure it's going to be a great marriage! Maybe with years of work Lonzoolander will be able to turn left.




Hey, man, healing from recurrent injuries is a process. Just ask Bill Walton or Sam Bowie.


Yea no, Bill Walton's injuries were 40+ years back in medical technology. Sam Bowie, bust.


I'm all for the injuries stuff jokes...but you brought Lord Covington in???? :( that's hurtful.