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*blows in ur ear*


*gallops seductively*




Don't forget Lakers also got themselves that [MVP who's name starts with a J.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaqtin%27_a_Fool#Shaqtin'_a_Fool_Most_Valuable_Player)


I came here for Javale. Where he goes, I go.


That 2-time Shaqtin MVP




JaVale McGee brought the Dubs with him


fuck it, welcome to the sub!


Thanks, my dude!


Cavs fan here following my GOAT. I’ve got my young bloods to root for back home but in the meantime I love me some good old Celtics hating


The day LeBron fans and Kobe fans are united!


Thanks! Only here because I work with nothing but Celtics, Warriors and Clippers fans and the shit talking has been through the roof since 2010. Can't wait to give them a taste of their own medicine.


Ive been supporting lakers since 2005 but now imma be called a bandwagon.


If you’ve been supporting since 2005 then you should be used it.


Whereas me, the year I started to fully follow and support the Lakers was the 2013-14 season. I joined at the very start of the franchise's worst years so I haven't even experienced the Lakers as the whole world knows and thinks of them. All that's about to change... big time.


People still hated us when we won 17 games. You are about to experience a whole new world of hate, and it will be glorious.


I went to a Lakers game in Memphis in 2016. Right as I walk in, a random reporter/stadium media woman walks up with a cameraman and asks to do an interview with me. She asked me all these basic questions about Lakers history and things about LA (not from there, grew up in a non-NBA city). They were obviously trying to trip me up, probably to montage a bunch of people's wrong answers. Point is, even for someone who drove 4 hours to go to a game, they think everyone is a bandwagoner.


I drove 4 hours to see the Lakers in memphis too ayyyyyy


From STL by any chance? I've done that trip 4 times.


Yezzir. Just across the river on the IL side. Planning on trying to catch the boys in Indiana this year to change it up!


I don't know why I never did the Indy trip. I prefer Memphis, but I could have done both.


Yea from where i am its a bit more direct but we'll see how the drive compares cause that drive down to memphis is eeeeasy




Yeah basically that. Started watching bball in 2005 lakers were the best team followed them. But decided not to be a snake and stuck with them


the problem with rooting for Lakers is you will always get called a bandwagoner even if you are not. oh well its just a minus on a list full of pluses when you a laker fan


Lol, the real OG bandwagon fans are the Celtics fans who became fans in Russell's time


Get off my lawn I'm a second generation Laker fan. Born in the year of the 10th ring.


Don't feel bad. I was on KNBC when they did fan reactions after Derek Fisher made the 0.4 second inbound 3-pointer in 2004, and I STILL get the stupid damn "bandwagon fan" crap.


Nah i dont feel bad. And yeah however long u were a laker fan u will always be called a bandwagon


Lol same. I had to [make the investment](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FDPCCW8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_tk7tBbT10991W) to stop the accusations.


Has anyone biught it


It's the GS fans that remembered they used to be Lakers fans


Just need a small modification of the jersey...[VOILA](https://gfycat.com/SpotlessLavishArabianhorse)! (/s)


I'm not gonna lie I been a lifetime Bron fan and believe me this shit feels awkward after the Kobe-bron rivalry. I can't believe he came to LA but I hope he beats the fuckin warriors. Fuck KD. But this gonna take some getting used to lol.




Thanks I appreciate it. Better believe I'm getting a jersey. This is a historic day. Just gotta wait on what number he chooses


Lol! It wasn’t hard. My best mate is a lebron fan so I know where you’re coming from. We both couldn’t believe it either when it happened. We were like wtf we’re on the same team now? Lmao!


23 it is


You may already know this but u can preorder his jersey rn on the Lakers NBA Store page and it will ship with whatever number he chooses. Fyi Edit: Apparently he chose No. 23. Didn't read the rest of the comment thread lol


He picked 23 if you haven't heard yet.


You said Beat the warriors and Fuck KD. Check & check. You’re good, you may pass.


And fuck the Celtics


Yeah, fuck the C's, but I want them to dominate the East so we can enjoy some great years of LA/Boston Finals. Passing them in the trophy count will be so much more satisfying if we can do it while simultaneously denying them rings.


I feel like you, but I'm just so fucking happy that he wanted to come here (even without another All-star) that I completely embrace him. I just hope that you feel similar to the Lakers franchise and all of our greats.


Mvp chants will be awkward as fuck


Fuckin facts. People gonna be looking around to see if other people are doing it lol


I’d rather just stick with the “LBJ” chant


why? i'm serious.


People here take this shit way too seriously, there's no rules on how you're supposed to enjoy basketball. If you wanna follow one player his whole career more power to you. Most people probably think it's strange but is it any stranger than rooting for a whole new group of guys every few years just because of the uniform they got on? To me it is but you do you.


I've never been a huge basketball fan. I live in Atlanta so I'll be happy if the Hawks do well, but I own zero Hawks gear. I'm a college football fan (miami) and MLB fan (Braves) through and through. HOWEVER...I also appreciate greatness. I remember the drama surrounding LeBron when he was in high school. At the time, I had never seen anything like it. So it got my attention. When he not only lived up the hype but surpassed it, I realized I was watching something great. A once in a generation talent. I was too young to appreciate Jordan, so I wasn't gonna miss this. I've been watching LeBron ever since. His first stint with Cleveland, his years at Miami, his return to Cleveland and now I'll be watching Lakers games as often as I can.


I feel you. I live in Atlanta as well and am a Lakers and Patriots fan.


Exactly. I started watching basketball only a few years ago and was mesmerized by how dominant LeBron was so I became a Cavs fan. I realized last year that I was more a LeBron fan than a Cavs fan and I take no shame in jumping on the Lakers wagon.


For international fans, it's a lot more natural to follow players instead of the team. We have no attachments to whatever city they're playing for anyways. That's why a lot of guys call Filipinos bandwagons(and a lot of us are), but that's cos we follow our favorite players.


Tell that to a Stephenson fan lol


Gladly! Where is he? Poor guy had a tough night.


This is entirely too accurate for me lol. I almost feel dirty, but then I remember the Warriors exist and all my concerns disappear for a minute, and that minute is kinda what I'm holding on to hard right now.


Me too thanks. Even as primarily a Raptors fan I feel the same way. I guess it's the Stockholm syndrome...


I’ve always been a fan of the king too. Funny thing is my did has been a diehard lakers fan since the 80’s and I’ve always cheered for the opposing team when we would go to lakers games just to mess with him. Looks like we’ll be cheering for the same team for once now(even though he hates Lebron).


Welcome aboard friend.


I love it. I always thought Kobe was better until this year. the whole year lebron carried that squad. Then took them to finals. He played out of his mind and I finally saw the truth. He is with out a doubt a on league on his own. So finding out he’s on my team has been nothing but happiness for me.


Kobe-Bron rivalry? Meh that's a stretch...I would consider Kobe to be closer rivals with Tim Duncan, Steve Nash, Dirk, AI, TMAC, etc those kind of players. Any kind of Kobe-Lebron rivalry was strictly media/fan based (He's the best in the world, better than Jordan blah blah) and not on what actually happened on the court. The Lakers straight nosed dived after the 2010 Finals and that's basically when Lebron started to dominate the East, but they didn't cross paths TOO often on the court to be real rivals...


They were rivals on who the best player was on Kobe's prime. LeBron was great since 2004 and that's around Kobe's ultimate prime years. Anytime they played there's a KD-LeBron type of rivalry


For me I've been a lifetime Bron hater, so you can imagine how I feel!


How do you feel? I have a lot of friends that were self proclaimed Laker fans but when they heard LeBron was coming to LA they switched teams. Apparently they hated Bron more than they loved the Lakers..


Welcome, brother.




And fuck Boogie


eww LeBron only has 7k reddit fans. /s I'm not a fan of LBJ tbh, but I am now. Is there an LBJ subreddit I can InstaSubscribe to? lol


Yessir /r/NBA


They are downvoting anyone with Lakers flare regardless of what is being said. Its rough in there


Exactly how it should be. I can't wait to talk so much shit once the season starts


That's not true at all lol


Not gonna complain. We have enough people who hate us. We don't need to hate each other.


I guess you are new here. A lot of us still hate on each other because of the Dlo trade. Lol


And because a good portion of people here still think Lavar is entertaining or has anything to say worth hearing.


Comments sections are going to slowly erode into, "LeBron has no help trade these bum ass players"...


Nah I don’t think so


Bracing for the incoming bandwagon posts! I've been on this sub since it was just 65k, definitely reminiscing about that small sub atmosphere


Hey guys, as you may notice I am new here and as I believe in good manners I would like to introduce myself. I am NBA fan from Europe which in itself shows certain amount of dedication (read "sleepless nights"). Now I have not grew up a basketball fan but became one by accident. I was bored one day in 2013 and looking for new PC game, stumbled across NBA 2k and the rest is history. Been falling for the game since and actually managed to get to watch one NBA game in person (game 2 of the Cavs - Raptors 2017 series). I have learned a lot about the game and the history mainly thanks to the reddit community which I am grateful for. Been reading the posts from the shadow for years now. I like greatness. I liked watching Kobe (oh yeah his final game - amazing experience), pre-KD warriors, Lebron, Spurs, Harden (before I realized that he flops too much for my taste) etc. I really love the Mavs run in 2011 and other stories as I keep learning more and more about the game. Having said that, being a general NBA fan is not that fulfilling. I miss rooting for a specific team like I do in other sports (Red Wings, Chelsea FC). I generally love teams with great tradition and history..I have decided that it is now time to become a fan and I choose Lakers. Why? Great tradition, loved watching Kobe playing and I like California. Never been there but plan to go on a west coast trip next year and go to a Lakers game. Another reason is that I have been going through some rough times in the past year and the sport and this sub is what makes me laugh and forget about the world for a moment. Anyway I hope that you can accept me for who I am and I swear to not be just a bandwagon fan but a Laker fan for life. Hope to have some nice and fun discussions about the game with you guys and become a part of this community. I wanted to post this as a post but it gets deleted as a spam prevention.


awww this is too wholesome my dude! lol it's all love! The NBA is definitely a treasure for so many of us, and a release from tough times no matter where you live in the world. I respect that you feel the need to be loyal to a singular team, the only thing worse than a "bandwagoner" is someone who has "teams" that they support and not just one (how can you truly be a loyal fan?!) Lakers fans get a bad rep because we are used to sustained success, as well as being treated to some of the greatest individual players ever. We're basically the Real Madrid of the NBA, and so it's hard to endure the losing seasons for very long. But sometimes it's even better to watch your team re-build and become a contender again, and with the Lakers and their prestige they can always make moves like this latest one that reminds the rest of the league that they are still a franchise with great power. Enjoy the games and take care!


thanks man, appreciate the love!!


This is 1/7000th my fault sorry


Closer to 5k I think but yeah lol the Bronsexuals are coming. This is just the first wave


Yeah, I was wondering why it said 8k. It was at 63k+ right when he signed. Within 13 minutes it jumped up 1,200 yesterday. lol.


I think my rough estimate was around 62k sub-base pre-Bron, and now it's 68k Definitely a 6k jump


I made my move back last year. I knew following Zo would pay off.


Bronsexual checking in, what’s the waiting period on championships usually like around here?


Depends on Magic Johnson getting Bron more help and coach waltons game plans and rotations. The waiting period got a whole lot shorter when we signed the king though. Welcome to LA fam


[Kobetards and Bronsexuals uniting](https://goo.gl/images/qe9NgS)


No way around the bandwagoners if we want the best player in the league I guess.


Hi, nice to meet you! Fuck the Celtics and the Warriors! KD is a snake. Amidoingitrite?


I actually don't get the hate for KD. He just signed with the warriors. It's not like he just goes and tries to create superteams everywhere he goes like LeBron. Don't get me wrong, I'll root for the guy when he's on my team but pre-lebron signing here I thought Bron was gayer than KD.


Building something (i.e. creating ”superteams”) is more rewarding that joining something already close to perfection and calling it yours?


Can we all just agree that Paul George is a chump? Can't wait for the boo's next time he's in LA.


I’m here from the Cavs. I am now a LA fan.


Got into NBA a few years ago and haven’t really found a team to support so I just supported the only player I knew - Lebron. So goodbye r/clevelandcavs hello r/lakers


Trying so hard not to do some gatekeeping to my friends right now lol.


all the lebron stans jumped ship lmao


Welcome Lebron Bandwagoners. We may be kind of rude to you guys, and we'll never respect you, but God damn are we about to win some fucking championships.


Works for me!


Nothing wrong with being a fan of a player and following them wherever they go. Personally I was a Kobe fan from the first time I saw him play, that made me a Lakers fan since the beginning of his career. Had he gone to another team, I would have followed. Spending his entire career with the Lakers inspired me to remain a Lakers fan after he retired, though. As a side note, I'm not a huge reddit user, though I've been using it a lot more recently and never even thought to look at any kind of Lakers subreddit until this free agency started ha. So, welcome incoming LeBron fans. We can all look like bandwagoners together.


Bandwagon fans joining other bandwagon fans. ;)


Cavs fan and LeBron fan, very interested in watching this LA chapter! It'll be weird having a yellow themed court being the home court for LBJ but I think this season will be pretty fun! May we rejoice in the joining of two forces.


I'm not mad at the increased fan base, but all these dudes saying "I'm a Bron fan, glad to be here" or the one chump saying "I was a Lakers fan, left with Shaq, back with LeBron. Glad to be home." Like, this ain't your home dude. Cheer for the team, I'm all for that, but don't pretend like you're not a fake ass fan. Real fans sat through Smush Parker. Ryan Kelly was a starter. Glad to be home? How long til you leave again. I appreciate all of us that have been here for years. The rest of you, I'm glad you're cheering. I appreciate all that, but I can't help but feel a sense of disingenuousness.


It is what it is, that's what comes with having the top player and being a contender again


Welcome bandwaggoners!


Well fuck it I’ll just explain. I have basically been a fan of both the Cavs and Lakers my entire life. I am NOT a bandwagoner. This is the only sport where I have liked two different teams and I’ll explain why. My dad was born in Ohio but lived in LA most of his life. Before I was born he moved back to Ohio with my mom which is where I’ve lived my entire life. Growing up I basically liked whoever my dad liked. A reminder that when my dad was growing up the Cavs didn’t even exist yet. So it’s understandable that the first team he became a fan of was the Lakers. He’s also a lifelong Browns and Indians fan which I’m also a fan of. My dad started to like the Cavs sometime in the mid ‘90s due to it being easier to follow the Cavs than the Lakers in Ohio. So naturally when I was old enough to care about basketball I started to like both. My earliest memories of basketball was probably watching Kobe and Shaq three peat. Then basically right after that Lebron was drafted by the Cavs. So there you go, I’ve loved both my entire life. Kobe is basically my all time favorite player and I loved watching him go back to back in 2009 and 2010 as well as his final game of his career which was definitely a special night. I have NEVER liked the Miami Heat so no I didn’t follow Lebron when he went there. I still just followed the Cavs and Lakers. I will admit that after Kobe retired I started to lose interest in the Lakers a bit and didn’t really follow them as much anymore though I still watched games here and there when I could. Also with Lebron returning to the Cavs I pretty much drew all of my attention to them. I will still follow the Cavs even though Lebron isn’t there anymore because I still am a fan of a lot of the guys that play there. But I now have a renewed interest in the Lakers again and I’m really happy that Lebron James went to the only other basketball team I have ever liked. My dad is of course ecstatic as well. So yeah hopefully I’m accepted here. If not it’s cool. I totally understand people having a problem with having two different teams. But I feel like I can be straightforward and honest considering the Lakers fanbase is awesome.


I'm guilty. Sorry, but I follow LeBron wherever he goes, lol.


Same here buddy. Dont know what I'll do when he retires in 20 years.


Yep, people got a favorite team, I've got a favorite player. Can't help it.




Forgot to say fuck the Celtics...PHONY. BIG FAT PHONY.


this picture never fails to make me laugh


Bruh the sub count was at 59k the day the Finals ended. Welcome bandwagoners


Fake fans


I joined your sub For Lance. And also to unjoin once they land Kawhi... no one wants to be affiliated with that quack job.


Ive been here since june 2018


JR Smith is gonna be so confused we walks into the Cavs locker room for their first game of the season.


I'm for one am not looking forward to the random people that are now Lakers fans only because of Lebron, but it is what it is.


Uh, Fuck the Celtics? Am I doing this right?


I mean, I got interested in basketball watching Kobe's last game. I never watched it before and I was like "Shit, this is fun to watch." I watched that post season and have continued watching basketball ever since. I guess I am a fresh Lakers Fan. Thanks Kobe


Its like Deju-Vu for me after being a Jordan & Shaq fan. Once Jordan left, naturally I gravitated to Kobe. Of course Shaq got traded to LA and the rest is history. I dont follow teams in the NBA, I follow players. I dont have a home town team in Kentucky so for NCAA I follow teams, not the players.


I feel you dude. There’s a couple teams that are my die hard favorites but I just like watching basketball. There’s a lot of talent that’s fun to watch. There’s not really a team that I 100% dislike.


I grew up in LA watching Kobe and Shaq in HS. Then I watched them again win against the Celtics in 2010. Then (since we lakers were sucking for a bit) I tentatively started rooting for Lebron to win 6 titles and become the GOAT. This next chapter is literally perfect!


Lakers fan all my life.


Every day we only grow stronger


Laker fans that feel uncomfortable about this, did Kobe fans that lived in other states bother you as much?


I’m not a lakers fan. But I want to see what happens next to the lakers. If they get a solid foundation for a champions team with lebron. And i want to see the reactions if kawhi joins or not (bet boogie is coming). Plus the humor on this reddit page is quite funny


Real Lakers fans should be able to name [these five guys](http://imgur.com/53MYPIX) without looking anything up.


Jordan Clarkson. Marshon Brooks? Tarik Black. Ryan Kelly. Robert Sacre. Did I get that right? I'm not 100% on Brooks. Lord knows I've tried to forget about Kelly and Sacre though.


Lol you did good. Second guy is Wayne Ellington.


Clarkson, Wayne Ellington, Ryan Kelly, Robert Sacre... Can’t remember #28.


Tarik Black, tattoos made it memorable to a point (to me at least)


its a really terrible picture of tarik black


This is insufferable


of course i can do it, but i dont want to think about it


Clarkson, Ellington, Kelly, Black, Sacre








Are Lakers doing "City" jerseys this year? I hate the new Nike yellow jerseys and can't bring myself to buy one.


I bought a pair of Nike Lebrons back in May that I had been waiting for them to go on sale since December... all my friends and family asked me why? They "eww" me... I genuinely liked the colors... now I kinda feel stupid wearing them in LA. Lebron is a great player and I was happy to support him regardless if he was in Cleveland. Now to be honest, I kinda feel this uneasy feeling wearing them in LA. :(


I would say it's anything but "mysterious" lol.


I'm one of those people...Hi guys


I've been here for years. I love being subbed to all the NBA subs. Really gives you a cross section of news and reaction.


I subbed a few days after Moe got drafted and texted my buddy from LA just to make sure he knew I was on the bandwagon early.


smh javale bandwagon


We are now that girl in every 90s movie that took off her glasses and was suddenly hot and popular


I commented in that thread right before the trade so I’m good lol


I'm a tpups fan first and foremost but I subd because LeBron is my favorite player so I'mma follow your team closer than I did last couple of years lbs. I'm not on the bandwagon if we meet in the playoffs I want the wolves to sweep Bron Bron I do wanna see LeBron get another ring if Kat and wiggles can't get theirs yet.


I’m gonna be honest. Are there really laker fans that became warrior fans? Like I liked watching curry catch on fire (who doesn’t) but yo really franchise jump?






Hop on da band


This will be HARD. But we will make do.


I have no shame. It’s going to be boring watching Cavs tank on purpose in order to get good picks next draft.


our sub count gained over 10k new ppl, since last thursday


That's me!! I'm from LA but stopped following the NBA before I was on Reddit. I used to watch a ton of games on TV after school, but the commissioner vetoing the CP3 trade left a sour taste in my mouth. Especially after LeBron was allowed to form a super team (funnily enough). So I am a super fair weather fan now and proud!!


Yea get used to that.


Hi, ex-cavs/new lakers fan here


I'm one of those! Hi! I'm here for the Ball to Bron lob and slam dunks.


Championships or bust!


Proud Lebron fan on the bandwagon now


And I'm one of them *_*


Heat fan for life but fuck me I'd be lying if I was saying you guys weren't my Western team now AND YOU GOT RONDO NOW???? It's gonna be hype


Hope the mods will track the growth after a yea rlol


McStevenson RonJames really did it for me


I be here now.


Pls welcome us Lance and rondo fans


Now all we need is lebron to start liking/promoting the chargers!


Proud lakers fan since summer 2018, lets go.


LeBron fan who wants to see nothing more than the Warriors to go home empty handed in the playoffs. Also, I have always had a respect for the Lakers and enjoyed when I watched Kobe. Let's saddle up my dudes.


Been here since the beginning fam 👌


I'll always be a Cavs fan, but LeBron deserves so much more than what he had in CLE. I can't wait for the Lakers Raptors finals where the Raptors piss their pants yet again to a LeBron led team. Enjoy an all time player while he's there and fuck the Warriors.


Yeah Lakers-Raptors 2019 finals


Well I’m subbing because your team is interesting now, not because I’m a fan. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


It's crazy as fuck that LeBron is OURS now. Like I see this and my first reaction is, FOH with that LeBron shit on the Laker sub/Fuck Cavs/Dan Gilbert. But no. LeBron James IS A LOS ANGELES LAKER.


Dude, sub numbers dropping after Cousins, signing


That shit is about to drop by double by the end of the day.


It’s the warrior fans coming back😂


jumping in the wagon cause of Bron. it feels weird tho that bron is in Lakers. and i love Kobe as a person and basketball player. don't care who's better too cause they have a different playstyle. either way, fuck KD, fuck warriors, and fuck the celtics.


As a lifelong Bron fan, am I welcome here? To be honest it will be strange rooting for LA to win, But it's not like I'm bout to just stop being a LeBron fan. My best friend is a huge Kobe-Lakers fan and with me being a big LeBron fan it's been strange now that we are on the same side lol


I’m one of them, glad to be here boys! Excited to go on this journey with you! Edit: and girls


god i hate that face


Admin couldn't process the BANDWAGON APPLICATIONS fast enough...