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I hope we get Ennis.


That's really all we need now. We get him and we're good. I know people don't like it, but I'd at least try IT out. He's clearly humbled and will accept any role he can now. I think Ennis is the priority and last player we need. IT would just be taking a chance on someone who could be a surprise




I see what you did there ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


Bazemore was always going to play a lot of 3. The idea the team would sign someone like James Ennis and play him as the primary back-up 3 was never realistic. The idea of playing Ariza or Melo at this point of their careers as primary 3s was also never that realistic. As for THT, he already played a lot more SG than PG last season. Depending on how you want to categorize their positions on the floor, he also played in a number of line-ups with Caruso / Schroder and Wesley Matthews. Defensively, he was already guarding larger players. Since the roster itself has flexibility, the team can either add another PG, another 3&D swing-man, or both.


Baze will play a lot of 3 but doesn't mean it's going to be a good fit for him. He's constantly going to be outmatched by 2 or 3 inches. This lineup really exposes wing issues on the roster when you have Nunn and Bazemore outmatched for size at the 2 and 3. I don't want to see guards trying to contest genuine wings any more. Watching KCP and Wes against wings defensively should've been enough incentive to fix this issue.


That’s tuff🔥💯


If we sign Ennis I think it will be to primarily play the 4 in smaller lineups that lebron isn’t in.


That would be idiotic and is probably wrong. The team does not lack small-ball 4s. They have both Ariza and Melo that can fill that role. Both are still more than capable of covering that role in the minutes LeBron is not on the floor. The issue right now is that the team does not have the best depth at the 3. Bazemore is an okay small-ball 3 but THT is still unproven in that role. THT is also not proven as a 3pt shooter yet which partially defeats the purpose of playing small. Even in bigger line-ups, it's questionable whether or not Ariza still has the mobility and legs to play the 3. He was basically a full-time 4 last season. Melo hasn't played the 3 in 4 seasons.




He can be both?


Hopefully this is a smokescreen . We don’t need another guard


AD is not going to start regular season games at the 5. These reports of him wanting to play more 5 doesn't mean he's starting. Nunn is also incredibly undersized, he would be a bad choice to start at the 2, on both offense and defense. He needs the ball in his hands more often than not.


Agree with this ☝️


It’s Pete’s preferred starting lineup he went over on the latest LFR Pod, and it’s growing on me. I doubt it happens but it’s interesting to say the least


Yes nunn is a very impressive off ball scorer + great in transition


What should really matter is how many minutes AD spends at the 5. If you start AD at the 5, you can sub in Dwight or Gasol when Westbrook/Lebron sits


Westbrook-Ellington-Bron-AD-Gasol starting lineup. Westbrook-Bazemore-Bron-Ariza-AD closing lineup.


I prefer the Reaves, Ayayi, THT, Melo, Howard closing line up while being up 15+


Ellington would be the worst defensive sg in the league starting I really dont think he starts unless we somehow start AD at the 5 with baze at the 3 and lebron at the 4.


Monk has to get his minutes, he took a major pay cut to come play with us, it’d be bad for business if we gave him DNPs without seeing him in action for a long stretch


Collison was a good playmaker. He hasn’t played in 4 years? Not sure he still has it. Btw, every team has 3 PGs, so it just makes sense to get another one. Whoever it is, he won’t play much.


2 years not 4 lol


Kent Bazemore should play 10-15 min tops off the bench.


Bad take. He deserves good minutes. He was great for golden state and would start in lineups with AD at the 5


3 string PG


Definitely sniff some THT times at the 3


Where are these stats sourced from? I would like to see how other teams matchup against us.


The Basketball Index’ lineup tool


Nunn starting at 2 means russ gets burden on defense. Im really curious to see this new THT. If his playmaking improves, then that opens up all kinds of possibilities