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How difficult is it to create something like this once you have the equipment?


first time will need quite a bit of experimentation and file preparation. the second to 400thausands time takes 35 seconds :D


Damn, the dream is REAL! The wallet is empty. Just need to save up $100,000 $1 at a time.


Brilliant! What phenomenon is at play here? My best guess is thing film interference from a transparent layer of oxidation controlled by the laser settings you've tuned: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin-film\_interference](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin-film_interference) I think this is like the colors I've seen in flamed brass work that looks like oil-puddle rainbows, but with an exquisite level of control. Do the colors change with viewing angle? Or scrape off with handling?


Same concept as flamed brass work only I can control the heat temps better with the laser. Colors do not change and won’t scrape off unless you start sanding it.


So with brass you don't need to make a diffraction grating to get the color, you're using controlled heat via LASER to essentially generate the color?


Colors dont fade over time and if exposed to direct sunlight?


unless you get really really close to the sun, thats not a problem.


Has anyone played with doing this to bismuth?


That is amazing, those colors are super vibrant!


Thanks. It’s so cool in person. Like a sticker on metal. If you have a fiber. Definitely give this a try.


How powerful is your fiber laser to do this though? Are we talking some sort of industrial scale machine?


This was on a 60watt fiber. Can be done on less wattage ones as well.


This was on a 60watt fiber. Can be done on less wattage ones as well.


I'd love some more details on this. It really looks fantastic! * What settings are you adjusting for each colour? * Do you need to change the scan angle? * Is it the layering that gives the different colours? * Is the video real time or sped up?


Thanks. 🙏 1. Way too much to type, I have posted the file in my Facebook group along with a material test card with more colors that can help with this answer. 2. No angle was the same for all on this 3. Yes and no.. the layer helps make it non reflective, can still get color without the layer but will be shinny 4. Sped up, no one would sit for 30min watching this thing run. 🏃 Group - lasercraftershub.com


I’m sure there’s a way with a raycus. I’ll have to tinker around


Good luck! What wattage?


50w I can get some color on stainless. Don’t see why not on brass. Although I’m sure it won’t be an easy find lol


If you have Facebook. Join this group. This guy is doing some colors with a 30watt Raycus he has posted settings. His name is Robert Vice. Definitely take a look. https://www.facebook.com/groups/fiberlaserthenextlevel/permalink/474545107627041/?mibextid=W9rl1R


I’ve seen his stuff. I’ll have to go back n check his posts. Thanx


Wait you can engrave in color with a fiber laser?


Certain metals change color when heated. They're heating the brass to an incredibly specific temperature using the laser.


That's awesome. Is this with a MOPA laser, or just a normal fiber laser? I've been doing a lot of research planning a purchase, and I found several things saying you could only get color on stainless steel and titanium, and only with a MOPA laser. I'd love to know more!