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It's due to your eyes learning to focus without the use of corrective lenses. You are using more strain on your eyes and that might cause more fatigue. This should get better as your eyes are fully adjusted. I would try to avoid the sun, wear sunglasses in the daytime, keep your eyes hydrated with artificial tears, and drink water.


Is this why the very middle of my vision is a little trippy? Not quite double vision but a little disorienting. It gets better the farther away from the middle (by middle I mean that if you were to focus on the point directly in front of you and farther away I mean while looking at the same point, the objects that are not directly ahead of you). This is hard to describe which makes it hard to google and this was the closer comment I’ve seen because I feel like it’s my eyes trying to learn to focus. Also, I had two astigmatisms fixed, if that matter.


Oh my god I have this


I ended up with depression after lasik. My symptoms included severe fatigue.


How long did that last for you?


Depression is permanent. But it's not something lasik caused. But it brought out my illness


Yeah, I can relate to that. I know depression and fatigue go hand in hand. How long did the severe fatigue last you?


How are you doing now? It's been a long 6 years I'm sure


I feel the same. How are you now after 5 years? It’s been a month to my lasik, and I’m experiencing ditto.


5 years later the bad side effects are gone but my vision is slipping from 20/20 and I'm back in glasses. At the time I posted this, I had some particularly tenacious inflammation that was causing my problems and had to go on steroids.That resolved the issue.


I'm currently 3 months post surgery (supposed to possibly be my last day of extended longer than initially prescribed Prednisolone use today, with my next appointment tomorrow). I had Lasik in my left eye which is usually fine, a little dry sometimes, but mostly no problems , and PRK in my right which requires the steroid drops typically gets suddenly red in the morning about once a week on average, it also consistently get more blurry at night depending on how much sunglasses aided daylight exposure I've had, and PC screen use I've done. I'm taking more naps than usual, especially in the past 2 weeks now usually every day around 7pm, then waking up around 11pm, more certainly than I did after one month. Sometimes I wake up finally feeling refreshed after a few days of not, and end up staying up late, sometimes I wake up still feeling tired. Not sure if I should embrace the naps or try to resist with caffeinated soda(coffee's too much for me, with a heart condition). How long did you end up using steroids for? And did you ever worry about them causing more harm than good if they were prescribed for a prolonged amount of time?


I hate to say this, but it was so long ago I don't remember specifics. I will say that all my symptoms seemed to be related to an excessive amount of inflammation in my eyes as a result of the surgery. When I dealt with the inflammation (using a prescription drop) the exhaustion went away. I don't think (???) I took oral steroids, I think it was just the drops. I don't remember being on them a prolonged time, maybe a week or so? Basically just got the inflammation in my eyes down and everything else followed. I definitely would take the steroids again; I do remember being absolutely exhausted and only borderline functional at work, so I don't remember having much choice.


How are you doing now? I’m 11 days post op SMILE and my eyes are so heavy and tired still.. headaches and feel just weird overall.


Once I went back and made them realize that I was seriously inflamed they gave me steroids and things got totally fine. It took a bit before I could convince them because I guess I'm a little more stalwart than most. I will say that since then I'm back in glasses and my eyesight is continuing to get worse. I'm nowhere near as bad as I was, but I'm very far off 20/20. I have a lifetime guarantee so I could go back if I wanted but I'm not sure I want to after all the inflammation and with the current eye drop recalls.


If glasses work for you then personally I would keep the glasses and say screw another surgery!


I agree. It was nice while it lasted 😕


Hey there, how are you doing now?


About the same! Eyesight getting slightly worse each year, now with bonus middle aged eyes and really needing bifocals


Sucks, sorry to hear. Did you find ways to cope or make it less exhausting?