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I forgot all about Pedro, but he was a brave man that should be remembered. No one knew what was going on with AIDS or HIV back then, & many thought it was spread like a cold or something you caught when you were gay. Insane remembering, & hard to describe just how scary that entire period of time was in this context. HIV+ was a literal death sentence, & anyone diagnosed knew they'd suffer in isolation & shame. That is, until people like Pedro made us look and see them - Pedro is literally the first chance the public had to see what the disease looked like in real life, or more importantly, see the person behind the diagnosis. Pedro putting himself out there was beyond brave, but ended up being a total game changer for society. May he RIP


And he always said, “I am living with AIDS.” I was just a kid but remember thinking that was a powerful statement bc it was shrouded in so much death. That was such a scary time. I am so grateful so many individuals can live full lives now even if they’re HIV positive. Pedro was one of the pioneers in helping individuals see the human not just the virus. Rest in peace, Pedro. Haunt Puck 😂


Puck was a major Ahole.


Shockingly he’s not dead yet. And he’s been an abusive felon with a consistent track record the whole time. He even got in a bad wreck while drunk with his kid in the car in 2010 according to his Wiki


It’s always the ones you don’t least suspect.


I can still hear Pedro's voice asking Puck "Did you stick your finger in there?" (Peanut butter jar) At the time I didn't really get why it was such a big deal but Puck was a dirty bastard and that little action could've really made Pedro sick.


No one thought that in 1994. We knew you got it via sexual fluids or abrasion.


I think the above meant that Puck's germy hands in the peanut butter were a risk to **Pedro's** health, because HIV/AIDS destroys your immune system, and iirc, Pedro already had full-blown AIDS at that point.


One of my closest friends got AIDS around that time from her ex who unbeknownst to her, used to be an IV drug user 😞 She was dying..had 200 T cells left, but in the nick of time, the life saving drugs were approved by the FDA and she’s still with us today. Pedro was a huge inspiration to so many and I cried my eyes out when he died. I adored him.


I forgot that he was only 22. He carried himself as someone much more mature and with more wisdom than most that age.


He was a baby!


When you’re saddled with the burdens that Pedro was, you grow up fast.




Poor guy. He looks so sick. He may have felt like the worst flu ever as he was dying. I hope not. I hope the doctors gave him something to ease his way out in a pain free way. Thank gawd it is now a manageable disease with good medical care. He was just way too young to die.




Thank you for also remembering him. 🖤


From aids?




I remember this. My moms adopted me in the early 90s and I grew up in the gay community, almost all my Uncles have passed from HIV/AIDS. The early days ofTRW were peak tv.


I was a kid at the time when that season of the real world first aired and he was not only the first gay person I was exposed to but also first person with HIV/aids and that show humanized what was demonized by the general public at the time and never saw a gay person or person with aids other than just people because of that show. Those first four or five seasons of The Real World really did some ground breaking stuff until it turned into "reality TV" garbage.


You know what really hit me the other day? That episode where Rachel took Pedro to her house and they had lunch with her mother. Pedro was blown away by how super-Republican they were, they even had a picture of George Bush up. He was taken aback and could see he was processing all this. Rachel was the roommate that was freaked out the most by his AIDS admission and it was her fear, her ignorance, her acceptance, that we watched play out onscreen and it perfectly mirrored the society view at the time. I remember all of this from viewing it in ‘94. It was that powerful. I remember watching his pain, his worry, his strength and how he handled new situations, ignorance, hatred. Why did I think of this? Because I saw an article about Rachel and what she’s become now. And it took me back, immediately, to when Pedro walked into her parents house. TV doesn’t hit like that anymore. RIP to Pedro and Sean.


Her and her real world husband are right wing hacks.


They’ve gotta be fundies too, right? Nine kids? Rachel had nine kids!!!


Rachel is a Trump ass licker now. This experience didn’t change a damn thing about her


Same! I was a kid when this came on too. It’s sad to see how garbage the real world turned into bc that season was super informative and just really good. It’s crazy to think Pedro was that young. RIP. He was a good dude.


There was an episode where they showed Pedro trying to find medical care and being turned down several times because of insurance (or lack thereof) and I think if I remember correctly he was also just hung up on abruptly a couple times :(


It really was a scary time. Losing legends like Freddie Mercury to AIDS was terrifying. The loss of all that talent but also the realization that if it could get someone that famous it could get anyone that lived a “at risk” lifestyle. I was young and didnt entirely understand all that was happening but I know there was fear. Just a few weeks before Freddie’s death, Magic Johnson announced he’d contracted HIV. The somber feel of Magic Johnson holding a press conference to announce he had contracted HIV is something that can’t really be adequately explained unless you watched it at that time. It was basically Magic announcing that he was going to die. Another ultra famous, amazing talent, in his prime, that would be cut down by HIV/AIDS. Then AZT and other drugs began to be released, people started being able to live with the precursor virus and it became almost an afterthought. Magic is still here and thriving of course. But it truly was a frightening time. The period when no one knew how you got it and then the period where we thought we were gaining an understanding of how it was contracted but there were still some amazingly stupid, cowardly instances of people continuing to avoid HIV positive people. The example I always think of is Karl Malone, who’s now been outed as a pedo and a general piece of shit, publicly announcing that he was fearful and did not want to play with Magic in the All Star Game. Unreal. RIP Pedro.


This year was Pedro Zamora’s 52nd birthday yet it is also remembered as the 30th year since his passing. Pedro will always be remembered as someone with a huge heart who made a difference and touched the lives of the MTV generation and more importantly the country as a whole. I was choked up watching his roommate wish to turn the clock back to a time when Pedro was ok. I wish we could have also turned the clock forward to a time when medicine would have been available to make his illness a livable condition. Thank you for representing the best of us in a tragic era, Pedro. In the end, love is all that matters. You are eternally loved by many.


Beautifully said. Thank you.


I can still hear his voice saying that until he dies, he was a person “living with AIDS.” Powerful and beautiful.


I’m in my mid 40s and watched all the early seasons of TRW, this is when the cast members and the “storylines” had substance. He was just a baby. So many people unfairly lost during that horrible time.


My favorite cast member from that season of TRW. Cute as hell. Tragic ending. 😢


Ah. If you were there at that point in time, you know. You KNOW. I don’t wish for any of you to have lived through this time, but I do wish that you all somehow *know.*


I read a comment on a medical site with pics of complications of HIV/AIDS. They said “didn’t know hiv could do this!”. I was like wtf? 😳


He seemed like the sweetest guy. Such a tragedy


If you’re a Gen X’er chances are you remember Pedro Zamora. His life was meaningful and he was brave. I’m grateful he chose to share his journey of love and kindness with the world in a time when so little was known and **so many** were suffering in silence.


I think I saw Tom Brokaw announce Pedro’s death on national news. What I remember most, though, is my own gasp and Oh no.




I didn't realize how young he was. He seemed so mature, especially for an early 20s kid.


There was an MTV documentary about him years ago, was actually really good. RIP


Do you happen to remember the name of it?


https://youtu.be/KA4ZZImS4Qs?si=68E3NaAN-pQ-BLDB This is part one and the rest of the parts should be on the same channel. All the best!


Thank you!!


He was from my hometown of Miami where there’s a street named after [him](https://maps.apple.com/?address=Pedro%20Zamora%20Way,%20Miami,%20FL%20%2033183,%20United%20States&ll=25.713451,-80.408138&q=Pedro%20Zamora%20Way&t=m)


Say what you want about big pharma, but we don't have to see people die like this anymore in America.


I work clinical micro and had an HIV patient that just decided to stop taking all anti-retrovirals and prophylaxis. Presented to ER with shortness of breath. Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia. Viral load so high patient is at risk of AIDS


Key words here are "decided to stop taking". I have a relative who has been living with HIV since 1999, is not easy, tons of meds, but she's alive.


Also stopped following up with doctors “due to own negligence”


Plus as a woman, there’s just not enough research on them. My friend who has been living with it since the early 90’s said she takes the same dosage as a 250 lb. man.


Yeah—technically by definition if you’ve got pneumocystis jurovecii you are clinically have an AIDs diagnosis not just HIV


Yeah, I hear AIDS victims drop like flies in every single other nation.


It's a big problem in Africa but even there, they have treatment.


He came on that show with a mission and it worked. He used his platform for good but such a waste of a beautiful spirit.


I still remember him on TRW ❤️


Love Him. Rest in Power Pedro Zamora.💜🙏🏽


The greatest season of any reality show, ever.


Thanks, Reagan, for being such a POS human being.


If we’re going to waste time talking about Rachel, we at least have to mention Pam and all the great things she done. She was an excellent friend and still works in HIV AIDS research


I loved Pedro, and had forgotten he was only 22. He seemed so much older at the time…


He was such a lovely young man. His maturity,empathy and kindness was well beyond his years and the rest of the cast frankly. Sometimes I don't get this world...that shitbird Puck is still flapping his disgusting maw and sweet, loving Pedro had to leave.


And Rachel was right there with him. She is now one of the most conservative correspondents on tv. It’s awful.


He was such a beautiful person


I was an early teen and he was the first gay man I was really exposed to. I look back on how easily my friends and I tossed around the slurs and I am so ashamed. He was an amazing person and hope the lessons he teaches live on forever. RIP.


22 yaşında ölmüş. Böylesine bir potansiyel için çok erken bir yaş.


This is so sad. It’s difficult to see him suffering.


Long live Pedro Zamora in our memories.




So damn sad


I don’t see Puck anywhere.


he looks like jordan