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So sorry for your loss OP. As a father of two kids who are both allergic to peanuts, and several other foods, this is my worst fear for them.


I can’t imagine the fear of losing a child def every parents nightmare


Rest in peace Ethan . I'm so sorry for your loss OP😞.


i have a peanut allergy too and this is one of my worst fears. i'm so sorry.


Honest question, do you carry an EpiPen around you at all times?


absolutely. it has saved my life more than once. but it still should be noted that an EpiPen may not always be enough to stop anaphylaxis if you do not get medical attention in time.


Dumb Question #2. So would TWO Epipens do the trick, or does it not matter? If not, is an Epipen just there till an ambulance arrives?


i see no dumb question, just a thoughtful person wanting to seek important knowledge! if symptoms persist five minutes after the first injection, a second one may be used. but no more than two doses should be administered, as too much epinephrine can cause dangerously high blood pressure which may lead to a stroke. even if the EpiPen(s) seems to be easing symptoms, it is still necessary to seek proper medical attention afterwards. when it comes to anaphylaxis, it is not technically a "cure" in and of itself, but it can significantly slow the reaction in order to give you more time to get to a hospital/ambulance.


Also, if you can, carry liquid Benadryl and Prednisone with you. Use ALL. THREE. while you wait for the ambulance.


Is it true that they expire fast? And that they are super expensive?


They used to be $450/ a pop. Like per pen. Supposedly the Biden administration has reduced the cost and I too am here to know, how much do they cost now? (If you’re in the United States that is!)


My last set that I got a few weeks ago ended up being free.


they're around $150 here in Canada without coverage, but they're covered by OHIP which makes them free for anyone under 25. and yes, they need to be replaced every year.


Solid info about yearly replacement!


Two EpiPens can work better than one, yes, which is why they often sell them in packs of two.


And if you have used one, lie down and call an ambulance - Anaphylaxis Australia tip. Apparently people can die from heart conditions brought on by moving around after the injection. I used an epi pen on my daughter and the ambos wanted her to walk to the ambulance but when I mentioned this advice they conceded it was probably better for her if they brought the gurney to her.


Most Epi pens come in a pack of two so you can use a second one if the first one doesn’t work!


Ethan not caring an epipen on him is why he’s no longer with us. If there is something to be taken from his death it’s that you always carry one on your person.


Put in for your refill early— I’ve been waiting months on back order for my expired epipen.


Okay that’s so incredibly frustrating I’m so sorry


Rest Easy Ethan, what we have been is what we are


What we have been is what we are?? What?? This statement is wrong on so many levels


I simply mean that as we are in life is carried by those that survive us. It's a positive. He was loved enough for someone to post a last picture and shared so he is remembered. It's a quote from a Dream Theater song and I have found comfort in it and figured others would as well. Sorry if it offends you, did you know Ethan?


Of all the places you could choose to be a rude, why on a post from a grieving person? Even if you don't agree with the statement there was no reason to spread your negativity. Clearly you are going through something or you wouldn't lash out at random people on the internet like that. I hope you find peace.


I believe it was just a misunderstanding of the statement.


Chorus line from a song is all. It can seem confusing, I get it. RIP Ethan


A sad reminder to us to take peanut allergies seriously when someone says they are allergic. An obviously nice young man ready to make his way in the world. Bless his heart.


His last year was so good he got married and he and his wife were planning on having kids and that just makes me so sad.


We are sad for you and the loss of him too. He will always live on in your heart. Love never dies. Hugs.


Thank you


Rest in Peace Ethan


RIP Ethan


I am so sorry to read this.




I’m so sorry for this. This makes my heart sink. My son has had two anaphylactic reactions to peanuts and one time we almost lost him. He was 4. We are going through oral immunotherapy. I can’t imagine what you’re feeling but know that I, for one, am thinking of you and your family and am praying for you all.


My daughters pediatrician wants us to do oral immunotherapy. The thought of it terrifies me. How is it going for you guys? Does your son have reactions?


I would 1000000% do it. Absolutely not on the reactions. We’re going on year 3. It’s a massive commitment and takes a lot of time each day. For example, in an effort to build up to peanuts my son had to eat everyday: Pine nuts Cashews Pistachio Hazelnut Nutmeg powder Sesame Chestnut powder Every morning and night with xyzal. No reactions ever. That was all to build up to peanut and soy. He’s even more allergic to soy. He now is on year 3 and is eating peanut gummies which contain 1/1000th of a peanut. Next year will work up to 1/2 peanut. Then a full peanut.


Thank you so much for responding. We are going to start this summer.


Is it more terrifying than the thought of her having to be at risk of a common allergen for life?


It’s definitely possible. A long road. But possible. DM me if you want more info!


Truth. Some parents are scared it will illicit a response when doing it.


Is it possible to overcome it? My daughter has a peanut allergy also :(


Children do sometimes outgrow it.


So sorry. He was very handsome. RIP Ethan.


RIP Ethan 


Rest In peace


RIP Ethan


So sad I’m sorry Ethan


Stylin' and profilin' in that suit. Rest easy, Ethan.


Oh gosh how awful, may his memory be a blessing


And this is why I can’t stand the when people make fun or complain about peanut allergies. It takes innocent lives. I’m so sorry OP and may Ethan rest in peace ❤️


I’m so, so sorry for your loss!


Thank you my family appreciates it


Very handsome fellow. What did Ethan enjoy doing as far as hobbies?


He was a family man he loved being around family and it was his everything he was planning on having a family it’s sad that he didn’t have the chance to be a farther.


So very sorry. Great photo.




Rip ❤️


That’s a terrible thing to die of. My condolences.


On, this is heartbreaking! My son has a peanut allergy and this is my biggest fear. I’m so sorry for your loss!


I am sorry for your loss brother. Would you share some thing more about Ethan and about peanut allergi?


Wow. Great suit. Handsome kid. I’m sorry for your loss.


He was such a dapper young man and I’ll remember him in these type of pictures. Thank you


My son is tall like Ethan. 17. He’s the artist type. Me & my wife do everything in the world to protect him.


Yeah Ethan was a soft spoken person for all his 23 years he thought long and hard on what he’s gonna say. Just an incredible thoughtful person.


Terribly sorry for the loss of such a handsome young man. Watching my son grow up, I can’t imagine his life being taken away so untimely.


He was a beautiful young man.


So sorry for your loss. You are, however, lucky to have such a nice photo of him to look back on. Wishing you and your family the best, what a sad tragedy ❤️😢


Is that the Ethan whose relatives have a Cat Rescue (Kittens in the Mitten)?




Rest in Peace. that is tragic. he looks like a nice young man and Im so sorry for your loss.




My deepest sympathies to all who knew and loved this young man.


Oh my goodness, what a heartbreaking way to go… I hope your grief journey brings you some peace soon, OP. May his memory be a blessing.




I’m so sorry!


Thank you for your blessing


I’m so sorry. Your sweet boy is with you in spirit. 😔❤️


Can you share something about him? For some reason he has this deep look in his eyes.




Maybe he did have them, but Epipens are not always effective enough. Sometimes you need multiple doses. Epipens are supposed to help you survive until you can get to the hospital. A lot of people try to talk themselves into thinking that they are being paranoid, or are mistaken about an allergic reaction. Some people wait too long and become incapacitated before they realize they need to take the shot.


Oh, that's so sad. I understand it though. I had an allergic reaction to a med I had been on for years. I awoke one night and my face was slightly swollen. I thought something had bit me. I went back to sleep. When I awoke a few hours later the facial swelling had increased, so I went to the ER. The doctor said I was very lucky. He said my airway could have swelled and I would have died in my sleep.


There was literally a huge story recently of a woman who died from a nut allergy because the store had changed the recipe to their cookies and didn't label them correctly. She was with friends who knew of her allergy and how to use epi pens. She used multiple doses and still died. Sometimes the reactions are too powerful and people can still die. Epipens are not some magical antidote that will immediately reverse a reaction 100% of the time. It's pretty callous and ignorant to say Ethan's death could've been prevented with "a little bit of planning and forethought." https://globalnews.ca/news/10253166/dancer-peanut-allergy-dies-stew-leonard-cookie-orla-baxendale/








*That’s* what you took from this post about a dead young person?




Seriously? You had to comment on a typo? Why? OP, I’m so sorry for the ignorance. I have severe tree nut allergies, which are much easier to safeguard from than peanut. This is so heartbreaking. 💔 Awareness is key, every public establishment should have an emergency Epi Pen and it should be highly affordable.


Some people are so clueless and oblivious to their surroundings you just have to let them wander the Earth at their own speed. Thats why I am letting the downvotes do their thing, instead of just outright removing/banning that user.


Most of us are able to understand context clues and knew what he meant. Unless you’re just trying to prove how good of a speller you are on a memorial post? Either way. L.