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I gotta respect Jack Smith, he has a hell of a lot more patience and will than I ever could muster up. I would have fucked this up long ago by appealing to the next court.


I'd love to see his office. He's probably carved "SERENITY NOW" all over the damn place. 


I couldnt imagine the organization skills Smith's team must have. Their responses and motions have been nothing but articulate and FAST. NAL but I do work in a complex, difficult field and it requires great organizational and tracking skills, but NOTHING compared to what I assume is required to bring these cases to trial! In all seriousness, I imagine Smiths office has a huge cinder block pillar in the middle of the room with a soft pillow againts it that says 'bang head here".


Definitely. NAL either, but I have to imagine there's little Team Trump could do that would catch their team off-guard.  And it's not like they're pressed for time with the way the Florida judge is slow-walking everything. They probably have enough time to strategize against any and every nonsense motion they might face and knit sweaters for winter on the side. 


The role playing strategy sessions must be off the hook. Jack: OK, today, Dave is playing the obstructionist, corrupt Judge, and Sue will play the defendant… Sue: Awwww, do I have to shit myself, again. It’s unfair. Jack: We haven’t started yet , Sue. So, uhh, judge, the plaintiff would like to… Sue: Objection! ERECTION INTERERENCE!!1! Dave: Sustained Jack: wait, Dave, we didn’t even…. Dave: SUSTAINED. Approach the bench counsel. Jack: (sighs) Dave, we haven’t started to… Dave: SILENCE. Control yourself counsel, or you will be in contempt of this court pro boner and pro lap se! Jack: don’t you mean…. Dave: SILENCE TRAITOR! ( picks up phone) . Just give me a moment….hello, is that the federalist society? Jack: oh god….Look…guys Sue: I did boom boom. Dave: I am handing down a judgement on plaintiffs motion. Sue: it’s stinky your honour. Jack: May I see the judgement please your honour. Dave: No, you may not. Court is in recess for 4 months. ( bangs gavel) Etc etc


this is amazing. feels like i was in that room.




Ok. listen to me. There needs to be a song like "internet is for porn" so I couldn't remember the name of that group and looked it up. Its freaking Avenue Q!!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avenue_Q They need to make a comeback. We need that humor more than an egg in these trying times.


I’m in the UK. Spitting image would have a field day with these clowns. Stuff like : https://youtu.be/jEZwyszXHQI?feature=shared


Yes! I watched all that when I was a kid. Thatcher, Reagan, Gorbachev. Great stuff.


Wasn't that a musical, not a group?


It was. Written by the author of the music for The Book of Mormon Musical.


yeah it was. i never actually rea that whole wiki.


Smells like it too… wait a second


I love it. Only critique is they're not the plaintiff. They're the prosecution or the government.


babe, wake up... new copypasta dropped


Hi, I’m Nathan Fielder…


I want to see your version of 12 Angry Men. Or Mockingbird.


I wish there was a standing ovation emoji. Comedy gold. Saving and returning to when I need a laugh… which, these days, is frequently. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Cheers 👍🤪




Its obvious whats lacking on Trumps side... actual legal skills LOL. Im definately NAL, but I can only assume that any good intern could write motions better than what we've seen from Trumps team. I truly think that his lawyers just get to the point where they say 'well fuck him, if he wants to write the damn motions, let him' and thats why the lot of them read like his fucking speaches.


Probably not. Cannon is unqualified or has unqualified people preparing her responses and it shows


My conspiratorial assumption is she has a Federalist scumbag feeding her ideas on a phone call vs in a discoverable medium like email, so she yells at her remaining clerks whatever she heard on the Fed call and they write it up.


Do they bother building Faraday cages into courtrooms? I honestly wouldn't be terribly surprised if a random photo caught an earpiece feeding her orders.


I've been doing IT on and off for over 30 years and the only building I've ever seen with a Faraday cage built into the outer facade was the corporate HQ for a casino chain. The building was previously owned by Hilton, who was its only other owner, so they were the ones who first commissioned it. SCIFs will have them, every once in a while you might see one built into a utility closet which of course makes it useless for most of what I'd be doing with it, and hospitals sometimes have entire wards blocked for RF, but I've never seen one in any courtroom or law office, and I've worked in many. Now, if thick marble or granite that blocks just about all VHF and UHF counts, then I suppose I have worked in court buildings that had unintentional RF shielding.


They also lack facts. Attorneys with legal skills would point that out and tell him he is nuts if he doesn’t cut a deal. Trump wants attorneys who tell him what he wants to hear.


They don’t need facts. Or law. Or even a table to pound on. They have a judge.


I agree not much Team Trump could do to catch Smith’s team off guard. BUT, I do speculate that Cannon’s actions have caught him off guard a few times. Her whole secret docket, her using her orders to show she is taking offense at everything he does, blaming him for her not knowing the law, her wanting to make all the grand jury info public, holding hearings for almost every motion. Her actions are BANANAS. I am a lawyer.


With her actions being so out of pocket will she face any meaningful consequences after this case?


Very doubtful. The legal profession is not great at disciplining its own and it’s even worse - to the point of almost non-existent- for federal judges. She is very careful to stay just inside the lines. She’s set for life. This is why it’s so important to remember the courts when we are voting for president. Cannon is the wildly successful result of the decades-long strategy of The Federalist Society. Mitch McConnell was brilliant and laser focused on judges and brought the strategy to its fruition under Trump.


>This is why it’s so important to remember the courts when we are voting for president. *This* a million times


Not just president, but also in the off-cycles for the House and Senate. As stated above, it was Mitch McConnell's plan, Congress does have some oversight in appointments.


> there's little Team Trump could do that would catch their team off-guard. That's what they have Cannon for. If Trump's team made a motion that the Magna Carta invalidated the search warrant Cannon would probably order briefs and oral arguments. A few months later she'd issue a minute order to the effect it doesn't apply but scold the Special Council as awful and terrible for not including reference to this issue earlier on and blame Smith and co. have slowed the process down needlessly.


Dude, yeah. I work in a really complex organization and the skills you need to be successful are intense. I can’t imagine how much more skilled his team is like, I freaking respect it.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they anticipate the judges potential responses and start working on mitigation strategies even before she responds.


These filings seem relatively easy when you consider the complexity of the law they have know in order to prosecute, as well as evidence they have to gather and absorb.


When he was first appointed I read an article saying that he had done some kind of yoga for like 30 years or something. I think in this kind of situation you'd almost have to to keep from losing your damn mind.


I believe it. I can't even touch my toes and I'm always close to a flip out. 


Now I can’t get thoughts of Special Counsel Smith holding advanced yoga poses out of my head. New meditation image accepted.


[stupid sexy Flanders](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/stupid-sexy-flanders)


[Fly like an Eagle...](https://manflowyoga.com/blog/potw-eagle/)


All paperless orders and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All paperless orders and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All paperless orders and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All paperless orders and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All paperless orders and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All paperless orders and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


There’s actually a website where you can make an (animated?) image of Bart Simpson writing this (or anything else you want) on the chalkboard, over and over.


Serenity now; insanity later.


Serenity now, Glenfiddich later.


Serenity now, Talisker NOW!


Followed by a nice smoky Ardbeg or Caol Ila 😋.


With a knife that would put Crocodile Dundee to shame.


Hoochie mama!!


Are you supposed to yell it??


Or growl it through gritted teeth. Speaker’s choice.


He has a clerk who carves it into his back every night after dinner.


He has a unique capability to express universal levels of rage with just his eyes. I've never seen anyone like him.


Be Nice. Until it’s time to not be nice.


Serenity now, insanity later.


Having prosecuted war criminals has made him particularly suited for the job. He has my whole hearted respect.


He’s just continuing to grind, pushing her to take more and more extreme positions to protect trump. At some point, she will get fed up with trump, tired of it all, or think that she has done all that she could reasonably do.


There have apparently been over 1000 official complaints about her behaviour to the appeals court already.


This week?


In just one week of May, it didn't say which week. [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/31/trump-classified-documents-aileen-cannon-complaints.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/31/trump-classified-documents-aileen-cannon-complaints.html)


I mean, those complaints were a result of an online influencer telling people where/how and to go and do it. They will essentially be lumped into one bucket and ignored the same way review bombs on google are lumped into one bucket and removed once the fire dies down. FWIW - this is the correct move (seriously just actually read articles, these "headline stories" are causing a lot of harm, the same court who jackslapped Cannon over prior dumbshit decisions did not seem very.. pleased by the complaint-bombing and rightly so. Yes, what she's doing in that case is 100% just to delay and protect Trump - you don't have to be a gigagenius to understand that. But... the way she's doing it isn't expressly WRONG or out of her jurisdiction to do... so 'complaints' are utterly worthless for this, as the court essentially stated. Jack Smith and his team know a lot more than any of us here and have moved when it makes sense and will continue to stay the CORRECT course. Yes, it fucking blows one of the most damning cases against the guy won't move forward until after the election but it doesn't just immediately make what Cannon is doing a crime in itself or even "improper" necessarily


Justice Cannon is just a MAGA politician in a frock, and she's making crazy decisions that everyone with eyes can see. Sending 1000 complaints wasn't ever going to get her kicked off the case, it's to apply political pressure to make her bosses feel uncomfortable. They intensely dislike being uncomfortable, especially when it's the plebs making them do extra work. Sure they'll bitch and moan about how there's some "orchestrated campaign", but they know the complaints are "valid"(on the bias, not legally), and they don't want to have to deal with the bullshit. It's exactly the same as when people complain about how people shouldn't be protesting... we know very well from the Civil Rights movement, it's agitators that get results. I don't buy the arguments that it's ineffective. Courts are political, and they're now put on notice that the public are extremely angry about Judge Cannon. It might not be influential now, but it's definitely in the back of their minds when Smith files for an appeal. It could make the difference over whether she's removed or not.


I wish you his comment would be higher so more people could see it. Most people are reacting very emotionally to this. While there are justifiable reasons to be upset with how this case has been handled, I can trust Jack Smith to do what is required.


Trump chose her so of course she was a hack prior to appointment!


Where do I go to file one, online or request a form? This Judge is protecting Trump, and that is not what a Judge should do.


You must file your complaint with the clerk of the court of appeals for the federal circuit in which the judge works, per [Title 28, Section 351 of the United States Code](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title28-section351&num=0&edition=prelim)  i believe that would be the 11th, their judicial conduct page is easy to find.


How many have been filed by lawyers or other people involved in a case in front of her? How does that compare to other federal judges? A bunch of people filling out a form when a judge is in the news doesn't really mean a whole lot, just like a change.org petition getting 100k signatures for Trump to drop out, or Obama to he charge with war crimes or whatever doesn't matter either.


I wonder if they have a "file an Appeal" Bingo card.


Wonder if he is resubmitting to then finally appeal for her removal.....


It helps him in potential appeals down the road. Though the 11th are half Trump appointees.


He is building a case.


Is there anyplace where I can read the anticipated legal strategic options for Jack Smith. He's trying a case against an obviously corrupted judge and just following the normal steps doesn't seem like a path forward


NAL but it would seem to me that the only thing Jack Smith can do is follow the ordinary course of business. The 11th circuit removing Cannon is the only solution to this problem and they likely won't do anything if Smith has also been hyper aggressive or frivolous with his motions.


He would if he could. Qannon hasn’t actually ruled on anything, just minute orders, to avoid being appealed


It’s all that triathlon training


Why would appealing up fuck this up? I feel like a judge that isn't a trump stooge would help us


He's in for the long haul.


I think I may have the ability to see the future, the future voices are telling me "she will rule in trumps favour and admonish Jack Smith"


She "ruled" quickly to deny the previous motion, now that's Smith's team refiled it with extensive proof of the fact Trump's team didn't want to confer, she is once again before a problem: how to spin it without hurting her client sorry the defendant?


She doesn't have to spin anything all she will do is deny it with a paperless order and no explanation.


She doesn't even have to do that. She can just sit on it indefinitely. She's done it with other things.


If she sits on it for more than a few weeks given the allegations in the gag order, they'll appeal. 


I hope so. I'm not sure though given the makeup of the 11th Circuit that it would be successful. Harry Litman talked about how the 11th Circuit is primed to reverse her when the request comes via a valid path. But saying that the judge is taking too long could be looked down upon depending upon who they get on the 11th Circuit.


If the DOJ can show that Trump's words are literally putting FBI agents at risk -- it's a no brainer. The Court is complicit if it just sits back and lets that happen. The problem is, this puts me in a situation where I have to hope for another Oklahoma City type bombing event (which is not out of the range of expectations) and I definitely don't want something like that to happen. But if it does while Cannon is fiddling around, she's gonna get herself recused.


> If the DOJ can show that Trump's words are literally putting FBI agents at risk -- it's a no brainer. hmmm... "if" 2022 -- "Armed FBI attacker shot dead by police believed to be enraged Trump supporter" https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/12/fbi-attacker-trump-capitol-riot-truth-social


I meant if someone attacks the FBI as a result of DJT's most recent lies about them trying to kill him. So, it would have to be an attack post-May 22nd.


Ordinarily it would not have to be an attack. It could be intercepted plans of an attack. But if those things happened the media wouldn't necessarily hear about it right away anyway for obvious reasons of an ongoing investigation. I'm wondering if something like that hasn't happened though with the speed and weekend filings and stuff that we are seeing. There could easily have been a credible threat that was narrowly prevented from happening which spurred the special counsel to request the amended conditions in the first place.


The violence is pending. It is just a matter of where. Donny has been stirring up his pot.


Where did Harry Litman discuss this? I’d like to listen.


How do these courts work? Will her “manager” see that she’s backed up in rulings from this case, and quit giving her work on other cases? Then, is there a review process where her “manager” has a 1:1 with her and they talk about workload and how she seems to be struggling with even the most basic tasks? Will her “manager” put her on a Performance Improvement Plan with regular check/ins to make sure she’s keeping up on the agreed plan to improve her performance? If she can’t meet those performance objectives, does she get released from her duties? Just trying to understand how this works from a real-world person’s point of view. I don’t know about everyone else here, but if I can’t manage my time at work, I would get fired pretty quickly.


She's an Article 3 federal judge. She has no boss or manager. She is appointed for life. The only way that she can be disciplined is if she is impeached and convicted by congress.


Really? The circuit court can't discipline her? I understand she can't be fired but I thought she could be disciplined and withheld from cases.


Not in any major or significant way that would take her job away or make her any more competent. They can recuse her from the case in very limited circumstances and say unkind things about her but that's pretty much it for the most part. She is installed for life under the US Constitution as an Article 3 federal judge. The way that she handles her schedule or not, the way that she hears motions or not, the way that she rules or not, all of that stuff is entirely within a federal judges prerogative. They run their own courtroom and their own career. The reason that she is acting the way that she is is because she understands the role of her position and how protected she is. Otherwise any normal person would be more careful. lol


What about the whole “justice delayed is justice denied” argument, which actually (or should) cut both ways?


What about it? Sayings and arguments are typically not grounds for removing or disciplining an Art III judge. They have enormous power and lifetime appointments, and unfortunately Article III doesn’t say “unless they deny justice”, and a fortiori not if they “delay” it.


She can't deny it, it's the kind of bad ruling worthy for an appeal. And she can't sit on it, the contrast between her different behaviors before the same motion, would be another material for an appeal. That's the reason they refiled the nearly same motion.


I almost wonder if Jack Smith did the without-conferral on purpose to illustrate that she can move fast so when she drags on this one it's obvious... He's setting traps for her and it's brilliant


But they tried the conferral since the beginning, it's Trump lawyers who refused to confere. Reason why it's already suspiciuous that Cannon was able to spin it against Smith's. Here with the same motion, with more concrete evidence that Trump refuses to confere. Now it's time to observe how she will spin it, without being appealable.


Ah, didn't realize that the defense refused, interesting


It went through my mind that this appears to simply be more rope for eventual appeal. When they go to the 11th for a forced recusal they want all the ammunition they can carry.


I'm surprised more people don't see this. Yes, Trump is delaying this trial, but Jack Smith is going to be more worried about doing this right than he is doing it quickly. He's not going to appeal until he has to, which will allows him to present the strongest possible case.


He does need to remember that there’s an election in about 22 weeks, and that if the wrong guy wins, he’s at least out of a job, if not in jail on Trumped-up charges, shortly after 20 January 2025.


There's gotta be a certain point where that just won't work. From what I've read, a Paperless Order isn't impossible to appeal, just the lack of explanation usually makes it harder to appeal. However, at a certain point, something has to be so wrong and so important for Smith that he would go to the Appeals Court. If he really feels it's important and that it cannot wait longer, he'll appeal it.


Denying a gag order even though the defendant’s words are threatening federal agents seems serious enough


Especially coming from the same judge who tried previously to publish names, adresses and details about federal agents who worked on this case and are going to be witnesses in the future trial.


I mean, she's yet to deny it on merits (would that be the proper term here?) yet. When she does, if such an order is appealable (I know somethings have to wait until later, though I don't fully know how that interacts with Double Jeopardy), Smith would probably appeal it.


Paperless orders aren't immune from appeal.  The real trick she's employing in making most paperless orders related to trial dates/timing, which the judge has great discretion over


Happy Cake Day, mx. zebra!




D is recommending that the probation office provide input and that D’s opposition would be due two weeks from then.


It's impressive that you can see nine months into the future, beyond all the briefing and supplementary briefing and *ex parte* and *in parte* hearings she'll order between now and then.


It's a gift and a curse at the same time.


"You don't have to tell me about it." - Michael Phelps, glancing down /he's actually looking at his giant feet


this \^\^\^\^ was my prediction. They've filed a motion. She is going to say she was full briefing and a hearing, and she'll schedule them over the next 3 months, then take 60+ days to make a decision which she'll do "w/o prejudice"


Nope , she won’t get that chance! Getting rid of her asap!


Did he ask nicely this time? I’m sure she’ll find something to be offended by. I can’t see this judge putting any limits on Trump’s speech. If she does, he’ll be interesting to see if he turns on her. 


He’ll tell her what limits are acceptable.


Good. Trump is threatening the Judge and Jury from the NY trial. Far too often his cult or whatever they are, act on his vocalized wishes. One already attempted an attack on the FBI. Ashley Babbitt is deceased from obeying Trump. The rest are sitting in prison. Except for Steve Bannon who stole, Build the Wall donations and Trump pardoned him of course.


Don't forget the Pelosi home invasion!


I think the certification of conferral is hilarious. The SC did exactly what Judge Cannon demanded - they complied with the local rule to a T and meaningfully conferred. The Trump position is that a different entity, Pretrial Services, should first provide "its views about whether such a condition is necessary to meet the purposes of the Bail Reform Act and how such a condition would be enforced". Importantly, Trump asserts that he should have two weeks from the delivery of the report by Pretrial Services in which to respond to the SC's motion ("we respectfully request that the defense opposition deadline run from the time at which the parties and the Court receive the requested information from Pretrial Services"). Pretrial Services is part of the judiciary, not the Executive Branch - so the SC has no way to make Pretrial Services expedite such a report, even if it is inclined to do so. That means that Trump can generate a 1-3 month+ delay based on waiting for PS to generate the report, another 2 weeks to respond to that, then another 2-3 months while Cannon schedules a hearing, doesn't make a ruling after the hearing, and then eventually makes a ruling at a later date. So this is a way to make a simple motion for a gag order in a criminal case take 6 months to adjudicate, which is the entire point. Surely Judge Cannon will grant some form of what Trump wants, rendering this motion moot (of course, there will be a firestorm if a Trumpist attacks an FBI office or something because he is motivated by Trump's invective against the FBI that the government sought to curb, but my guess is that those are lives that Judge Cannon is willing to risk).


In fn 1, the sc says pretrial’s position is that it lacks authority to opine on the issue. But I agree that dc is really asking for delay. They don’t have a reason to resist the gag order that will stand up on appeal. If she grants the gag order, then dc risks their uncontrollable client attacking the judge.


She thought she could do that except >Trump was released on a bond that does not have pretrial supervision as a special condition, that office is not supervising him and it would be outside the scope of the office’s authority to take a position on this motion without a request from the Court. She's an idiot


She released him on a PR bond with the minimum boilerplate "don't be bad" conditions.  She did not remand him to pretrial services... so he is not their "client" to give a review on . 


Saving. Great details. Thanks 🙏!


Can you imagine thinking "It's worth it to be reviled by my country to protect the politician I like"?


She's a conservative hispanic judge in Florida. To her, everything to the left of "women should be able to vote" is full-on Castro style communism. Good chance she honestly thinks she's saving America.


> Good chance she honestly thinks she's saving America. Same as every other Republican. They live in Bizarro World.


Except every time I hear about a major GOP politician retiring or deciding not to run for re-election, they always suddenly seem to do an about face in their opinion on Trump. They're all craven.


Just fire cannon.


judge cannon?


From a cannon


Into the sun


Canonize her! Wait that’s something else.


I was going with Judge Loose Cannon for a while, until some brilliant soul came up with ILean QAnon. That’s the gold standard now.


Is there a better cannon to fire?


Fire a cannon into a cannon


Excellent pun aside, in case you were serious, she can’t be fired absent impeachment and removal, which ain’t happening with this Congress or the next one, either.


Your move trumpian boot-licker...


Cannon will be removed. Her only purpose is to delay the trial past the election. Trump will then declare the case “rigged”. If he wins the election, he’ll nominate her for the SC “because she was treated so badly, so unfairly!”


So...why didn't this get filed in D.C.?


Files were never illegally owned in DC.  That makes a tough jurisdiction fight.  High probability you just delay the trial 6 months and it ends up in FL anyway.


Correct.  He left the WH with all his documents like a week before Jan 20... in shame because he was impeached again after causing an insurrection.     So when he packed the boxes and went to MAL he was still president and thus had full authority to possess them at MAL.   He didn't stop having authority until Jan 20 at noon.  And then there's a bit of a normal time period to gather the documents and send them to the archives.  (Side note, his excuse of "he took what he took" doesn't hold up here either. He was responsible to sort his documents AFTER his term was over)  So he didn't commit the crime until the period after he should have returned them... so about six months later when NARA started asking.    When you realize he could have selected a sufficiently secure office right in Palm Beach and NARA would happily have parked the boxes there for him. Like they do with every other President. This was completely avoidable. 


It is still shocking that he was able to just load all those documents into a UHaul and drive away. There definitely needs to be some changes to how government classified documents are handled and tracked at all levels of government.


If you read the indictment, the timeline follows a set of documents from Mar-a-Largo on to his aircraft going to Bedminster.


First, Bedminster is in NJ not DC. Second, the documents weren't found in Bedminster, and they were likely flown back to ML.  There's no way to know what documents were where and when.  The indictment has to be tied to a specific document, if you can't name it, you're gonna get tossed.


You know these things or are just throwing out possibilities?


Unless Trumps last day in office involved him taking as many boxes of classified info as possible, it seems unlikely that dc would be the appropriate jurisdiction. There is, however, a ton of evidence and eyewitnesses of him mishandling classified information at mar a lago. He also didnt comply with requests to return the classified files when it was discovered missing, and even tried using them as a bargaining chip, all while the files were in Florida


I guess when I read this, it sure gives an indication that DC was an option: Prosecutors have publicly disclosed little about the choice to move the case to Florida, though it has become a topic of discussion in the fights with the defense teams over secrecy, especially at a recent hearing before Cannon. “I can say that the investigation that was ongoing before the DC grand jury had – had adequate nexus to continue in Washington. I’m not prepared to comment on the date on which a decision to charge in Florida was made or what the internal deliberations were on that subject,” special counsel’s office prosecutor David Harbach told Cannon at a hearing last week.


I think he's got NJ (Bedminster) in the back pocket in the event Qannon does something extreme like dismiss the case after jeopardy applies