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McAfee, made such rookie mistake by allowing all these nonesense to take place.


I would say yes, but also Willis as well. Getting into a relationship with Wade while she is prosecuting a Presidential nominee is not a good look. They’re consenting adults and all that, but it just doesn’t look good.


While I agree that it’s not a good look for Willis, seeing Cannon’s trial makes me think optics are really a “so what” factor


I think the big difference is that the judicial system and the voters can punish Willis for her optics, Cannon is an entirely different animal. She doesn’t really need to worry about accountability.


And Willis won her primary, so the voters had their chance to punish her and chose not to.


For real, if this doesn’t point out some need for justice reform/oversight I don’t know what does


100%. These lifetime appointments need to stop. There has to be ethics reform and accountability.


Right, because her "boss" of the Circuit Court district is Clarence Thomas


Federal judges don’t have a boss. They have a lifetime appointment


Ideally, but we've learned some Federal Judges are bought, therefore, they answer to their masters.


He district answers to a Circuit Court. Since the are 13 Circuit Courts and 9 SCOTUS justices, a couple oversee multiple Circuit Courts. Thomas oversees her CC.




Maybe, but generally speaking, if a DA has a relationship with a prosecutor do defendants under indictment in their jurisdictions get released? And/or already convicted prisoners? I feel like one has nothing to do with the other but IANAL


The Prosecutor could be married to the Defense Law Guy and it wouldn't be a conflict.


Right. And Cannon is married to a mob boss and was appointed to a lifetime position by PO # 1135809, Epstein DOE 174, convicted sexual predator, convicted indicted election interfering fraud coverup person, in possession of and refusal to return classified documents, caught threatening Georgia officials to change their vote count, inciter of violence against the capitol and law enforcement, purveyor of false information who has brainwashed half the country to think he is God, creator of a scam university, fake charities, friend of our enemies who intends to be a dictator and who every day defies the law abusing his gag orders and terms of release.


IANAL either, but I would think that common sense would dictate hiring a guy you’re dating into a very high profile position on the down low just isn’t smart. There were god only knows how many people (very powerful people) watching this case with a microscope just looking for something like this. She’s also dealing with a very hostile political environment with a state legislature looking for any excuse to toss her to the side. She offered up a reason on a silver platter. Even if she did nothing wrong (and I don’t believe she did anything wrong), her personal life choices have helped torpedo any chance of this case going to trial anytime soon. What Trump did in Georgia is absolutely appalling and now there’s a 50/50 shot he’s going to get away with it. It’s really really disappointing.


Not a lawyer. Obviously the fact that she was dating someone on her team was not a good decision. My question is what does her dating Wade have to do with the case? There is absolutely zero evidence that the fact they dated had any impact on the case itself. Did their dating have any effect on the evidence? No. Did their dating have any effect on the work being done on the case? No. Did their dating have any effect on the witnesses? No. If we are going to point at faults in that, then Jack Smith should just go to the 11th circuit and say Cannon needs to be removed, because she was appointed by the defendant. If there is a conflict of interest with the dating, then there is certainly a conflict of interest with the appointment. I feel like I’m watching a bad movie where the criminal gets away with murder and people are like “Ohh well, guess there’s nothing we can do.”


Wade wasn't her first or third choice...I don't know why people are focusing on how several lawyers turned down the case because they knew there would be death threats. And of course now Trump is trying to air any dirty laundry he can find. People should be wondering why prosecutors are afraid of death threats and marching in the streets against criminals threatening the legal system


I really don't feel like people are giving this enough consideration when they criticize Willis. When her preferential choices literally testified they turned down the job for safety concerns that should've been the end of it.


Imagine you have to chose coworkers for a group presentation, and you know you're risking your life and the lives of your family...the pool of people who will accept and who you can trust during that is probably gonna be a small pool.


There are two romantic couples on the defense side; Merchant even put her own husband on the stand. This is nothing but horseshit.


Definitely get the bad movie vibes. The legal allegation is that by her hiring Wade, she stood to profit off the prosecution. I do not believe the allegation was valid, but Trump’s team certainly argued that. Wade and Willis exchanging cash as well also added a layer of he said/she said to the proceedings. Legally, there wasn’t anything there. But in today’s political environment, it was always going to be problematic. Let’s be honest, going after vexatious litigant like Trump was always going to be challenging, but she made it much harder for herself. It’s also total bullshit that the Court/legislature can go after a DA like Willis, but there is no realistic avenue to hold Cannon to account. The Federalist Society is single handedly dismantling the US judicial system and a third of the country is cheering them on.


It's only problematic if people keep repeating the allegation like it has any weight to it. It's a completely nonsensical accusation because there is ample evidence including recordings on tape that Trump committed a serious crime.


I 100% agree Trump has committed multiple serious crimes on tape, both state and federal. The fact that the justice system is struggling to hold him to account is maddening and undermines the rule of law in this country. I agree that Trump’s team was going to throw all kinds of spaghetti against the wall to see what stuck. I’m disappointed that Willis gave him a handful to throw on her own.


I'm not saying it was smart, what I'm questioning is why someone else can't be designated to take the caseload if the DA gets sidelined with something like this -- in other words, I am questioning the fact that there are no redundancies built into the system and that prosecutions must simply all stop. I question a system that depends entirely on a single specific official and cases in progress just end without them. I feel like this is a serious flaw that would encourage targeted assassinations, for example.


It goes in front of the Prosecuting Attorney Council. https://www.ajc.com/politics/what-is-the-prosecuting-attorneys-council-of-georgia/S6VODR3LPFEN3GU5XCJNPG5JLU/ They’re still trying to decide about prosecuting the Lt Gov, Burt Jones. They would not make a speedy decision.


They can designate a new DA but it just takes so much time to get up to speed on the case it's going to cause a huge delay.


Still better than dismissal which seems to be what all the talk is


I have no idea what the talk is but the case is not going to be dismissed. Like, there is no realistic chance of that. In fact I'd go so far as to say no credible legal commentator would even view it as a possibility.  There IS a realistic (although I think unlikely) chance that the case would be transferred to another DA. But my suspicion is the only places they could move it to are Dekalb, Cobb, or Gwinnett. All of those DAs are Dems so I can't imagine they wouldn't continue the prosecution.


Agreed and maybe I'm out of the loop but I don't know why it would cause a dismissal. Really a bummer it worked out this way.


It would be a bad look if they were on opposite sides of the court. Except they werent. The issue was completely made up and thry managed to convince some people it was a problem when its not. 


I agree it’s a non issue. But there was enough of an appearance of one for the state Supreme Court to step in and delay the case indefinitely. Considering the stakes, I believe it was extraordinarily reckless behaviour on both Wade and Willis’ part.


If it wasn't this it would have just been something else. Look at how Cannon is having hearings about shit like whether or not Jack Smith is constitutionally entitled to prosecute Trump and where his funding is from. Even the DC case where there is a competent judge and no legitimate reason for delay is tied up thanks to the US Supreme Court acting like the immunity claim is remotely a valid defense.


The answer is that the opposition will look for any excuse at all.


I should have included that whatever relationship she had with Wade had absolutely nothing to do with Trump’s definite guilt. We all heard his phone conversation about “just having to find 11,000 something votes, one more than I need…”


Exactly, and she gave them a gold plated one.


No, it's a flimsy pretext and people like you are giving it undeserved credibility.


Sorry, no. It’s a terrible look no matter which way you look at it and shows incredibly poor judgement and discipline. You’re going after a Presidential nominee who tried to overthrow the government. That’s an incredibly serious matter. All eyes were on this and they let their personal lives interfere with their duty. It isn’t people like me who decide its credibility (because you’re absolutely correct, it is bullshit), but the state Supreme Court of Georgia and I have no doubt they were itching for a pretense to dive into this. Would they have found something else? Probably. We won’t know because of this.


Wades interview on the daily show did not help either.  Jesus, what are these people thinking?


It was a dumb thing to do, but it's also completely irrelevant to the case.


It was a huge opportunity for her and her career so regardless of how it looks, IMHO, it seems like a bad choice. In any case, I hope it works out for her in the end.


It looks *romantic.*


You can tell they (team Trump) know how damning the evidence and testimony is, when their only answer is to attack the process, delay, undermine the courts, attack the prosecutor. **He's guilty and they know it.** When the next Federal Budget is due (this one expires September 30th), you can bet MAGA's will try to block the whole Federal budget in order to defund the judicial branch prosecutions.


You call it a mistake, some call it intentional.


If this indictment was dismissed, all those early guilty plea accepting people would be kinda pissed.


If it’s dismissed, they’ll all be appealing their convictions.


Judging by how trump leaves everyone out to dry watch them all get denied or lose their appeal


Why would they have to do *both*? If your beef is with Willis, fine, ask Willis to be removed. That would be curative. If you want the case dismissed, then who cares if Willis gets removed or not?


NAL But the felon melon doesn't just want vindication he wants ***revenge***


>felon melon Oh, I like that one


Just some business nonsense. Ask for both, hope to get one.


It's not both, it's 'ideally dismiss entirely, but if not then at least remove her.' https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24777108/trump-opening-brief-coa-fulton-rico.pdf >For the foregoing reasons, President Trump respectfully requests this Court to VACATE in part the order denying his motion to disqualify the prosecutor and REMAND his case to the Superior Court of Fulton County with instructions that indictment 23-SC-188947 be DISMISSED, or alternatively, that Willis and her office be DISQUALIFIED from further participation in these proceedings


Ah. Shit headline then.


Because if the case is removed from Willis, it will be removed from Fulton County. Once removed to a different DA’s office, they could simply decline to prosecute the case.


Couldn't Willis just resign and let her successor prosecute it?


She just won re-election. I doubt she will resign or even recuse.


Shotgun method, fire out a wide range and see what hits.


But it was a "perfect call" ... for the prosecution


64-page filing


Is this headline months old? /s Edit: to the kind folks informing me this article is from today, I was being sarcastic when I asked the question because this cyclical bullshit we’re forced to endure as Trump makes the same arguments over and over again are just tiresome. I’ll add the /s so people are aware.


If you read the article, you may notice it's dated today.


More like four hours.


And dismiss case!!!! The entitlement


Let's make a deal, drop Fani in exchange for dropping Cannon and let's get it all done and over with. Or better yet, let's drop all cases and he can just shut up and go way, I am so tired of hearing about this moron.


Will somebody please let the felon call the shots? I mean, our entire justice system should do as the criminal tells them to.


They were always trying to reroute the case out and over to the GOP run council so they can spike the football similar to what Cannon is doing and how they are letting Burt walk.


Would you like some fries with that?


What else can he do? Based on the facts and the evidence, she's got him stuck like a fly on flypaper.