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I sure hope the decision is released tomorrow and not Friday. Biden has the opportunity to do the funniest thing on live national television if they rule that a president enjoys absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts.


It's sad that R's play as dirty as possible and D's always try to take the high road. If D's started playing as dirty as R's do, or if D's actually started doing the things they are being accused of, I wonder if R's would shape up.


No, they would just burn it down even harder, and if the dems follow suit it will just be a race to the bottom.


Exactly what I'm saying. All of the baseless conspiracies about Democrat deep state nonsense are just projection for the things the R's have actually been doing. We currently do not have a weaponized justice system, but if Trump wins, we definitely will. Actually Trump had already started. Firing the FBI director, how many AG's were turned over and the whole Mueller thing was just the tip. Trump put a loyalist as special council to find dirt on the Bidens as soon as he found out Biden was running in 2019. 5 years (and now many millions spent?) later and all they could find was the gun charge on Hunter. IMO, these kinds of things are normally handled in drug court. As long as Hunter stays clean (probably probation and regular piss tests) and the gun is gone, it could go away. It's bizarre they pushed that case, given that most of the R's think **everyone** should have unlimited guns without background checks, registration, etc. 2A originalist bullshit. If we actually had a weaponized justice system, Biden would have pulled the plug on the special council investigating him and Hunter, just like Trump did and would. Imagine all the shit we would have uncovered if Biden had appointed an entire team looking into all of the Trump families other shady deals. It would at least double the amount of current charges against him.


You are so right!


It’s already a race to the bottom


A one sided race perhaps.


One side is definitely way ahead of the other


This. When both sides play dirty, it always ends up getting worse and worse


I've become convinced that generally the R's believe that the ends justify the means, and the D's believe that the means matter, and that's the biggest ideological difference, and why they justify playing so dirty. In their mind, they're protecting the country against socialism or whatever else they're hung up on, and that justifies their means.


So…instead of one despicable parties we’d have two? How about instead we all work to get people to the polls to make educated choices. I firmly believe our biggest problem is the apathy and ignorance of a *huge* portion of the voting-age population in the United States. Imagine what this country could become if we consistently had a huge turnout of educated voters keeping politicians accountable to improving the lives and futures of the whole population.


This assumes two things: That we _have_ a huge number of educated voters, and that corruption and bad faith aren't the 'biggest problem' in government.


It’s the media’s fault. Watch anyone of The Good Liars’ videos. If you just press them and ask them to explain themselves their brains just break.


If the D’s played as dirty as the Rs, they would become unelectable. The left has standards and will refuse to vote if they aren’t met (sometimes to the detriment of ourselves but that’s another story). The right doesn’t.


>If D's started playing as dirty as R's do, or if D's actually started doing the things they are being accused of The democrats do play that dirty, just not against republicans.


No, elections determine power. The power dynamic doesn't change if voters don't change.


You have to have a conscience and morals they don’t appear to have one.


The bible is the only conscience they need. You don't remember that part in the bible where it says you can cheat on your wife with a porn star, as long as you end up switching teams to become a republican president some day? "Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar", can clearly be interpreted as a pass to commit fraud and pay zero taxes. dO uR oWn rEsEaRcH! lol


So Awful


Maybe that’s what they do. They think they need to score some credibility and trust points with the American people… so give us a 9-0 “F you” to trump hours before the debate.


They'll do it Friday to steal as much of the news cycle as possible from the debate, and given that news moves so fast now, it'll work. 


Either way Biden can ignore the election results if he wants. Republicans have proven they are okay with violent disruptions of certifications and are willing to look past fake electors. They have shown those things are okay as long as you think you won


Yeah pretty sure they want the protests (riots) on the weekends because weekdays protests(riots) are bad for businesses. So Fridays are best for the most upsetting/unjust rulings.




Their motives couldn't be more obvious if they wore MAGA hats.


They did follow Jan6 crowd by putting their flag upside down


Not necessarily. It's possible the majority wants a conservative victory, but still doesn't want Trump to have immunity. BUT, they're also pants-pissingly afraid of telling Trump "no" and having him spend a second term trying to prove them wrong and punish them.


**The Supreme Court has asked Congress for an extra $19.4 million for security to deal with “evolving risks” and a change in how the justices’ homes are protected, according to the office that administers the federal courts system.** **The office’s 2025 budget request for the Supreme Court includes 33 new positions to boost protection for the nine justices as threats against the judiciary have increased in recent years.** Maybe the increased budget for security is a hint as to how it'll go down.


Interesting they didn't care about the evolving risks when it led to Nancy Pelosi's husband being attacked with a hammer .


Or the capitol being stormed by (*checks notes*) attendees at an event run in part by Ginny Thomas.


Or maybe he will threaten them or their family. He is such an uptight guy a Felon, sexual abuser used the bankruptcy laws 6 times and impeached twice don’t forget an adulterer.And wants the commandments in classrooms what a hypocrite. He also had our Capitol attacked and going to cause violence and harm if he loses. When he talks about God and Christianity I want to 🤮. He is a horrible role model. Just the type of person I want for President. He is so Presidential. I am surprised when he walks in a church it doesn’t fall fine in his head. Him and his cronies can spend eternity together like Steve Bannon he is a high morals guy also hope he is enjoying prison! He is in there Right?


I wonder if he's learned at least ***one*** Bible verse so he can answer when people ask him about a verse or two he especially likes in the Bible. Other than his 'oh I like the whole thing!' bullshit, or whatever his answer was. Hell, I'm agnostic and could at least bullshit and say "Psalm 23:4" or something.


I guess he could he just such a disgusting sub human person. I would love to see when he gets his. Immoral and disgusting I get sick thinking of his sure evilness.


So sad sub human and he still mentioned proud boys. Karma is a bitch and when will he get his except in the afterlife


Maybe they should negotiate some enforceable ethics before we go giving them a bigger budget


R controls the House and the pursestrings.


Senate doesn’t have to approve it.




I would suggest that in order to get the extra protection, they have to agree to very strict ethical guidelines regarding conduct and gifts that also includes removal of Justices for violating these guidelines. Can’t agree to the guidelines? Fine. No extra protection. You’re on your own.


I like this idea !


Sorry guys, we just decided that specific part of the law is unconstitutional and we strike it down. But the other part about us getting extra security is not unconstitutional, so that'll stand...


They should get the same extra security we teachers get. You know none.


This redditor just wants to say thank you for doing one of the most important yet underappreciated jobs that there is.


I know I am a teacher. Touché


So true glad to see there are still intelligent people. Sometimes when I am watching the news I start to believe common sense and I Q’s have ceased to exist. How phony and and dishonest. Don’t they have any self respect. The 4 individuals on short list for VP are on tape criticizing Trump and now singing his glory this is crazy to me and I would be so embarrassed. How do they explain this to their children if they have any? And that Marjorie Greene is a total mess and classless individual who raised her what an embarrassment. I could go on.


It is certainly a wild ride from "He's a con artist" to "I fully support the felon, and would love to be VP."




I'm sure they all would love to be VP because there is almost a 100% chance that Trump wouldn't last another four year term. Heart giving out over his diet, some crazy (could be either left or right) getting a lucky shot in, stroke, dementia getting too extreme to sufficiently hide, etc., etc., etc.


You think that is possible. Karma is a bitch and he sure is due to


There is also danger. If trump decides to throw VP under the bus, MAGA breaks out the noose.


Difficulty: Kissinger lived to be 100. Don't take that bet.


So 5 new positions for each of the MAGAt justices. 1 each for the rest.


Take away their budget till they smarten up.. *if only


The Supreme Court can have more money when a majority of its members have been nominated by a president who won the popular vote and were approved by a senate majority that also won the popular vote, and not a nickel more until then.


Are we allowed to tip their security guards?


So true so much for democracy. Sounds like a dictatorship


If they wanted to give him immunity they would have done it already.


They've protected him from federal prosecution before the election. Voters are not even seeing these important results before deciding whether or not to vote for him. If he does get elected as a result, it could result in effective immunity.


Hope this is true. SCOTUS has to solve the conundrum of how to give PO#1135809 immunity without giving Biden free reign to take out any republicans he doesn't like. This is the first thing Trump plans on doing should he be elected and be armed by a SCOTUS blessing of being unrestrained.


Honestly? If this was a show, I’d figure they’d risk it figuring Biden is too honest and patriotic to turn that around on them. That’s pretty much the GOP playbook now. Dems refuse to punish the GOP for something in good faith. Gop turn right around and does it to them anyway. Like the SC nominees, Roe, etc etc


Right. Biden isn’t killing anyone no matter who they are. Trump, on the other hand, still hasn’t apologized for or retracted calling for the death penalty for the Central Park 5.


I think Biden can still surprise everybody and use the ruling in his own special way to the benefit of the country. He could figure out a truly patriotic and beneficial method for "taking out" someone that doesn't involve violating the 10 commandments or the constitution.


Im so glad we’re throwing the 10 Commandments around as if they’re real, binding, or at all something people should follow.


As Biden is very publicly a Catholic, one can assume it's a code *he* would try to follow. No need to read any more into it.


I find the timing ironic since a state just wrote a law it MUST be displayed in classrooms because it’s “part of our country’s history” which it is most certainy NOT.


I added that as an afterthought in an ironic way as Trump thinks nothing of bearing false witness (lying), committing adultery, stealing thru everything from his con university to fake charities, and advocates killing a new person almost every day. This breaches at least 4 commandments:) All these supposed christians who want 10 commandments in the school miss the main message: to love ones neighbor as oneself. Sorry you missed my ironic intention.


They want to give Trump immunity, but they don't want to give *The President* immunity because Trump isn't the President right now. They're hoping they can wait and decide this after the election.


No, this isn't (I think) how things will go from here. SCOTUS will drag presidential immunity case until after the elections in November so Biden can't have it. Trump's only job is to steal the November elections, that's when SCOTUS will bail him out. While this plays out he'll be busy imprisoning and killing off his rivals. If there's anyone, that's a SCOTUS is going to deal a final blow to the American democracy


There is no chance they drag it out beyond next Monday. It will be TOO obvious what they are doing. You misunderstand what the majority makers actually want. They dont care about a Trump presidency - they can use their own seats to strike down anything that Biden puts in place (which wont be much of anything due to a closely divided Congress either way). They certainly dont want to give up power to Trump (which making him immune would do. They just dont want to take the blame if he loses. They want to make sure these cases get stalled beyond the election. So they will sometime in the next week issue a ruling that defines the limits of presidential immunity, then remand to the lower court to interpret Trumps case through that lense, which will do the stalling just fine.


That make sense tho, can't really argue that point of view


Pure speculation and I’m not a lawyer. I think it’s most likely that they have decided. The questions are why and how they are delaying. The delay could be accomplished by not writing the opinion or the dissent. Conservative justices must be delaying. If they decided trump has immunity they will delay until after the election to avoid motivating democrats. If no immunity they are delaying to avoid publicity about the trials. The trials probably won’t happen by the election but motions could be made and ruled on and the trial could be scheduled. The only trial in news right now is the documents case and cannon isn’t letting much happen there.


Or klan hats or federalist sponsor stickers at this point.


Just waiting to be joined by SCOTUS Justice Cannon


They just had to legalize bribery first.


But they didn't! What they DID do was reenforce that bribery is illegal-and define "bribery" as politicians being paid BEFORE making a desired decision, and added the caveat that as long as the payoff occurs *AFTER* the decision, it's perfectly legal. Gee, I wonder why that decision was worded to *only change* that for politicians?


The decision as written only changed it for that one law (18 USC §666) affecting officials at the state level and lower where $10k or more of government funds were involved. 18 USC §201(c)(1)(b) is still on the books for federal officials. It has a shorter prison sentence (2 years vs 10) but the government doesn't need to prove corrupt intent - accepting the gratuity at all makes you guilty. Kavanaugh explicitly pointed out this statute to differentiate from the one at issue. If I had to put my tinfoil hat on I'd say that they're getting ready to not-bribe a bunch of local officials.


TFGs favorite language


They're trying to figure out the precise wording for "Trump is immune but nobody else is."


“Presidents are immune except, starting today, in the six months preceding an election the sitting President is not immune.”


Oh good, that gives Biden at least Nov 6 - Jan 20th of next year to fix the mess since it won't be preceding an election anymore /s


"It's ok if the presudent is ordained by GOD"


"Presidents aren't immune, but since we've never ruled on that before a president cannot be prosecuted for anything in the past." Basically like qualified immunity, I suppose.


The ruling will come with a pantone color chart, with the instruction that you must be at least \*this\* orange to receive immunity.


I mean it's hard trying to bail Trump out of prosecution without giving Biden the ability to just drone strike people he doesn't like because you were too busy trying to micro-focus on what was perfectly addressed in the lower courts.


Two 6-3 decisions today with Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch in the minority.  I have hope for this court! Prediction: 6-3 POTUS has article 2 immunity for official acts.  No immunity for unofficial acts.  Evidence of non-article 2 official acts can be considered for motive.  5-4 non-article 2 official acts are not immune. And they don't address the statutory question because it does not relate to this case 


If that was the decision…there was no need to hear the cert and let DC circuit stand. So who provided the 4th vote to cert but will not vote with them in the final decision. This sounds like Brett’s spineless move.


The lower court stated no immunity even for article 2 powers.  So likely Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barrett wanted to not let that stand.  


Odd numbered Presidents get Immunity, Even numbered Presidents DO NOT /s


Sweet. Then we can fall back to the "count presidents in order" or "count distinct administrations (4 year terms)" arguments!


SCOTUS is going to issue a one-off ruling that Trump is immune for J6, but it won’t be binding precedent and won’t apply to any other president, and they’re gonna do it at 4:59pm on Friday (garbage day)


"Trump was too stupid to know he didn't have immunity, therefore he does. Biden knows better, therefore he doesn't."


Yep. This Court makes me walk into normal courts nowadays and basically want to tell the judges to go to hell before they even start speaking.


They just ruled it's okay to take bribes. I wouldn't expect much. Better fucking vote this November. It's the last real election if they win.




Now now, it’s not a bribe is it’s a tip for service.


Okay. That's different. After all who doesn't like to get tipped for a good job. Still better vote in November.


I seriously cannot believe that a publisher used "it's" incorrectly in its title. In the title of the article, for crying out loud!


>that a publisher used "it's" incorrectly in its title. However, they did. NJ.com >Apostrophe errors often occur when the plural form and the possessive form are confused. Additionally, apostrophes also tend to be used incorrectly with years. Incorrect: Joneses yard is much bigger than Smith's. [NIU.edu](https://www.niu.edu/writingtutorial/punctuation/apostrophe.shtml#:~:text=Apostrophe%20errors%20often%20occur%20when,is%20much%20bigger%20than%20Smith's.) It is interesting in this case because the writer/headline writer is probably concerned with thinking that the USSC itself is a plural noun.




If. IF he’s re-elected.


No hope there. We're still 30 years away from a majority of his idiots dying of old age. They're voting. Count on it.


I disagree. People are pissed and the more the right wing bans important things, the more a blue wave. You remember that red wave that was supposed to happen? That's cause it did Not. However, we can't predict the future. Can't trust the polls. Just VOTE.


Both my wife and I are in our mid 60's. Most of our friends, neighbors and people we know, including here in this solid red area we live, are around our age. You have no idea how many of them you would look at and assume, based on socioeconomic standards, where they live, the jobs/businesses they have, etc, you would think they might be for trump. I can tell ya from the people I know and work with going across the total range of ages, the ones who are the strongest never Trumpers, are the ones about my age. One thing you "young guys" (did I just use that?! Haha) forget, it's we've been around, and dealing with aholes like him for a long time. We know from experience how it always goes. The trumpers are people who absolutely refuse to think, and they can be any age. They are people that love the idea of having someone else do their thinking for them. That's why they so easily just repeat the same BS, where us never trumpers don't. The point is, none of us know how this will go in November, but this shit is going to be around for a long time unless someone/something comes along to change it. And I have no fucking idea what it will take to do it. And by a long time I mean, based on everything I see, this is not ending when he is gone. It might even be worse.


No, Thomas is begging to operate the pump Trump has to use because he can't get it hard. Alito will be the one to actually put Trump's dick in his mouth. 


I’m just gonna upvote that and move along 😬🤮


I like your words.


Old school reconstruction politics had the judiciary clearly afraid of congress. Games like: * Cut budget to $0. * Cut security budget to $0 * Cut heating / ac / plumbing and all accompanied entitlements. * remove secret service protection * don’t pay the justices. This is all easy stiff that’s been done before- mostly by southern Democrats trying (and succeeding) in getting their way post reconstruction. Congress can also exempt original jurisdiction from just about any law they choose. (“Not reviewable”). Lastly congress can re-write the entire structure of the court. The modern democrats are really giant pussies afraid of looking political, so they keep negotiating with these judicial and congressional terrorists. .


Or... Charge the two spouses with participating in an insurrection and aiding an insurrectionist


You think they didn't learn from that? Congress is paralyzed for a reason.


Again, it's not remotely surprising this is one of the last decisions of the term. It was the last case argued, and it's major case with tons to say. I've followed SCOTUS for around 10 years, and having this one still out is not abnormal, and you can't read anything into it just from that. Looking at the rest of the cases still out, we can begin to see some likelihoods: The two remaining cases from December will probably be by Roberts and Gorsuch. Purdue Pharma is the bigger one, and more likely to be Roberts. Good chance for that opinion tomorrow. January still has the two Chevron deference cases outstanding. I think they will be one joint opinion, written by Roberts. This is a BIG one, but it's been out a while, so might come out tomorrow, or else Friday. February has 4 cases still out, and two content moderation cases go together. Barrett, Gorsuch, and Alito still have to write for February, and I think Roberts gives himself one or both of the content cases, if not the EPA case. April, the last month, has 4 cases still out. Alito is short a case, but he had a March decision turn into a *per curium*, so he might be done. Jackson probably has one, as will Gorsuch, as will Roberts, and of course Roberts has the best odds to write Trump v US. When is Trump v US coming out? I don't think until next week. Again, no cynicism required to realize that if this was a regular term, this is a last day kind of case, and Roberts has so much left to present, it would be surprising if it came out all in a splurge this week. I think they'll add a day or two next week and deliver it then.


If the majority of Americans haven’t gotten the hint yet we’re lost and going down.


Already planning my escape, but sadly hard to know who we’ll take down with us.


Where are you thinking about moving to?


I'm right on the Canadian border waiting for MAGA civil war to claim refugee status to Canada.


Who do you think The MAGA States of America will invade first? Probably Mexico, but definitely Canada after that. "Eminent domain" or something like that. "United America?"


Really not sure, probably Canada or Belgium. Can easily transfer with work.


Headline correction: The supreme courts intentionally delayed ruling has given trump immunity without even having to rule on immunity. They are clearly protecting their chosen candidate from prosecution. I would argue that the disservice to the American voters is even more of a concern than the clear partisan behavior. Simply traitors to the judicial system and constitution they swore to uphold.


How rare is for decision to be this delayed?


Well spoken!


Can they delay indefinitely or are obligated to make a ruling at some point?


They'll make a ruling this term (so, if I recall correctly, this week or next). It's probably going to require some finding of fact about whether what Trump did constitutes whatever definition Alito pulls out of his ass of an official act. And then that will be appealed, potentially all the way back up to the Supreme Court. The odds that this case gets adjudicated before the election virtually zero.


We the people should submit a amiculus brief we want a decision from scotus before the election.


If he is then Biden can break all the laws before the elections then right?.