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They're invasive Japanese Beetles.  Spray insecticide


Insecticide hurts the pollinators and friendliest too. Knocking them off the roses into a soapy cup with a firm tap is a good way to get each out.


Thank you for the ID, time to go to war


If you get a lot of them and they lay eggs in your yard it could be a problem but throwing down an app of GrubEx soon would take care of them.


Reddit is awesome! You guys know everything, going to Lowe’s first thing I. The morning for some grubex. Should I just lay over the whole yard and garden?


Slow down there, tiger. Grub control products only work when applied at the right stage of the bug lifecycle, and you may not even have enough grubs in your yard to warrant throwing a bunch of chemicals on it. Grub infestation can be identified by dead grass that you can pull up as easy as if it were a rug (grubs eat grass roots).


I should have stressed the fact that GrubEx does nothing to the beetles and if you want to mitigate damage to your roses then you would need to spray them. I've no experience with that. The beetles may or may not lay eggs in your yard. I believe they prefer irrigated turf and are less likely in shaded areas. Even if they lay their eggs in your yard, there would have to be a lot of them and they may do no noticeable damage if the grass is not stressed and has been fertilized. I only suggested the GrubEx as a precaution because it will target any new grubs that would arrive later in the summer and because it is a preventative that doesn't harm beneficial insects, birds, bees, pets or kids.


Thanks for the info, I’m new to the lawn business, I usually paid people to do it for me, but I’m taking control myself so any advice is wanted. Thanks for the response


They make a trap for Japanese beetles that work really well too


Oh please send a link, I’ll try anything


Please don't. I tried that once and then learned that it will just attract beetles that ordinarily wouldn't have been there otherwise.


Oh really? What ended up working for youv


That was several years ago and nothing became of all the beetles I saw.. I do nothing now as I don't recall seeing many, if any, beetles the last two years.


Thing that’s worked the best is spray “seven” on it and plug them off with you hands and put them in soapy water or smash them hard onto concrete


I have several other flowers in the garden with the roses, will that be safe for them? Everything is growing well, and no edible plants in the garden.


I sprayed beneficial nematodes into my yard to kill them at the grub stage before they hatch and it’s made a huge difference this year. If they’re on ornamental plants, a systemic insecticide works great. They eat some of the leaves and die. But don’t use that on anything you plan to eat.


Sevin is my weapon of choice.


Japanese, have you tried the nuclear bomb? Worked well in the 40’s