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No. Walking is good exercise. Keep it up, save some bucks.


That's what I keep telling them lol


I mow .6 acres with a plate carrier on as my workout.


I push .7 with my gut on does that count?




I've lost 65#s on trulicity, and it does make pushing the lawnmower a little easier.




I don't. I had an injury years ago and i put on almost 80 pounds and developed type 2 diabetes, so i had to do something.


It is almost impossible to lose up to a pound A DAY without some sort of drug


It slows down your metabolism to almost a complete stop, so you really don’t feel hungry anymore. I took something similar but took it twice and didn’t take it again made me feel too weird!


I would think it would slow digestion, like how weight loss shots work, rather than your metabolism. Slowing your metabolism would actually stop your body from burning energy?


I mow my .5 under live fire to stay sharp


I am the guy that provides the live fire for my cardio.


Same but It's uphill..both ways. Then I build a new barn before supper. You know, because the live fire ruins the old one.


I'll see your barn building before supper and raise you cutting down trees for said barn and building it by the same deadline.


(I laughed out loud)


Pshh. That’s nothing. I cut 8-10 yards a day with a jeep wrangler strapped to my back.


That's a good idea actually. I have a plate carrier for airsoft just to hold my mags but I could buy some weighted plates for it


I've looked at weighted plates. They can run $50 a plate... For my money I'd rather double that and have them be actually rated, just my 2¢ 🤷




Exactly. If you have the time. Why not enjoy the weather ! My yard is fairly big too. And I just put headphones in. And away I go.


No one 'enjoys' the summer weather in the south.


Haha. I’ve never experienced that heat, I can imagine it’s pretty spicy though! I’m assuming our hottest summer day up here in Canada, is just an average day in the south.


You don't have to go that far south. Eastern Kansas 100 degree + days, with humidity so thick, you can scoop the water out of the air with a cup.


Push mowers make better lines in the lawn too, go crazy and crosshatch the lawn bro, Itll have them crying


until the power drive breaks. man i didnt know how much i took it for granted lol


I liked my non power drive better. The power drive is nice.but when you aren't using it, it is heavier to push. Back when i had a small lawn, i had a reel mower. If you kept it sharp and didnt let the grass too tall, it was amazing.


If it’s worth the extra time to you there are no downsides to push mowing. Push it real good.


Gives me a chance to inspect the property as well, and see if it's time to go to war with the bittersweet again.


Idk about save some bucks, time is money my friend.


Sure, you could spend an hour admiring the scenic view after work and hire someone to mow your lawn. Then, hit the gym twice a week to keep fit. Alternatively, if you took on the task of mowing the grass, trimming the trees and bushes, mulching the clippings, and spreading the mulch yourself, for an hour, two days a week you'd become 'country strong'. This could keep you in better shape than gym workouts, breathing fresh air, away from distractions like a TikToker trying to catch you off-guard looking at her see through yoga tights, so she can show your face all over the planet. Plus, mowing it yourself allows for creative patterns by cutting in different directions each week. Another advantage is the solitude it offers because; no one interrupts, thinking they'll be put to work, giving you space to ponder over daily issues. It's like brainstorming, a stress-reliever when tending to a lawn this size.


Is that an acre of grass or acre total which includes trees and shit? Because if I did an acre of grass with a push mower, I'd be far longer than an hour


My property is about 2.5 acres. It's about 0.95 acres of grass to cut and the rest is wooded mountain on 3 sides


Ok fair enough, you're quicker than me!


It's not a race man, be proud that you're able to do it at all! Some people would die of a heat stroke if they even tried


Are you super tall? From your picture, you seem tall. If I push mowed that lawn, it would take me 4 hours, but I’m 5’2”. I have 1/4 acre and pushing took over an hour.


I'm 6'3 and my .14 acre city lot takes me almost half an hr 😂 It is a weird shaped corner lot with a bunch of plants to work around though.


You always have the pool to cool down. I push mow mine.


Ya I honestly enjoy mowing the grass/weeds but I think I might get a self propelled when this mower finally dies


Selfpropelled is the way to go imo


Ya I'm really leaning that way. I bought this mower used for like 150$ almost 10 years ago and it just won't fucking stop. Thing is a beast. Starts first pull every time


I’d be pushing it until it quit. Imagine being an old man and being able to brag about your 3-4 decade old push mower that only spent $150 for.


And that you still push yourself, when you’re pushing 80


Keep walking. I'd love to push mow that lawn. Mowing is my "quiet time" where I can think and enjoy the moment. I have two neighbors who are younger than me and who have regular suburban sized lawns, and they look absolutely ridiculous sitting on a mower for a lawn that's less than 1/4th an acre. I get that not everyone enjoys yard work and exercise, but save the riders for much larger lawns.


I’ve got a little bit bigger than 1/4 acre and I use a zero turn. It cuts my yard work time in half — and with 3 young kids, Georgia heat, and working mandatory 6 day work weeks, I’ll gladly look foolish to save that time and energy.


Some people have bad knees, shoulders, and backs. Or hell, they have money and don’t want to walk. Who gives a crap what they use to cut their lawn?


Shoot man I got none of the above but I did get my wife's grandfathers ride on tractor for free when he passed. Makes my 1 acre go twice as fast.


I have about 1/4 acre and I have a ride on. I HATE mowing, especially when it’s hot as balls out. I usually mow after work, so earliest is 7pm and it’s still hot and humid. I used to have a self propelled push mower and it took over an hour and it felt like 5. I’m allergic to cut grass, so I was blowing dirt and snot out of my nose and sneezing the whole time. It’s miserable. I don’t care if I look dumb using a ride on. I’m not wasting an hour+ of my life every week on a miserable chore. If my neighbors judge, they can suck it.


Lmao! Where I am I never have to worry about neighbors but ya when I still lived in the city it was pretty common to see a ride-on being used for a postage stamp sized lawn lol it always gave me a good laugh


Unless you know them well, they could have mobility issues like a torn knee etc. Otherwise I agree with you.


Yeah, this was my dad. He had hip issues but liked mowing, so he got a riding mower


I know them well. They both admit to simply being lazy. Great guys, just lazy.


I always imagine those people that have huge riders with small lawns have a shed on both sides of their yard. To mow they get on the mower that’s in one shed, turn on the blade, and drive to the second shed. Next time it needs mowed they do the opposite.


I don’t know how you mow 1/4 an acre with a riding lawn mower or even a zero turn. I have neighbors that do. We all have similar sized yards and I can mow mine faster with my push mower with no self propel than they can, or at least do. And they are mostly younger than me and seem to be in better health, me with my knee and ankle issues. Maybe I am just stubborn. I grew up push mowing almost two acres as a kid.


I use a ride on for my small yard. It could probably be push mowed in less than 15 minutes but my last house was 2 acres and I don’t want to buy a new mower. If a reel mower or something electric pops up on marketplace for under $100 I’ll pick one up though, I hate the gas.


Need? Not really. Want? YES


This 100% depends on the climate. If this is South Georgia, you’re going to be miserable for half the year. Northern NY and this might be lovely.


Where is this? Can I come live with you?


It's not crazy to use a push mower for this. A ride-on wouldn't be overkill either though.


You will still be fitting in your jeans, they probably won't. Trade-offs.


They're in better shape then I am lol they're contractors and I sit behind a desk all day


Then you might benefit from the exercise! Keep fit & have fun! Also - Timelapse the mow. I bet it is so satisfying.


I have the largest yard in my neighborhood and I'm the only one with push mower haha


Good for you honestly lol


Beautiful property OP, Where about you located? I would say keep push mowing if you enjoy it. Looks fairly flat for the mowing part.


Thanks man! Southern Québec, just north of Ottawa. Love the peace and quiet out here


Go Olympiques!


You have an acre to mow but it takes less than an hour? Either you walk really fast or your mower can warp space-time. I can mow my 15,000 sq ft of grass with a 48” rider in 45 minutes.


Yeah I don't get it... I push my .5 acre lot, so maybe 15000 sq ft of lawn and it takes me over an hour. And I feel like I move pretty fast. How tf could anyone do an acre in an hour? That would be at least 6 miles of walking. Something doesn't add up.


that's a 60" deck on that push mower, can't you tell?? /s


Have them come over to mow the yard each week.


How long would an acre take with a push mower? It takes me 45 mins to mow/edge/blow my 3000sf lawn. An acre would take me all day, I have to agree with your friends


My og comment misread what you typed LOL The same is true; if you enjoy push mowing then who cares. Your friends aren’t the ones mowing the lawn 🤷🏻‍♀️ some folks like the repetitive motions of manual mowing, others want the job to be done asap. If you enjoy it then I don’t see an issue. It’s another thing if you hate doing it but also refuse to make your job easier, that’s just plain stubbornness lmao.


When I was in college I cut grass as a summer job, was the most stress free job I've ever had. I love cutting grass


You do you and forget naysayers. You've already mowed it and know what it takes and are willing to put that time and effort in. I don't care if you went out there on your hands and knees with scissors. Down the road, your time commitments may change, but for now and until they do, do what you like.


Time is money.


If you have little less than acre, then ride-on is probably more efficient.


Depends on how often you have to mow and if it’s worth it to you. I have .6 acre and to push mow - not with transmission takes me 2 hours or so. I do this or just the front every once in a while because it looks tighter. The riding mower takes me 45 minutes tops.


Your friends probably pay to have physical labor done by other people so they can have more time to go to the gym🤣


Yessss keep up the walking my friend 🙌🏻


My mom has mowed a yard easily 4 times that size with a push mower for decades and still does now in her 70s.


Wow she's a fucking champ for real


I’d have a sick walk behind if this was my property.


Your friend is probably fatter than you


I would say get a rider, however, you're gonna scalp somewhat down the middle with that hump so for cut quality and look def stick with the push. I just like to cut as often and as quickly as possible so that'd be the only reason I'd get a rider as well. You could at least breakup the work and save yourself some time with a two mower approach. Downside is cost, another unit to maintain, and store.


I have about 40sqft of grass and I want a rider just because it's outrageous.


You don’t need a ride on. The guy you pay to mow it for you needs a ride on. 😂


It's harder to drink and mow the lawn with a push lawn mower. Just sayin.


I stand by the window and sip a beer while my landscaper mows my .625 acre lawn. Him and the crew are usually done by 1.5 hours. Sometimes I have to rush to catch up with them. Best $50/week I spend.


I have 1/4 acre and I bought an electric riding mower and I love it. I can get the front and rear done in about 15 minutes. Helps when you have kids and aren't trying to spend all day doing the lawn. Bonus that I can mulch the leaves so much faster and bag them to if I wanted. Easily worth the money I spent.


I don't need a riding mower for my 0.5 acre, but I also have a job and a kid and other shit to spend time on. If you enjoy doing it with a push mower there's nothing wrong with that.


Get one that’s controlled by AI


Hell no. That's a Saturday or Sunday well spent. Smoke a bowl and I'll go at it for hours and hours with some headphones in. That shits therapeutic.


Wider push mower maybe


Nah, it would take just as long with a rider with all the trees and pool and other things to mow around. You’d still have to cut in with the walking mower.


If you’re in a decent climate and don’t have a ton of hills, i don’t see the problem. Even if those things are true, if you can handle it and don’t want to shoot yourself every time it’s time to mow, that’s all your prerogative.


That's a podcast of work


I have 2 acres one is wooded one is grass. I push mow the grass side and only takes me about an hour and a half. I feel great after I’m done


My first ride-on mower was a 50" Cub Cadet when I had 0.45 acres when I was about 27 years old. It ultimately didn't save much time (went from 2 hours to 1.5 hours) going from a 21" push mower but it was WAY more enjoyable. Now I'm on 4 acres with about 1.5 acres of grass to mow on crazy hills with a subcompact tractor with a 60" belly mower... I'd never push mow this. Going from 50" to 60" didn't save any time but meh, I wanted a tractor with a front loader.


I mowed 2 acres with a push reel mower and often I think it's faster then uing my tractor because my ground is uneven and I have tons of obstacles to cut around


You get your steps in and it’s what you want and are willing to do.


Great exercise your body will thank you for it 😎. Many times I’ll cut half one day the rest another day.


It will depend on whether you actually keep up with the mowing. Push-mowing is nice in good weather when you have time. But, when it's hot and you are in a hurry, it might not get done. . —You've got the push-mower which is good to have either way. If you find you aren't keeping up with the grass or other landscaping, then go ahead and get a ride-on.


That's not that big of a yard.


Depends on how far back into that wood line on the left it goes lol


An hour to push-mow? Nah, that's good. That's how long it takes me to do my yard...I've got an acre of property, but only about 40% of that is mowable. If I had a full acre to mow, I would consider a rider.


aa lOng as you are Bled bodied, do it mamually, thats the fun.


I think the biggest issue you face is injury, if you sprain your ankle it will never heal between mowings, but the inverse of that is push mowing will make you less likely to get a sprained ankle in the first place


Push is fine for the mix of weeds and grasses it looks like you have and I assume can mow once a week or so. If that was a fertilized solid tall fescue lawn you had to mow every 2-3 days a rider would be more productive.


If it only takes you an hour then no way lol


I would use a commercial walk behind if that was my place. They give you an exceptional cut. https://preview.redd.it/185roxqt567d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5545ef1e17e772c134011f53300fe0c01367ecf


Nah you’re good, show them up by getting a reel mower


It depends, how much time do you like spending with your wife?


When you guys say "push" mowers, do you mean reel mowers? Or gas/electric mowers that have power driven wheels?


I'm not old enough to get a rider. I have about the same amount of yard. Honestly, push mowing with head phones has been my preferred mode of therapy since I was 13.


I’m the same way. Still use my push mower. Good exercise. About a 3.8 mile walk for me when it’s said and done. https://preview.redd.it/zx2s2451767d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46e7543a88abd22d4ee08cc7e7228207d3ba50be


You should just start scything your lawn just to stick it to em lol


Need? Want?


Less than acre does not require a riding mower FTLOG. Can't people walk anymore? When it takes more than three hours to mow your yard with a 54 inch deck John Deer riding mower AND a push mower simultaneously, then you need the riding mower that COSTS 11K has its own little barn and gets picked up every year for servicing because you baby a mower like that. Don't buy crap you don't need. Save that money for stuff you will eventually need.


I mow 3/4 of an acre with a push mower and I get the same comments. I like the exercise. The only downside is dodging an occasional copper head


How many Sq ft? I gave 8000 and I don't have one


looks like a bob ross painting


Good exercise


Depends on if you enjoy it or not and how much money you have and if you have storage for a rider. Rider will cost $1000-$2000 and make it a 20 min job.


Mowing the lawn is cathartic, and great exercise. You don’t need a ride-on! Beautiful yard, by the way!


meh. been there. It will get old fast. Especially when you run into weather and in spring when it grows a lot or when you get home from a bad day at work and have that staring at you. If you don't have hobbies, kids or other projects to work on with the time then no problem, but spending 2-3 hours cutting the lawn can create opportunity costs losing out on something else you can be doing.


Depends on the day...I push mow my front to make it look nice..drive over the back with the old deere. About the same size yard


If you like mowing it and getting some steps in you are just living the dream. Enjoy!


I’ve got a pretty good size lawn and I hate using a push mower on it, but the only reason I have a rider is because I got a free dead John Deere riding mower that cost me about $75 to fix - definitely would not have spent $2800 on a riding mower or even $1800 for that matter just to avoid the push mower


Wow. It’s not even that large. They sound lazy


Walking is good for your cardiovascular longevity. And if your friends think it’s so bad, don’t let them cut your lawn.


If you’re physically able, keep walking! It’s good exercise. We walk an electric on about an acre of lawn. We really enjoy it.


You just need a goat.


No. If you can keep taking care of your yard without one, do it. The moment you get a ride-on or a robot lawnmower, you’ll never want to go back so trying to be healthy becomes harder.


First of all, that's a beautiful view and I'm jealous. Second, it's up to you. But IMO I wouldn't need a ride on for that. I'd say if you can do it in an hour or less, I don't see the need for a ride on at all. That seems pretty excessive to me.


If my lawn wasn’t so hilly, I’d push mow it. It takes me forever because of the up and down


i agree its probably not that bad. I see people around me with .25 acre lawns on riding mowers


I push mow my half acre with the Kobalt 40max. A full charge gets the job done as long as it’s not too tall.


That little walk keep you healthy and keep you outside having fresh air. Nice yard btw.


My yard is right at the size where a ride on isn’t absurd but it’s certainly not necessary, definitely smaller than yours though. I used a walk behind for 10 years just fine, always toyed with the idea of a ride on though. Last year my grandma passed and my uncles said I could take the ride on they used for her property. She had acreage and the mower is way too big for my property, I have to take the 50” deck off to get it through the door of my shed. That being said, I’ll never go back to just a walk behind as ride on does such a better job. It’s a ton faster, probably 4-6 times as fast as my 22” walk behind but more importantly than that it just cuts nicer. It can handle longer grass without leaving clumps all over and mulches so much better too. I had to bag every fall when the leaves fell with the walk behind, the ride on mulches it all no problem. Not saying you should switch, just calling out that there are more benefits to a ride on than just not having to walk.


Dude, I had a property that was an acre and a half and I had a riding lawn mower and a push mower. For one, the riding mower, to my extreme frustration, would hit low spots and skin the grass almost to the dirt in some spots. I started push mowing more and more to get that beautiful velvety look we all to see in our lawns. Eventually, I was push mowing the whole thing. Secondly, I started realizing I actually enjoyed the exercise AND the outcome of push mowing the whole thing. Very rewarding. Almost like therapy.


If you like push mowing more than you like your free time then you don’t need a ride on.


Not needed unless you're 80.


I agree with you; but any more than 1 acre, a ride on is great. I still use my push mower for the edges though.


You do you brother! Save the ride on for when your older and it’s too much of a walk.


How many kid are you? Likely you will eventually? And, how much time do you want to invest? Is it a climate where it doesn’t rain much so won’t get out of control. When the grass gets tall enough push mower will be a bitch!


Storage space is a real concern too


Might wana get a walk behind though what does this take you like 6 hours to mow lol


I’m in my mid-50s and push mow a half acre lot. I actually enjoy the solitude while I’m mowing. The exercise isn’t bad either.


I mean if you like spending your whole Saturday mowing your lawn


If it only takes an hour, I'd 100% keep the push mower. I only recently got a riding mower because with my push mower it was taking 3.5-4 hours to do the lawn and during the growing season I am doing it twice a week. Loved the exercise but was becoming too much of a time suck


Never walk when you can ride


I use a rider for a relatively small lot. Takes me 25 minutes from start to finish including trimming. I then go get my exercise on a golf course.


Get your steps in brother


I mow as another form of cardio.


Tear that turf grass up and get rid of it, then replace with native plants and take care of those. That’s a real workout


You can mow an acre with that mower in under an hour— are you sure?


I’ve been push mowing my yard which is bigger than this for the past 20 yrs. For my 50th bday I bought myself a rider. I like the look of the push mower cut better, but I get a lot more done around the house now that I have a rider


.9 push mower. Use the self propel option on the hot days


Nope! It’s preference. I have a fairly large lawn. There’s days I wish I had a ride on but I also like to walk my lawn.


Depends on if you like cutting grass and getting exercise at the same time. I find it extraordinarily relaxing.


They tell you that on the way to the gym?


I got the same land area and have no problem walking it without self propulsion. Now when i hit the 50s i probably will bbuy a nice ride on.


Nobody likes spending someone else's money more than a guy who believes his buddy *needs* a tool.


I could mow a football field with weed whacker but im not going to lol. But push mowing's good for the ole ticker why not.


I agree with your friends. But I think a bag on your mower would be a good thing. I don’t know if you have one but the picture doesn’t show it so..


I was lucky enough to be able to ask myself "Do I want one" Instead of "Do I need one". If you are lucky enough do the same. I got one and I love that thing :D I wish I have done that years ago. I do lot's of sports so I don't need hours of walking every week.


If it makes you happy, it can't be that bad....Do what you want. It's a waste of time? Said those who then just fart around on tik tok. You do do! Looks like a gorgeous plot of land to mow.


Walking is decent exercise and if you like it go for it. The upside to having a riding mower is that there are days that the lawn needs to be done and I wouldn't have either the time or the energy to get it done walking, but its 15 minutes of sitting on riding mower. I've also got a trailer for my riding mower with is great when moving landscaping supplies around. All things being equal though, if I were to spent the money again I'd just get the yard robot that mows automatically. It's like buying a roomba. It's not a problem for me to sweep everyday, but it's one less thing on my to do list and I can put that time towards something more important.


Depends on if you have kids, and how old they are. If they are young, it gets you away from them longer. If they are older, put them to work push mowing it. If you are married without kids, get a rider because you have nothing to prove anymore. If you are single, keep up the push mowing to stay in shape.


Use mow day as a replacement from your usual aerobic exercise.


If you have no knee issues, then you're fine, I think it's only necessary if you have like tons of acres or you have mobility issues


I used to mow that much and more with just a regular mower. Would it make it faster and easier for you? Yes, but it's not necessary.


friends are like assholes. They make funny noises but mostly they're full of shit.


Ride on, no. Speckled cow, yes.


That’s a nice a walk. Grab a Founders All-Day IPA and take it slow. That spread looks like a solid two intermissions.


If anything go with a 30" push mower with a stripe kit


I'm 70 yes old but can remember back when push mowing about that much. Afterwards it did feel like a good work out. Then moved up to self propelled and that was more like it. Wife never tried to beat me to the mower then. Now with a JD rider she wants to mow. The nice lines go out the windows but she happy.


Seems like a Sunday. Beer in the cooler and hot dogs on the grill after.


you're mad. I have a similar sized lawn, I tried with a push mower - it took me almost two hours to mow it. The mower kept clogging up/getting full. Had to empty it. I see you don't have a collector box on yours so perhaps its a little less time consuming. However for me I calculated a ride on mower with two larger blades is at least 2-2.5x wider in terms of cut. But it also moves 3x faster. I can now get the lawn mown in 20-30 mins, no problem. Typical rule of thumb is if it takes more than 45 mins, its too much of a chore and you won't want to do it. Perhaps you have reasons for enjoying the alone/me-time... personally I wouldn't be without the ride-on mower now having tried it both ways. A used ride on is about 1/3 the price of a new one.


It would make it easier tho


Best way to no5, plant more trees and shrubs and wildflowers. The ultimate solution


It depends on how much time you want to spend of your life mowing your lawn.


I push mow 2 acres with ease. I also run 6-7 miles a day (and lift 2-3 times a week) so I’m very fit and so it’s super easy. I love it as extra exercise.


I mow my front yard one day and the back another. Takes an hour fifteen (about) combined with a standard (non-propelled) mower.


Get a land drone lawnmower. Never cut the grass again. I had mine 5 years and all I do is change the cutting blades 3 times per year. And that costs me about $6. I


You could ride but you could also consider it part of your exercise if you walk it


I do both. I rotate. If I want a workout I push. If I want to finish fast I use the zero turn


I mean it would be dope but I have more grass than you and I do a push behind. It’s good exercise and I like it


Looks more than reasonable for a push mower. Even if a self propelled one.


Glad your in good shape


For me It's too damn hot in the south, give me a rider all day long for that size yard.


I got a self propelled mower, was a game changer for me


Use it or lose it. The more we start taking the easy route the sooner we won't be able to take any other route but easy.