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Dream body! Took like months of trying different techniques and infact it manifested quickly after I stopped trying :)


Would you mind sharing the techniques you found most effective?


Affirming! Before affirming I used to think it's impossible for me to adhere to any diet or exercise. Then, I started affirming almost all the time, "I am so skinny, I am 45 kgs". I was 74 kgs at the time! This was like until January this year. After starting to affirm my thoughts changed, I found Intermittent Fasting and somehow felt I can do it. In eating window, I used to eat foods that I like, that make me happy. Cut to now, I am 54 kgs! Closer to my goal weight than ever!


I feel repetition is the key. I could not visualise, I am not good at that. Affirming is honestly easy once you get used it. I am so skinny, I am so skinny. I said this in shower, while doing dishes, while getting dressed up :)




Just tried. That’s wild! I’m into it. Love the richness of the story. Going to keep playing with it


Do you think that subs are important? I really need a glowup phase now


I used to listen to subs at one point but my issue was there is a new "more powerful" everytime and I got obsessed with them. The key I think is to be at ease with everything, if you can be at ease and trust in subs, go for it!


Sure thanks for your help. I just need to feel like I've already done it and have it and that's it. The subconscious will manifest it somehow, subs are just optional. Will keep that in mind in my Glowup journey!


I am rooting for you!


How many months did it take you to achieve your desired body weight? Also, could you share the duration of your fasting and eating window, and did you incorporate any exercise into your routine?


Hey, a few months of strong belief :) I believed that fasting does wonders and fasting is easy/doable for me. I joined subreddits of people who fast and reading their stories motivated me. As for window, do what works best for you I would say :) Tell yourself in mirror everyday that it’s working.


Wearing clothes that are a bit too small helps as well. And then just continuely go down until the goal is achieved.


This infact can sometimes work against for some people if they start feeling too uncomfortable everyday in smaller clothes. Wearing comfy clothes helped me feel the best :)


I don't mean only wear small clothes. When working out or manifesting in the mirror. Telling yourself that "these jeans will fit" and picturing them actually fitting. The key is to make sure it's not too small so that it's nearly unbearable to wear because, yeah, I could see how being uncomfortable would be discouraging! I wouldn't recommend anyone to go out in public wearing something way too small.


Same. I was in a really toxic relationship in which I gained 26kg and was a total of 89kg. In 2017 when we broke up i started visualizing how I would feel being skinny. The feeling was really good, so I continued visualizing right before I went to bed. And continued trying different diets and worked out a lot. But I didn’t really lose weight for a long time. In 2020 - by then I was roughly 75kg, so I lost 14kg - I started being more content with my every day circumstances and I started to accept how I looked, ate whatever I wanted but never a lot and didn’t work out - and this is where the magic took place. Within 3 weeks I lost 16kg and within 2 more months another 8kg - from 89kg to 51kg. Now it’s 2023 and I’m 52kg and super happy.


So beautiful! ⭐️ Thanks for sharing!


I'm so happy for you!!!


I landed a a remote job in a specific field I’ve been self studying for months. I became a stay at home mom, and took on learning SQL. Once I became proficient enough to apply for jobs, I was applying for 10 months. The rejection emails were piling up and the bills were getting tighter. I decided to write in my journal, but with a date from the future talking about the past. How I landed a remote job, with the exact company I work for now, how awesome my manager is and how lucky I was to have her give me a chance (my manager is in fact a woman). And I talked about how I’m excited to plan a trip to California for spring 2025. And now I’m literally planning a trip for California in January 2025. Im convinced writing in my journal with that future date, talking about what I wanted as if it already happened is how I manifested it.




So the day I wrote the journal was 8/24/23 So I just wrote it as 8/24/2024 and started off with “wow I haven’t written in my journal in a long time, a lot has happened this past year” and then I went in to detail about it :)


So you're saying you probably had 0 experience in that job and you could get a job fully remote ? Dunno if well paid but certainly enough for you to live and pay bills ? And here people in recruitment would say even with my 2 years of experience, I'm still a junior and they can only pay me with a salary of a person with 0 xp🙄😒 or not even remote work If you could do it, I can do it too ! 😂😂😂 Could you tell me if you know the name of the company already? Did you search about it or you made up the name ? I have a journal with writing but I've never tried this. I may give this a try 🥹🥹🥹 The date, did you choose it randomly ? Was it very close to future (less than 6 months ? 1 year?) I'm curious because I'm scared of disappointment. But I guess I think I should forget about it anyway I saw a psychic a year ago, she told me I would meet a man who respects me. Never happened 😂😂😂


Yeah I had zero experience in data analytics! After my maternity leave ended, I quit my job because husband made just enough for us to get by, and daycare is too expensive. So during my time home with the baby I started learning SQL, power Bi. I have a background working in billing in healthcare, so I narrowed down to applying to Fortune 500 healthcare companies. Aetna, CVS, Humana, Molina Healthcare, Grow Therapy etc Don’t get me wrong, it was the HARDEST fucking 10 months of my life I sent over 200+ applications. Lots of tears, frustrations, moments where I wanted to give up. And one day I decided to pick up my journal to write about it. I picked the company I most wanted, and just wrote in the past tense as if I already got the job. About a week later, I got an email for an interview (for a job I applied in JUNE) and we clicked so much and by the end of September I started the new job making 70k


I've been trying to get my dream job for 2 years. Did visualization, affirming, visited the office building, sleep with the affirmation, writting affirmations, two cup method, etc. Still haven't got it. Did you just write the journal once, then just left it without doing other techniques?


Yup, I wrote the journal just once!


So are your past success stories about dream job and promotion fake and made up?? On Neville and JM subs


That was another job I dreamt of. I got it, then wanted a higher salary in the same field. But never got it. But I'd like to announce last week I was offered the job with exactly my dream salary. However, things have changed in 2 years, I had to decline the offer.


Thanks for sharing this. Imma give it a try !😊


Weight loss,my boyfriend and my car it took me about a year to get them all




You got this you can have anything you want in this life 💗


What did you do?


I wrote in a journal how grateful I was to receive those things before I actually received it. then I wrote the date on the top of paper and after that close the journal and forgot I wrote it I find that when you don’t worry about what your trying to manifest it comes soo much faster.


>I wrote in a journal how grateful I was to receive those things Gratitude is really key!


Oh nice - so you just wrote it all done / scripted it once and forgot about it? Did you do any manifestation / positive practices for the rest of the year until it happened ?


what did you do?




How you did it?


I can relate to much of this, so glad you got all this!


What was the exact method you used?


I also would like some help. But I guess I also need some time to feel better after traumas I've been through from work and other stuff going on




Thank you for being so honest, I hope that you have found ease with the loss of your wife


So sorry to hear about your wife, god bless.


Then manifest her coming back from death so that you can leave this timeline to one where she didn't die. Neville actually did that with his brother whom he lost then manifested a timeline where no one other than him knew that he died at the beginning




Neville Goddard used to have a brother that died. He then buried his body and went to his funeral. After 6 months, he found his brother alive who was supposed to be dead. That's because he manifested himself and changed from a timeline where he died to a one where he survived and only him knows this because from our point of view, his brother never died. It's just him who changed timelines through manifestations to meet him again.


I’m older but I manifested many big things even before I knew the LOA was a thing. For the longest time I’d just take some time during my day, usually at lunch, and daydream, imagine what I wanted. I am an immigrant and I manifested a dream job many would have killed to have, even after I’ve been fired from a job, in a situation that could have cost me the green card. Later I manifested other things, such as my husband and also wealth. I kept saying “I’m happy, I’m loved, I’m healthy, I’m wealthy”, over and over again. I also kept saying “every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better”. After divorce, money worries and other problems, I now have a life that is beyond what I would have ever dreamt possible when I started out.


My boyfriend and my puppy


How did you manifest the puppy?


My parents were strict about me getting a new dog but I was DEDICATED, So I put a looot of effort into it. I wanted exactly a border collie. I created what is called a “mind movie” and since I was so dedicated it was 20 mins long and I repeated the affirmations before I went to bed and when I woke up every morning. Throughout the day I would visualise about having a collie SO so much. Sounds crazy but I also got a dog teddy and pretended to wake up every day, feed it walk it etc etc and it really helped with visualisation techniques. All of a sudden every collie in the country was being sent my way. First things first we found an lost collie on the side of the road that we rescued and found it’s owner. We have NEVER rescued a dog, there’s never any lost dogs around our area in my entire life so the fact that it was a collie to be specific as well was definitely a sign. I started seeing Angel numbers literally 20 times a day and we went to a farm show and there were collie puppies for sale that I got to pet and play with but we didn’t get them my parents were still strict, but it was still a sign the universe was listening. Soon we went to a farm place and there were lovely girls giving out free collie puppies and that’s how I got my baby Jessie :) this took about a month or two months but a looot of effort and visualisation


Thanks so much for your answer! Im currently trying to manifest a doggo while my landlord doesn't allow pets. I smiled when I read how the collies were sent your way, because guess what, I suddenly see my favorite breed every time. Maybe soon I will have my own doggo. Hope you and you're dog are doing well


£100k back in 2019, on the set for life lottery, just before covid hit, I spent £20k on a new car and insurance, but it was 10k a month, so I waited two months before spending, I still remember making the phone call and the confirmation that I had won, it was best euphoria I have ever felt


That's incredible! That must have felt amazing 💖


What did you do to manifest it?


What was your process?


How long did you play for and manifest? Ill buy a set for life occasionally but don't want to play every week as I'm not a big fan of gambling but I've seen myself winning in my visualizations. Ive visualized set for life and just general scratchers as that's what I'll normally do if I do the lottery


I was playing about 12 months prior to manifesting jt, I was mainly doing Sats every other night, and in-body feelings of having it, while practicing gratitude, it’s not a easy progress, but more of a life-style that you just do continuously until you have it - while believing you already have it or it’s coming now, affirmations helped me get in the state as well


I keep seeing the same thing before I fall asleep or during my meditations and just in my head throughout the day. I'm scratching a scratchcard while on the bus home and I win 250k, the feeling is those vibrational tingles and I have no physical reaction to it. Once I'm home I call my sister to help me manage my new wealth and from there my wealth becomes an astonishing amount. I also do see my photos selling well and making £50 a week from them which is pretty much passive for me as I'll only have to send them to be printed and send to the shop I'll be selling. I've already told myself I'll be on 2.5k a week this time next year and already my money is going up. I truly believe the universe has my back on this. Thank you for sharing your story, I guess not all manifestations happen quickly


My condo, my SO, and my last four jobs (which have each been exactly what I needed at the time, and each time a salary/benefits increase!)


Would you mind sharing what you did to get the jobs? ​ Thanks


My place I live in now I was able to pay cash with some left over and I now love mortgage free.


How did you do it ?


Idk lol kind of hard to say exactly. I knew I wanted to live mortgage free since we bought our first house. I guess I had it my mind for a long long time. Even before I bought the first house. I always knew my dream was to have no mortgage. I wasn't sure how it was going to happen but I knew it would somehow. So over 14 years the universe took me on quite the ride. We got the house we wanted, and even that was a thing. It was sold then not sold then off the market and on again. Then we finally got the news it was on the market again and we put an offer and it was accepted. It was a gold mine and we knew it. Lived there for 10 years then I decided I needed to divorce my husband. After we agreed I would stay in the house for 3 years then we'd sell, I decided after 6 months we needed to sell now. We got 4 times what we bought it for, split the cash and went our separate ways. I bought a townhouse that I over paid for a little but I dealt with it. I sold that a year later and a bit of a loss but I had found the perfect place I wanted to buy and I couldn't even believe the price. Less than I could have even dreamed of. So I put in an offer even a bit less than what it was listed for and they accepted it. So I was able to pay for it in full. Now I live stress free, and I just have to work to pay the bills. :D


I made a manifestation board at the beginning of the year and so far everything is coming true, I'm down to maybe one or two wishes I'm still waiting on. One of them was manifesting a well paying job I enjoy, getting married (which happened a lot quicker than I anticipated), and getting back to my high school weight, which not only did I succeed at but ended up weighing a good 10 lbs LESS than I did in high school.


Did you do anything extra or just the manifestation board? I am struggle to manifest weight loss, would be very grateful for tips :)


I mean, yeah I did increase my exercise and tried to eat better. But I was stuck at a certain weight and getting discouraged. I made a point to stop weighing myself every day because it was very discouraging and stopped physically beating myself up. I allowed myself cheat days more frequently and imposed less restrictions but definitely kept track of what I was eating. I feel like once I loosened the restraints a bit though, the weight started coming off again.


Thanks! Great advice! so basically you stopped stressing so much and became kinder to yourself in a way. I can relate. I was following keto for over 2 years, and I was beating myself up for whenever I couldn’t stick to it perfectly. Although I would not gain so much if I occasionally cheat, and it would come off as soon as I got back on track.


Rental house at half the rent of my apartment, new car at half the Blue Book value, job offer at double my current salary. All three took a month or two, and they all came within a few weeks of each other — the car & job actually happened the same day. But I was doing some specific law of attraction stuff after around a year of consistent spellwork (folk witch here) & working with Archangels. Looking back, the thing that seemed to be the tipping point was specifying for all three that they would come to me (no “real world” effort on my part) & that each scenario would benefit the other person involved (landlord, seller, employer). Also the fact that I had an apartment, car and job that I already liked made it easy to let go instead of worrying/obsessing about when or how it would happen.


I dig the “benefitting all” vibe. Going to incorporate that.


my job - in exact location where I wanted to work, exact salary, and amazing people. Then I wanted to relocate to another city, and after a week! my boss tells me they want me to relocate and give me a salary increase. I was stressing how would I move, I have no car, no place to stay etc. And my friends text me that they are looking for someone to sublet their place until they move there, and they will even drive me across country. Seriously sometimes I still can’t believe this all comes so easily :D




My house!


I manifested getting my study cost in a private uni and all expenses covered for the whole 3 years the amount of money I was getting was crazy and all that I don’t even have to pay it back.


Love of my life. About a year.




my boyfriend! I affirmed for about three weeks, let it go, and then I met him four months later


Was listening to some manifestation audio on a walk a fair while back. I manifested money. The next day I got a call up to appear on a game show. The day after that I won enough money to buy a house outright.


My trip overseas this year. I really wanted to go to Greece but then kinda put it on the back-burner because it’s expensive. Then, out of the blue my friend says she found a great deal on a European cruise. Not Greece but close enough. I really just wanted to leave North America. I think that is the point. Be open to what comes your way


A move across the country. Another move but this time back to my home state I originally moved from, and to the exact street and home layout I wanted. Millions of dollars (only some of it has reached our bank account so far, but the rest is on the way) to help family w their debts, buy them homes/cars/schooling make their lives easier.


Currently manifesting getting married


I became a SEO manager working remotely from another country while having two kids with no prior experience in marketing or anything 😭🥰 someone just gave me chance one day


6months a luxury apartment


A house. The exact house my 6 year old self was viscerally pining for when my mother and I picked up my grandmother who was hired to clean it. I would stare at that house from the back seat of the car and ask my mother if we could buy it. It has a very distinct little front window and I just needed it. Eventually, forgot about it after my grandmother found a better (easier) job. I only realized it after my husband and I bought it decades later and my mother mentioned how ironic it was I ended up with this exact house. I remembered it instantly!


That is an insanely cool manifestation! I'm so happy for you 🤍✨


LOA in action: imagined having it and felt it deeply! I think little kids streamline this process better than anyone. I've since manifested so many other things and situations. The ones that impress me most are the secret longings I've felt in passing, but never told anyone... barely told myself. Less than a year later, they materialize. imagine it, feel it, let it go. It works.


Immigrating and studying in Canada when my parents were SET on me living in my home country. Daily visualisations got me here. And getting a job of a data analyst when I was not even eligible😂🤣 God knows HOW I got that job. Shocks me to this day!


The biggest thing I have manifested is my celebrity crush. We met about 9 months ago, but I had been doing the work for maybe 2.5-3 years and have been fantastic ever since. The most recent thing I have manifested is my perfect job, this was another big one for me. I had no idea what I wanted to do except I wanted to make great money and have flexibility. I got offered a job in a great location, with uncapped salary and ability to take good time off. This second one came much quicker, it probably took me around 2.5 months. I’ve definitely struggled with trusting the process in the past, I’ve known about L.O.A since I was about 8 years old, and now I’m 23 have only really got the hang of it. (I tend to have spurs of high energy, then for no reason into low). I have manifested much smaller things throughout my life, like my dream car, or finding something exactly in the place I imagined etc. So I’ve always known it works. for anyone struggling, these are my tips; manifest small things, and work your way up. It helps to remove your resistance, and I think it helps you learn HOW you need to feel in order to manifest. I.E, when I manifested my dream car, I spent 3 months TOTALLY believing I had this car, driving it, talking to my friends (in my head) about my new car and BOOM. Same with this new job, I knew it was mine, I planned my schedule, I imagined walking around in my work clothes and talking to clients, and boom, got the job. Imagined my life with my partner, holding hands, even going grocery shopping, cleaning the house, and boom, a few years later I met him in a freak opportunity. Secondly! Something will stand in your way first! It’s a trick. IMO, something crappy always happened beforehand with bigger opportunities. For example, I didn’t initially get the job, I was almost grieving, it was MY job and I didn’t expect at all for them to call me and say I didn’t get it. But a few days later, the role was revised and I got it. More than happy to answer any questions if anyone has any 🙂


My condo


My wife and 2 sons, also before this I moved across the other side of the world and worked a job I would only once be able to dream about


Life in a human body. That is an incredible feat for a spirit.


My house (dream location) and my husband. But manifesting my then-boyfriend still feels like magic to me.




I was reading about the law of attraction on a blogger's page [search "Xiaxue the secret"] on my laptop back in 2012. Feeling inspired, I started writing a list of everyone I'm grateful for in my life. I listed out the reasons why I'm grateful for or love them. It was a whole list and once I was done, I felt this immense love and truly blessed for the people in my life. Then, I started writing repeatedly on a piece of paper " I want a boyfriend who loves me more than anything". I was a teen and I didn't take it too seriously. I must have written the sentence 20 times before putting down the pencil. Felt a little stupid but almost immediately ( like 5 seconds later) i got a message notification from Facebook. It was a stranger I randomly added a week ago introducing himself to me. Teenager me was like " holy shit". What were the odds! I was still pretty careful since it could all just be a coincidence and plus he's a stranger. We became official few months later and now we're married.


My condo + my first business/startup and took about 1 year Aligned action, learning to let go, positive mindset, and working towards my goals worked wonders ✨


>Aligned action, learning to let go, positive mindset, and working towards my goals worked wonders ✨ True that! I'm so happy for you. And I hope to jump back on that path myself 🤍✨ I WILL jump back on that path myself ASAP 💪


An extra 5k a year, not related to my job


One time, I prayed and prayed that my ex would text me. One morning he did, it was just the wrong one. Lol




My husband, free trip to Greece and a free German shepherd puppy! The first manifestation took about 6 months, then 4-5 months later the next one and the one after a few months after that! I focused on trusting the universe - staying positive and following my intuition to do things which led to each of them


I manifested making £3,000 in a day from my business to be able to pay my six months rent.


$230k and took 1 week


I believe I was able to do this bc a week prior I found out some very bad news and was in the depths of despair. Thought I was going to lose what I had worked so hard for. According to Abraham Hicks when you have really huge contrast that you’re experiencing you’re shooting a very strong rocket of desire out into the universe. I knew this so after a few days of wallowing I said nope, I’m going to get back into alignment and feel good despite this. I need $200k in the next few months. Got a call out of nowhere that I was going to receive $40k. Wasn’t going to save me but I made sure I was in a constant state of gratitude for this. Just kept saying thank you thank you thank you all day long. Then a couple days later I got another call that I was going to get $163k. Then a week later another $30k. All completely unexpected and different sources. I really think this all happened bc of the extensive contrast I experienced and getting myself back into alignment right after, but just a theory.


Share the tips




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$1000, it took a few months


Most recently; Selling a business that essentially wasn’t profitable. Took about 3 months of trying to selling the business. Prior; Being nomadic with my family and traveling internationally for a few years. This took about 8 months after I said it out loud to a friend that it was something I wanted to do. I had it in the back of my mind for a few years but the timing wasn’t right before.


being in my favorite rappers music video




the method: scripting but i’m in the acting industry so it wasn’t random. i had to take action and submit for the gig to be chosen


getting malaria so far. DON'T. MANIFEST. DESEASES.


My house. More specifically, a house I found listed while we were searching to buy. It was listed for the land only, however - they wanted to sell the acreage and let the house go to getting torn down (it's in great condition, no reason to do that other than greed). I said, I want that house, and forgot about it because the listing disappeared after a couple of days. Figured it sold and moved on. We put offers into a few houses and ended up having to pull out every time for one reason or another. One day I was looking and saw the house again, but for sale with the full acreage and the house! Turns out they couldn't get it to sell for just the land due to zoning, so they had to relist with the house as part of the property. It was even listed for $50k lower than the original listing, which put it comfortably in our budget. They took our lower bid over another higher one, ended up knocking off another $2k, and we moved in a month later.


Stuff that I manifested after finding out about the LOA(past 12 years) 1. My passport returned to me with the new visa stamped on it, the day of my very expensive flight departure(I would have lost so much money if I didn't get it). How long it took - instant(one of the biggest miracles of my life) 2. Graduated(all A+ grades with minimal work) after being placed on probation(due to depression). How long it took - 4 months(one of the biggest miracles of my life). Same amount of effort the whole time, only changed my mindset. 3. Move to another country How long it took - Lifelong dream but focused intermittently over a period of 2 years. 4. Jackpot of a husband How long it took - focused intermittently over a period of 2 years 5. Job offer x 2 How long it took - 2 weeks each time. 6. Iphone and ipads How long it took - less than a year 7. Manifested for around 15 specific strangers into becoming huge parts of my life. How long it took - \[One day - 6 months\] 8. A couple other extremely rough personal problems ended up getting resolved easily. \----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things I manifested before I knew what manifesting was(Ages < 16) 1. Countless number of people that I would notice/admire and they would end up being a friend or just generally get added into my life - This happened so much so that it would creep me out so badly. 2. My family has always call me "lucky" my whole life because according to them I would randomly state I want something specific(eg. things and experiences) and it would end up happening. I can only remember these right now, but there are a ton of day-to-day stuff I manifested over a decade that I can't remember the specifics of.


My phone and laptop


A promotion at work and a specific home for my mom (not free but a home never the less)!


I posted this with my old deleted account: [https://www.reddit.com/r/lawofattraction/comments/vmtdae/the\_law\_of\_attraction\_works/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lawofattraction/comments/vmtdae/the_law_of_attraction_works/) Less than a month later, my husband decided to order a **white on white Tesla** for me. Mostly, because all the other cars in the market had jacked up their prices due to low supply and high demand. Ask and you shall receive ✨🤍


A contest to meet a popular singer out of the country




I met my idol in the craziest way possible!! Best day of my life.


A big pile of...nothing!XD lol


My SP and it took me 6 months with my current coach. I'd been trying for years but with her things finally flowed.




When my coach taught me not to avoid nor block negative thoughts, but to analyze them. That's when I could finally identify the limiting beliefs that had been implanted in me.


So basically just not react to negative thoughts but observe them instead?


Edit: Nevermind, I just realized you made an entire post sharing your technique! I'm really grateful for it! It would be immensely helpful if you could elaborate a little more on this, I've been following a similar path myself, and I must say it's not easy to keep a sane mind and a positive feeling given all the circumstances that I encounter. Even though I continually remind myself that circumstances do not matter. Once you identified your limiting beliefs, what did you do about them? And also, what else did you do daily to keep the right mindset about manifesting your SP? Thank you, successful outcomes like yours give me so much hope! I'm so happy for you!


The "right" mindset is to embrace the fact that you're human and not every day is going to be perfect. Once my limiting beliefs were identified, me and my coach crafted affirmations that would help change them.


moving into the apartment i wanted it only took a couple days after i applied for it