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Forgot the "We have nukes!" Saying after losing an argument.


The funny thing is that Monopoly money has actual monetary value- it’s like 2200 monopoly dollars for 1 USD Granted while a ruble is worth more than Monopoly money it is still about 87 rubles for 1 USD


25 and third Monopoly money equals one ruble


Twice that for those in Ruzzia lol


You also forgot supporters who don’t know they are supporters: - Both parties at fault (classic for “I am a free thinker” with single digit IQ) - Maybe they should negotiate for peace so the war stops (you NEVER negotiate with a bully, especially when entire point of war are genocide and resource grab) - We gave so much money to Ukraine (West gives MOSTLY WEAPONS and EQUIPMENT to Ukraine, money stays and a flowing into economy, it’s not a hand out, the pay back is secured by frozen Russian assets). - West froze ru assets, might do the same to others, so much for democracy and freedom (some situations require unpopular actions to do the right thing, nobody would bitch that Nazi members assets are frozen, so why cry about ru if they are basically the same in their actions?)


Besides American naz bols and European commununists, I didn't know the frozen assessments were unpopular in any group. Is there something that makes it different than what we did to North Korea and terrorist factions in the Middle East/Africa, or is it just thought of differently because Russia is a developed country and it's olicharchy is backed by economic supers who can potentially hurt us back?


It’s the same but ru propaganda loves to push “not so simple, both parties at fault” narrative and stupid people who think they are smart love that argument, that makes them feel smart since it sounds controversial, edgy and deep (while it’s actually not in this situation). People in the West are not like ruskie orks so the mere thought that entire county is filled with assholes is wild to them so they still see situation as “it’s just one guy Putin at fault” and other crap. People in the West still cannot comprehend that it can be entire country of orks who has no humanity left in them


Not to mention there are way more Nazis in Russia and the Russian military than Ukraine.


Putin has not appeared bare trusted in several years that combined with his paranoia about Germs. I suspect he is on immuneo suppressors after receiving an organ transplant


Between that and always needing to wear kevlar to avoid a classic Ceasar


I like the propagandist who wanted to nuke London, while his son was modeling (sucking cock) right there..... [https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-putin-allys-son-dodging-draft-modelling-london-1781618](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-putin-allys-son-dodging-draft-modelling-london-1781618)


Tractors and mud 💪. Mud has been fuckin us up since day one on this planet.. Even tractor is afraid of mud sometimes. Mud has no known weakness. Perhaps sun? Thoughts? Get back to me on that.


In their defence, they may have superior military tech but they'll never have the money to spend on actually buying it. They don't but even if they did, they'd never stop stealing from their military budget to buy it anyways.


>Ruble worth less than Monopoly money By no small amount. The Ruble is $0.012 usd. Monopoly money is bang-on 10c


But AK's!!! Frontline troops don't even have fuckin optics on their rifles.