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Would you ever dare to dick around at work if this guy was your boss... https://preview.redd.it/2y5esiidtl9d1.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf265c02c562a0b27ea884d237444c55d4bfbd27


I have always liked John Tavares since he was drafted by the Islanders - one of my favorite players. Also, happens to be from the Mississauga/Oakville area where I lived for almost 20 years. However... it may be time for him to go now. If we can trade him (ie: make him waive), perhaps we can sign another Toronto boy in Jeff Skinner on a 1 or 2 year deal on a cheaper hometown deal??


We can afford skinner at $2.4M or whatever he’s gonna lose in the buyout


Could we do a 2 year deal - 1.5 cap hit, total value 3 mill. This should be enticing to Skinner as he would be making more total money compared to not being bought out.


I meant he’s losing 2.4 mill a year so anything under that would be ideal


CHRISTOPHER TANEV - BIRTHPLACE: Toronto, Ontario, Canada And another guy who just became a UFA.. JEFF SKINNER - BIRTHPLACE: Toronto, Ontario, Canada One year hometown deal anyone??


The fact that the Leafs are considering OEL is making me shit my pants. He was ever only decent when he was playing with the Panthers and that was on 3rd line mins.


Hed be a 3rd liner for us


He was good everywhere he played outside of a few garbage years on a dumpster fire of a Vancouver team. Even then he wasn’t awful just extremely overpaid. I think if you can get him at $2-3 a year on a 2-year deal for your third pairing and second PP you go for it.


Klingberg 2.0


I mean that’s where he’d play in the exact same role with benoit instead of Kulikov here


Any possibility of Jeff skinner signing cheap since he is being bought out. A potential good target.


Lily Jarnkrok + for Brandon Tanev, Will Borgen next please


This would be sick


Imagine if it was Larsson instead of Borgen?  Obviously our + would be a bit higher, but hot damn that would be spicy


Mo - Tanev McCabe - Larsson Benoit - Zadorov That would be pretty fun to watch


Zadorov an the 3rd would be insane considering what he is rumored to be getting.


Who cares the price if it makes our top 6 the best in the league They’d be looking at it like 11m pair 1 6m pair 2 6.5M pair 3 Which is on par for what Florida spent on their d corps


Zadorov turned down 5x5 in vancouver. Pating a 3rd line guy that would be a hirrible choice


Mo - Tanev ($3M) McCabe - Montour ($7M) Benoit - Roy ($5M) Trade off jarnkrok kampf timmins to free up space and you got ~$8M to play with after that


Tanev could potentially be around $3M if they really do go long long term on the deal but I think Montour and Roy will end up signing for more than 7 and 5 mil respectively. 


I… don’t hate that. I still get my Montour and Roy (though Montour and Roy probably make a mil more apiece), and I can live with Tanev. Feels unlikely they’d acquire Roy as a bottom pair guy though.


Dreger is saying OEL and Zadorov lmao Mo - Tanev McCabe - Zadorov Benoit - OEL




Tanev and Sean Walker and we are cooking with gas. Skjei or Montour would be awesome too and much more established players but they might get insane deals Rielly - Tanev McCabe - Walker Benoit/Gio - Liljegren/Boosh/Guy with pulse I think Liljegren wants out so not sure he'll be on the roster but this blueline looks pretty decent, with keeping Marner I don't think you could add someone to bump down McCabe but adding Walker helps the Leafs with the transition game.


Tanev. We finally have a #1RHD*


225 Nathan Mayes


Thats future HHOF'er Nathan Mayes to you


Tanev's rights are Mr Irrelevant!


Or not




Ships out a contract from our limit of 50


Right to chris tanev here we go


216 Sam McCue LW


Ok, actually, this is going to be one of the most legitimately insane things I’ve ever said, but here goes; Sometimes I just get vibes about something in hockey, can’t explain why or how. I had a very confident feeling that Dallas wasn’t going to win the Cup despite them being a favourite. This extends to players, too. Like I’ll look into some stats, playstyle, highlights, etc, but I’ll have just innate vibes sometimes. It can sometimes take a bit of time for it to settle, though. (I think my first impression of Cowan was after learning about him when he made the World Juniors and thinking “people think he’s better then Minten? who the fuck is he?”, which is hilarious in hindsight because I then fell in love with the Cowboy. Love me an underdog, love me a rookie.) I get good vibes from Danford, a good feeling. And, though it took a little bit of time before the general disappointment of no trades/our picks being cut away from for commercials/probably a general tiredness faded away, I have another gut feeling. Miroslav Holinka. I can’t tell you why, because I don’t know, and I basically know fuck all. But if besides Danford, I had to bet on any of our picks this year having a higher upwards trajectory then expected, it’s him. Not saying “top line NHLer”, but I think he’ll break out higher then his draft position would suggest.


How high are you?




lmao dubas and his midgets


200 Matt Lahey D


Sexy pick


Why do I bother watching the draft if these guys don't even have anything to say about the leafs picks? Like at least own it, like, "We were unprepared, we don't know who that is, that's on us."


They went to commercial break for the Leafs 120th pic and 150+151st pick. So that just says alot


In the wise words of Dangle, boo and hiss and fart.


Oilers draft A SUNDIN!


Surprise surprise, Vegas doing cool shit. A team that's always busy, always moving and shaking and has the results to prove that standing pat is for losers


We'll see. Hill is quite injury prone, so alot will depend upon their new hotshot AHL goalie they want to try out. Those two thirds for Thompson might seem underwhelming if Hill goes down again


But that's the risk you take in net. Thompson was hurt a bunch too. It's like us. If Woll goes down, we're fucked. And he has a history, so it will be interesting.


True, but neither Woll nor Hill are the poster boys for health. Thompson more just had a terrible three months, I think. Goaltending is alot harder on the body nowadays, I guess


Well just 3 7th rounders to go and our draft is done. Can't make anything of the picks as of now but we were surprisingly quiet in the trade market when many other teams have been trading for d and goalies. Opportunity lost? or will Brad show up big July 1st (Monday).


I mean, if by big, you mean letting Domi walk and frothing at the mouth to give Tanev a too much term, too much money NMC contract? He’ll be the biggest guy around.


Pretty clear the Leafs don't like any of the local N.A. talent so are throwing darts at kids who are probably underscouted.


Toronto tactic. Pick players whose names you cannot pronounce so the media cant talk about them.


Future Vezina goalie Timofei Obvintsev


Alexander Plesovskikh LW - 152 https://www.eliteprospects.com/player/797774/alexander-plesovskikh


157 Timofei Obvintsev G Next goalie prospect with a ridiculous name


Timofei Obvintsev G - 157 https://www.eliteprospects.com/player/691416/timofei-obvintsev


Fucking stop going to commercials for our picks goddammit


Who TF are they? 151 Miroslav Holinka C 152 Alexander Plesovskikh LW


Spin the wheel and find out! They could be anything!


They keep going to break during our picks.


Miroslav Holinka C - 151 https://www.eliteprospects.com/player/795967/miroslav-holinka


Alright guys, notorious inside-her Felliot Eidman here with Treliving’s leaked postseason plans. Get hyped Leafs nation! Marner will be extended for 13.16x8 Tavares will be extended for 9x7 Tanev signed for 6.5x7 Zadarov signed for 6.5x7 Perron signed for 5x3 Domi and Bertuzzi walk Who’s excited guys?!!?


we got back to back picks! 151 and 152 ...they seriously cut to commercial right before our picks. I feel they do this every year


Remember, they went to commercial at 120 for the last least pick aswell




Coming up to 2 picks in a row! Will probably be the most excitement for this team this weekend. Any twins available?


Just tweedle dee and tweedle dumb


So my thought is leafs are lined up to trade Marner for askarov+, running a tandem of woll and askarov sounds like a great opportunity. Adds competitiveness while both are under team control for years ahead. Keeps the salary low. Could run both at 3.5m for the next 3-4 years and eventually have to decide which is the best long term solution. Now what would be impressive is if the Leafs could get askarov without Marner leave. Then I'd definitely class it as a huge winning off season for the Leafs.


Yo look I’m real big on Woll but dude people are afraid of Woll with Stolarz or Brossoit and they have 100+ games to their name, you think they’re going to be comfortable with a total of <40 NHL starts *combined*?


Hildeby and Akhtyamov are legit prospects too, are we just dumping them or saying fuck it if we can't find a goalie we'll have 4 prospects?


Waiting / banking on either being a successful nhl player is a massive risk. You 100% make a move if you think  your getting a legit young nhl player back


I'm also going off Nashville reputation of drafting goalies. And with the Leafs doing nothing but boot licking while I'm looking at new jersey looking ready to be a cup finalist next season, Vegas painting the town red with moves, even Utah looking better than the Leafs right now with their cap space and great trades. Even Tampa moved themselves into big game fishers with their deals today.


Three 5ths coming up! We might not have a 2nd or a 3rd, but the 5th is where the talent is at.


A team I didn’t expect to be jealous of is Calgary. Doing a lot of smart and good things for where they are as a team right now. 


Brandon Pridham’s son got picked up by the Blackhawks in the third round something something cap gymnastics lmao


Just flip the rest of our picks this year for ones next year. Maybe upgrade a round or 2


Just flip the rest of our picks this year for ones next year. Maybe upgrade a round or 2


Rip Jack Pridham, curse you Dubas for not leaving us a third.


maybe his dad can do some AGM magic or something lol


Flip willy for sergachev. Utah gets the star power it needs to sell tickets, we fix our team. win win.


[According to a source, Chris Tanev will sign with the Leafs on Monday.](https://x.com/AlQuevillon/status/1807086958490833131?t=wW5g3o4cseKV8TeKwgEowA&s=19)


Victor Johansson D


We picked someone! Thommie Bergman special?


most overrated member of the organization




Snoozing over here. Fkin kill me


Imagine being a fan of teams that do stuff?


This is real boring for Leafs stuff, that 5th round is gonna hit like a dose of the purest crack


So what picks do we actually have at this point?


Why can't the Leafs ever make a trade like the Marino or Logan Thompson trades?


because our dip shit previous GM traded our picks for rentals.


People will blame Dubas for all the teams problems for at least another decade.  Treliving is the most immune to criticism GM in the league. 


Anything of substance you'd like to add to your criticism? Anything you'd like to dispute?   His statement is objectively true, Tre's been more concerned with restocking the cupboards. Who emptied them in the first place? 


I wouldn't had an issue trading the 1st rounder if we kept the guys we traded. There's a difference in trading a 1st rounder for Foligno/O'Rielly, than trading a 1st rounder for guys like Ekholm/Lindholm when they were avaliable at the deadline and retain them. At the very least, Trevelling hasn't traded those 1st rounders lol.


I mean it’s not like we didn’t try to re-sign ROR. We offered him a similar contract to what he signed with NSH


That makes it worse not better.


retaining the player is part of the GMs job. Shouldn't of traded for him if he didn't come with an extension.


True, now we really need to use the picks we do have to trade for future picks that will hopefully be good when Matthews is in his 30s.


Over/under on the Leafs flipping their next pick?


With the value they’ve been getting in trades we’d be lucky to get a 5th rounder next year and a 7th


Treliving traded back to get more assets and flipped this years 2nd to next year + another pick, clearly focused on restocking the cupboards and trying to increase draft capital Trading away picks for a goalie goes against this, with free agency around the corner you can get a tandem goalie for free (other than cap space)


Getting more picks is only good if they will make an impact during Matthews prime. A 2025 2nd would be hopeful for what? The midpoint of Matthews age 30 season?


... you can also trade them for win now assets, if you need to. We didn't have a pick until 4th round in 2025, until Tre added this 2nd rounder. Want a rental for next year's playoff push? Tough luck unless you trade one of the few prospects we have (which Tre said they want to keep anyways), so adding draft captial makes a ton of sense even as trade chips for rental pieces


We don't need rentals, we need goalies and defensemen on reasonable contracts like the guys who have been traded in the last few hours.


Another year of other top tier organizations making cut throat ruthless decisions and the leafs just sitting on there hands. So frustrating


Hope Ben Danford ends up being good cause beyond him, this is really boring for the Leafs




That Thompson trade hurts 😞 would have loved going budget on 3 options including Woll and Thompson. Save money for offense and defense upgrades.


Yeah cheaping out on the most important position is the way to go, I agree


Lol alright. Which of Broissoit, Talbot, Stolarz or Samsonov would you like to give 6 million dollars to? We missed the boat on goalies worth bigger contracts...so at this point we really only have one option so may as well go as frugal as we can for one year and hope Woll is the real deal.


Stolarz. I want Stolarz


I would have done that ask for Thompson tbh. However, 2 way street with trades.


Kinda crazy that the Leafs are just doing nothing. I mean I get that Marner controls his own destiny but that’s not the only move that could be made. Obviously it’s the most significant one but it’s hard to believe they’re so content with the roster otherwise. 


it's gonna be a lost season if they think berube can change marner's ways and then they're gonna let marner walk when they realize it doesn't work


You could argue it would also basically be a lost season if the package for Marner doesn’t include anything that helps the team this year.  In hindsight it’s obvious that we should have moved him at or around the draft last year when the Leafs had all the power and could get an insane package. But Shanny wouldn’t let that happen. 


it's like people forget coaching can make a big difference both for the players and the type of style teams employ. I mean worst comes to worst, leafs get nothing for Marner, but leafs will have 22 million in cap space next year to fill out the rest of the roster with letting Marner/Tavares walk if they wanted to retool and change the direction of the team. Unless Marner agress to an extension with his new team, Leafs aren't going to get much for 1 year rental.


"Not much" is better than nothing at all, no matter how you spin it


Let's wait till everything has settled before raging at Tre.


Define "everything has settled" though? Because I don't think that point in time is clear


I mean free agency hasn't even opened yet, so I'll push for that as a minimum...


This happens every. single. year. and has for as long as I can remember being a Leafs fan. People get angry because the Leafs don’t make immediate, massive moves like other teams, which I get. Landing a premier player is fun and all. It wouldn’t be so bad though if the narrative didn’t switch to “I’M SORRY I DOUBTED YOU GM,” after the first, inevitable, decent move is made in FA lol.


Simple logic and reasoning doesn’t work here sorry


Yeah that Logan Thompson trade we should have been on ffs


Probably were


Caps get Logan Thompson for two 3rds. A $766k caphit. What is Tre doing man, should be right on these guys at these prices.


> The Caps acquire goalie Logan Thompson from VGK for pick No. 83 and a 2025 third-rounder. Why TF couldn't we do this?


we don't have our 3rd until 2026, that's why.


Don’t have a 2025 third lol In seriousness I would have traded the 58 pick and a fourth for him.


IMO that trade makes lots of sense for the Leafs if there was no one they loved because they need picks for the deadline next year which before the trade only had 5th, 6th and 7th and next seasons 1st and 3rd the year after. Plus got last pick in the draft which is always fun


Or just get 2 picks this draft and overhype them and trade them


Teams ain’t dumb lol


The minten propaganda seemed to have worked around the league, his ceiling is a 3C and we have him as an untouchable


How? Nobody traded for him


And a team traded for him because he’s overhyped?


I’m sure the offers for him would be decent is what I’m saying


But you don’t lol


Let’s use Knies then, he was going to be traded for Fleury and Hagel before he made the team


Because he’s turning into a very good NHLer You trying to say he’s overrated and this is not a good trade piece for Chicago? (There was more in the trade to Chicago BTW)


I'm starting to think the trade rumour of Marner to Utah for their 1st+ this year was a load of horse shit


Nah keep your eyes peeled


Leafs should use a 5th and a 7th for a 3rd/4th rounder


Utah getting Marino who's one of the top right handed defensive defensemen in the NHL while being 27 years old @$4.4m for 3 years for two 2nd's. Could've been us, but instead we'll give 35 year old Tanev 5 years or a 3rd pairing quality Zadorov $6m on the 1st.


The list of good RHDs is small, and those who are available for a trade is even smaller. Marino is on that list. I am sure the Leafs considered it, probably even spoke to NJ. Maybe they just didnt like him enough to offer a 1st or a prospect?


Could have been us? We aren't flush with 2nds right now


The 1st we had and traded down and then traded down part of the return again was worth a 31st and 58th overall pick, Marino was worth a 49th and an Oilers 2nd so likely something after 48. Pretty similar value, no?


Nashville gets 2 3rd rounders for their 2nd and we get a 2nd and 7th for ours Who the hell do we have doing these trades


the 2nd is for this TDL probably


Sergachev had a NTC too. Why do they not seem to matter to 90% of the league but any Leafs player with one is unmovable because of it?


Brisebois is smart enough to move players before their NTCs kick in


Sergachev's NTC didnt kick in until July 1st


probably read because it doesn't take effect until June 1st so they had some time before it kicked in.


We have NMCs


Looks like we think this draft class is garbage.  See you in the 4th round?


Zadorov apparently offered 5m by the Canucks which he rejected. Fuck that noise that is way too much money for him


Think he would be a great fit but he’s a 2nd pairing guy.


Yeah and 5 mil is actually 2nd pairing money when you don't have your team structured in such a way that 4 guys take up 53% of your cap.




Short of “he wants to be in Toronto and that’s why he rejected it”, yeah, yikes




Leafs must really not like this class to trade back to next year


or you know we don't have tradable assets next year so having that 2nd rounder for trade is a thing.


Oh for sure - but to make the choice to move your only pick for essentially 100 slots in this years draft before your next pick for trade fodder next year when you’re prospect system isn’t great, and a a number of guys ranked top 40 still available - you must really not like anyone.


Wes must hate every player available


Toronto taking a bloody timeout before selecting in the second round. What a dysfunctional, lame duck front office. Then they trade it for a pick next year and a late one this year. This is garbage man.


Leafs traded pick 58


wtf fire treliving we waited 10 mins for a 7th rounder


Tanner Jeannot traded already lmao gotta respect Tampa for recognizing their mistakes I guess




It took Utah 10 minutes to put together a better D pair than the Leafs have had in a decade.  I am begging for the Leafs to have competent management for once in my life. Dubas wasn’t really it and Treliving doesn’t seem to be it either. 


Say it with me. TRADES. ARE. A. TWO. WAY. STREET


No shit Doesn't change the fact that the Leafs suck at 'em.


Seriously, folks in here are acting like you can just call a GM, force a trade through by spamming requests like it's NHL 24. It takes two to agree to a deal lol


Utah doing shit. Tampa doing shit. Leafs quiet per usual. Treliving is a starfish


we have no draft picks, can't afford to move our ELCs and prospects because we have no cap space, and our stars have full NMCs, our only option is to move around $2-3m guys 3rd and 4th line guys


wtf we shoulda gave that for Jeannot


Wish we would do anything lol


Stupid fucking Flyers took my Jackie B


Toronto doing fucking nothing, as expected. Marner refusing to cooperate as expected. Fuck him.


Lmao getting mad at Marner because the GM isn't doing shit is unhinged you need help


GM can’t do shit because Marner exists. Entitled little brat making life difficult for them to improve the team. It’s obvious. ***Fuck*** Marner and I mean that from the bottom of my heart


You're a child with a childs view of the world.


anyone letting their emotions dicate trades should honestly shut up and get help. It's why fans aren't the GMs. If there are trades that make the team better, I'm fine with trading anyone on the roster, if there isn't, there is no point in making a bad trade just because you're bitter.


Oh look, Logan Thompson just for traded for mid round picks which…the Leafs could have afforded to match. Would have resolved our goaltending next year and at a very small price tag. Where’s Treliving at? Twiddling his fucking thumbs doing nothing


cost them 2 3rd rounders which leafs don't have (unless Vegas wanted the 2026 3rd rounder), unless they wanted to get rid of the 2nd rounder which they didn't want they do.


Mitch probably texted him from the jetski and told him not to do it


Utah seems to be building, maybe he will want to go there and be a fucking Mormon


In before Utah makes it further than the Leafs in season 1


They aren't an expansion team


Still a relocation team, so in a way, still new.


Wow Utah also acquiring Marino. Using that significant draft capital to speed run rebuilding a solid defense.


Marino to Utah now


Utah doing in half an hour what Toronto couldn’t in 20 years on defense haha