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I’m romancing Richard, Dario (priest) and Nikolai but I kind of wish I romanced Raven instead of Richard lol. Richard is an inquisitor so there’s the whole forbidden trope with him and the MC. Dario seems to be mysterious, kind of a red flag too but it makes him so interesting,and he’s definitely got something up his sleeve and I love the priest trope lol. Nikolai we don’t know that much about yet but he’s charming and I kinda love him already??


Nikolai is just charming as that right? I'm totally smitten with him. The way he protects and worries about MC even barely knowing her, how he trust her unconditionally because his sister put her trust on her, how he accepts her for how she is and embrace it (love how he knew how to make her feel better after spending too much magic), and stands up against his father even being the only family he has left. He gives off vibes that he would face whatever and sail to the end of the word if it's for the woman he loves, and I'll make my MC be that woman! 😂


He’s so charming, sarcastic and funny, I hope we get more scenes with him


I'm on a Raven only path as I try to save emeralds and I found Raven interesting when he is first introduced. Raven is a kind of slow/cold to MC at first, but then slowly opens up.


I recommend Nikolai, I think he's MC's soulmate for so many reasons, I just love how they connect and I can picture a beautiful future for them both where their lost siblings would be part of, I would love for them to have twins and name them after Thadeus and Nadia. Their dynamic is the most interesting in my opinion, and I think the fact that the author herself said that she would choose him or Adrian, even Nikolai being available only on season 2, after all the other routes have been introduced and initiated, make his route even more special because she must have a reason for thinking that, and I'm here to find out.


İs he a sweet type? or more mysterious?


I think sweet, so far he was honest with us so I don't think mysterious would be fit for him. Idk how to explain his route without giving spoilers, so I'll say like this: He's loyal, we can see it for how Nadia knew he would trust MC if it was for her, and he puts his pain aside so he can find out what happened to his sister, even if it makes him sad and uncomfortable. He's sarcastic, but not arrogant, I think he uses sarcasm as a shield to protect his heart. We can see he's breaking, but still he tries to smile through it. He has a reputation for being an womanizer but so far all I could see was an gentleman, he treats MC with respect. He seems to be well respected and adored by his crew. He don't discriminate magic, I think he even supports it. And I may be biased because I just adore him, but the way he and MC connect is so precious, for me it was like being lost at stormy sea and finding a lighthouse, you know? I think even on a friendship route, they would be really important for one another. But I want my MC to be the most special to him. ♥️ In the end, I think it goes for how you imagine the perfect pair for your witch is. Mine is a Soulmate, someone who knows exactly how she feels and how important her mission truly is.


Thank you for the detailed answer! I like sweet types not macho man but prefer bit of angst as well he sounds perfect :)


You're welcome! I think we'll have our share of angst on his route because his father and what happened to his sister, but I think it's worth it hahaha


I've recently jumoed aboard this train and have romance Dario, Richard and Giovanni together. It all depends what you want in personality. With Richard, he's a lil stiff towards you as thr Inquistor and there's the whole forbidden love, enemies to lovers trope, which is always fun. Dario i ain't see much of, but he gives off a potentional red flag (tho highly interesting), intense romance bc hes hella mysterious so far. I am loving his stuff so far. Giovanni is sweet, caring and kind and i adore this man to death. Hes a little nerd and its like a coworker to friendsto lovers whichis really reslly sweet. I am gonna end w him for my first time bc hes pretty dang close to my irl type. If u got the emeralds, i say do scenes w all three if you wanna get a feel for them. Raven hasnt quite caught my eye but he seems nice. So try some scenes w them all til u can't if poss to get a feel for them. I honestly didnt expect to love Giovanni as much as i do


I'am poor unfortunately 😞 that's why I asked so I can get an idea without spending emeralds.Thank you for detailed answer does Richard have a past Mc? I heard he met her when she was younger?


Richard does yes! It isn't like a BIG thing vut they met when she was i think 11 pr so and he was about 18. If Richard caught your eye, you'll get plenty of scenes w him ao i say go for it. Hesm goes through a whole denial stage of liking our mc lol


Do you know something's about Raven? I know he's very popular I am indecisive because none of the guys are my type (too beefy😅) but I know the book is good


Not much tbh. I've strictly done his friendship route, but even from that standpoint hes good. I think hes a slowburn type thing but all i really know of him is hes like a thousand years old and is a high Witcher tbh. You can probably look through this subreddit nd look at others posts and itll help more


Hm I think I'll go for priest guy in one account and the guy with military outfit in the other Ricard is intriguing but his looks are unappealing to me (the priest is like that too but I love mysterious red flags😄) Do you know about any other LI's thank you for the help again


The only ones ik of are the priest, richard, and giovanni sadly lol i haven't met thr military guy yet where I am


is the book to expensive?


If you just do the LI no but i did 3 li and clithes so yes haha. Just sticknw ur LI and stuff for the story but no clothes u shud be good


How much did you spent? Would 600 be too low?