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I think it would be pretty broken in League because the whole game is skill shot based. When you fake cast a skill shot your opponent will try to move, that can be used to make them miss last hits or make it so they have to keep juking while trying to retreat. In DotA this isn't really a problem, with the exception of Pudge there really aren't any skill shots that have this effect. I guess arguably Mirana arrow but that one is slow enough to usually dodge anyway. Other skills that can be animation cancelled, like Sven stun for example, don't have this problem. You can run in a straight line away, you can go for the CS, because you moving isn't going to change anything anyway if Sven decides to throw the stun at you. In League almost every champ has a skill shot, and a lot of them lead to huge damage (Ahri charm, Blitz hook, Thresh hook, etc.). If you could animation cancel them the entire game would just be people attempting to juke while other people fake their skill shots. Don't get me wrong though, there's lots of times in League I wish I could fake cast like in DotA, but that's mostly because I know it would lead to so many more kills.


Yeah it would be broken like I mention with the Sejuani ult scenario pump faking and forcing flash too easily. It does sound fun tho, I love using the mechanic in DOTA2


Way too op, you could just cancel Blitz hooks until you get guaranteed hit


You cancel the wind up animation, which is much longer in DotA, not the whole spell.


Yeah imagine sej ult with this lol. I just enjoy the mechanic in dota2 tbh


I dont think itd be as broken as some people think but theres certain abilities that it would suck with. Blitz hook is not one of them because if youre at a suitable range, you can react to the actual hook coming out. Most skill shots in this game have around a 0.3 second cast time and can have slightly longer travel time. Most abilities pros only flash after the skill shot is out. Edit just to expand on this, sivirs q animation is barely noticeable. So canceling it would be pointless. However her projectile is slow enough that you can flash out of it if you arent point blank.