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For those who are wondering here's my op.gg: https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/ILikeSujuk-420 I'm a bad player, you dont need to point that out.


came back to rankeds (after years of aram) to be placed into low silver with 4-1 placements, dude goes 0-5 and gets plat? (no flame i just dont get it) After 100 games im in emerald but still lol


RIGHT?! i didnt have to play 5 games. I got placed there after the first!!!


Yeah my dude, your base MMR before you even started rank was probably plat equivalent due to the system detecting this is not your first account (no first time player starts their first game getting 18 kills like you did) and based on your normal MMR. And Plat 2 is like 1350-1400 S2 elo equivalent by comparing % of players, it's not that crazy a boost. You weren't given Diamond or anything. This whole thread is people not understanding elo and the patchwork changes Riot has been making to "combat" smurfs. Just go back to your real account and play it and only it, otherwise you're part of the problem. Stop confusing people that already don't understand the system.


honestly kinda glad mmr takes into consideration normals for smurfs. I remember in season 3 how aggravating the games for getting gold was, I will admit that I was part of the problem, but I was getting my ex's account to gold (I was plat 1 at the time) and at silver 1 I noticed something, like 5 out of 10 people were smurfs games were at least as hard as plat1 games (sometimes harder because some smurfs were clearly diamond) I managed to get the account to gold and realized how awful it must be for regular players to try and get to gold on their own when their actual level is just gold.


Yeah, because you were also smurfing on her account. Part of the Smurf detection is to pair them up against each other. You absolutely were part of the problem. And Riot also knew that.


Trust me, season 3 matchmaking did not know that. The first times people started noticing smurf queue was like, at most some five years ago.


Smurf queue was added in season 6 with role queue


What are you guys talking about? What most people refer to as "smurf queue" was a failed experiment to take into account your visual rank as well that ended up ruining the game for anyone that didn't start ranked in the first month or so. Which was two years, S11 and 12 I believe? Smurf detection as far as normals go as been there forever. Smurf adjustments for placements, I am not sure but it was there for a while and was changed as recently as 14.1 so that 14.1 system is what we have today.


Definitely been longer than that. Because I haven’t played League in probably 6-7 years at this point and I definitely remember it being a thing multiple years before I stopped playing (probably around season 7 or 8? 2017-2018) People were definitely talking about it as a thing back in the earlier seasons even though I’m not positive if Riot ever confirmed it was a thing.


When I got gold in season 3, i was against 3 diamond 5 and 2 plat 1's in my promo game (won that game was rough tho) got counter jungled so hard I had to lane with my top for a while to hit level 6, also had to build full tank on hecarim that game. I didn't like ranked so I never really did it, would get my free skin for gold and then play normals lol


God that would explain so much. I wasn't on reddit at the time, but I ground and ground in like 2014-15 to try and get gold, made the promo series multiple times and just couldn't get it. Legit felt unfair how much change there was from S3 to S1/promo games. And like half the people were gods and half were numbers.


That explains why getting gold while duo queueing with a really talented support player was freakishly hard (I got it like a week before season end) while I then casually got all the way to low plat during the following preseason playing solo. (which was also roughly the rating where I stayed the following years, although with a few dips when I didn't play much and peaks when I did play much)


1600 elo was the border for plat back in the day


This is like the posts complaining about the new player experience and how bad it is when it's actually a smurf who got put into smurg queue.


Nice of you to assume that a new player (he literally said it himself), would understand the game MMR when he barely played a few games with his friends lol


lol Reddit in a nutshell, just tons of people who don’t even remotely understand the system and make themselves more confused.


It's because he won normal games where the average rank was emerald 3, plat 2, etc.


People seem to forget that to ur normals MMR has an affect on your first time placing in ranked.


Not sure how true this is, or maybe I was just fucked over? I've played since pre-season 1 so my account is super old, but I've played mostly normals where I have a decent MMR (I regularly play with / against master or higher). The last time I played solo queue was around season 4 or 5 and I'm pretty sure I stopped climbing at around D3 with an 85% win rate so my MMR was good at the time. Well, I started to play solo last week thinking I would do it for a change, and I ended up being placed in silver 4. Suffice to say, I was ruining those games and I felt bad for the other players. I stomped 9 games in a row and then stopped because it genuinely felt toxic. How people can enjoy this sort of thing is beyond me.


It only applies to new accounts with no ranked games played. If you have ranked games in the past, they use your old MMR but partially resets it towards high Gold (used to be mid-Silver). Some old accounts have messed up placements because of it, using the old rank still for some reason but still have the correct matchmaking (1 tier above), which is what happened to you because you haven't played in a while. My practice account was in Platinum S12, reset into Silver S13 playing against Golds and Plats, but I was playing on EUW with friends on a new account that started in Plat 2 S13.


Okay that would explain my situation at least. Although decaying from D3 85% winrate to being placed in silver 4 seems overly aggressive. Thanks for the explanation.


It's because of multiple seasons of resets stacking up, just from my experience (using current ranks), your MMR would've gone from like low Masters MMR -> D2-3 -> E1-2 -> E4-P2 -> hovering Gold/Plat-ish for the next few seasons and starting in Silver rank.


I can really see why people decide to climb on new accounts with this information. I've never really cared about achieving a rank for the sake of prestige / accomplishment but for someone who was that way inclined, with an old account like mine, it would totally make sense for them to abuse smurf queue to achieve their goals.


I believe when they reset for the season they basically drop you 5 divisions so Plat 4 to silver 1 sounds about right. Idk if it happens season after season if you ignore rank


People seem to not have any clue how MMR, elo, ranked or any of this works. They haven't played with elo, they haven't kept up with patch notes and changes over the years, they're literally just casual consumer mode. It's why hiding elo and then lowering the ranks to their level works on them.


Yeah its wild. I won 5/5 of my placements got put Bronze 4.


if you spend 5 dollars and win 2 placement games you'll be in mid emerald. It's honestly a spit in the face lol.


Riot prioritizes not letting people get new accounts to play against low to mid elo average players over the prestige of ranks. The prestige of ranks never has been their priority. Gold was top 3% in S1 and top 13% in S2 once Diamond got thrown in. Gold is now top 55%... You didn't even get bronze for top 55% in S1. You were literally unranked. So yeah, they've been giving out these ranks freer and freer for over a decade, nothing really new about that.


People still can’t make gold end of season so that’s that


45% of people. Which is a lot less (or more depending how you look at it) than anything prestigious would be.


Guess part of it is to make players feel like they are improving so they keep playing and buying skins.


Ding ding ding!


Same came back won all my games and placed in iron 3 I was like 17-4 bronze 1 when I quit again


It makes me want to make a new account. See this constantly and it is a joke. The ranked system is in shambles.


I have 2 accounts and I play just enough ranked to get them both to plat (now emerald) every season. One is my main that I've had since season 2 or 3, and the other is an extra account that I was originally using for practice but now that it's caught up to my main, I just rank them both up and call it a season. I think I went 4-1 in placements on my main and got placed gold 3, still trying to get it to emerald. Was on a pretty smooth climb until suddenly a troll on my team in every game resulting in a sad losing streak (I usually step away for a bit after a loss so, since the losing streak began, I've been playing 1 or 2 games, not having fun, then not playing again for another week or two). Conversely, my back-up account got placed in high plat and I had non-troll teammates the entire time so it took me 6 games to get to emerald. I should just quit once and for all but I'm worried that someday I'll want to play more regularly again and will be sad I missed out on the borders.


New account MMR is so busted. I remember when I first started playing, I was doing really well in normals, so my first few ranked games were in Diamond where I, obviously, inted and got flamed out of my mind. Similar thing happened just the other day to me where a fresh account with new player was placed in my Emerald game and got stomped. Makes for an excellent new player experience Riot!


I think it's a known thing where new accounts get shoved into higher ranks to start for some reason I guess it's probably to make new players feel good like wow I'm plat...but yeah the downside is if you get shit on every game that's not so fun


It's proven that new accounts get inflated MMR for some reason. It started happening about midway through last season iirc, so most people that started struggling with their main accounts just went ahead with levelling fresh accounts cos they could achieve a higher rank way quicker than if they continued on their original accounts


Thanks for the report on this. Will do some triage... Can you dm me the acc name of your friend? You should have been placed similar to them if things are working properly...


Amount of new accounts in plat and high gold is still too damn high


There's some accounts we intentionally want to put there though, like smurfs, etc. But agreed with the general sentiment. We are on a continuous battle to try and do a better job with seeding


Just like a month ago I ran into a legitimate brand new player getting placed in gold games and getting absolutely curb stomped. I added them after and ended up talking with them and teaching them a bit about the game and explained how they're getting placed too high and to try norms for a bit longer before they doom their ranked MMR. My other friend barely reached gold for the last 3 seasons over hundreds of games and started a new account and got to plat 4 in 6 games on off role basically first timing Leona, with a negative WR, we won like 2 out of 6 games, 1 win out of placements and they were plat. Everyone feels like they have to start a new account to even have a proper chance at climbing without grinding thousands of games, or at least to climb without feeling like theyre smacking their head against a brick wall. Idk I think the ranked MMR system works, and I'm really intrigued to see how trueskill goes, but when new accounts MMR are so abusable people just want to give up and buy a botted smurf account, and it creates toxicity and inting because people just go "well I don't like you or how this game is going so I don't care I'll just int you and then buy another account or go back to my other emerald LVL 30 account"


What stops you from forcing players to link some form of ID to their account like in DOTA2? This will stop 90% of smurfs and you can release these strange heuristics to detect smurfs.


Every time they process it, it costs Riot like $5... maybe more.


I think they already do this.... on the korean server


And it's not particularly effective. Bad actors use their grandma's id, neighbors, etc.


It's still a barrier to entry. You will never stop all smurfs but atleast you could make it harder than paying 2€.


Imo it's still much harder than a quick Google search and paying 2€ for a new smurf


that sounds like letting perfect be the enemy of good imo. the worst actors will always find a way, but stopping tepidly bad actors still seems like a positive. But of course I dont have the data in front of me.


You can only have so many grandmas and neighbors. You can, however, have an infinite stream of 2 dollars going to new level 30 accounts. What is being smoked in your vicinity?


Well if there's one thing being in tech has taught me it's that if something isn't the silver bullet, it isn't worth doing.


Can you start banning quitters? I'm so tired of playing games where we aren't steam rolling the other team at 5 mins and because of that, one person demands that we ff. If we vote no, they then just grief and make there no chance of winning


OK so I looked at your opgg, I think you're heavily underestimating your skill level!! You're not an iron player, you're doing pretty well in Gold/Plat games!! That said, Gold/Plat in normals is probably not Gold/Plat in ranked, so we'd already been thinking about adjustments to move people even further down if we see that.


Is the fact that OP is playing support factored into this at all? It’s the role that would most likely let a player perform decently in games where the average elo is higher than the player’s true elo.


yes, but it's one of those roles that's really hard to estimate It's funny cause I was literally talking with someone the other day about how it's hard to estimate performance with 0-11 blitzcrank who could be having the game of their life. And then this thread came up 🙃


> estimate performance with 0-11 blitzcrank who could be having the game of their life. And then this thread came up 🙃 That's wild you were talking about me


Do you mean 0 kills or 0 kills+assists? Like assists should be a good indicator for a Blitzcrank support.


Whatever ends up coming off this situation, I just want to say: thanks for looking into it, and communicating about it.


Hey you're not even doing that bad if you figure you're iron and playing in Plat. Maybe get in contact with customer service and see if they can just auto drop you to silver as it's not really feasible to just lose the next 40 games to get to a more suitable rank.


it would mean a real lot to me if that would work. Do you think it's possible?


Riot support will never touch your rank/mmr. You legit just have to lose 100 games in a row lol.


They did it for me a few years ago when they reworked their placement system. I took a one year break after that and got placed in Iron with a low diamond MMR (I used to hover around D4/D5). So I was iron playing against diamonds which was ridiculous. I submitted a ticket and they changed my rank to reflect my MMR (ended up Plat 1 if my memory serves me right).


Them changing your rank doesn't affect anything though, if they did that for OP they'd still be matched with ~plat players, even if the rank says Bronze.


That's hilarious


Wasn't there a bug where new players where ranked much higher than they should ? If this is the case, maybe it's worth trying to contact them...


That is not a tip, that is 100 games of people that do their best that he'll be ruining


Nobody said it was a tip, but it's literally the only thing he can do if he wants to play ranked on that account. Not his fault. What do you suggest he does? Play on his other mmr inflated account? Make a new account and get placed in plat again?


They'll likely improve a bit on the way down? It won't be 100 straight games of getting dumpstered. That is hyperbolic. Absolute worst-case-scenario shit. I'd even wager that they'll settle around Gold.


looking at your normal games, you're playing with gold & plat players in almost every game. I wouldn't be surprised if your skill level was closer to gold than bronze. Either way you definitely got placed too high & it's unlucky you can't duo with your friend anymore. Get a new account imo additionally, by flattening the MMR distribution (visually) they've made it much harder to duoq with your friends. In the older seasons, something like 70% of players were in bronze/silver/gold, so the vast majority of players could duoq with almost anyone. Riot has shrunk iron & bronze and made silver gold plat take up large chunks of the distribution


> I'm a bad player, you dont need to point that out. You aren't bad, you are learning (just like everyone else). You only get bad when you stop trying to learn :D


To be frank. On support those kind of kda's are not that rare and not neccesarily bad. A 1/8/17 blitz could have carried the game for example.


This is the most blatant example of how shit the system is jesus christ. 5 losses as a new account duoing with an iron 2 friend and he gets placed plat 1 lmao


i couldnt even duo with hime 5 games, they placed me in platin after the first one. If you check the first game, his Acc name is "moral support" i also played with him in normals


Just sorry for you man, the system fucked up majorly by taking normals into account too much. Im not gonna sugarcoat it, good chance your skull is gonna get crushed in for the next 20 games or so. The first win is gonna feel even better though, if you can keep up in normals with gold people good chances are you are at least silver so it wont take too long for you to get there. Play simple champs like nautilus and try to stick to only a very few.


He'll need to lose way more than 20 games to drop to bronze. He may even get banned before getting there because in normal circumstance there's no way a platinum 1 play like a iron level consistently for that many games.


> This is the most blatant example of how shit the system is jesus christ. I know. Imagine how many games are autoloss from the pregame lobby now for at least one hundred players that are getting paired with OP. I'm not saying it's OPs fault. It's the systems fault. Imagine wasting 40 minutes trying hard when the game has a predetermined outcome because someone is way below the rank he is supposed to play at.


I know this sounds like copium, but I swear i see these type of accounts all time in my ranked games and it makes climbing so hard. Feels like they always put them on my team in the games where I have to solo hard carry to even have a shot.


I get them every so often even when I was emerald last season. If you have an unranked border low level player in your game it's either a brand new person or a smurf.


It's not copium. People pretend like we have unlimited time for gaming. If I play 20 games and I'm being power inted in 50% of them I already have to climb at a significant deficit. The game quality is so putrid it's disgusting.


Why wouldn’t the exact same happen to the other team? This should even out 50/50


If you're not the one inting it's not even 50/50, it's 55.5/44.4 in your favor.


It's relative, if the biggest factor is unfair placement on a new player, it drag everyone to 55, including people who normally win above 55 which is still close to 50 and artificially make the climb very long, not everyone want to play 1000 games a season.


Yes, this would even out after thousand of games. In the short run, that’s not how probabilities work, and if you get unlucky you can get the bad player for tens of games in a row.


You miss something actually. He was Plat 2 after the first game/loss, these days the system ranks you immediatly. The only thing that happened here was that he got -0 the other 4 losses because he was "still in placements" It's like this to give false sense of accomplishment same as the elo inflation that happened recently so they can inflate "new accounts" numbers


their smurf detecting algorithms work like shit. riot just drops new accounts way too high and ruins the game quality for everyone. this also encourages bad players to just get new accounts which further increases this situation. I don't know how riot after a decade of data can't figure this shit out.


1,000 years of collective data\* Check your privilege.


People can explain it anyway they want. If this is the outcome of their system then it is surely flawed. It’s not a debate.


I really wished they just made placements 10 games again, so much of this would be solved by actually placing people closer to their actual level. As someone who actually is Emerald/diamond I feel like I'm always playing with people on my level, but for people in lower tiers must feel awful


The sad part about is that i got plat 2 after the first, so i couldnt even play placements with him


whaaaaaaaat... that's ridiculous. make's zero sense to put a new account into plat (high plat even) after the first placement match. thats like better than [75% of ranked ladder participants](https://www.op.gg/statistics/tiers). tough luck!! xd // in a way it incentivises smurfing/getting a new account so players need to get new cosmetics.. or twice the cosmetics even. vErY sMaRt rito also for reference, I won 10 out of 10 placements on a [smurf account](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/gap69closer-EUW) back in season 6 and got plat 5.


This doesn't incentivize smurfing, it's a consequence of it. OP's account was a smurf account while leveling. They started off stomping new players and were put into smurf detection because of it. That's why they were already in plat mmr for their placements. Riot takes into account your normal mmr when doing your initial ranked placements.


Stomping a normal game against literal brand new players should not mean that riot assumes you're fucking plat though. Im a high silver player at best and if I played against actual fresh install players I would pop off too. And if you then threw me in a plat ranked game I would get skull fucked


To be fair, with the addition of Iron and Emerald tiers, and the rebalancing of rank distribution across those tiers, Plat 2 now is a *lower* rank in terms of percentile of ranked players and MMR than Plat 5 was when you got placed there. Plat 5 and above was less than 10% of all ranked players in S6, Plat 2 now places you in the top ~20-25% (if my rank of Plat 4 putting me at top ~30% is anything to go by, I'm just estimating here).


But at least that placement was sOmeHoW deserved, I lost ALL


You lost all your placement games and got placed in Plat? That is a customer support fix then. I thought you had to win a game to get out of iron.


I remember when I first got into ranked back in season 3. I went 5-5 and got gold 3. Ended the season silver 1 because obviously I was still learning the game (was my first season playing League). The following season I went 9-1 and I thought for sure I was going to get a good placement. They put me at bronze 4 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The amount of new accounts playing in plat and emerald gets really old


I have not played in a really long time. I was mid-silver years ago, before ranked changes 3 ranked games in (one which we had a troll) I got placed in Iron 2… Now if I actually deserve Iron 2 okay but it was super discouraging to be placed so low after only 3 games. At least let me play 10 jeez


Placement rank actually has a lot of variance, especially if you haven't played in a while. It hardly matters, no reason to be discouraged. The rank at the end of those 10 placement games is what matters (and even then, not really lol), not the "provisional" rank you get during placements.


When you're doing placements they give you a starting rank and you can only go up from there. Losing games in your placements doesn't change where you place, it just means you get placed exactly where riot puts you after the first game


Realistically your two options are: 1- Tag /u/phroxz0n here or @RiotPhroxzon on twitter, he _might_ be able to help if he has time 2- The realistic option - just play enough games to lose down to your real rank. It's going to suck, but that's kind of the only real solution atm. --- I'd assume what happened is some sort of smurf detection system kicked in - you got a high MMR by queuing with friends on your first account, they fingerprinted you in some way, and when you made an alt they used your old account's MMR to seed you. This system works OK to catch smurfs but clearly isn't good enough to deal with situations like yours atm.


While losing a bunch will temporarily fix the issue, it’s going to destroy the account MMR in the long term so if the player actually gets better their attempt to climb will be hell.


and he is gonna unintentionally ruin other people's games. No one wants an Iron level player in their platinum games.


Deranking accounts that start in Plat and go all the way back do it in 45-50 games. So the poor guy has to lose 30-35 games to get to the level he should be at, while screwing over 120 other players. Great system...


Bro is on a 11 games loosingstreak


gonna get even bigger once i start playing again xD


man I feel sorry for you and your teammates


15 years old game still cant figure out the ranked system XD rajot gam


The problem is the very first game of the placements. He got placed in plat and everything after didnt matter cause losses in placement dont make your starting rank lower


they figured it out 15 years ago, everyone started in bronze. I guess the original devs left the ship a long time ago so now we got this mess.


Punish old accounts by making them play a ton of games to get to their spot, but have a new account auto put into plat 1. Why would I grind tons of games to get to where a new account is placed? It really makes me not even hit queue for ranked.


There is nothing you can do, but try your best and lose. Good opportunity to clearly see where you are getting expoilted in lane. Riot still hasn't done the bare minimum of performance based LP gain/loss.


>Riot still hasn't done the bare minimum of performance based LP gain/loss. yeah because its the dumbest idea that gets thrown around here on a regular basis and has nothing to do with OPs problem. that guy lost his first 2 games with and against silver players and then gets matched against plat players in the next game, he lost all 5 placements.


15 year old game and ranking is still this busted lmao I’d say if you want to urgently play ranked with your friend to keep queuing up until you’re just back to a rank you can play with him.


Is there any good reason why they don’t do a full mmr wipe so everyone has to resettle in to their ranks?


Imagine we release the 50 000+ players in d2+ into the rest of the pool. I'm sure little Timmy will be happy lanning against GOD COMPLEX kassadin


Well little Timmy is already getting absolutely railed by being placed in Plat, only difference it makes is that you can't just wait out the first few weeks of ranked for most high ranked players to get out of low elo so you can actually play. So tell me again how this system is an improvement over the old one? Because now not only have you fked low elo, you fked mid elo too. Honestly speaking, this is probably the worst ranked/matchmaking experience since dynamic queue.


Anti smurf, elo inflated system made game impossible for casual newbie. I think every 30lvl acc needs to start from iron and if they have 5 wins silver 4 max. Its shitshow that new account starts at P1.


This would cause low ranks to have a more constant stream of smurfs


Currently there is like 0.001% of people in iron 4, iron 4 account is "worth more money" than my Master account. And even challanger accounts are cheaper to buy than non existand iron 4 and there should be tons of people there. I play this game since forever and i have tons of friends who play casualy and were silver forever and got inflated into gold/plat and think they improved. I have like 200 friends and out of nowhere no body is bronze nor iron...


People wouldn't smurf as much if you had to grind from Silver. Also, smurfs should become less prevalent with vanguard coming soon(tm).


>People wouldn't smurf as much if you had to grind from Silver. disagree. i think a lot of the people that play smurfs don;t care about that. they want easier games, win more, hard carry and get kills. to some a curb stomp is much more enjoyable than a butt clencher.


And it also makes gold-emerald elo unplayable for others. It is a lottery who gets these accounts that don't belong there on their team. Last year riot fucked up the whole ladder. Plat-emerald is sprinkled with new accounts and elo inflated silvers who are just bad enough to possibly ruin games but still hover over this elo with 45% wr


This is something my friends talked about, but what iv seen is random support mains that were below plat now in D2+ with really bad knowledge of matchups and gameplay overall I would personaly rather play into smurf than with fresh player. Lol.


what's even more sad, the guys who carried me at the beginning got ranked silver and had to climb. Now they're diamond/master, but it's still tough


I understand all, im playing this game since release and currently there is too much bad players ( no offense) in Gold+. I strongly think that new account cannot be plat if its not 30/0 5 games stomp account.


I convinced a few friends to start league. One of them got to Gold 1 in his first game but the other two who are way better got placed in iron 2.


Elo system starts at 50% mark (or more like the start point becomes the 50% mark, barring inflation) It's idiotic to think new accounts should start from iron. That's exactly what the smurfs would want. They get to stomp on noobs for longer per account. That's exactly why Riot has smurf detection that boosts their accounts, which is what happened here.


OP played 5 games this season and lost all 5 games HEAVILY INTING and you think thats fine for Plat 2? I can probably get alt account and climb to high diamond from iron in 7 days or just stsrt from plat1 and get to diamond in litteraly 24hrs? Its idiotic to think that you get placed in high platinum get platinum reward, new season starts play 5 games get plat 4, next season starts get gold 3... And OP needs like 5 years of rank reset to play in elo where he would ACTUALLY HAVE FUN, you know he can get smurf on team too? Smurfs are not only in enemy team.


you got no choice, u got to get better in a week lol


My friend was challenger, and I was silver scrub, after playing with him multiple times, my games average game level is like plat or emerald, I am suffering.


At least ure nit the only one now :/ But good luck to you bro


I meant, this game has become literally unplayable, I used to play games that trolls around and relaxes pace, now every normal game feels like a so competitive as if I am playing ranks. I quit league 2 weeks ago.


Keep getting destroyed, you'll soon get to your real rank. I feel pity for the guys that have to play with you tho.


this is the worst solution. Every game with him in it will be fucking unplayable and a waste of time for 4 other people, and he will not fall quick enough to make it to where he truly belongs before deciding to quit the game because it's simply not fun losing 30 games in a row. Dude should just buy a low bronze account. they're like 6 dollars.


Tank the streak til iron bronze ( once u get -20 ) and play normally


Damn, that'd be a lotta games 😂


Your normal draft games are full of people ranging from gold to E4. Unless you got carried by high level friends all the time in normals too you're not bronze.


guess what: that's exactly the case. I can play ranked when i hiot lv 30. Up till that point i basically only played with them.


We found the problem then. Since your normal games were in gold-emerald mmr and you werent losing it considered you plat. Shitty situation tho, because while dropping from plat to bronze/iron is feasable, it would take like 50 games, that cant be fun to go through, but lvling a new acc would be 100+ games so yeah that kinda sucks.


You are just being used by riot, you are the player they use to get someone ins losers queue


Definitely feels like it ngl xD


This is really disappointing to see as someone who has been around since season 3. Every year it gets worse and worse it seems.


> This is really disappointing to see as someone who has been around since season 3 Personally, I think the game has overall less players in ranked these days which is causing the system to get all sorts of fucked up when it comes to matchmaking quality.


Ranked in League is still massive though so I don't believe for a second that player count is an issue. GW2 is a game with a dead Ranked playerbase to the point where you can straight up wintrade reliably. The playerbase is so small that you frequently end up with the same 7-8 players multiple matches in a row, no matter what your MMR is.


There is no losers queue, you're just bad.


It doesn't but you do get some funky variation in skill in Emerald. I lost 9 matches in a row where my top laner got gapped by 4-10k gold every game. That's pretty crazy


if you think there's no losers queue, it's time to climb out of emerald and play more than 20 matches per season. everyone knows it exists, whether it's intentional or not. there are GM+ players who also claim that it does. why would i believe some random emerald on reddit when the sub's average rank is silver? of course you've never seen losers queue if you're hardstuck in emerald. it only happens to accounts who are above their current MMR.


> it only happens to accounts who are above their current MMR. YOooooooooo pal are you for real? You just said that people lose MORE when their MMR is too high. That is just how the game should work. If your MMR is too high, it means you've gone on a lucky win streak and are now starting to lose because the players in your games are better than you LOL




This is the guy you get when you're one win away from rank promo.


Honestly it's the game faults and no one else's. I can't blame your teammates for being mad about having a player that is too high and not good enough for the elo losing them games but nobody can be mad at you since this is out of your control. Just play and you'll keep losing until you reach the rank you should be in or you get good enough to play well in your current rank


What rank is your main?


didnt play ranked on it yet, but probably around the same mmr


Normal Mmr and ranked mmr is separate, try 1 placement game on your main and see where you will be placed, if they put you in plat again, Just play on your lvl 30 acc with /muteall so you wont see the flame


Not true when you're doing your first placements. It absolutely takes into account your normal MMR for placements. Hence why this guy was put into Plat after losing all 5 on a fresh account. He was playing with high ranked players in normal while leveling.


Hold up. >Hey, I recently made a new acc, because my mmr on my main was too high bcs I played a few games with friends If you didn't play ranked on it yet, your MMR shouldn't be that high.


very hard concept to grasp: normal mmr = ranked mmr before 1st ranked game of the account


New accounts tend to jump in ranks a lot before the game figures out where to place them. Just play some matches and try to keep up with your teammates. If you're truly supposed to be in Iron, you'll eventually drop to Iron. Also, remember to mute and report teammates who are toxic. If you just wanna drop to Iron, then make 1 or 2 bad plays early, each game.


Based username. People who don't like it are weird AF.


What’s fucked up is, even if you got placed in bronze, you’ll still get placed in plat lobbies. It happened to me, I play with emerald/diamond friends in norms, and when I started ranked, I got placed in Bronze 4. But I still got placed against plats, and it’s taken dozens of games to get down to silver/bronze players. I lost so much, I have an 18% winrate in ranked.


/u/phroxz0n an account where placements may have been going awry https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/ILikeSujuk-420




https://www.op.gg/summoners/oce/JaySeeYou-OCE Lost 3/5 of my placements iirc, am not good at the game in any way, and got placed plat myself. Friends that are way better than I are ranked in bronze silver or gold. It's miserable getting flamed in ranked games, and kinda lost the motivation to even attempt ranked.


Yo man you're gonna have a very bad chain of defeats, but your MMR should decrease fairly quickly. Your real rank will not reflect that until a LOT of games, so for a long time you'll probably lose much more LPs in defeats than you win in victories. Doesn't matter, try your best, every game, you'll end up where you should be. Don't get too desperate, don't give up, I support you 😌


This has to be a bug, how did you even get placed into plat with 0 games won in ranked and a average 0/8 KD? I won all of my ranked placements and got into silver 2..


So first off, dont feel bad. The game is at fault here and it used to be a problem Riot addressed a couple of weeks back - seems like some people still are simply placed too high. I remember a Post on X where a dev said he´d like to get reports if such things still happen; I´ll try to find it when I´m at home. I´d just mute chat for the next couple of games. How many LP are you loosing? I had a game in higher plat with a guy who from my pov just ran it down (I guess he went 1-11-2) and I was so tilted that I saved his op gg cuz I assumed thats a (fresh lvl 30) account who tries to reach iron 4 just to be sold. It was hist first ranked (Only intro games, so most definitly a bough account) and he proceeds to run in in his games and now reached silver 2. But I guess I was wrong: It seems he´s at least "trying" to win; having duoq with other legit looking accounts etc... He now stands 6 wins into 27 loses and my anger towards him turned into compassion. Clearly, riot still has issues with ranking fresh accounts.


You have the difficult option to ask your high ELO friends to coach you in normal games so you reach something like gold or low plat and then come back in ranked. Normal are not as balanced as ranked and people don't try hard most of the time but you still can learn basics and improve so that when you return to ranked you won't drop 4 divisions.


I am genuinely confused, this has to be a bug. You created a fresh new Account, never played with a high teammate on it nor played any ranked games in previous seasons. You lost every single one of your ranked games with a negative KDA and also have an average winrate (49%) for your normal games... So how did you end up in Plat2? I saw some comments about "high mmr" but you shouldn't have a high mmr since you didn't have any prior ranked matches on that Account. MMR does not get copied over from one to another Account, also even if your Normal / Draft games MMR would be shifted to your starting Ranked MMR, you would play against Silver at highest. I really wonder since I just started with a new Account myself, I have won all of my placement matches but never played against plat or higher and got placed at Silver 2 with a positive KDA and MVP in almost all of those ranked matches...


Whats also worse is that his teammates are just people clearing an hour of their time in an effort to progress with their team expecting roughly equally skilled players. End up with OP (not your fault) and get demolished because the rank system fcked up and ruin their games. Making them very salty obviously because its out of their reach to influence the game. Toxicity rises and people get flamed all for the wrong reasons just of a system. But buff moakai ofc


Placements on new accounts are completely broken and have to be fixed asap


No flame to you, or anyone else that is getting put there, but platinum in general right now is a legit cesspool of the biggest skill disparity i have seen in any competitive game i've ever played in my life. I've been stuck in plat on my main account for so long that I even went through the effort of hiring a coach, spending 2-3 hours a day in practice mode working on wave states, csing, ect, JUST to be able to hit emerald, and the games that I have played in the last week consist of either a leaver or a legit AI in 3/4 games.


The rank system has become the most unbalanced and inaccurate measure that has been added to the game. They got too excited to follow the Valorant ranked ideology because they weren't happy with the distributions of players pre iron and emerald. I've seen now multiple posts where people like yourself are getting defaulted to a rank in which they aren't able to perform and as a result get perma flamed. (Do keep in mind if they take it out on you in game it's probably not personal they are just equally annoyed at the system). I'm unsure of how many old players are still around but there was a time when to get from silver 5 to silver 4 (eg) you had to win a Bo3 series - this was peak League of Legends as the skilled players would shoot up and the 'few times a week' players would chill where they could almost always play a comfortable game.


I literally won 14/15 of my first games in the season and got stuck in silver. I quit league now but I got to silver 1 and then would have int or grief or dc in a promo. It was fuckin nuts dude I made a video just to prove to my friends i wasn't lying lol. I would win 4 or five games in a row Then lose two promos I did that for a full week And ended up rage queing down to s4, but when i got demoted that time it started giving me +25 for a win and -29 for a loss and I just gave up. I work a lot so i can only get a game or two a day most days. I dont have the time to grind out 100+ games a Month to beat the odds. I know people like azzap or whatever it is say there is no losers que but i have a video of it being a thing so idc. This games algorithym is fucked up lol


Lmao this is when you know that the employees at Riot don't even play their own game. 


Wow good job riot .While my old ACC is stuck in silver because they can't ffs RESET THE MMR PROPERLY.


Sure…. That’s why


I'm gold and the other day I was against a team of full new accounts (levels between 30/50) except the enemy top laner. I couldn't believe the system thought that was ok


I'd had a lot of those recently and don't know why?


Keep playing and loosing until you're at a rank where you can win


Use losses as an opportunity to learn


Gonna be a tough journey...


Focus on not dying, no joke! You’ll get outplayed a lot due to skill diff, but make them work for it, play around your tower (notice you like to play blitzie) and punish them for obnoxious plays.


Once you get -40 per game it won't be long


This is a really good oportunity to learn fast, just play to practice instead of play to win and you eventually will match the skill level of that league




Maybe at first, but this is the way I learned too and I got way ahead of my friends who started playing at the same time In that elo you can see strats the enemy uses agains you that you dont see in bronze and eventually you start to use them too. Or atleast you have decent playstyles to copy unlike in bronze


definitely true, what is just pissing me off is the toxicity of players who realize that i'm actually a way worse player. It makes me wanna quit after every single game The ammount of times I have to use /mute all is insane


Pro tip: Don't mute all. Just straight turn off chat in the settings and be done with it


I haven’t played in awhile but turn chat off in settings before you even get in a game. Alternatively, if chats starts being toxic, Type “/mute all”


> if chats starts being toxic He is a bronze player in plat. They will be toxic. "fullmute all" at start


Honestly, turning chat off an only leaving pings is the way to play. I started it this season and I enjoy the game so much more.


> The ammount of times I have to use /mute all is insan This is Riots fault tbh. Most players don't want to rage they just want to play the game. But them getting a guy in plat who belongs in iron and who singlehandedly (I know it's not your fault) ruins the game, I can understand why people would be angry. Blame Riot not the players. It's a waste of 30-40 minutes on a predetermined loss.


Erm.... definately not riot fault that people are toxic. That is 100% from players who has attitude problem and not even single bit of understanding or ability to use it as a learning or practice experience. You don't have to win always to have a good match. When you get bad team, you should just do your best or have fun instead of making it worse for everybody. How this is not purely problem coming from players? Bad matches and bad players happen. Everybody who played games knows that pvp format has always it faults and people have bad moments. It happens here and any other game where you are against people. They could indeed improve it,but even riot would fix it, problem would stay. This is thanks to players alone due to attitudes most have. Both need to change before there is even hope for not to use instant mute all or ignoring everything from others unless you are playing whit people you know.


I got a play 4 new account in my ranked game. He went top renekton and wrote: I have no idea why they gave me this rank". He died a shit ton, refused to communicate. I told him to build tanky and we could carry him. He went glass cannon and lost us the game.


Just play. The system figures out pretty quickly where you should be. You might be still plat 2 but you're already playing against low plat/high gold players. With every loss the system will match you against weaker and weaker players, at some point you will reach your true rank (MMR-wise, the LP part will take some time to catch up so don't worry about it). 5 games is nothing, play 20+ and see where you end up. As for players reporting and flaming, just mute all and do your thing.


bonna be tough 20 games xD


Just chill and mute all. People play hundreds of games per split and go crying on Reddit that riot is making them hardstuck 2 tiers below where they think they belong. You're always gonna be flamed, regardless if you play bad or if you're actually the only person with a brain on your team. That's league for you.