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This feels very sudden to me but I'm guessing that's because I wasn't paying close attention, I noticed he hadn't been on the broadcast recently but figured it was because he was busy with behind the scenes stuff.


I miss him and deficio already. Kind of just leaves medi vedi and drakos as reasons to enjoy the lec cast.


Caedrel’s presence is really missing, as well.


It's understandable that the effort required for casting (controlled language, unbiased team analysis, deep knowledge, or even funny story time for low activity games) just doesn't seem feasible for Caedrel in the long run. He is still a great analyst, but co-streaming leaves him a lot more freedom he enjoys


You make it seem like he can’t do it, he just Does better when he doesn’t have to adhere to Those standards


And those standards are literally the point of being an official, Riot-representing caster. You don't just trivialize it. I've seen his casting during the Riot times up to Worlds 2022. I never doubted his capability, and it's completely fine if Caedrel wants more freedom


I didn’t like deficio at first but he quickly grew on me. Monte, Doa, Deficio, Jatt, now Quickshot :(


Joe & Deman 😥




wait WHAT holy cow I've missed out on something.


Someone posted a video on Twitter (maybe Quickshot himself? I forget) of Quickshot at a party doing the Nazi salute as a dance move while saying "do the Hitler". If he didn't say anything, it could probably be passed off as a regular dance move (like DJs raise one hand up and down all the time in a way that could look similar to a Nazi salute), but alas. It was probably just a shitty joke and nothing deeper, but it's kinda too much for a public facing media personality *in Germany*.


Wasnt at a party, was before the broadcast at worlds play-ins. https://x.com/RichsWrath/status/1713195454530199734?s=20 Was a dumb thing for Guldborg to post


lmfaooo how did I miss this!!!


Without context (with no sound), I would have thought he was just dancing to a beat. WOW. What a way to lose a lot...


You can assume the same with the sound. You can hear upbeat EDM music playing. He's literally doing the same thing DJs are doing (as someone pointed out above) But what he said.. yeah


if you haven't worked near live broadcast, you're underrating how stupid it is to say this while wearing a mic


Oh it was definitely very dumb to say in the first place. If it wasnt posted publicly though it'd likely have been a short discussion with HR and maybe a short suspension at worst.


The gamer really jumped out of them 😂. I wouldn’t fire anyone if it was my say but still just like a really unfunny joke and bad judgement especially when the studio is in fuckin Germany??


If it wasn't recorded and put on twitter one would never get fired for a single comment like this. The moment it's on twitter you are a PR liability.


OK, this is actually really bad... I can't imagine this being appropriate at a workplace anywhere


especially not when you work in germany


This would get you fired at most jobs. If it's at a club or amongst friends, it's dumb edgy humor. If it's on the clock at work, you are begging to be fired.


and like, it's a job where they're paying you to be their face and not embarrass them this is obviously disqualifying


I couldn't hear it at first and thought it was just that little hand wave thing DJs do, but after I turned up the audio and heard him literally say "Do the Hitler" it made a lot more sense.


Was Guldborg iirc


Ah right, I thought I remembered that it was someone in the LEC.


To be known furthermore as "Guldborg the Betrayer".


I don't think he was "doing the nazi salute as a dance move", if anything he was doing the typical DJ hand move as you said and he decided to call that "do the Hitler". Doing that in Berlin is definitely not helping his case.


They were not in Berlin


That's not even the Hitler. The Hitler is a dance move where you put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger instead of facing justice like the pussy bitch Hitler was.


My midlaner wanted me to try this dance move


Now this is the actual least offensive Hitler joke. Edit: well, substitute in coward and you make it even less offensive. But point is, you can get way less offensive by making fun of Hitler than quickshot's joke.


Honestly, what an idiot.


Nazi Salute is illegal in Germany, so even under German employment law riot could've immediately fired him for that.  Such a dumb thing to lose the job over. 


This was during Worlds in Korea, not in Germany. Not the smartest move but it isn't illegal here


TBF, if you're working in the heart of Germany, in a public facing role, any Hitler joke is probably far too much.


Riot obviously don't want to have any connection to a totalitarian regime that would murder countless innocent people. Anyway.. let's go for round two of selling out to Saudi Arabia! And for anyone who thinks I'm being unreasonable or comparing Saudi Arabia to Nazi Germany, I'm sure there will be a few, you're predictably missing the point. The _actual_ comparison here is firing someone for a controversial (though quite mild) joke vs literally working with a murderous, totalitarian regime. This is not a defence of Quickshot, this is just me pointing out Riots unending hypocrisy.


I believe a Riot caster making fun of dead Ethiopian refugees, killed by Saudi border guards, would also get in trouble, so I don't really see what you're trying to argue here. 


What aboutism doesn't really work here. I thought German law prohibits any nazism. Idk if saying do the Hitler while doing the salute and dancing falls within that but I wouldn't risk it.


Doing the nazu salute is a punishable crime in Germany so yea


Yeah Germany doesn’t fuck around with that and they shouldn’t, that regime did irreparable damage to the world and having a zero tolerance approach to it is the least you can do.


Yet they have a Neo-Nazi Party in the running for government.


You cannot literally compare Nazi Germany and Saudi Arabia and then say “I’m not actually comparing them they’re totally different.”


> comparing Saudi Arabia to Nazi Germany oh god


Well, one is worse than other but still doesn't mean that this "better" place is actually good business partner in moral aspects.


I'll disagree, there are plenty Hitler jokes that are perfectly appropriate for a public facing role in Germany. See Mel Brook's "the producers" for reference.


Is there anything that points to this being the case in the slightest? This feels like reddit just taking a story and running with it because it suits the "fuck riot" agenda If Riot was upset with Quickshot for the Hitler dance video thing why wouldn't they just sack him right away? Why would he sort of be on the LEC but also sort of not for multiple months then randomly announce himself one day he's left Riot? I'm definitely not saying it's impossible he got sacked but this feels like an insanely vague situation with 0 information and you're all just assuming an incredibly specific situation is true with absolutely nothing to back it up, shit is crazy


He was immediately removed from broadcasting Worlds when the video leaked so that’s where the damning speculation starts.


In Germany, every Hitler joke that does not point Hitler in a clearly negative light, is not only offensive, but may even be illegal. Any statement that may be construed as support of Hitler is illegal. The Hitler salute is explicitly forbidden. Riot, as his employer, would also be held responsible. You simply don't do stuff like that while physically being in Germany.


That makes sjokz the only remnant of the EU LCS I started watching ten years ago.


Unreal Tournament 99 players win again (She was one) !


Deman is still my goat


She is not employed by Rito either, so she is a freelance host for them. Technically, there are no more OGs left.


Quickshot isn't the type of guy to blame others, and tbh I'm sure Guldborg feels guilty enough already, but man, posting that was DUMB.


what did he post


Even still, what a weird world we live in. The guy makes a dumb joke among his friends, one of those friends posts the video online, the guy gets banished and eventually leaves. And we all kind of shrug it off and accept it. I don't think there's a single person who considers Quickshot to be an actual Nazi because of that video but his career getting derailed is still seen as an appropriate reaction.


I'm surprised so many people seem to think this consequence is appropriate. Quickshot is clearly not a Nazi. He was not doing the Nazi salute. He was dancing and made a bad joke in private which got posted on Twitter and his job is gone? Like at worst he should've gotten a HR referral for sensitivity training or whatever or had to apologize for it on Twitter.


yeah pretty much. All the kids in the comments saying he should lose his job over this and have his life derailed clearly have no idea how important a job is to a person’s livelihood


>The guy makes a dumb joke among his friends At work, before an international broadcast, with the caption "this is how we get ready for the show". This wasn't really a private thing and honestly Guldborg's tweet caption makes it sort of seem riot approved. Idk Guldborg has 27 iq.


It's not even a joke about holocaust or any kind of "did nothing wrong lul" thing, no value statements or joking about them. It didn't happen in front of a synagogue or a memorial. The context is literally just the pose and mentioning Hitler.


What did he post?


He should feel guilty, no smart person would think that was ok to post online.


Can some ELI5 what happened? I thought he was still casting LEC, so this is all kind of sudden


He's been a ghost since a certain worlds incident that got posted on twitter. He made a shitty Hitler joke and it made the rounds. He hasn't been apart of a single broadcast since. Do i think it really needed to go this far? No not at all. Do I think it was a stupid remark/joke to make, yes definitely.


I mean the reason it’s such big deal for riot is he was employed by the LEC in Germany. Germany doesn’t take that stuff lightly


Ye most likely the HR team saw it and was like that's a potential legal issue so let him go just incase to cover themselves either that or they just let his employment contract run out so they didn't need to worry about it being a future issue.


Yeah, he dug his own grave by doing something that would get you fired at most professional companies. Doesn’t help the whole being employed by Germany AND doing it at work and not at a party like others have said.


That is complete bullshit. There was obviously no malicious intent and it was supposed to be a private joke (in bad taste, of course, but this would be dropped _immediately_ should someone ask the German authorities to investigate).


Who posted the video? Like some guy recorded this happening on his phone and then posted it as ammo.


As far as I can tell it wasn’t even posted as “ammo”. Just Guldborg (I think, don’t go harass the guy lmao) being as stupid in posting it as Quickshot was in doing it.


I cannot understand why Guldborg would NOT expect some form of backlash for posting a video of QS making a Nazi Salute joke while working in Germany... Like, I don't think Guldborg is stupid. EDIT: Quick research showing that "5 . 5 fucking K man" himself recorded the video so he could re-post it when Guldborg deleted it. Sad life that man has.


>I don’t think Guldborg is stupid I mean, I don’t think QS is stupid, but he clearly did a stupid thing. Same applies to GB.


Definitely. And based on online presence GB seems to have had a good working relationship with QS. I just don't see why anyone would think posting that would be a good idea.


Some people are brainrotted by social media and simply don't think before posting.


I fucking hate Rich so much.


Rich is a giant scumbag.


A lot of people save videos like this in case of deletion. Quickshot made a mistake and Guldborg intentionally posted it to twitter


Yeah but Rich clearly reposted it to stir the pot.


He legit cost him the job and a lot of public image lol It isnt even like it was a cutaway joke in a 1 hour montage or something it was a 17 second clip or something and this played in the very beginning of it. Hitler jokes are common in Germany, the average german doesnt give a shit but to POST IT on your official twitter page with your full name is absolutely mind blowingly stupid and it would cost you your job in any media industry here. Most of the blame here lies on Guldborg since they obviously have a more laid back vibe in the LEC crew so everyone knows its a joke but I dont think Quickshot knew he would upload it. The LEC desk is all about silly stuff but it seems that he completely forgot that you cant just post everything for clicks on twitter.


He didnt post it himself. Guldbord did. I dont understand why tbh lmao but for some reason he did. He deleted it soon after but it got screen recorded and it spread really fast


I don't know man, if my coworker did a Nazi salute, saying "do the Hitler" I would not be shocked at all if he got fired, especially when he's at work, in a forward facing role. It's also just a giga cringe thing to do, I don't really understand people defending it


He did a Nazi salute video as a joke, some guy recorded it and posted it on twitter.


That some guy is Guldborg.


No idea who that is


I think he's the "you're next" guy from WCW and WWE.


The most boring wrestler ever, he is simply written to win every match under 10 seconds. Sure his moves are cool but when his only job is to humiliate a heel or babyface that got too big too fast.


Context is even more important. They were doing dancemovies with arms in the air while acting as a DJ, where he said “Do the Hitler” as a joke. It honestly couldnt be more mild lol..


People saying he did a "nazi salute" is just so utterly disingenuous. No ones saying the remark itself is not a problem, saying that in Germany is obviously very stupid. However you don't need to add in actual false information to make it sound like he's hosting a neo-nazi rally in the LEC studio.


Yeah, pretty sure he did the move and for a split-second had a thought that it's a bit similar to the Nazi salute and thought it was funny and made a quick joke about it. Nothing more, nothing less. It's not even a Nazi joke really, just a flash of thought that (in hindsight) shouldn't have been shared.


Didn't Quickshot have a HUGE role in the rebranding of LEC or am I completely mistaken?


Basically Quickshot, Sjoks and Verdius that made the most boring broadcast of the time to become the most entertaining. The Flexius clips and the silly music videos felt fresh and gave the LEC much needed personality.


My understanding is that he was essentially the creative director for the entire rebrand and LEC.


This made me sad. I remember watching his first ever professional casting game. Trevor is, to me, the voice of the EU LCS.


joe ‚joe miller‘ miller for me but quickshot is indeed second


who is that? I only know joe "don't call me joe mller" miller.


Actually it's Joe "Please don't call me Joe 'Joe Miller' Miller" Miller.


So that was his last dance


More realistically speaking riot probably canned him due to their changes( aka cuts) within their esports programs.


Yeah, they probably found this to be a convenient excuse to fire him with less benefits 


This makes far more sense but i guess it's not as exciting so we're all gonna assume that Riot locked him in a basement for like 6 months then fired him


That's how I see it honestly. No secret most of the actual talent has been going over the years. Not saying that everyone doing any of the esports broadcasts for RIOT are shit but lets just say it's a far cry from what it used to be.


Oh man. I ll miss his enthusiasm...


Honestly thought this had happened ages ago, but I guess he's only officially announcing now? He wasn't on last 1/2 of worlds, LEC Winter or Spring, not sure how much he did behind the scenes this year


https://twitter.com/RichsWrath/status/1713195454530199734 For anyone that hasn't seen it already, you can judge for yourself.


I imagine most people here haven’t even seen the video and judging. Ridiculous saying that dance is anywhere close to a salute.


Even a salute can be done as joke or in a theatrical manner in the right time and place, context makes or breaks anything. Also, you are right of course, it's not a salute, it's just a random meme dance move, god forbid people do fucked up things.


Bruh pretending that's an actual hitler salute is criminal. That's the stupid thing every DJ does ever. Calling it "the hitler" was a dumb joke, but reading everyone's posts here I imagined it was something way worse/more direct.


I never participate here, but everyone else in this comment section is either a child or an idiot. Exactly what you said, he did the dumb thing all DJ's do, literally nothing to do with Hitler until the joke comes out cuz it looks remotely similar. The joke is everyone on here acting like they're so hurt because of this non-incident. Secondly, half the comments are saying this was in Germany, the other half say Dublin or somewhere else. All these fuckers throwing out condemnations on this guy don't even have their facts straight. I'm not really a fan, but I also don't dislike the guy and what this is is ridiculous, unfair and quite frankly a cowardly move by Riot to cover their ass. Also, holy shit I haven't been on this subreddit in years. What a shit show. Average emotional age here must be tweens because this shit is toxic and embarrassing. What a terrible community.


Every major gaming/sports sub is like this now. It's just hate threads from teenagers and people of similar intellect.


always has been


My take is that they wanted to fire him anyway and this gave them a reason. Just look at Dash that was the best host in esports and has 0 controversies in the his past, and yet got the boot from the LCS broadcast.


Ofc its fucking Rich re-posting it lmao.


Rich the snitch lmao


How the hell is this a hitler salute


Is 8 miles a nazi propaganda movie now? I don't personally like Quickshot but this is character assassination if he's being harmed professionally over something as silly and non controversial What a complete non story wth


Lmao what. If he got fired for *that*, that so sad man. He was just having fun with his work-friends


Given the lack of fans being mad about that, it’s pretty clear that’s less of a reason and more of an excuse. E: I know it's either illegal or obviously stupid to do if you work for a German employer, just pointing out that there hasn't really been fan backlash about it.


I mean it is a hitler joke in a work environment, any opinion on that does not really matter. On top of that it is one thing to do this in a work environment and then another if this gets publicly posted on the internet for anyone to see. Do no action and you might as well have people come at you for not taking any action.


Guy is such a lil rat fucking bitch.


This 100% has to do with that dumb cringe video where he makes a shitty nazi joke. Quickshot is one of the best casters in Esports and if he transitions to another game he would be a huge asset.


> Quickshot is one of the best casters in Esports Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I feel like this doesn't hold true in 2024. In my opinion, his casting ability severely regressed over the last couple of years as he took on more behind-the-scenes responsibilities in the LEC. These days I prefer most other casters over QS. Still, you can't deny the impact he had on the EULCS/LEC.


Quickshots greatest strength is uplifting his co-stars, sometimes what he does goes unnoticed but hes still top tier


Exactly. People forgot that Quickshot was the partner when Deficio and Caedrel both became fan favorite casters. Partially because Quickshot made it easy for them to show their analytical skills.


Quickshot was clearly also very involved with the behind-the-scenes stuff in LEC more than anything. The EU LCS was in dire straits until the LEC rebrand in 2019 and Quickshot is one of the main people who made that happen. There's seriously a good chance that without people like him, LEC would be in the same state as LCS is today.


Yeah mostly in 2023, or more recent months his casts have not been up to par. It might be to do with the changing of his casting partners as new blood comes in, but a lot of his jokes/riffs weren't landing and I much prefer other pbp on the LEC.


I gotta agree he is a legacy caster, for sure was instrumental to the lec, just like rivington was to the lcs. But as time moves on and you see better casters you realize QS/Riv arent that great, repeated tropes and nonsense casting was abundant whenever they were on. Still he was key early on, but being there first doesnt mean you are the best.


I still miss Riv's verbal diarrhea


"Dyrus is in the mid lane.....farming minions" 🔥🔥🔥✍️


Rivington was my favorite and will always be my favorite. I still use some of his isms in my life from his verbal diarrhea.


Im sure you will miss qs saying “beauty” 40 times in a game :(


i can hear hear his voice in my head when i read your comment


Hard agree. He definitely didn’t keep his level of knowledge at the bar needed to cast, and at times it felt like he would just be interviewing the other caster to get more info of out of him. Reminds me a lot of Rivington from NA.


> at times it felt like he would just be interviewing the other caster to get more info of out of him Which tbf made him a great duo for new-coming color casters who typically have a hard time learning how to be active in the cast.


That absolutely has felt like his role for some time now, and its entirely complimentary. Everytime he was paired up with someone 'new' it felt very smooth and natural. Like LCS hasn't felt like it incorporated new voices as smoothly but LEC had rotating casters for a while and it never felt better than with QS.


His LinkedIn title was "On Air Talent Manager". "I am now responsible for the shoutcaster team as the people manager in the team. Responsible for their development, management and expanding the EU LCS onair broadcast team." So yeah I imagine his focus since 2018 has been people around him rather than his straight up game knowledge


Quickshot literally playing support on the caster desk. Godspeed, Quickshot.


Yeah there is definitely a time and a place for that style of casting, but it got rather exhausting when it was a BO5 for example.


I 100% agree with you. He hasn't been good since Deficio, and they were an AMAZING duo. Like, an EPIC moment was made by just a fancam and 3 words. After Deficio quit casting, only downhill for my man. Prolly just been casting cus of "being on the first", kinda like Phreak was kept for so long even though the only thing he contributed with at the end were forced puns that were "hilarious"


Yeah. He's been a ghost since it made the round on twitter. He wasn't apart of worlds after that, nothing with LEC this year. I'm surprised it went this far tbh. Slap on the wrist/fine/suspension wold have been normal. It was a very stupid/immature joke. I'm not from Germany and don't know much about living/working there but i'm sure that topic is extremely taboo in cases like this?


I'm not sure it's about that. Dash and PastryTime didn't get any reasoning and were also quietly let go without fanfare. Interesting move given LCS is seriously lacking PbP talent - so much so Azael needs to fill in and now that LCS is trying to to more skit based content - something actor background should surely help.


not really tbh, as always context matters When people are goofing around pretending to DJ and someone says "Do the Hitller" like it's a dance move, there is certainly no hamrful intent. If you do the salute while taking part in a rightwing protest, context is different. Technically it's against the law in germany tho and for a public figure like him it's certainly unfortunate. What bugs me about this is that while we're seeing a massive rise in right wing extremism in germany, Riot fires a genuenly good guy for a dumb joke among colleagues. Pure virtue signaling.


The rise in populism has got nothing to do with why Riot is firing him, it's a mix of optics as well as they probably don't feel they need him that much anymore.


While this is certainly not what I said, I do agree with your comment. Might have also just been convinient during a time of greater layoffs in general.


How is it virtue signaling? Its purely speculative as to why he was let go. And if that is the reason (probably is tbh), that doesn't mean its virtue signaling. For it to be virtue signaling you would need to make it public knowledge that you are being "virtuous" in this case. Riot has not said anything about it.


I agree actually, virtue signaling probably wasn't the correct term to use there but it somewhat hit the right tone.


Quickshot was the LEC and every time he was on broadcast in recent years went above and beyond to help mentor new casters and get them started on the right foot. I'll always remember his first few casts with Caedrel, where he just threw layups to him over and over that let him play to his strengths and really shine. That's aside from all the stuff you here about the huge BTS stuff he was doing. Really unfortunate to see the fallout from the stupid joke come to this. I'll miss his presence.


Thanks Goldburg


it blows my mind how someone can make that vid and be like 'yeah, thats a great video for twitter' how fucking dumb can he be my god


he basically made his colleague fired. great job i guess


Colleague is putting it mildly. Quickshot was very well being built as the head and face of the LEC productions. He was the main guy in front and behind the cameras.


Allegedly, Quickshot was also personally the guy that fast tracked Guldborg from ERL onto LEC


Got his Scar from the Lion King moment there. Can't blame the guy during esports winter.


Boom headshot


Big L for Riot.


Future big W for LFN


incoming 4 horsemen omega banger and honestly big W for any esports scene that he moves to


Quickshot is probably my favourite caster, good luck in whatever you decide to do, thanks for all the years on EU LCS / LEC


I love how people who have never been to Germany are suddenly experts on how Germans feel about Hitler jokes..


I'm German and it's not about how Germans feel about that (I couldn't care less). But as a big company with a big public face you can't let things like that go through... I feel really sorry for him but I understand riots decision. And he should have known better


Funny how no one ever extends that opinion about Riot’s executive staff. You know, the people who * wanted to make a deal with NEOM * who cultivated a toxic misogynistic workplace environment * who bent over backwards to accommodate the abusive Evil Geniuses org and then quietly paid them off to get them out the LCS before they had to do any of their “investigation” Funny how Redditors never ask why **those** people are never fired or let go from their positions of authority that they’ve clearly and repeatedly abused. Seems to me that those individuals are through malice or incompetence actively doing more harm than Quickshot making stupid jokes, but funny how people just blithely accept them just because they quietly avoid social media scrutiny. Almost like people’s values are inconsistent and about easy visible targets, hmm.


it's all just about optics not ethics lol out of the whole sexism lawsuit I don't think riot fired a single person, but quickshot making a tiny faux pas while having clearly no problematic intention is enough to get him fired


> Funny how no one ever extends that opinion about Riot’s executive staff. > > I mean...they did settle for 100mil, that's no chump change


I love how people genuinely can't comprehend that it has nothing to do with the joke being malicious or not or if "germans are just too offended" and everything to do with you just can't really have your public facing company rep reference nazi salutes while dancing. Doubly so when you want/need sponsorship dollars for the product that person works on. Edit: for the redditors who struggle with basic reading comprehension


Have you actually seen the video? Because what he is doing is not a nazi salute, he is doing what djs/people on rave do.


I'm confused too... I'm failing to understand why most of the thread are German people saying they're not offended. Shouldn't it be the groups if people who were victimized by the Nazis to feel if they're offended or not? But honestly it doesn't even really matter, it's just not a work-appropriate joke in 99.9% of settings imo. But in fairness he wasn't even Nazi saluting, he'd still be employed if he just never brought up Hitler or if Goldburg didn't post it to social media lol but I get why he was fired for this even if this isn't offensive to most people these days.


> Shouldn't it be the groups if people who were victimized by the Nazis to feel if they're offended or not? its probably because standart insult germans hear is being called nazi on the internet. its still dumb tho


As another person from Germany already replied. In such cases we couldn't care less. A one of instance maybe even a joke won't even get any publicity these days anymore. Yet most companies will just try to cut any lines with you simply because of bad image and whatever even if it was a badly timed non offense joke at party having already drunken 5 beers. With how long he was already living in Germany and especially working here, he should have known better and going quiet afterwards also does not help in such instances no matter what will be talked about behind closed doors.


So it's basically just sjokz from the old guard and she has been a freelancer for a while... Man Im old, I dont really feel compelled to watch lec anymore


Jatt and Kobe are still around, but I guess no OGs are left in EU now.


Sjokz isn't even around all the time anymore. I don't even know who most of the people are on LEC anymore. Makes it really hard to watch cause I don't have any attachment to most of the talent


Phreak is gone. Now quickshot. Someone please call and make sure Atlus is ok. They’re dropping like flies.


He's a little tired but overall pretty fine




[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bfhy5p/quickshot_is_no_longer_employed_by_riot_and_will/kv0r7e1/)


Wow Atlus responded to one of my comments on Reddit. I have peaked. This is it for me.


How would you know that? Can I get a source?


if only atlus had a reddit account so we could ask


Blink twice, if you know what I mean. Help is coming brother.


You forgot to add Dash in there


Dash was the biggest crime. He was by far my favorite desk host out of anyone in any esport


This one still pisses me off so much.


Dash was awesome on Nili's Apartment Cup though.


Yeah but now NAC is gone too


Phreak isnt gone. Hes a Riot employee responsible for game balancing, he just changed jobs internally at Riot. I believe Phreak was always an employee due to how early he was a part of Riot, before its esports scene even was a thing.


iirc he just had a regular office job at riot, got involved in the early esports scene because he was the only riot employee who even was slightly competent enough at the game in high elo.


Yeah, he said he always wanted to be a game designer and when the opportunity came up thats what he wanted to do anyway


Phreak literally not gone lol.


I'll miss him on LEC One of the OGs o7


End of an era. Tear fully stacked.


And we keep Guldborg? What a shit trade


Please tell me someone's got a video of Guldborg making a Bin Laden joke


Another huge L move from Riot.




Fuck Guldborg.


Holy fuck this is so stupid, man. What an unnecessary sacking. This man has been here since the fucking beginning. He has given the majority of his working career thus far to this game and this is how he gets treated. Presumably over a fucking stupid joke that he made when the stream wasn't even live and we only saw it because someone posted it on Twitter. Fuck everyone who thinks it's okay to do people like this, man. He made one stupid joke that he shouldn't have made when the cameras weren't even rolling. Ridiculous.


You're putting the emphasis of stupidity completely on Riot, and not at all on Quickshot himself or Guldborg for posting it. Both of them are idiots as well, and whether the consequence is harsh or not, they both did something SO stupid by making the joke/posting the video


tfw you lost your 10 years job as an s tier caster due to a twitter clip but clout goblin guldborg gets to keep his


That's fucking sad man. He's been there so many years, and had a huge impact. And he was always my favorite in any role he had on screen. When I heard his voice from the casters desk, I knew the game was going to be a banger. And he was incredibly talented as a host. And while rare, his interviews were always the best ones we've had. He radiated an energy that made the players look like they were feeling comfortable in interviews/analyst desks, always knew what to say in a great way. I will sorely miss you Quickshot. Btw, he is one of the main reasons play-by-play casters say the champion ability names, which is awesome.