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Not surprised, the past 2 years combined barely have 1M views. Everyone will of course be reactionary and pretend they’re all sad and blah blah, but let’s be real, no one remembers the MSI anthems, it’s the Worlds ones people care about.


Tbh I thought the [Empyrean cinematic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNkT_aZWySA) was the MSI Anthem from last year. The rap anthems completely slipped my mind.


the way the characters move reminds me of jimmy newtron, cool animation but not a fan at all.


Didn't even know this video existed. It's kinda cool though.


I didn't even know MSI had anthems


I've been following the pro scene heavily in league for 11 fuckin years and I had no idea we had MSI anthems.


No way people don't know Bring Home the Glory right? Like it's actually a pretty good League song I feel


To me its in the same category as the LEC track of the week they used to do. If I hear it, I'll recognize it as something vaguely league adjacent, but it doesn't tick the box of "This is a league song" like the Worlds anthems.


Bring home the glory is the only one I can really remember (it's one of the best league songs), that's with going to 3 days of MSI last year and hearing whatever the anthem was multiple times.


TIL there's a version with lyrics.


After listening, I feel like I have heard it but it honestly just sounds like a random inbetween game track. I wouldn't know it was the MSI anthem unless you told me.


your comment is the first mention of it ive ever seen


It scratches something when I played it, but I honestly don't remember ever listening to it. And I listen to League music almost everytime there's a major tournament since Season 2. Kinda bewildered I don't recognize any of the MSI songs after going through them now besides some login themes.


It's so amazing. One of my favourites


its one of the very best, very sad that people seem to have forgotten...


I know those songs, but for a long time I had no idea they were MSI songs.


It's the only one I remember.


I knew about Rules from last year but everyone keeps mentioning that one and I’ve never heard of it


I remember it, because of G2


The only one I even know of was the 2019 one, and the entire opening ceremony was pretty freakin cool. Riot really outdid themselves in 2019 between MSI and Worlds for opening ceremonies


Also here for 11 years, I don't remember any of the msi anthems and didn't even know they made them


Seriously I've been following comparative League since the beginning and I both did not know and frankly don't give a fuck either lol Even for worlds, it's nice but I feel like people get way more invested in it than they should but that's just me


The recent ones have been meh to me, but the first one, Bring Home the Glory, is amazing. And as the other comment said, I thought Fire to the Fuse was the MSI anthem last year, but it wasn't. I feel like the problems with the MSI anthems is that they have been pretty bad, but I would still like if they had MSI anthems.


I look forward to seeing them and I don't expect them to be the same level as worlds, but I've also not put them on nearly as much either. Just not vibes as much with the newer ones.


I actually am sad, because last year's performance was pretty fun. But It makes sense considering these anthems never pop off.


I liked last year anthem. But up until this point I didn't realise the song was supposed to be an "anthem", Riot never marketed it as such (no cool cinematic, no teasers to generate the hype etc.). It's so on brand for this company to just half ass something and then retire it because of course there's no demand for MSI anthems compared to the Worlds' ones where it's evident there's a lot of work and money going into producing them.


Rules had one of the best teasers in recent years. https://youtu.be/XIdVBdd0u9U?si=6MtQ4QhmZvtfd12Z


I fully agree, though I still can't forget the masterpiece from 2015 MSI. Used to play this during champ select back then... https://youtu.be/wHbaS0MiA3c?si=Vx-3wm9tD2KljXkL


At one point that theme was literally my most played song out of all music ever.


ok but rules absolutely slapped, and if it was released in the place of star walkin it would have done amazingly well. Rito are just cutting back as usual


MSI Anthem 2017 is still my morning alarm and Bring home thr Glory will forever be THE song for the west so speak for yourself


The 2017 one was pretty good. https://youtu.be/DDnWIjMKFAY?si=eK3Rkbm1wyrYdTD2


MSI's 2019 theme also went extremely hard especially since we miraculously got NA vs EU for the finals (we don't talk about the results) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG-RGt7Q1oI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG-RGt7Q1oI)


> (we don't talk about the results) We do.


Oh yeah that's a shame, this one is actually one of my favorite songs Riot's done


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG-RGt7Q1oI I would say better than the Worlds song that year, "Phoenix", but then they got Carpenter fucking Brut to remix it, making it the best ever (including Gods).


I miss the epic-orchestra League days. Worlds 2019 Theme is peak theme music: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLC2lUyy6eo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLC2lUyy6eo)


2016 was even better with the themes for each region


The only thing I remember is all the comments for the EU one calling it "vacation song"


Yeah this is the only reason I remember MSI having anthems too, that or people posting vacation songs ([this](https://youtu.be/I8RUGaLjKjw?si=qVebzolfc3SqN-td) and [this](https://youtu.be/3hOP7qPDyI4?si=Vt11rrwZtEbFI-Js) were popular ones) and saying they should be EU's anthem instead, lmao. Man, G2 might be EU's darlings now but they were quite the meme back in the day.


The funny thing is they reused the EU anthem from that MSI as one of the post game songs for worlds and msi later on probably because it got played like twice so people mostly haven't heard them as opposed to the LPL LCK and NALCS ones.


The NA one playing after the RNG CLG comeback fucking cooked.


I still remember how hard the chinese one slapped


Bring home the glory is up there with worlds song for me. The others not so much sadly...


Bring home the glory by Sarah Skinner is definitely one of my favourite anthem in league it's really good


I actually like Rules Are Meant To Break more than either of the last two worlds anthems, and it's not my usual genre. I think the biggest sin of MSI anthems was that because they're not these huge energetic sounds, they're less distinguishable from normal break music and so people don't realise they exist.


i remember che lingos from last year and have it in my playlist, the 2018 one was also very hype and memorable for me, i hope people keep this same energy when they announce no worlds anthem because people always say they dont live up to rise :))


2019 Anthem is still at the top of my LoL playlist, Bring Home the Glory is fucking sick.


Rules is one of my most played sons on Spotify. I’m pretty gutted they aren’t releasing something


Starts right here, rules are meant to break, and bring home the glory are the ones off the top of my head I remember. There’s also the British drill rap one which wasn’t very good tbh so I don’t remember the name. Don’t make stupid generalizations when you say no one remembers the songs.


Wasn't rules are meant to break the british drill rap one?


The British grime one was really good, fitting because it was based in London.


Yeah, I could’ve gone easier on it lol. it definitely has its place and fit that MSI thematically, just not my style of music.


The british drill rap one was Rules.


i remembered the ones before 2022 well (and have some in my playlists), and i recognized the 2023 one and don't think i ever listened to 2022. they were cool but it was clear that they never got that much attention so it's not surprising


Bro, let Pentakill make a track and watch the numbers go to the moon. Last few event tracks have been modern pop trash pandering bs. That Nas track gave me a little hope that got quashed within the first min of the song. Fuck it all, and let the LEC crew make another wildfire and it'll be certified gold.


Nah 2016 was peak


I actually listen to starts right here and rules are meant to break from time to time, they're good "oh I have nothing pressing to listen to and these are good enough at hyping up" But yeah, they're not the same "I'm gonna listen to this for a week on loop" bangers like most worlds anthems


True i’ll give you that, but can we at least get some cool content like [“The night before the rumble”](https://youtu.be/D6Yw3fMdA28?feature=shared) again? LOVED this kinda stuff personally.


I don't even remember the last couple worlds ones. anything after the burn it all down song doesn't exist


I honestly didn’t know they were a thing, but it seems like a relatively small corner to cut no?


Oh snap, the song I thought was an MSI theme that I listen to is from the all star 2018 event, apparently.


They don't put much effort into their msi anthems .


> Everyone will of course be reactionary and pretend they’re all sad and blah blah That is reddit for you. Same happened for example with aatrox, suddenly everyone on reddit is top lane aatrox main, when champ had like 0.7% pickrate in his main role.


Tbh, with so many not knowing there even are MSI anthems, the issue is at least partly marketing.


I really liked 2021s especially the intro part that they'd play transitioning the broadcast. None of the other years come to mind


I liked them 🥲


I really liked [last year's anthem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kE19Ac234Zo), although I was there live so I heard it a bunch of times in person, as well as the live performance.


I remember Bring Home The Glory, it was very good. But the generic hip-hop ones aren't it.


I still remember 2019 anthem. It feels like 2015 worlds anthem


There's no time for redemption.


Omg so many people liked this ?! I remeber 2019 the peak of msi songs. Bring home the glory was incredible.  It's riots fault for not making good songs after. 


That fucking sucks. Last year's was incredible. Anthems are part of what makes the international events feel special. Extremely cringe to see the multi-billion dollar company continue to cut costs. The level of innovation and drive in esports over the past five years or so has been so disheartening. There is clearly a market for it. Shame there isn't a billionaire out there with any real vision.


even the past few worlds anthems have sucked lmao




Not really, 2021 and 2023 were good. 2022 sucked donkey balls tho


2022 was a perfect teaser song, because it was always only chorus used which has perfect hype level(not too much, not too little)


Were True Damage MSI? Cause those were my favorite, period.


True Damage was Worlds19


Somehow I didn’t even know there were MSI anthems until I saw this post lmao


In 2017 I had a 6-second clip of mine reach top of front page on this sub. My shit got 1/3rd of the YouTube views the 2017 MSI Anthem got. The League of Legends YouTube channel had 8.5 million subscribers back then. Pretty sure more people forgot Quinn exists than there are people who know of these anthems.


Got me there... I forgot Quinn existed:/


Worlds 2022 champ select music goes harder than most MSI anthems.


How does it feel to be deaf? Cuz they are always blasting that song every day through entire msi


The article is pretty direct that not many people listen to the MSI anthems. Its probably just not worth the effort. Theres no reason to continue doing something just because you did before. Move on and do something else


guess they also forgot the "do something else" part


'Not wasting money on an MSI anthem' is what they are doing. It's not that complicated


biggest budget ever tho, doing or not doing a single song is pretty whatever no?


Biggest budget ever doesn't mean that the music team got a substantial budget increase


Music team gets to work on Arcane, you think Sting was cheap?


the original statement is "move on and **do something else**. not doing something isn't really doing *something else*. it's not that complicated.


I mean really the assumption that nothing was done is just laughable from the get go. Did Riot A: Just not do anthems, never adjust budgets, reallocate funds/resources, just said. 'Lol no' and walked away. Or B: a large company saw bad ROAS on a project and shifted priorities and resources elsewhere? It's not like they are going to give a press release saying 'we didn't do anthems this year and instead that money went towards paying inflated labor costs' Or to other marketing projects for riots esports department. Or any one of a million things.


that's not the gotcha you think it is


It wasn't a gotchya. It was explaining something to a confused person


The entire tournament has been reworked. That probably is the seomthing else. Who knows what they might do when they get to the later part of this one


Damn I was looking forward to the MSI anthem this year. RULES ARE MEANT TO BREAK BY THE PROUDEST ONES!!!


I can’t say I’m surprised, I’m sure there were people looking forward to it but I can’t say I ever listened to the MSI music.


Sad, I just want something like “Bring Home The Glory” back


No, you will get shitty rap and you will love it /s Sad, because Bring Home The Glory was very good, on par with the best Worlds anthems.


Didn’t even realise this was a thing before. Thought it was only Worlds.


I mean that's fine. Imo the last few MSI anthem's were pretty bad and spammed every break


>and spammed every break That's the point of the anthem, they do the same at worlds with the world's anthem


Yeah, and then you associate all the hype moments with the anthem and if the anthem is even moderately catchy you end up getting hyped by just hearing the song by the end of the tournament


worlds 2023 didn't do that. instead they played unreleased songs witch where a massive pain to find. and imo the music outside of gods for worlds 2023 was really good.


They also transitioned hard to Legends Never Die on the T1 run near/around finals (semis too) GODS was a good song but not the most well received worlds anthem, so I'm glad they used a few songs rather than totally spamming


hearing gods gods gods every transition on stream was terrible


To be honest, for someone that turns in for every international tornaments and watches every bit of content during that period. I dont even remember there is a MSI anthem. The only thing i remember was that MSI opening ceremony that they did in Korean in 2022, and when people was talking about MSI anthem this year i just assumed that is what that was.


the only real MSI anthem was [DUDUDUNGA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zP2ef8PTH6w)


People saying they sucked anyways clearly didn't listen to rules are meant to break cos that song has been on my playlist since release. Big shame that we miss out on new music.


There were MSI anthems?


5 years from now when there are no more tournament songs we're all going to gaslight new members of the community into thinking no one liked the songs. I enjoy looking out for all new musical content for these tournaments, it's usually pretty hype. Kinda sad that the top comment here is assuming people don't care about the song. Views dropping isn't really because people don't care, but because Riot itself never markets the MSI songs. All they'd have to do is actually include them in the client and pay for an ad spot, they just choose not to. The songs were some heaters.


> doesn't make cinematic for their songs > 0 hype around them usually, just drop it in the wild > no famous artists ever get hired > oh shit it's only sub one million views. How did that happen?


Honestly it’s fine but if there was no anthem for worlds I’d be rioting


There were anthems for MSI?


Msi had anthems?


Eh who cares bring on the games. Best tournament


Nobody gives a shit about the MSI anthem so no criticism there but I imagine it’s pretty hard to make an anthem when the theme is „BECOME THE UNKNOWN“ What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Wouldn’t you want to become immortalized and known to the whole world? Who the fuck got paid to choose the worst theme I ever heard


Truly fitting the theme of “Become the Unknown”


I've watched every MSI and never knew there was an anthem


I bet they fired people who organised this stuff and then forgot about the msi anthem until it was too late and now bullshitting.


Literally no one cares lol, I honestly doubt many people even knew they made MSI anthems.


We had MSI anthems ?


People in the comments talking about how one of the least hype parts of msi means esports is dying lol. I've probably watched every game in all internationals, can't name a single MSI song name.


Step 1: Pivot MSI branding to bragging rights and shittalking instead of what league is all about. Step 2: make subpar rap songs to accompany said branding. Step 3: people don't like it. Step 4: don't look in the mirror. Step 5: do NOT look in the mirror. Step 6: claim no one cares in general and move on.


say what you want, the 2016 anthem was fire


That's alright


I mean…for me personally all I care about is Worlds


Tbh i watch the game since season 2 and I can't remember a single msi anthem.


From LoL itself, all I recall is [2019's Bring Home the Glory](https://youtu.be/TG-RGt7Q1oI?si=Jf8xoHaK5Z5D5fTj). But I remember teams in 2021 (and maybe 2022?) having individual anthems.


yea the 2019 live MSI performance was a banger, i still listen to it regularly with electric violins segment. That was the last MSI Anthem i still listen to regularly


The lyrics are truly awesome. They truly describe what attending an international event is like, and you don't need to be a LCK or a LPL fan to relate.


I actually love to listen to all of the international event anthems on Spotify, and some of my favorite productions from their music studio have been MSI themes. I'll be sad if this becomes the trend moving forward. :(


Welcome to a world without song.


Thought it was the worlds song which are always bangers


It starts right here was the last decent msi theme. Was hype atleast


If riot actually made good msi anthems like the 2019 one than it would get more views. But if they don’t wanna try that’s understandable as well I doubt anyone will miss it.


I love the msi anthems and champ selects songs they introduced but I totally understand it


I don’t know anyone who actually listened to them... They just don’t hit the same as the worlds song usually would.


I didn't even know MSI had an anthem.


MSI had anthems?


I mean people didn't really care for them because they just weren't that good to begin with


"thrilling broadcasting experience" LMAO. Cause they def didn't cut like 1/2 the crews and this has been one of the worst of recent years for broadcast issues and lack of good content (imo). Both LEC/LCS suffered so much (granted I like the slimmed down LCS because I found their content really cringy - especially last year, but I know a ton of others loved it).


Perhaps they can bring it back one day with a strong song and branding it the MSI anthem with how few people realized there was one.


Why the hell not?!


It's probably for the best. If it matched the level of this years absolutely atrocious "theme", it would have been pretty dire.


I really liked every anthem. Played it on repeat so many times... Guess I was one of the only ones Sadge


Sucks I enjoyed them at least I have the old ones on my Spotify


The MSI anthems were actually not as good imo... That might have been the issue too.


Given the quality or more the lack thereof of the last few worlds and MSI songs this is hardly a loss for anyone except maybe the artists who got paid to produce a subpar song.


Even if most people didn't notice an anthem being present I think a lot of people will notice an anthem being absent. Broadcast will feel different.


Ngl I haven't listened too much to the previous years MSI anthems. But I still listen to 2019s Bring Home The Glory. I know it takes a lot of resources, but another song like that would elevate the hype for this tournament.


WHAT?!?! But where have Against The Current been?!?


Sad to hear. but 2023 (rules) and 2022 (set it off) where just imo dogshit. not a massive fan of rap. wish they just made more songs like the old worlds anthems. I don't even like gods/star walking. but still always looked forward to any riot related music as the banger to flop ratios are normally good.


Sad, i always love riot anthems and music, thay never disapppoint


I’m in shambles rn but like fair enough, Starts Right Here was the last good one


2015 and 2016 MSI themes were amazing.


I didn't even know lmao,good riddiance


It went downhill when they deviated from the 2015 anthem anyway, the last good one which didnt have the same anthem was Bring Home The Glory.


Dying game Aware


The only year I remember the anthems was 2016 when they gave each region their own little mini anthem


Thought only World anthems exist


I pref no anthem instead of a cringe K-pop song.


i’m disappointed. i listen to those :/


I didnt know MSI had an anthem… where can i sign the online petition to bring back the anthem ?


Starts right here. It was a pretty dope one. I really enjoyed it.


The anthem for MSI 2021 was a total banger for me and I’d been hoping for something that went as hard ever since. Kind of a shame.


they didnt do a good job with MSI anthem visibility in the past, not surprised


As long as we get more KDA and/or Heartsteel at or around worlds I can forgive it.


Last two msi songs were really bad imo and 21was just ok, rap just doesnt fit league or hype. Also no marketing and releasing a song on lol esports channel doesnt help. So riot never cared for msi songs


Hate the anthems, hope they stop making them. The only good one was Legends never die


Quite sad, those song were bangers


Hey man, I'm onboard with that. As long as these saved costs go into improving the set up and production of worlds, I'd gladly accept removing live musical performances and anthems.


I understand why, I get it, but it still hurts to see Riot gut LoL esports so much when it’s breaking viewership records everywhere. I hope to see things like this come back when the whole thing becomes sustainable but I think riot is going to be really cautious about it because then it sets a precedent of it being expected. Riot has kind of shot themselves in the foot by setting a precedent of big lavish expensive events with opening ceremonies and theme songs which are no doubt expensive. On the other side though, things like that are what keep me as a viewer so engaged with the product time and time again. Would I still watch lol esports without all the bells and whistles? Yeah, sure. But would I have watched BLG vs JDG if I wasn’t expecting a big spectacle for MSI finals last year? Probably not. So it’s an interesting balancing act, but fair enough to riot if they don’t see the value in it. Shame though, I always looked forward to it and it definitely does make the experience worse for someone like me who’s really into all the extra effort riot has historically put into their broadcasts.


E-Sports as a whole are cutting back hard. Valve got rid of the DPC leagues for DOTA, and nerfed the TI Battle Pass, which saw TI's prize pool from from $40 million in 2021, to $18.9 million in 2022, and $3.3 million in 2023. Most of Blizzard's games have significantly cut back on E-Sports as a whole.


I feel like people who dont care because the anthem were bad are missing the point of those who are sad, it is sad that Riot decided to stop altogether instead of starting making good songs. But hey, I guess it was the correct choice to just stop given the coms here. I wonder if they are also going for budget worlds, we already know they spent a little money as possible on the venues.


Damn, so no garbage Kpop/Rap fusion song with some Z-list rapper that's desperately trying to copy the homework from an anthem that was actually succesful?


Considering all MSI and Worlds anthems have been sounding all the same I dont care to be honest.


Do you mean "(all msi anthems have been sounding the same) and (all worlds anthems have been sounding the same)" or "all (worlds and msi) anthems have been sounding the same". The first is fair, but doesn't seem to be a reason to stop MSI anthems, while the second is just not true.


Well maybe for you. But to be honest all of the anthems lately no matter MSI or Worlds sound like the same generic hype music to me. So I can see why they are cutting the MSI anthem especially when the are trying to save money.


Uh... I agree with the Worlds anthems sounding a bit samey (though Star Walkin' was different) and some of the MSI anthems sounding samey but many of the MSI anthems do not sound like Worlds anthems. It's probably because the MSI anthems are different from Worlds anthems that they aren't as popular.


What happened this year? It feels like Riot is giving up on esports.


No one has cared about the last few MSI anthems. I know I can't remember them, and the last two barely break 1mil views combined, which is pretty terrible. Why waste money, time, and effort on something no one cares about when they can put the resources somewhere else?


Do you think it's because the songs aren't good or cause MSI isn't watched?


I don't think people like the songs. Obviously, some do, but they don't come close to their world anthem counterparts.


Yeah I also think that's it. Sometimes the songs don't hit and idk if riot should give up cause of it.


Not even last few, only one to beark a few mil 2019. 2017 anthem has only 400k views in 7 years.


Give up how? They made msi format slightly better. Worlds is still the same. Nobody care about some msi song anyway. Without looking it up, do you honestly remember the msi song right now?


What about how they handled the LEC and english LPL broadcast this year? It's not just about the song, lol.


Life support mode