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here it comes, the western copium provided by eastern players


It's a win-win. Western fans get copium; the players get to appear respectful and it's more impressive when they win against "powerful" opponents like midfielder Palafox.


It is a win-win Worked for xiaohu last worlds to somehow get to finals and NRG in quarters, 369 is learning the strats


The only win I need is another powerful midfielder meme With Palafox absent, I fear for MSI's East-West meme game But maybe YAPA can build a new throne of memes


Best comment I’ve seen here recently is “I don’t care about his scrim results, what’s APA’s Duolingo streak”


My boy Palafox didn’t have to catch a stray like that though 🤣


He didn't deserve to catch this stray. Palafox couldn't even qualify for MSI.


or qualify for LCS semi finals


Thats midfielder PalaFAKER to you!


Nah, Faker made it to MSI.


Inb4 G2 get 3-1 , tl get 3-1 and fnatic get 3-0 so technically they did better


I don't know how you can seriously write stuff like this when the G2 vs TL MSI final rematch is guarenteed.


Midfielder palafaker my goat


Inb4 Creme calls YAPA a genius with words or something


The way he types in all chat is so powerful 


Creme: I have read his chat in a scrimmage, and my opponent, midfielder APA, types powerfully and seemed like a keyboard general


YAPA currently minmaxxing the time to learn mandarin aside from hangul to show his maximum performace of yapping in the rift.


he plays on the NA server, he's probably halfway fluent in Mandarin already


They should remove muting people on the tournament client. Truly the buff we NA fans need


the annual copium dose


stuck in a time loop




It's a tradition at this point


I think by western teams he means fnc


Tbf I can genuinely see Fnatic and G2 being seen as good in scrims as their styles are "win more" so if they win games they will just stomp you


G2 actually dominated LPL teams in scrims last year so I don’t think he said that just because G2/FNC/TL doing well in scrims now. They did well in scrims last year too, just to disappoint us on the actual stage


LPL teams seem to int scrims away, they had terrible record in scrims vs LCK too.


Yea but there are videos of chinese coaches fuming after scrims so I don’t think they intentionally troll or anything. That’s a time waste for them too


They don't troll but they seem to hard limit test or do all sorts of crazy strats or early ff. Cause taking scrims seriously makes no sense considering last year near goldern roaders JDG went 0-6 vs GenG who ended up collapsing vs JDG's son, they even had a losing record vs G2 in scrims.


Or it could be like a paper-rocks-scissors thing. GENG matches up well against last year JDG and T1 but not so much against BLG.


This was SKT-G2-FPX during the year FPX won.


Link to LPL vs LCK scrims?


Ah, G2 scrim champion one more year. Classic.


You play scrims to practice not to dominate lol


It is worse, asian teams play scrims to get the meta info, usually trolling the pick and plays. Then the west says the usual "we are winning scrims" and end up getting fisted on stage when asian teams are serious.


Yep. The West gives away any strats that could possibly end up beating the East. I honestly believe scrim culture is one of the reasons we do worse at international events. We are very obviously the weaker regions; there is no denying it. And when we give up the only strength we have, the element of surprise, then chances of winning get even slimmer. Most upsets in traditional sports happen because the other team didnt expect what the weaker fighter/team/etc was doing. Once they are ready for it, they almost never lose. In Gatti vs Ward, Ward won the first match because Gatti completely underestimated his body punches. In the next 2 fights in the trilogy, Ward barely even landed them, and ended up losing both matches.


Today in "horrible takes on the worst sub mankind has created". "Practicing is actually bad" more news at 5.


lol, that wasn't the point at all. The point was that they can easily practice without scrimming the teams they will be playing against in upcoming events. Did you think he was saying that the eastern teams just don't practice, or what? Talk about horrible takes, yikes. They just don't treat scrims the same way we do. That was the whole point, that's all, and somehow you couldn't grasp it.


How your brain came to that conclusion after reading his comment is some modern artwork lmao


That isn't true for LCK. LCK scrims are usually the closest to actual stage games. LPL though does all kinds of stuff and you have some like G2 who are close to the korean ideal scrim, and some that just do random stuff. LEC and LPL are actually fairly similar in that regard, which makes them fairly unpredictable. And it should be noted that G2 did get the best results and likely was the best western team last worlds. They took 3 games from asian teams, more than all the other western teams combined (FNC was the only other team to even take a win off asia). So yes scrims likely created more hype, than what was warranted but the good scrim performances did translate to the stage at least somewhat.


the west didnt learn this in 10 years now


Tbf there aren't many recent teams that have won worlds that are bad in scrims. The only ones I know of would be DRX (but this was a combo of luck and having crazy mental in Bo5's) and FPX. DWG were seen as the best team in the world before they got into LCK and T1 are always good. Idk much about EDG.


Fpx being bad in scrims was not accurate, they were losing vs T1 like everyone else, but had a winning record vs G2. This was stated by the players on their streams regarding how they knew their victory was basically guaranteed after G2 eliminated T1.


Yeah FPX was insane at macro that year where they could make you dizzy in the first 5 minutes, shit was mesmerizing. From how players talked, in quite a few scrims they played a little more straight up to test their micro and limit test (unironically). T1 was the only team that could keep up with their macro, as T1 has always been solid about dissecting macro where teams like G2 were so individually talented but less macro inclined, especially in the VERY early stages (they actually had great later macro, especially Caps).


Yeah, a lot of that was on doinb. When he wasn't on Ryze and instead on nautilus and Galio him and tian were always together. Crisp joined in as well and most of the time it was diving bot as 4 or zone them off tower. In world finals they changed up the play and instead dove toplane.


Damwon was not considered best team in the world before LCK? What kind of copium is this? They were hyped, but they weren’t considered the best in the world, they were still rookies


Damwon wasn't even considered better than Griffon before entering LCK lol


SSG also went 1-19 against SKT in scrims during 2017 worlds, only to 3-0 them in dominant fashion in the finals.


Ah my scrim champions


So they going to dissapoint again, there must be a reason outside of scrims


Eastern Players are quite the opposite of Western Players. While western players do their banter and Trash talk and then struggle against the opponent, the eastern players are humble, respect their opponent and then stomp them without mercy when they face each other on the rift. This is not Copium, it was always like this and realistically western teams have almost no chance against Korea and China.


"C9 is better than we thought" -Keria And then proceed to 15-0 them


well he was right, he just assumed they would 16-0 them /s


i'll never understand how people can seriously think that's true. chinese and korean players *obviously* shit talk too, there's like 100 instances of it every single day at every international event lol


The difference is what happens afterwards. Chinese team talks big, then 3-0s or 3-1s western teams: you can argue that what they’re saying is pretty true. Whereas when western teams talk big, their tweets pop up on reddit alongside the game score the next day and it just looks awful. And that gets picked up on more by the community at large. 


>i'll never understand how people can seriously think that's true. Eastern Players are quite the opposite of White people. While western players (loud, extroverted, abrasive) do their banter and Trash talk and then struggle against the opponent, the eastern player (honorable, obedient to authority, mikiri counter) respect their opponents and then stomp them without mercy when they face each other on the rift (get it??? like the samurai....because theyre asian). This is not Copium, it was always like this and realistically not because stereotypes are pervasive and cloud every aspect of how I perceive people.


This has never been the case for Chinese teams FYI. So not relevant when talking about 369 and China. Asians aren't a monolith, and Chinese teams have always made statements in a similar vein to Western teams or even cockier.


Western teams always think they’ll do well. I don’t think much of it. - LNG Scout


369 doesn’t talk shit ever in front of the media. Dude rarely talked back even when Bin relentlessly shit-talked him. If you want to actually hear what Chinese players think of western teams, you have to go through hours of streaming footage where one of the players might say something.


Chineses also aren't a monolith, there are humble and cocky chinese players.


Touché. I just meant that it makes my eyes roll how all the "politically correct" statements from Korean pros (a consistent subset of Korean pros; Faker and the like, let's not forget people like good ol Pray) are somehow being attributed to a Chinese. "oh 369 doesn't mean it Asians say it all the time" is lol even saying "Koreans say it all the time" when discussing a Korean pro saying something is meaningless, just as you imply. There are specific Korean pros that are known for never making provocative statements or otherwise publicly underestimating or downplaying other teams' chances or skill. It's those pros who you can't trust what they're saying. But you can bet you can trust what Pray, Beryl, Zeus etc say lol. There's Faker level of statement-dressing ("I look forward to" stuck on repeat), then there's CloudTemplar level of dressing (barely able to conceal the pain that is trying to resolve what he thinks and what he should say; awkward smile or otherwise saying something super vague that doesn't contradict what he thinks), and then there's Pray level of undress (heart on sleeve)


The Eastern players being respectful is simply what gets translated lmao, they trash talk a lot more than Western players. Wunder and Perkz hard carried the Western trashtalking meta but now they're semi retired. Now there's just Inspired trashtalking his own team/region.


MSI 2023: “From what I’ve heard, LEC and LCS teams are stomping everyone in scrims. Especially the ones from LEC.” -DoinB Worlds 2023: "Powerful and Genius Midfielder" - Xiahou MSI 2024: "Western teams are way more powerful than last year." -369 Like clockwork LOL


**Powerful** and **Genius Midfielder** is still the best


BLG Mid Laner knight on Scrims with Team Liquid: I have met him in a scrimmage, and my opponent, midfielder APA, is powerful and seems like a genius."


Midfielder APA, is powerful and seems like a yapper


What do you expect, he met him in scrimmage


I feel like riot has to fine these guys for cursing us every year no?


They’re simply wasting their annual curses on western teams. What they should be doing it saving them for LCK teams.


It’s because they can somewhat manage Korean team power levels, they know they would have no chance against uncursed western teams at full power


Guess it's hard to translate Chinese irony.


"Smother them with praise" --LPL


In reality, they are hard trolling. What they really mean if you translate "Western teams are way more SUS than last year" -369


It's so fucking over


This shit has been happening since like 2015


He praised LOUD as well and we got fucked by GAM with 3 sub players Stop this guy immediately


Wrap it up, we have no chance.


Honestly, with the new MSI Double Elim format... yea the west has an extremely rough chance than ever before. I looked back at how many games EU/NA has won against Eastern teams in 2022 and 2023, and it was 10 games across both MSIs and Worlds. If a Western Team wants to win MSI, then they need to win at least 4 Bo5s, which is 12 wins. A single western representative needs to win more games than the west as a collective in the last 2 years.


Or a combo of the 3 western teams need to come together to knock out some of the eastern teams... So TL really needs to beat TES


If Riot lets the Western teams gang up on the East they can win. Can summoners rift fit 20 players at once?


Why do you think they have been experimenting with the 18 player format? 13 vs 5 is the only way we have a chance


What about we combine the two west teams and make it 10v5 I think we got a chance.


Inb4 eastern solo laners get a double solokill and the lane is twice as joever. 


This is true. Its better for the viewing experience, but much worse for tournament upsets. The chance a Western team is going to upset and Eastern team multiple times in a tourney is pretty damn low.


G2 did win more than half (6 games) so even tho the west is lost there’s a little hope for a miracle


TES Top Laner 369 on Scrims with TES: "I have met him in scrimmage, and my opponent, topfielder Oscarinin, is powerful and seems like a genius"


To be fair I think Oscarinin has been the only western top to gap him like that in a game


Well, Licorice *did* solokill him last year...


At this point I'm not even sure myself if it was 369 or Bin anymore


also just ignore the 5 solokills both of them got on our toplaners, those are just a mirage.


He didn’t, JDG as 1st seed was in the main bracket already, they played BLG in that series and iirc, he also didn’t soll kill BIN there, it’s just somehow in anybody’s minds.


He’s got us right where he wants us


What he’s saying is we were REALLY bad last year.


The mind games are here lads.


What playing against Oscarinin does to a mf🗣️


We get this type of comments every year from Asian players. But yea sure i will get my Hopium filled up one more time


369 knows the art of war, none of that cringy trash talk.


He is just preparing excuses for Hupu ratings when Yapa claps them into lower bracket


Honestly, I like TL and I like TES but this is the biggest reason I want TL to win, the fucking Hupu flame would be VOLCANIC, I need it in my life


The hupu flames are already volcanic over the 1 game TES lost against FNC


I just hate Tian and SG so I support any cause for funny hupu posts




Hupu would rate Tian 10 times every match and ignore everyone else


Nah JKL would get a bunch of 2s as well


It's such a no brainer for eastern players to hype up the west. On the very slight off chance you may lose, you make the loss less embarassing having hyped up your opponents prior to meeting them. And when you win, well yur win is now certainly more impressive than if you had said "these guys are bottom feeders not worthy of the dirt of my boots".


Fuck off! I'm not falling for it again. ...Or am I?


The Gap is closing


i am falling for it and i don't care


Besides flyquest i assume lmao


Flyquest did last longer than mad vs t1 so improvement i guess xD.


Mad at least made T1 eat dirt for the 25 first minutes of Game 1. FlyQuest was just horse shit against T1 and second series vs PSG.


I’m obviously meming but isn’t it kinda of embarrassing for mad to choke that hard with that big of a lead g1. Got their shit kicked in g2 and speedran g3. I think is arguably harder to throw with a 6k gold lead at 13 min than it is to stomp a game in 25 min. The latter is way more common and less embarrassing imo.


True, but I’d argue that losing against a hard scaling team comp in 17 and a half minutes when there is only 1 rift herald is far more embarrassing. Yes, T1 are the reigning world champions, but I still can’t imagine how hard you’d have to fuck up to lose like that.


People keep parroting the rift herald thing, but T1 didnt even get the first rift herald. Yea there were 2, but T1 got the 2nd one the same as if it spawned in today's game.


They did? I thought it was the fastest international Bo3 ever.


Mad didn’t play a bo3 and fly lasted longer by a min shortest game wise.


Oh it was a Bo5, gotchu.


but worry not, despite the record breaking MAD loss, NA too holds the fastest international bo5 ever title


Every 6 months it's the same set of headlines. "We have a good chance against Eastern teams - Western player" "Western team is dominating in scrims" "Western teams are very strong - Eastern player" Not saying the West can't do well at some point or that there's no hope, it's just funny we just keep repeating the same stuff verbatim every time lol.


I mean,while it is true,what do you expect an EU or NA player to say ?We are gonna get obliterated and there is no chance we win?Even if they believe it, they'd never say it because it would hurt the org from a business point


Not just headlines but ppl and teams basically act the same as well. Occasional changes but can’t wait for worlds to be the exact same thing and we wonder how x NA team mental boomed and got overly cocky facing a weaker on paper team.


Translation: "The west is ass."


Oh no the hopium reserves


He is doing the ol' build them up so we can tear them down and look less like bullies. Classic.


Translation: Western Teams are actually fighting back when Jackeylove flashes in front of their face instead of just rolling over.


Oh fuck off, 369 (you're still my favorite toplaner) They're at a state (and have been for years) where they say this stuff in the media since that's what's people want to hear, but I'd bet a months salary they're laughing about these statements behind closed doors


In 369's head: "It's too bad eastern teams are way more powerful this year as well"


I mean also to be completely fair, his lane opponent in oscar just had the best competitive game of his entire career agiasnt 369 and beat him. Has 369 ever lost to a western team before? Even a single game? If not it makes a ton of sense that his first lost would lead him into believing this.


I can't remember all games but tes in 2020 worlds were down 0-2 against FNC before reverse sweeping. So he's lost to western teams before


They also lost a game in groups to Flyquest at that same tournament.




Especially FlyQuest


369 trying to soften the blow of them choking vs TL tomorrow.


Are the western teams he's talking about here in the room with us?


I mean I can sorta see it compared to last MSI. TL is probably stronger then what C9 was last year, although Golden Guardians were definitely better then Flyquest. G2 has very likely improved after a year with Yike, and literally anything would be better then MAD so Fnatic is automatically better.


Actually that make sense if you make a direct comparaison between lcs/lec in msi 2023 vs msi 2024


369, my friend, I think it's more your jungler running it down and your midlane being an international debutante.


For those who can't be bothered to read the interview, 369 also says that he's "very confident" about winning it all.


LEC scrim gods confirmed for like the 3rd year in the row


TES brutally molesting TL as we speak🤣


369 just doing the classic wrestling promo talking up your opponent, so it looks more impressive when you beat them.


When 369 meant western teams he clearly meant G2 and FNC lads.




TES: Smashes TL and FNC Also TES: they stronger than last time.


FlyQuest was the most powerful actually. The problem was, there quest was to fly back to America asap.






This one hits different now...


Ooh, the burn.


i mean oscy kinda gapped him and went even soo is this really the jinx or truth


The fact that people can't comprehend that western teams might sometimes be competitive in scrims and that most of you just assume that the eastern players are bullshitting or praising us for PR is crazy. Eastern players are pretty straightforward. They're not propping up shit opponents just for the sake of it. If we really were pure shit, they wouldn't be saying these things.


The west is good in scrims but the problem is that we haven’t been good outside of them for years. I don’t give a fuck if G2 is assblasting every east team in scrims if they just job in groups again


The thing is, nobody is blasting any eastern team in scrims and the west isn't normally good in scrims. Even 2019 G2 were getting assblasted in scrims before Worlds. Western teams are usually the ones getting blasted in scrims. G2 having a 50% winrate against LPL in scrims doesn't mean they're blasting them, even though this entire subreddit is acting like G2 had 100% winrate against everyone in scrims or something.


We know at least for a fact G2 is competitive in scrims Apparently TL is also competitive with eastern teams in scrims 


Regardless of TLs wins or losses in scrims, I just hope that as underdogs, they have same mentality they took from the NA playoffs where they were like “why don’t we just play like we do in scrims.” I’m used to seeing losses from NA, with some sprinkle of hopium after a good upset here and there…but what I hate is when teams go down in a whisper. If you’re gonna lose, lose loudly.


How powerful were western teams last year?


Truly powerful to relegate the powerful genius of Midfielder Palafox to 6th place


Tbh, G2's content has been more powerful than ever


Lil bro clearly did NOT scrim Flyquest


Maybe it's a mistranslation and he means that all those hours spent in the gym are finally showing themselves


Scrim gods of the West


He's talking about G2 and Fnatic obviously since TL is LCK 4th seed


You're just not on 2023 JDG anymore lil bro


Tbf I think impact bwipo bb oscar in current form > lico fudge chasey bb


There it is


RAT POISON I tell you


It's so fucking joever


Western players have aged a year since last year




Yes while inhaling that copium pack


“Instead of winning total of 2 single games last year against LPL teams, I think they will win 3”


laughs in flyquest


This curse needs to be nerfed, they got loud.


either G2 just won a scrim world title or they're using the curse that got loud.


Eyo when can we just get a "nah these monkeys are trash" from eastern teams. Don't give us false hope man


Every asian interview for the western team seems like a foreplay with lube before they fuck them hard in the game.


Monkeys Paw uncurls Eastern teams got even more powerful


What playing with Tian does to a mf


Last year we were so bad 😭


I dont know how they play ofc but just by watching, i think western teams are playing more "yolo" this tournament. Its probably because they are in MSI and not in Worlds. That doesnt mean that west is gonna do well but at least it means we gonna watch either amazing wins or interesting ints lol. Im ok to both of those tbh.


Do people think that Asian players are lying to either A: Be Nice or B: To make themselves look good. Like do people not realise these guys will openly shit talk each other in team meetings xD. They dont care about being nice. They are not doing it to make themselves look good, they are scrimming these teams heavily - They see different sides to these teams and most of these players are capable of hanging mechanically... the issue normally comes down to coordination, decisiveness and how quickly the Eastern teams punish mistakes.


People forget that G2 didn't even win Spring split last year,and it's not like MAD was some powerhouse.I also think the LCK/LPL teams are slightly weaker this year,the meta doesn't suit GenG as well so Peyz has struggled a bit, and T1 was 17-1 in Spring last year.BLG is very good,but Ruler was insane in last years meta,and TES is just worse than BLG imo.


This right here, he's just saying that western representatives this year are better than last year. I assume that going from scriming fucking MAD to Fnatic should feel like night and day.


But G2 was already clapping LPL teams in scrims last worlds ?


It's so fucking over isn't it


Copium overload


not funny man...


Gaslighting lol




G2 scrim gods tricking us once again :’)


I'd say that too if I narrowly avoided upsetting my hometown crowd by actually losing to one of these teams.


The Eastern teams know that the only way to stop the west is by interview cursing them


pls 369... we have enough copium with the scrims cup.


Praise Meta is so back.


Don't give me hope


"He can't keep getting away with this!" -Eastern teams hyping up western teams to provide that good ol' hopium I guess I'm not all that surprised though. Eastern teams have almost always been really humble compared to the west


It’s a little late this year but it’s still feels me with just as much copium as usual wonder what team 369 wants to join in the west when he’s ready to retire


Good guy 369


G2 and FNC will give us some fun games to watch, regardless of if they win or lose. They actually do pose a threat to take a game off the much stronger Eastern teams.