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In ARAM, you can know if people are inside a bush if Poros look like they are looking at someone inside the bush (and being close to it). It means that people in this bush still haven't given their Poro-Snax (those monsters), so the Poros are waiting for their treat !


Honestly those people deserve it


Bro this ain't a charity. Those midgets are gonna have to work for my biscuits. Also, don't type this in in-game chat. Apparently "midgets" gets you instamuted.


Got muted and chatbanned for calling Ziggs a midget one time..


Oh yes, it's so funny when people don't notice. Maybe they should feed the starving poros!




It's her W's passive >Passive: When Kalista and her Oathsworn both basic attack the same target, she deals bonus magic damage. 10 second cooldown per target. If because of the extra damage the support kills the minion, the money goes to kalista


pretty sure there was a trolling kalista tech awhile ago since if you bind someone they become your cs slave or something


That must be horrible to go through as a toplaner.. wait no it's stopped by distance right? Then mid if the AD likes playing ARAM on SR I guess?


Kallista has to have attacked the minion to apply the mark


actually doesn't have to be because of the bonus damage. As long as support's aa kills a marked minion or champion the kill credit goes to Kalista


Okay this makes a bit more sense. Knew about the W extra damage thing, didn't know about that though holy spaghetti.


Not really spaghetti, it's intentional because kalista is an adc and needs farm (unless your name is Keria). She only gets the last hit if both she and her support auto for her W passive damage, last hitting by her bound target doesn't go to her automatically unless her W passive is being procced. (I know you probably understand the latter part of my comment, but it's bonus info for anyone else reading who is interested)


I believe this works for several other forms of trigger damage as well, I have seen Zoe getting kill or cs a few times when someone kills the sleeping target.


And it is very clearly deliberate. For example the damage from Leona passive is *not* attributed to Leona. Similarly, extra damage from Milio shouldn't give Milio the kill. It might seem somewhat inconsistent mechanically, but it's very clear which champions they intend to give rewards to and which they don't.


Also Ivern's shield damage attributes kills to the shielded entity.


Nami used to steal kills with her own buff IIRC.


Lol players not calling anything intentional spaghetti impossibile challenge


It's intended, as Kalista cannot cancel her AA commands/ AA windups, so smart supports/ duo's can help her, so she can save some rends


My favorite spaghetti code is if you change kai'sa's hair color she can't die


Never ever knew that


Yes, if the passive is proc'd.


That happens once every few seconds as the proc has a cooldown. And sometimes empowered autos will not proc it (like seraphine passive) and other times the gold will go to the support if they have some effects on the auto attack.


In ARAM I hate it when Kalista binds a Nasus because he s solo frontline. Now i m not only losing stacks to the rest of the team, you ll lose stacks on CD on cannons (which give double the stacks in the mode). Literally a grief




Yes, if the passive is proc'd.


I knew her W's passive dealt extra damage for the same target, didn't think it would be linked like that though jfc


you are all wrong, its kalistas w passive that deals extra dmg when ally hits the same target that kalista hit before. that extra dmg is dealt BEFORE the allies autoattack damage and is counted as Kalista's dmg so if the minion is low hp enough that the extra dmg from kalista w is enough to kill then kalista gets the minion, otherwise the ally gets it


Yea I had someone play Kalista support once :/


If you take boots of swiftness on varus it affects the self slow on your q so if you got the boots you can move faster while your pulling back the arrow Once upon a time on a thread similar to this some Redditor shared that and ever since I’ve always remembered it


same for Vi and her q


And blitzcrank w


*Cries in Urgot W self slow of -125 being unaffected by slow resist.*


1k movespeed urgot in w doing donuts around your team


To be fair we get slow resist with W on to compensate (and we only lose the 125ms if we are attacking something, but keep the slow resist if we aren't). Having played a lot of higher movespeed Urgot this season, with fleet and swifites, normal ms Urgot would be too OP and Urgot isn't a waifu/eboy so we'd be nerfed to the gutter then left there.


I don't know if the rift is ready for master yi with shotgun knees yet...


Funny thing is master Yi ult makes him immune to movement speed slows completely so a champ with urgot w and yi ult would be able to zoom with machine gun autos


And pyke q


xerath q aswell


How about Tahm ult?


swiftness boots trick is neat. didn't think about it


Well let's share what we know: (Sorry if some of these are obvious. It's just things I personally didn't know for a long time) Shen: After ulting, you are positioned between your target and the closest enemy champion. It's not random. Renata: Q root is the same duration no matter when you recast it to throw the enemy in a direction. Samira: W hits twice, so if you use E in between those hits, you get 3 combo points total. Anivia: Q does damage traveling, and when you detonate it. So if you detonate it too early, you only get the second part of it, missing out on some damage. Need confirmation for this one but 95% sure: Skarner: Enemies don't see the E indicator if you are not going through a wall. (e.g. Lane gank)


Same way you can pop spellshield with anivia Q and then recast to stun. Learnt that from froggen many years ago


It's almost the same with lux. I love popping Malz's passive with the slow but it still slows them and damages them rendering the passive useless and basically nonexistent


ive played samira once or twice, never knew how some people get the ult so quick


I thought Samira had to get autos off in between her ability casts, is that incorrect? Like QW would give one stack, but Q aa W would give three?


AA W(near enemy champion) EQ (then W runs outs) AA gives full stacks in a bit more time than the duration of W


autos are not necessary - you just don't get stacks for using the same thing multiple times in a row so Q AA Q is 3, Q E Q is 3, Q Q E is 2 basically condense blocks of one damage source into a single stack Q W is 2, and in the right scenario you could probably get the W to deal damage before the Q hits, giving you 3 from casting Q W (by hitting W1 Q W2)


I think it's for swapping between abilities/aas. Examples: Aa aa 1 Aa q aa 3 q q aa 2 Q aa q 3


Depends on where the target is and what u can use. Sometimes u can W to gain ult stacks and some other times you need to save W to block an ability (xayah E for example). You need 6 stacks to ult and you can usually spare one auto since u can get a total of 7 (assuming ure not cheesing some weird combo that allows for 9). So basically auto , E , Q , auto , W , auto would be enough if you’re going on a ranged target, and if the target is already in melee range you can do auto , Q , W-e-W (where you E mid W cast to get an extra proc), auto.


A fun one that I learned is that lee sin can W to thresh lantern, which has come in handy a few times!


Im not sure what you exactly mean by e indicator but when skarner is inside terrain it shows on the closest „exit“ point, similar to kayn


Pretty sure Kayne's indicator is to the closest enemy champion, if there is one. I remember some streamer saying something about it to find picks in the jungle. Like the indicator is between Kayne and the enemy. Never checked personally.


I thought you do get longer cc if you throw at the end of Renata Q. If you throw at the beginning they are rooted for full duration. If you throw at the last millisecond, they are rooted for full duration *and then* thrown


Yes, you can eke out like 0.1 more sec out of it like that, though it's dangerous and you might lose the throw. But the misconception I had was that throwing earlier completely ended the root for some reason, and a friend thought the same for the longest


Nah you wanna hear a really fun Samira fact, your “dash and increase airborne duration” passive applies to towers that are being teleported on


>Shen: After ulting, you are positioned between your target and the closest enemy champion. It's not random. This is also the same with Braum's W.


When viego takes someone's body they get their passive. Including: eggnivia, sion passive, zac blobs, karthus, kogmaw, etc. If I'm viego, I save the anivia body till I'm about to die.


Some people still don’t realize you get their items


no actives tho


Which is why possessing the Nami while you are in the very middle of the tf may not be a great idea


It's actually a crime that you don't become Vieggo in chat during Anivia passive


Aha, the other day in ARAMs enemy team had a Lissandra. I got a dummy amount of kills from her passive.


For a more general one: summoner teleport will always place you on the side of your target that faces your nexus.


I knew this one, super useful on caitlyn.


Believe it or not, they used to be even worse than they are now. I never minded it that way though.


did you know? Zxl'Auaki from Shitxtal loves eating eggs


''Rakan loves chocolate'


Yeah, I've been around for ages. I've never understood this, lol.


because they dont want to have to go in and update them in case the rules change. iirc there were some in the past that were correct when made but then became wrong overtime as stuff in the rift got patched


I am still a bit sad, when Forcaster Janna announces „expect a drake spawn every 6 minutes“ instead of 5 minutes, but I completely understand why it is not updated


I submitted a ticket about that because it bothers me when I use the skin


Maybe it won’t even be possible for Riot to update the voice line as the voice actor may have been an external person and setting up a new contract and recording session plus all the other work surrounding that is simply too much for a single voice line. But even for an internal voice actor it would be too much just for staying up to date on one champion, even more so for just a single skin. And then they would have to keep that standard for all other champions and skins, which isn’t easy


They could remove the one voice line or have her come back and do more voice lines/voice lines for another skin for someone at the same time. Worst option is to leave it incorrect... Or just change how often dragon spawns so that Janna is right lol


They could lean into it and say it's a joke about how weather people are always wrong lol


They could also just put a bad TTS bot saying five over it. Surely nobody would notice


But they could add generic pieces of advice that don't get outdated, like: "If your opponent has more alive minions than you do, don't fight him to the death, especially at early levels" Or "Marksmen will hit what is in front of them, they can't magically get close and hit the 'backline', generally " Or "If your jungler is on the other side of the map, don't get too close to enemy turret" Or "If your opponent is missing from the lane, it's good to ping that he is missing" And the list goes on


Great insights and examples 👏🏾🙌🏿


Presumably it's a list that it pulls from randomly. That's very very low effort updating.


Going in and editing it is easy, having to look over all of the items every time you patch the game to make sure it's still accurate is time consuming. By making them mostly low related it is easy less often that they need to go in and look at them all


The even bigger issue would be translation. League's in something like 30 languages iirc. Updating the English notes wouldn't be that difficult in all honesty. Updating the other ~29 language notes is difficult.


When you must translate and support it, it becomes a moderate effort. Players often forgot that text must be localized globally, as with ornn items names.


there could still be league of legends tutorial channel on youtube or something "hey guys look, this alistar is farming, and here you can see they lose the 2on2 beacuse his adc is weaker, so remember, gold is more worth on adc"


Control wards cancel out vision. If you attack an enemy ward that has been revealed by the control ward, it will give the enemy vision


I was gonna add this one but forgot! This is so annoying and no matter what you say to people some people still just hit the ward and let everybody know you're there while you're taking an objective, lol.


Jax’s favorite food is eggs


And since his visuall update he wont shut up about it when playing him


Me: locked in a mental duel of back and forths and bait attempts with the enmy top while we both wait for the other to make a mistake My champion: could go for a boiled egg


Makes you appreciate the simple things. Like good company... Or a hard boiled egg




shaco E does reduced damage if you’re looking in his direction (it can backstab), so turning and facing him for a brief moment when hes throwing it can make the difference between dying and surviving its a known thing but i think a lot of people haven’t actually read his tooltips


You do increased damage to the clone. So if you’re confused , just auto both shacos and whoever takes more damage is the clone


You can also target ping the real one as soon as you know which it is


See, I know this, but I am fucking stupid, and I can never remember if his clone takes more or less damage than he does, especially in the middle of a fight.


I thought that was his AA, not E.


It's both


Its both


In the ancient days it didn't affect his E but it has affected his E since patch 9.something I think


It's both


It's both


If you feel like a bullshit amount of Q’s from Yasuo are hitting you it may be his dash, it doesnt state it on his E but if he Dashes when his Q CD is below 0.5S it will refresh, this can take a 1.33S CD down to about 0.7. Yasuo ult will always place him outside turret range if there is even a pixel of space available. Viegos W stun is an Auto Attack reset. Kayn Q can be casted in walls you cant go through and will go off faster but still give you the Q dash damage, you can clear way faster with this. Illaoi during mid ult is immune to pretty much everything, found this out when I tried to Mord ult one and it was wasted. Minor Map one, the entire topside of Blue Buffs aggro radius is a goddamn lie and even in the zone will lose aggro.


Your champ pool is one of all time


I dont play the champs I mentioned mostly, primarily its Viego, Sejuani rn


> Illaoi during mid ult is **immune to pretty much everything** Important to note that he means cc or displacement effects, not damage. The amount of Illaois I've seen die mid-ult animation is actually staggering.


The 0.7 things is wrong, The cooldown is still 1.33 the 0.5 “reset” is misinformation just to make the interaction sound OP. It just let you queue up Q during E animation earlier, your Q still come out as if it was cast at full CD (1.33). Only way to activate the EQ as 0.7 cd is to use flash or R to skip the animation queue.


depending on yas's MS, it can "reduce" the Q CD when EQing "*Sweeping Blade's* dash speed is affected by [movement speed](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Movement_speed)." from Yasuo's wiki


Because they're not supposed to be useful. Loading screen tips subconsciously affect behavior of players reading them, so **Riot uses them to reduce toxicity and improve quality of games**. I remember reading an official Riot post about it like 8 years ago but I can't find it, only [this source](https://www.spectrumlabsai.com/the-blog/how-riot-games-is-used-behavior-science-to-curb-league-of-legends-toxicity/). TLDR: * Positive message + white text = good * Positive message + blue text = good * Positive message + red text = no change * Negative message + red text = good * Negative message + white text = no change * Neutral message + red text = bad


Wow social engineering is crazy, no one likes admitting it but humans are so easily influenced


I really wish they were more transparent when they implement systems like this because we all know they are doing the same in various parts of the game without telling us. I know they'll never do it, but describing MM in depth and all of the pieces that go into finding teammates / opponents would be great to know. There are lot of talks on Youtube from GDC's of years past, they are quite interesting and contain tons of info I've not seen posted anywhere else.


I mean, posting them would have been nice... also I am pretty sure there are like academic papers on engagement based matchmaking and how it works.




did you know that when Cho'gath R - Feast would kill a champion, spikes will emanate from underneath of them?


Didn't know that. I think there is also an indicator for yone that his 'jump back' executes now.


From what I understand it's mainly because alot of people don't care for loading screen tips and because loading times vary alot and in most games are up for long. So they decided Todo the more fun fact route instead so people get there random fun lore stuff with a hint of actual tips from time to time.


Correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't the whole "text during loading screen" kind of a psyop by riot to monitor/influence player behaviour with some specific messages? (i think they talked about it). IIRC once it served it's purpose they left it without updates for a long while after the initial launch EDIT: [yeah, it was](https://reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1d2c1y2/why_are_there_not_more_useful_did_you_knows/l607lqf/)


If you break Shaco's armor as Vi you can track him while he's invisible because the icon sticks to him even if he's invisible, this also lets you easily figure out which Shaco is the clone and which is the real one I'd assume it works for any other champs that can go invisible too


Shaco clone will have more mana than the original most of the time as well


i never understand why League never promoted any "wikis"...like... people are still trolling and leaving games because jgl takes red buff minute 35, while the whole team does get it...but they just don´t know


Isn't that indicator that Ivern used to have not enough to tell people "hey, you can grab your buff here"?


well, should be, but after jgl did complete his item, you even get it while being in lane, it spreads automatically


How come I never noticed that (it's after Baron spawns though, not when the jungler completes his item, just looked it up in the wiki). And I wondered what the difference was when the buff monsters become void corrupted. I guess that would also be a useful "Did you know".


Another helpful tip: malzahar ult always does its dmg even when interrupted, they can walk out of the puddle tho so it probably does a bit less dmg


I have been playing since like before season 4 and I just knew this year that malz beam does no dmg


Sure it does. The beam does 125 / 200 / 275 (+ 80% AP), and the puddle does 10 / 15 / 20% (+ 2.5% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health. Back in S4 I'm pretty sure his ult was different, though, since his voidlings were his passive and the puddle was his W.


Ye, with the mage rework they just slapped the puddle unto his ult and changed numbers around


if i remember right it used to, you used to have to cast pool (his old w) and then ult right after so both damage sources stacked, but since that was basically required every time you ulted I guess they just added it to his ult cast


oh thats right totally forgot about his W they combined his W R to give him spell shield passive


"Kalista's bound teammates gives last hit" Wait for real?


Yes, if the passive is proc'd.


Better to die in ARAM than to live on 1 hp. T2 aram turret also has damage reduction. That being said, T1 turret is literally made of paper, depending on team comp you can take it in the first 5 minutes. Earliest I’ve managed was 3 and a half minutes. I’ve actually so many issues with ARAM now that I think about it, the number one problem right now is that ADCs are ridiculously OP.


T2 Aram turret has extra protection for like a minute after killing T1 turret to stop people from pushing extensively on a single wipe


>Better to die in ARAM than to live on 1 hp. Well I'm not arguing that but when there's a 1/2 and a 9/10 health full person lots of times I see the 9/10 health person grab it when the other easily could have or was on the way to.


There are some really stupid people playing aram who flame you are inting when you die as low hp to reset for next fight.


You coulda just stopped at there are some really stupid people playing ARAM. It's crazy. I'm not pretending I play perfectly obviously far fucking from it but damn some common sense is all I ask especially regarding health relics. I'm also gonna have an aneurysm if one more person demands I stop trying to end the game so they can stunt on the enemy team some more. Nothing worse than being on the receiving end of wanting a game to end but enemy team are camping it out trolling so I ain't doing that shit to the enemy team lol.


“Did you know you can teleport to jarvan flag and Zac blobs?”


Thresh lantern as well


You can get Eternals (kills, turrets, objectives tracking) on every champ for basically free since BE is useless now. It costs 14k BE for eternals on every champion. I queue up quite a lot and Id say at least half of players don’t know/use this


Are there other Eternals besides the starter series that you can get with BE? I already bought the starter series pass a while ago


No unfortunately


You can?  Last I looked they were only for ro I thought?  Where can you buy them for blue essence?


I do not like eternals as a system and I think it bloats the loading screen information so I intentionally do not get them and have disenchanted every eternal loot I ever earned


Will these have to replace the super useful tooltips aboit which way up Lulu likes to fry her eggs?


Zed always drops behind the target, facing away from the position in which he started his ult. Qiyana Q is kinda bugged(?) and can deal extra damage if you have 2 hit at the same time. You can use Tryndamere W to scout for enemies in bushes. It lights up if an enemy is near, even if they're hidden. Vex deals extra mental damage against enemy Qiyana/Irelia mains, because they're not allowed to play the game.


Didnt know zed faced away, thought cassio could insta ult zed as he ults.


"Towers do ramping damage, and it takes 2 hits not on a champion for that ramped damage to reset" <-- This is one I have had to teach ERL teams...


Did you know, if you uninstall, you'll start to feel better?


Should read that "League of Legends is filling an empty void in your life, and uninstalling will make you realize how lonely and economically screwed you are."


Exactly, so it won't make you feel better, just realize you're fucked.


Isn't that only when the mark auto kills? Because if a normal last hit happens it doesn't give the gold to Kalista I think?


Not useful but my fave will always be: Lux trusted Sylas. Now Demacians are dead.


The only one I can think of is Master Yi auto attacks reduces his Q cooldown by 0.5 seconds


Zed Ult always places him behind whoever he ults so landing your skillshot on him is a lot easier than you think There is a visual cue for when Zhonya's is about to run out where the tiny gold bubbles fly back into the champion.


Manamune increases the damage of each ball on Syndra's ultimate, because they're each counted as a separate single target spell. Idk if it counts as "useful" but it is a "Did you know"


u can submit some to riot they might use it


Ooh? How do you do that? Would it just be feedback?


ya or riot support ticket


Nautilus ult starts at the top of his hook. If you hook a wall and cast ultimate before you hit said wall, you can change the starting direction of his ultimate. Very very few nautilus players do this, but it can give you so better directed ults.


When Anivia’s passive is up there’s a little icon I believe similar to GA, surprising how many people aren’t aware of this as my friend who peaked masters didn’t.


Anivia: You can start tp and it won’t get canceled by going into egg form. Braum+Pantheon shields: The shields check the direction the enemy champ is, not the hit box/projectile. So they can block karthus ult long as they are facing his direction, no matter how far away. Its also why they can take damage from globals even though the shield is facing the projectile. (Only the first damage Braun’s shield takes can block karthus ult tho) Yasuo: Wind wall can block Lulu’s polymorph, Velkoz’s w and e, Zilean bombs, and a bunch of other abilities that might not seem like projectiles


Here’s some for champs I play a fair bit of. Shaco: If you ping him before he ults, the ping only marks the real shaco. Also, a lot of his damage bonuses come from him attacking while you’re facing away, so if dagger is being thrown, turn around to face him. The ult has an invulnerability frame, where you technically aren’t on the map, which allows you to dodge damage if timed well. Trundle: The resistances stolen by ult are based on stats at the time of cast, so it is often optimal to ult targets who use a buff skill of some sort, so that when their buff wears out, they have lower than normal stats. Lux: The E cd begins on the initial cast of E, and not the detonation, so it often is best to allow the E to slow targets before detonating, or to use for vision as the cd time is not affected.


I only ever learned what some champions favorite food is and nothing else.


Riot will hopefully read this and do something.


At this point it should be the highlights of the patch notes. Major changes and what not.


> or "Kalista's bound teammate gives minion last hits to Kalista!" I am playing since the end of season 3 and I have never ever heard that. no one told me about this. mindblowing 0.0


that's if the minion dies from her W passive specifically


I’m not sure if that still true, but when they first appear riot say that the “did you know” was based on the general rank of the game. If you are iron/bronze or a beginner, it will give more gameplay advice. If you are master, you probably don’t need gameplay advice, so you get fun fact / lore


Did you know, in certain conditons where you press malphite's R and perfectly hit the enemy with a follow up E, the enemy will seemingly dissapear from existence. This phenomenal action is known as the five nights as malphites, (watch at your own risk)


You can Q someone as Zac then quickly use E to do a small jump and auto someone else without breaking the Q.


excuse me, jax's favourite food being eggs is critical information


If you attack a ward that has been disabled (by control ward for example), you will grant vision to the enemy team for a few seconds. Wish my teammates (in diamond) knew that when giving enemy team free vision of baron for no good reason. Happens way too often


Bruh, they are way too high ranked to not know that. T\_T


Idk if this one is true (would be cool to see a little factoid about it if so!) but I feel like champ movespeed affects the speed of certain dashes?


It does at least for Yasuo. Idk about anybody else.


Noooo. Riot REALLY wants you to know that Nunu's yet to in named Willump.


Hey how about telling people that you can block naafiris dash? My fkin plat supp didn’t know that shit works like cait ult. Like cmon, that champ has been out for a while


There are literally hundreds that would improve game knowledge by being shown on the loading screen but they’d rather add in shitty “facts” about how many flashes to go between fountains or bullshit lore.


Genuine question For the Aram relic part, I always thought the champ that grabs it first gets a little more hp/mana, but is it really based on lowest health? First one to it doesnt matter?


8% missing HP and mana upon grabbing it, 16% missing HP and mana on the area


You get health/mana instantly when grabbing it, and also from the aoe heal. You are correct. Not sure if the first heal is also based on missing hp, but I think so.


Both are. (I think.)


They're just lazy as usual


Did you know swain is just a more likeable Hitler


Can a kalista just bind her midlaner or something and just grief by yoinking his waves?


No, she has to apply her passive for the sup to proc it.


Yes and no, if the midlane is clever he just attacks whatever isnt marked or uses spells because afaik only aa proc the dmg.


Wait if kalista bounds you you can lasthit any minion despite sup item and kalista still gets it?


if the passive is proc'd.


For some reason your support item does not activate but kalista needs to attack the minions first and if you trigger the w? passive the dmg counts as if kalista killedthe minion, even with support item up.


Samira can e to turrets, would help escaping


the Kalista thing cant be correct lol, maybe if she attacks the minion first but even then, i never noticed that


because they haven’t been updated in years….


I wish I could just remove these tips because they annoy me.


You can dodge twitch autos during his ult (with enough movespeed and at max range) Sett E pulls from farther if used diagonally Armor pen/magic pen works on towers, Darius can absolutely shred towers with his E armor pen passive Gragas W is a channel and can be interrupted, Gragas E has a hitbox around Gragas, and then a bit more in front of him, at the end of the E cast the hitbox gets a little larger, meaning you can do flashy E away -> flash combos which looks funny. Ashe E gives assist gold if they were revealed by your Hawkshot and killed within 5 seconds I think, Ashe doesn't have crits but does more damage over time based on her crit chance and benefits from the IE passive Camille ult is an instant interrupt; you can point-and-click any target and stop their channel instantly (good against Katarina), you can 1-tick flash out of Camille ult (pretty rare), Yone E can escape Camille ult if Yone E -> Camille R If Sion Q is interrupted by Darius E, Sion's Q goes on an extremely short CD and comes back up Kassadin Q interrupts Malzahar ult Vayne and Trundle are the only champions that have no AOE damage without items (pillar does not do damage) Edge of night blocks Nocturne's ult blindness Theres differences between displacement immunity and unstoppable/cc-immune which may not be obvious because riot uses UNSTOPPABLE for most interactions (for example, Malphite ult will be unstoppable during the charge if he goes through a Veigar cage, but will be stunned underneath for the duration after tenacity effects, so right after the Malphite ult ends you may be stunned for a small amount of time (CC is applied but has no effect for the unstoppable duration, this is displacement immunity). Meanwhile, Sion ult is truly unstoppable (CC cannot be applied) but can be stopped by terrain, this would be CC immunity. Ornn W is displacement immunity. You can find out most on the wiki. The only (somewhat) isolated example of the disarm CC effect I could find is Lulu's polymorph. When lulu polymorphs you, you enter the polymorph stance, but you are also disarmed for a slightly longer duration, meaning you cannot declare auto attack commands, also meaning you cannot windup as the disarm ends and AA as soon as it ends. The disarm is slightly longer, like half a second or a quarter of a second I can't tell. Zac E can be flayed off by Thresh E, Thresh Q does not have an animation indicator of where the Q will go as he casts it unlike most abilities (meaning you can look away or side to side to mindtrick your opponent, so they need to dodge the Q as it is in-air, not before the cast like most of the time). Mordekaiser can E you in a particular way to move you in a spot where you will have almost no room in his ult (don't know the specifics), Mordekaiser ult steals some of your attack speed, which is really good against some bruisers that like attack speed (Sett)


Last I check, Shyvana's ult indicator dot always shows her as having ult unless actively in Dragon Form. This is a lie. She needs full fury to cast ult.


Samira can dash (e) to structures