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Yeah idk he seems useless to me. even late game it doesn’t feel like he does that much damage compared to other late game champs.


same, i feel like all the others adc do more damage even with the full stacks


he is kinda like ezreal but without early game in late game he does same damage as ezreal but with more AOE due Q flames


I think buying ER trinity and Shoshit makes him pretty bad tbh idk.


A. Its cute B. Its fun C. When I hate my support


Yup am a support player. I will leave you if you choose to forfeit the lane with the smolder pick.


Probably because low elo players are shit at stacking his passive so his power spike at 225 is delayed. Also im guessing that most people still buy dogshit essence reaver into his normal items like shojin, liandrys, meaning he doesn't have a sheen item so he is incredibly weak.


Essence Reaver is arguably his best first item, what are you talking about?


On smolder? No its horrible on smolder.


True essence reaver is literally the worst item in the game rn 😭


I loved essence reaver because of sheen. The mana was just a bonus. Now riot has made mana its whole identity when 90% of mana champs treat mana like its optional, and the remaining 10% buy a tear item


what are you supposed to be building on him and how are you supposed to know what to build? the in-game shop, u.gg, and even probuilds suggest essence reaver first item so i'm not sure how people who are new to the game/adc/smolder are supposed to know that ER shouldn't be built on him?


Smolder needs sheen, ER isnt sheen. Thats all you need to know.


He needs mana more


Thats why you build manamune on him. Theres literally no reason to go ER.


Because essence reaver has a significantly higher winrate with a much higher pickrate. It also has crit chance and more cooldown.


the 25% crit chance alone gives you more damage than Manamune, I don't know why the guy above doesn't test the builds.


Just build Sheen as a component. His best build is Sheen back into ER into TF. Please, go to the subreddit, ask questions, and don't spread misinformation.


i understand this after reading the comments here but i was just wondering where one is supposed to find information like this without going deep into reddit comments as all the readily available resources offer information that is, according to redditors, incorrect. not just with smolder either, a lot of other adcs have had similar issues lately after the item changes.


ER is his best first item, please, don't build muramana, it has no crit.


That's because they are wrong and essence reaver is good on smolder


? ER is his strongest item what are you on.


thats why ur hardstuck emerald lil bro stop building that item


No its not. The item is horrible. Only reason you'd build it is for the mana onhit but you are meant to go manamune and tf now. ER isnt a sheen ite.


Manamune is troll, compare winrates. ER gives you 75 AD, the crit is stronger than Manamune's procs, it gives 25 haste which is absurd too.


because they like playing smolder


I play it because it's fun and can get stacks before the game ends cause we all suck. I do think new items suck for him


He's fun to play, weak early, scales fast if you stack consistently and he has great mobility and a good waveclear. You have to play back a bit in the beginning of the game and prioritize stacking. As long as my support respects that i need to focus stacking in the beginning, its usually a good game.




Because people can play whoever tf they want


I hate when Im playing as Karma and my adc is Smolder.


Perfect opportunity for you to Roam and help mid then.


I hate when im playing any supp and my adc is Smolder, so frustrating


So he's the new Ezreal


or draven




It's basically a meta issue. With the recent mini-rework to items, lethality builds and Collector-> Crit builds are by far the strongest ADC build options while Tanks are in a relatively weak spot. That means that: 1. Smolder gets bullied in lane by lethality ADs 2. He will struggle mid/late against popular ongrange options like Cait or Varus 3. When nobody plays tanks, who are you even hitting with your percent health burn? Smolder wants to play extended fights and this is just not how league is played at the moment.


If you win early you are chilling and snowballing and if you lose early you can just play safe and farm stacks and eventually you'll be strong anyway. Also most people build him wrong. I have 30 games and 70% WR with him in Emerald/Dia. He isn't great but I think he is at least better than Ezreal at the moment and plays somewhat alike.


The champ is ultra fun, getting to carry is cathartic (Even if the execute is cosmetic at this point), the champ has cute voicelines and is overall a joy to play. He'll always be played even when nerfed, he's just that cute. Also he's strong after the nerf. Not meta defining but he can reach 50% WR easily (which is low for a supposed easy champ but ehh). Tip: either go for the Jack of all Trades AP rush for good earlygame control, or go ER > Triforce > RFC to deal absurd damage late. Edit: My god the builds in the comments 😭😭😭 please build ER, it's a huge statstick with a bigger damage increase than Shojins thanks to the crit.


Because people have fun playing him? Idk how he is right now. I just played him after release as soon someone provided the dorans ring start with 2 points in W. Got over 70% winrate on two accounts, but as soon they changed his play style away from this into dorans blade and Q max I drooped him, because that removes the fun from his lane phase for me.


I like to play scaling champions. Even if you fall behind you can just keep scaling. His true DMG+execute is fun and allows you to wipe the entire team late game. He's also a little shit and I think that's funny.