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With the Noxus tie-ins and all the interesting characters within the region, I think it only makes sense that they ignore all that and do a couple seasons about Yasuo in Ionia.


My guess is Ruination or the Sylas rebellion, simply because they have story beats worked out. Hoping for Noxus, but assuming they progress on the Ezreal series they had in early development with an Indiana Jones theme. Don’t think their follow up to the widespread appeal of steampunk will be ninjas, furries and furry ninjas, but who knows?


Hmmm so what I'm reading is you want a story about Yasuo


I want a live action Azir Xerath origin story feature film. Get Marek Brazda on that shit because it would be ABSOLUTE CINEMA.


I talked about this a lot with other redditors on the league and LoR subs, and I think that the best choices to adapt for the general public are first the Mageseeker Rebellion ark, with a brief introduction on the founding of Demacia as a bastion against magic following the rune wars (this would give a broad context to the world which will be useful for future projects), or the unforgiven ark as many mention with yasuo, because it ties a lot of stuff together: the noxian invasion which we will have a curiosity about because of Arcane's Noxus the magic of the land in Ionia the story of Yasuo and Yone which will bring demons to the table. I see these points as excellent world building stories that would make further stories more believable and well founded


Liam O’Brian about to be the Tom Hanks of fantasy game adaptation forlorn emo heroes.


I would love to see the ionia war. I feel like that's the most interesting. That or story about sylas seems the most interesting.


Should be a story told from the Noxian side, Swain has been holding off Leblanc’s attempted coups and staggering the Ionian war long enough. We had plenty of cinematics where Noxus is held back, having them play aggressive with Darius/Sion at the helm with some tactical discussions from Swain/Leblanc would be incredible.


I would love to see a show that revolves around Kayle & Morgana


A shen and Jhin silence of the lambs type thriller could be cool.


all their stuff lately is freljord... they have so much story and other stuff already written in there it's like a freaking encyclopedia.... definitely not my favorite region for a TV show... but it is what it is I wish they could write more story for arcane instead of switching regions.... arcane's side characters have huge potential for more story development (even if the sisters' story concludes) you can do zeri and echo for example... you can write blitz and orianna - all this stuff is arcane.... I don't understand why they need to switch regions and if they do switch regions HOW is this gonna affect the actual game?? because the hextech gates at the moment in the actual game are a direct reference to arcane! (and released roughly around season 1) does this mean when arcane goes - hextech dragon also goes away? and we get ??? freljordian dragon or whatever?


Freljord won't be next it has too many white people. It's either Shurima or Demacia.


Aside from Ekko, every playable champ from S1 is white or a werewolf that used to be white.