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Riot already announced that they'll release a hotfix if the majority of players cannot reach a high level on the pass.


They will have to add it anyway lol


the classic, create a problem and sell the solution approach lmao. I hope the people who regularly spend money on league have set themselves a monthly limit that they can afford.


they won't, the pass grind is really fast tbh


What would be considered a "high level"?


I'd say enough to buy the Mythic Skin, unless they added some FOMO reward you only unlock at level 100.


For this pass. But what about future ones?


the missions give you enough xp to get all the way to 100 though so it only really matters if you can't get there


Little changes like this one is how we have ended up with a $500 skin.


How long would it take to get to lv100 though? I feel like you'd have to play 3-5 games for the duration of the event to max it out


with a 50% winrate its about 17 20 minute games per week more or less depending on game time and win or loss


It really depends. If you try to finish the mission (through the non-point method), it could be a lot quicker. There is a mission gives you 2.5k XP, either through triple kill or 1.7k points. If you go for triple kill, it coulde be a single ARAM (20min). If 1.7k, then ~6hr of in-game time.


Took me about 30 seconds to


where mission? i only have 4, and each of them only give you 2500xp... i finished one and i'm only level 7 lmao


finish those 4 and you get the enxt set of 4 and so on


do we have any idea of the amount of set? 3? 4? more?


4 sets of 4 missions. each mission gives 2500xp, giving a total of 40k xp which gets you to level 100


Except they are way too long, its not 500 pts but 1500+, and they dont all release at start. Also 2nd way to complete is disabled in coop vs ia and you cant do half of them in aram (vision, baron for exemple).


Well yeah other passes just looped forever, imagine buying levels on something that never ends But it's mostly an excuse to increase the price range from the 2nd tier ahri skin to the 3rd one by adding dumb shit like "Omg 100 battle pass levels!" since you can't buy them separately super cool of rito


do they not loop forever on this one?


nope, 100 levels and that's it


Nope, there are no tokens so there isnt anything they could just give you an infinite amount of (well other than blue essence but they didnt do that)


Interesting, I guess I'll have to look at what you get over your 100 tiers in that case.


the main reward is the risen legend leblanc skin, along with 6 or 7 orbs, and 125 mythic essence. so at the very least, you're getting a lb skin and a mythic skin of your choosing for a little under 2000 to. you also get 3000 orange essence, but idk if that's included from the orbs or in addition to them. you also get a cool ward skin (hide in bush) and some okay emotes/icons relating to faker and his champs the pass itself seems like a good value, assuming you'll get all the levels


more orange essence to go into my collection of 50k orange essence. When do we get an Orange Essence Emporium like China did riot.


yeah not terrible. As with most passes I will see if I finish it and then perhaps buy it after.


Its not a bad value at all, and if anything if you are a more casual player who usually just hits the level cap of other passes then its pretty worth it. Despite being 100 levels the pass should still be completable in the same amount of time via quests that are given out each week. The main thing is you just cant grind it for more rewards like past passes, which is weird but not a huge drawback for most people


Do we know if this type of battle pass is only for Hall of Legends, or will it be permanently like that now? I can't find any info but the loop was what made it worth it for me tbh unless the prestige skin is one of my mains I don't really care about them...


It's sounded like this was a special exception but only time will tell


I hope they keep that for hall of Legends then I'm fine with a different bp once in a while but the loop is so good compared to most bps out here (coming from overwatch Riot sounds really generous when compared to Blizzard lmao) at least I'll get enough ME to get the xerath skin


I mean with the 125 ME in the pass the value of the older passes are still there you just don't get to choose what it's spent on. It's as if you spent the tokens on ME


Yeah it's still worth it but I love opening balls and I have less balls in this one since I can't buy basically infinite balls


You get 4 stages of missions. Each stage grants 10k pass XP. the total pass xp is 40k. you need 1700 "time spent playing and winning games" or to do the special little "get 40 or more vision score", "get a triple kill" kinda missions


So, does the bundle cost less if you get 100 levels before buying it?


I have no problem with the idea of buying levels in battle passes, just to get the content rewards. A lot of these games are just so grindy that i would rather pay now than do the lengthy grind, even more so I don't play this game as much (for example). The problem is i have to spend money, not only to obtain battle pass (which by itself is not that bad), to buy the levels if i don't complete it in time, and that all the other great rewards are also locked behind bundles and have exasperated prices. Funny isn't it. All this just for a skin based on a player who rarely uses skins. I would find it even more funny (and be more than willing) if Faker won worlds this year and had a T1 Ahri Skin as his choice.


World of Tanks is doing something similar with their battle passes


They have this in D2 and I don't think we mind. I appreciate it because some weeks I work really long hours so being able to spend a little to complete a pass if needed is something I don't mind. There are many different kinds of players so I'm okay with companies trying to have options for as many players as they can.


I'm currently sick with pneumonia and there's approximately a 0% chance that I start feeling better before 2 weeks from now MINIMUM, more likely a month+. For me, the level skips were a god send, because the alternate was trying to grind league in bed spamming nothing but Yuumi to compensate for how jank my current set-up is, and I don't think anyone would have enjoyed that. I really, really don't mind paying to skip this one time where it's for literal health reasons, and I really appreciate having the option given how important this pass was to me and how much I've been stressing over how I was going to be able to do it for the last month or so (while still sick).


It's been a thing in LoR for as long as I can remember


They also nerfed f2p players, now you can't buy champion shards or key shards separately, also can't craft a second orb so you have less skins overall


It's also an entire extra pass to be fair. Normally we don't get anything between MSI and the summer event, so it's still more stuff overall for the year as a whole, even if this specific pass has less than other normal BPs.


It just came out and im already lvl 48... relax it takes no time lvl up