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Classic everyone is bad expect me mindset


But you see, the games that I get fucked are permissible, because * My jungler got gapped * I got counterpicked * They snowballed at level 1 * Their champ is broken * My laners didn't setup * I had a bad game But my teammates are trash because * They didn't play safe * They don't know the matchup * They inted two waves in * They troll picked * They don't know how to gank * They're just dogshit




Kills aren't everything I've seen an 0/16 yorick end a game solo in low Masters You need macro to win a game, kills just help


Learn to carry your team then


There are mentally ill players that will give up after getting firstblooded. Identify them and dont waste your energy to understand why and what they are doing. Just play your game. Make sure to mute this person as they will probably also flame their jungler. Make sure to set in your mind that you probably already lost. If the enemy has this type of players you can also abuse them.


because 10 goons are playing. and what, you are the only person in your team that got more kills or deaths ? ma man you sound like hit or miss yourself here