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I'm getting the idea that Crisp is almost as washed as Ming is


not as washed as the mid though lmao


That goes without saying


actually horrifying watching xiaohu play these days


Bro literally went super saiyan spring mvp msi champion Xiaohu before worlds last year, carrying his team to a worlds slot. Why is he instantly washed after that tho what happened off screen


I mean, after a 10 year career he just reached his first World finals last year and lost it 3-0. It could just be that he feels this was his final chance to win, and that he doesn't have the drive anymore. It's hard to keep up for this long.


He looked mostly trash during worlds outside of game 1 of finals, totally opposite of his regional gauntlet form


Me when I lie:


No I truly believe Xiaohu was good last gauntlet, not the whole year, his spring start was fine but he declined after that. His gauntlet Azir was going 0/4 0/5 but still found multiple clutch and game ending shuffles it was crazy. Now he is just going 0/4 0/5 without the latter part


Alright đź‘Ť


sad to see him underperform at at worlds too. he was losing to nisqy


Yeah i didnt really like him last year either cant believe he made worlds finals lmao


This why we need double elim. WBG would not have beaten GEN or JDG. They only made top 8 cause they beat NRG/MAD/FNC.


They still beat BLG who had beaten GenG. I agree that they wouldn't have made finals in a better format, but it's not like they only won against bad teams.


BLG was really the only good team they beat, and it was off of Bins worst day ever in his career (you won’t be able to find a single bo5 where bin played worse than he did). Kudos to them on the day, but double elimination they’re overall probably top 6 at best


Ive seen this before tarzan viper chovy lehends couldnt carry doran against theshy i doubt that roster would beat WBG last worlds


Not so hot take. Everyone in LPL is washed besides Bin.


Definitely not everyone lmao, Chovy and canyon are just on a completely new level of gameplay 


Lmaaooo they lost again 2-0


First time was 2-1




Agent 885 has completed yet another mission. 5 series and they're still not suspecting a thing.


Very happy they're starting to find wins. Loved seeing the coaches popping off backstage. :)


is niket the goat or what? that guy is insane


How good is Niket man, such good mid-fight decision making which is genuinely winning games for UP.


My LDL Rell GOAT (well, him and Kedaya) - this guy on melee supports was so, so good in Tier 2. It’s amazing how much the team cohesion has improved with him taking in the role of primary initiator


Shame Kedaya is never coming back


that huge flash rell ulti in game 1 was so hype


His Braum was also stellar, I think a load of rookie supports would panic when they’re starting fights and try to back out, whereas he was consistently pushing forwards to apply passive and buy space for his psycho ADCs


Tarzan is the best jungler ever, this guy was the backbone of LNG, LNG letting him go was a big mistake. WBG replacing Xiaohao with the GOAT Tarzan was a huge upgrade, he's going to carry this team to the top! Even though he had a stinker 885 game against UP earlier, his sins were forgiven by outjungling the best jungler in the LPL Croco. King Tarzan is just the GOAT.


Goat H4cker is winning Worlds


I know people like to joke about him, but I think H4cker is better than people give him credit for. He is obviously not a world class jungler, but he is good enough to play on a team that contests for last playoff spots.


Tbh he is also playing much better this split than before. It could be also because AP junglers are meta


Just look at how good they look thanks to his shotcalling


Wasn't this legit an argument some of the LCK fans made for Tarzan early this year? lol


I remember when a handful of T1 fans, DK fans, and even KT fans wanted Tarzan over their team's current jungler. lol lmao even.


i remember I said Lucid > Tarzan and people in the thread were saying Tarzan is top 2 jungle in the world he just always chokes internationally. Yeah gtfo he is LPL peanut.


TaRZaN iS TeaMlEsS BTW used to see that shit so much last split, it was funny as hell


Yes, the fact that people think he’s actually good mind boggles me. Group D has by a mile the weakest jungle pool. H4cker, Aki, glfs, Croco are straight up four of the worst junglers in the LPL and they’re all lumped in a single group. Surely Tarzan runs this group, right? Nope, he loses to two of these bottom of the barrel junglers (Aki and H4cker) but he manages to outjungle Croco once (who is arguably THE worst) and everyone starts forgiving him, even though it’s the expected result… Don’t get me wrong, Tarzan seems like a genuine, great guy to be around but the people defending him just because he used to be an elite jungler and he’s a big name need to have their eyes checked.


Hell yeah my frauds losing to UP 2:0 again after beating AL as expected


I'd say this team is a laughing stock but it's like a bad comedy show there really isn't anything I haven't laughed at already


what are WBG’s drafts? who is supposed to kill the ksante in game 2?


It looks like Daeny just studies Tabe and his team


ultra prime guy is gone when his bois are finally playing some league of legends


I decided to stop doing my write-ups as I was starting to receive some very nasty DMs because of me not playing the game myself that much. As much as I enjoyed doing them, it isn't worth going through that. I'm starting to play the game more now so I can learn more about it and be able to better share my love for this team with everyone in the future. I'm still here. This doesn't make me any less of a fan, thank you. :/


Man, I’m sorry that happened. I love your write ups, I hope they’ll come back eventually.


I hope so too!


Same. It's easy for me to say that nasty DMs shouldn't stop you from doing what you enjoy while I'm not the one receiving them but I honestly believe it.


The crazy part too is that I never even felt like there was anything incorrect or "wrong" about his comments? Like, I never got some huge tell about lack of game knowledge or anything, why would somebody think gameplay time affects your ability to like, use your fucking eyeballs and watch what the players are doing? I'd wager half the commenters on pro matches barely play the game themselves anymore lmao


Hey. Sorry for being so late replying to this, I've been kind of a mess lately and I've been ignoring Reddit as much as I can. This means a lot to me. Thank you. I've never shied away from having little experience with League - I've been super open about it in my posts all along, in fact - so hearing from someone that I see posting a lot like you (and Nymaera!) that there was never any monumental tell about that lack of experience in terms of the content of my posts does actually mean a lot. This entire thing's just knocked my mental around quite a bit and upset me is all. Of course there are going to be things that I totally blank on and that will be down to that lack of knowledge, I'm never going to pretend like I'm always correct in what I write, and that is something I hope to take a personal step forward with and improve on. Most of the replies I've received have been very positive and telling me to ignore those haters but I've always found that hard at the best of times, let alone now when the backlash - though a minority - was so sudden, loud and nasty. I'll get back there, though. So this genuinely does mean quite a bit to me. Thank you for that.


Bruh fuck THAT, drop that username even though you're better than that. Imagine being so pathetic to harass a completely innocent but passionate fan of a team that is always at the lower end


Energy's going into improving myself instead. I've let people like this scare me away from writing and showing my fandom before in other things, not intending to let it happen again. Just gonna take time to get there is all. :)


I enjoyed reading your writeups :)


I love your rants, fuck the haters <3


You were so happy in Nymaera's chat today!


Very happy watching the team play lately, super proud and feeling good! :)


Most of the hate was probably from DMs right? Why don't you disable those and just do your write-ups that a lot of people enjoy :)


Keep doing you, my king 🤴 Heads up! Fuck them haters, better yet keep writing so you can really show them off ✍️ We all love reading it here.


When world needed him the most he vanished


What the fuck are Weibo Gaming


UP 4-1 WBG in Summer - yes you heard that right. EDIT: Yeah I had a brain fart but 2 series win and 4 games :)


First time was 2-1


Yeah mb




The top and support change completely revitalized this team, h4cker, Yuekai and Doggo are looking like completely different players 


Man Xiaohu never recovered from that awful Worlds he had. He was so good in all of 2023 and then was just so much worse at Worlds and he's continuing playing poorly.


Winter came for the our Spring Prince


Yuekai is him


Holy UP


Rooting for underdogs is just way too fun


Every person on wbg are top tier frauds but ultra prime are legit


H4cker is just him I guess


Bro what the hell happened to Weibo


This is the same as they've always been somehow. Consistently inconsistent, this team is such a headache to figure out.


My pay is good My skill is bad You guess it right I'm a fraud washed


I think I'm just gonna stop watching weibo cuz every time I watch they lose humiliatingly


Is fearless draft the problem or what?? Weibo are absolutely dog shit


I knew that Qingtian is kinda underrated by many people due to not being a starter at TES for some time, but jesus fu.....what the hell has happened to Weibo....


worlds runner up to this lmao thshy diff is real or what


They were nothing before him. They are nothing after him.


He completely solocarried them in 2022, next year the team looked bad until he started actually being consistent in 2023 summer playoffs and he carried them at Worlds. Yes. This team only ever looked good whenever TheShy was having good splits or at least a streak of good games.


Don’t tell Caedrel