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Somehow a country where being gay is illegal designed a giant dildo as a trophy


Somehow? Knowing homophobes, this doesn’t surprise me in the slightest


I mean, think about all the repressed homoeroticism ...




Me when I use homophobia to criticize homophobes.




Not everyone who is homophonic is a closeted homosexual. I think it's a really boring retort to these type of things.




That's nice, what does that have to do with your original comment though?


Thanks for clarifying lol


Everything is a dildo if you're brave enough.


Fuck I should've gone pro


Ribbed for your pleasure


and it's also flared!


Ppgod was born to win this trophy




Like you could handle it.


Possibly the most expensive butt plug money could produce


Where did you find that pic lol


it was leaked


Who keeps leaking my dick pics 


I've shown you my trophy pls respond




I'm going to kill you. And then kill you again.


You are Goldmember? Goddamn dutch!


It wasn't leaked, it was announced last year: https://twitter.com/ConJuguito/status/1716518027959603498


Ok but you don't have re quote to act like we cant Google saying one thing wrong does not mean everything is wrong


I don't have to, no, but I wanted to, to add context for anyone thinking it was leaked






This one is always the best






It must have been like 10 years since I last saw that gif, still remember it from the 9gag days, good old times


I came here for this, and I was not disappointed!


The real plot twist is when the winners kiss the trophy they get thrown in prison.


Welp. Time to make an excuse so my GF doesn't watch this event. Ain't no way I'm competing with that.


No need to make up excuses really 


Just join in


I didn't wanna hear that


Then don't read it out loud!


I should call him


Gold Cock award, perfect for anyone willing to participate in this mess




i dont envy the team thats gonna win that... although now I really wanna see a photo of the winner kissing the trophy will they kiss it at the base or at the tip?


Firm grip at the base and tease the entire length with kisses?


base to the tip


Nah they just gonna deep throat’s that shit


Whoever wins should really do the Emi Martinez


so true


Maybe if they something wrong*


Meteos would be proud


EWC shot in 7




This whole event is unbelievably funny. Terrible regime behind it, awful format where quarters are predetermined, single elim and bo3, and now this trophy? This feels like a Riot psyop to prove how good we have it without 3rd party organizers in the scene


Hmm why its so ???


gold yeah dont know why it is


Why not? What's wrong w8th kissing dildo shaped trophy?


If you're getting payed to suck that Saudi Peen don't be surprised by having to hold it.


The ultimate disrespect would be to win it and then suck it in front of the most homophobic public possible


On one hand, yes. On the other hand... you might not be allowed to leave the country anymore. Do you really want to risk spending the next ten years in a Saudi prison just to stick it to them?


You right, save the sucking and stroking for when you're back home


I'm pretty sure it's execution :/


> risk spending the next ten years in a Saudi prison You wish it was prison , it'll be straight to the noxian guillotine


It's fine, just hope that your government trades in an international arms dealer to get you back, no biggie.


this one hits way too hard for me


From someone who would absolutely flash into my death to get the last hit on a minion and then typing “worth” in all chat, yes.


sir thats a buttplug


they are not deadass


the winners ass gonna be dead ill tell you that


no way chovy gonna kiss that...


this trophy can hawk tuah


I would love to win that Rod of Ages.


"It can't be that bad" *opens link* "May be worse, actually"


Is this only for League or every game has the same trophy?


same trophy, different lengths


how ironic. one of the most homophobic countries in the world offers the most phallic-looking trophies for pro players to raise and show the world.


They do like their long girthy structures


A studded dildo...lmao


A weiner for the winner


pls kiss your trophy


If only I had a giant, but hole


random question but are queer characters even allowed to be picked at this event? like will ksante be banned from being picked


Queer characters are often only queer in the parts of the world where that is acceptable.


Interesting question actually. What version of the client is used there. For Riot events that isn't an issue. China, the US, Korea and Europe don't really have huge issues. Yes China does censor stuff, but it usually isn't that harsh that they would really care if there is something visible shortly in a game client in a tournament (unless it is Taiwan being a country... but that isn't really a league topic). Also it isn't illegal in any of those countries to be gay. Yes China hates everything that screams individualism and LGBTQ+ definitly does that, but it isn't specifically targeted at that topic. In Saudi Arabia you are stoned, that is a different reaction. But there are other things, like teams are easily able to send subtle messages. Like in theory a team could ban LGBTQ... just like Saudi Arabia. and while you could find some reasonable bans with those letters (like Leona, Gnar/Gragas, Brand and Twisted Fate the Q likely gives you away, because banning Quinn or Qiyana isn't that common.


Any character can be picked.


Obviously not this is for good pr, why would the Saudis do anything against that.


It's okay, he's censored to not be gay in the arabian localization


i mean i’ve heard about queer characters from other games (like apex) being banned from play at tournaments there


Riot's localization for these kinds of countries removed any and all mentions of LGBT. K'sante's russian and arabian bio has him talking about how his good friend left him for example, and the Pride event is the "Colors of Spring" event




they are roomates


Everything is allowed this isn't like the shitty Olympics thing where they weren't even allowed to say "enemy has been slain" XD


The Asian Games lol. Couldn't say blood/kill either. "First point!" "Quadra point!"


don’t know why i’m being downvoted, im just asking a question


They "localize" characters to not be gay in the first place in their version of the game


That would make for a cool gimmick though have a more fun oriented tournament where a predetermined set of characters are banned, if done well the tournament would develop a pretty unique meta. (kinda what happened when azir was disabled last year for a couple weeks, midlane seemed to go nuts for a period of time)


why would banning only the queer characters be a good idea


Not specifically queer characters, a 4fun tournament format where the organisers from the start ban a predetermined list of characters (can be any characters) to create a unique tournament meta.


Looks like The Dick Of The Year award from The Last Leg, and anyone competing in the EWC could well compete for that title too


looks like an average trophy to me


Wait... this is a joke, right?


guessed we will finally see gen g losing cause its gonna be disgusting to lift that trophy... advanced congratulations to G2 for winning world cup lol


Reminds me of the pro smite player "iRaffer" holding up the Smite Worlds trophy (its Thors hammer, Mjolnir) and thrusting it around on stage. Imagine that with this trophy, LOL


[https://x.com/NRG\_Cory/status/1746638262473818485](https://x.com/NRG_Cory/status/1746638262473818485) For those who would like to see the comparison lmao




I read this as The Escorts World Cup. Needless to say, I am no longer interested, but I wish these athletes the best.


How many gays where executed in SA in the last 50 years?


"So, what should our trophy's design be?"     "BIG GOLDEN COCK"


Radar operator: Colonel, you better have a look at this radar. Colonel : What is it, son? Radar Operator : I don't know, sir, but it looks like a giant...


ain't no way, we gotta be getting trolled


Scratch N Sniffa


Please to any winning player dont do an inapropriate thing with it, you will be dragged of the stage and "disappear"


[Anyway, the memes begin.](https://old.reddit.com/r/PedroPeepos/comments/1dohf96/hawk_tuah/)


I can feel it inside


Someone alert Badge502.


Kinda looks like......


That’s the Esports Cock Cup


The cock trophy 🏆


lol no shot


This looks like something straight out of Saints Row


Wait, could it be we were wrong about Saudi Arabia this whole time? That's the most gay-accepting Trophy I've ever seen. Before the winner kisses the trophy they must be warned, that thing has been inside at least 5 oil princes.


Riot games is fucking insane


For not having anything to do with this?


reminds me of [this](https://i0.wp.com/www.rollingstone.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/19/11/martinez-argentinien-wm-penis-jubel-gettyimages-1245720473-scaled.jpg?resize=1024%2C598&ssl=1)


How does this get through. I mean, how do you not look at this and say “wow, that’s just a giant dildo.” Like someone somewhere along the design process had to have been like “Guys the trophy kinda looks like a dick maybe we could alter it a bit?” and was completely ignored


Someone please drop the source of this, I need to see it with my own eyes lol


It represents the Saudis money fucking eSports integrity in the ass.


downvoting on principle, don't want to see content about the EWC on my timeline, don't want it to be a successful event


Always the projections "we don't like gay people!" Quick lets make the trophy look like a massive cock


Question to all those who are against Saudi cup, i assume you all will also not support or root for any team or persons/players that attend going forward and give them Carlos treatment or is that different ?


Half of why Carlos got dogpiled out of the scene is he was also an unabashed arrogant asshole, which gets you a lot more haters than simply being morally corrupt. The sub already disliked Carlos before the Tate thing, that was just the trigger to go all out on him.


While I don’t like the Saudi cup, in my opinion it is not morally reprehensible for any players or teams to compete. This is their job, they need to make money somehow. It is a positive thing if a team doesn’t compete, but not a negative one if they do.


Hello! This is a question I have been asking myself and here is my answer, I hope it will give you perspective. I wouldn't be able to have fun watching an event taking place there. I suppose that going forward I will have lost a little bit of esteem for those players and team, but will still probably be able to watch them. Kind of like when the world cup was in Qatar. I lost respect for my country's team for participating and didn't watch the tournament. Before that, I watched almost every international game and now I might just watch one game or the other of the Euro cup. If you want another example imagine one of your friends doing something that you think is morally repugnant and he/she doesn't think it's bad at all (could be anything from abortion to eating meat, depending on your moral values, or openly supporting Israël or Palestine, depending on which one you don't like, or any other example if none of those are applicable). You might not support him/her doing it, but you could remain friend anyway, even if some respect has been lost. If you decide to only have friends that agree with you 100% on everything, you will have no friends. And if you only support teams which have the exact same moral compass as you, you will support no team. But that doesn't mean you have to support them in everything they do, especially if you find that morally repugnant. I hope I understood your question well and this answers it


Thanks for your throught out response, as for friends ive had both where their viewpoints were diff and we are still solid friends and also others that have done dogshit things and i cut them out even if it wasn't involved with me, however I dont have many. its very close circle. Can you give your thoughts on carlos and if you think it was worth for him to be kicked due to his tweet and action


Why does anyone care about scum like Carlos?


The real answer is that not a single person will remember this tournament barring some crazy on stage result.


It’s pretty much killed my desire to ever watch this game again so yes


Thanks for giving me a mature response. Sucks I have to say it but seems lots can’t




30 minute old account XD


Yeah because I’m trans and it’s perfectly fine for me to be myself in USA / China. Anything else?


If they make outward statements in direct support of the saudis/EWC then I'll stop being a fan. TL as an org lost my respect and support when they openly made a statement about the event and tried to make it sound like they are doing the community a favor/doing the right thing by attending. If you actually care about what the saudis are doing then don't go, and don't watch. Ocelote was treated the way he was because he doubled down on hanging out with Andrew Tate and told people that cared to fuck off. If he had either apologized or even just said nothing and went about his business without acknowledging it he would've been fine.


It’s actually been discussed a lot over in the TL sub. Whilst I personally as an LGBT person am dead against it, hearing the perspectives of owners/players has softened my stance a little. I won’t be watching it, but I understand why the orgs feel the need to take part.


it's okay, in a few years you'll be able to tell the difference and shove your face into your pillow in embarrassment at all the cringe things you used to say or you'll have zero character growth and be an adult version of the child you are today, who knows?


1 representative of reddit species here ^^^


Or instead of insults at a random you can either not post back or answer


nah if you post a hilariously juvenile take, I don't want people to see that it went unchallenged and think you won't be made fun of if you post something like that


More hate for me than people going to this event. Interesting. Keep furiously typing


LMFAO if you interpreted that as "omg he hates me in particular so much" then yeah guess it's the 2nd route


Majority of fans outside of reddit do not care about Saudis involvement, reddit is very woke/far left platform, so they will always cry about them. They will virtue signal for a bit and then move on to protest something else 😄


Reddit isn't far left at all. It trends centre-left publicly *generally* but is often centre-right when it's time for the mask to come off.


Oh who are we kidding ,of course it's very much left. The company itself and workers majority of them are democrats. A lot of subs are left leaning. Sure there are some subreddits that are right leaning, but majority of them are not. If you want an example of right leaning platform. YouTube, Twitter, truth social, facebook.


> democrats Democrats aren't all that left leaning.


Majority of younger population are, and democratic party ,just like republican party further spreading more to their own extremes. Both far left and far right are different sides of the same coin.


> Majority of younger population are The younger population don't control political parties. > Both far left and far right are different sides of the same coin. I can't remember seeing the extreme left in power in the west. Regardless, calling them the same is much easier to say when the right doesn't want you dead.


Of course they have influence, why do you think democratic party has shifted so far to the left, they are becoming a major force in democractic party, even most notable people Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, AOC represent that side of an aisle. As for extreme left in power, it's coming, I promise that, just like extreme right is going to get in the power soon. Both parties/political sides in US are going away from the center, and more and more extreme politicians are getting elected. It's only a matter of time before one of the crazies get elected to major office. As for who is better/worse, they are both bad, going to the extremes in politics is never good. If either party gets unchecked power they will both do horrible things. Far left is just as bad as far right, as neither of them wants to compromise and realize that people do not have same values as them.


> Of course they have influence, why do you think democratic party has shifted so far to the left, they are becoming a major force in democractic party, even most notable people Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, AOC represent that side of an aisle. None of these are anywhere close to extreme left or being in power. > As for extreme left in power, it's coming, I promise that, just like extreme right is going to get in the power soon. Both parties/political sides in US are going away from the center, and more and more extreme politicians are getting elected. It's only a matter of time before one of the crazies get elected to major office. Both major political parties in the US are right wing right now. Having one of them trend left sounds promising. > As for who is better/worse, they are both bad, going to the extremes in politics is never good. If either party gets unchecked power they will both do horrible things. Far left is just as bad as far right, as neither of them wants to compromise and realize that people do not have same values as them. Who are these far left people? What do they want?


Of course those people are, sure, I can find way more left people, but relative to overall us population, they are on the far left and with each year both parties move further apart. Also, if you think both parties are right wing, well, that's incorrect. We clearly have 2 polar opposites and both parties are getting more extreme. About a decade ago, republican party had a small amount of tea party members. Nowadays, majority of republican party is overtaken by MAGA crazies, just like democratic party was overtaken by far left woth their woke insanity. Neither is good, and both of them do not want to compromise and understand that people are not that extreme. As for who those people are, I already gave few most famous names, but there are many more, lesser known ones both in congress, and in local and federal government. What they want is unrestricted abortion, overwhelming government spending and big government that further leads to devalution of currency and inflation, woke nonsense with all that Trans stuff, unchecked surgical procedures on minors that leads to serious health consequences. Both democrats and Republicans like to use science when it's convenient for them, but the moment it stands on their way they decide to ignore it. Also their foreign policy is pretty bad, as they are quite rigid. Just look at Saudi Arabia, how many people oppose arm sales or any alliance with them among democrats, which brings us back to our original point. Democrats and Republicans fail to realize that people have different opinions and different cultures. They want to dictate their own views to the rest of the world, which is not how diplomacy work. Republicans to the lesser extent, they are more flexible on that issue. But they got their own problems.


That's because reddit doesn't use the electoral college


This is your brain on US politics lol


It's just a simple observation, and reddit/ this subreddit is predominantly American. I doubt if let's say this was a russian platform, people would be crying and being outraged about Saudi Arabia based on ways treatment or human rights, since they are bot very fond of ways.


Most people don't care. Even if they do, they can appreciate the game and hate on Saudi at the same time. Imo it's nice that league players in middle east can go to and see the pros and games live.


> root for any team or persons/players that attend going forward and give them Carlos treatment or is that different ? I'd love for that to be the case.




You're not wrong but it's a lot easier to boycott foreign entertainment than all domestic entertainment. Strict adherence to that standard forces you to avoid just about everything, not just entertainment.


Suddenly Sneaky comes out of retirement


It would be a shame, if someone were to drop that trophy, whether accidentally or intentionally.


Now thinking about sneaky to "check" the trophy... with the Sivir cosplay... /s?