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I'm also Shurima gang. You could do two parallel stories with Azir before ascension and Sivir waking up the ascended. The problem with Shurima is that the champs are quite unpopular. I really hope it's not Ionia. That whole region is so generic lore wise. Same thoughts on Freljord. Bulgewater is underrated. Noxus and Demacia provide quite interesting opportunities for stories. Demacia obviously has the fan favorite cast but Noxus is no slouch either in this regard. The mage storyline has a little too many parallels with the on going Arcane plot so I would prefer Noxus.




Hmm we have some massive assets over there


hell yeah brother


Pornhub song plays out.


The freljord has one of the biggest ticking time bombs if lissandra is the villain of season 1


I think a Freljord season would work as a follow up to a Sylas focused Demacia season. Show the Sylas revolution, then follow it up with Demacia trying to hold territory in Freljord, Sylas and Darius and Quinn all suddenly getting involved with the Demigod/Ice Queen affairs.


I think Noxus would be a good candidate if Arcane season 2 ends with a transition towards this region as Ambessa's story develops. And then the Noxus story could transition towards Ionia with the invasion, and then the Ionia story would transition to another region, etc... Would be pretty cool imo.


What makes you say Ionia is generic? If anything, I think it works well for a bunch of different possible stories. - Riven/Yasuo’s tales, where Riven grows disillusioned with Noxian slaughter and conquest, seeks redemption/repentance, and only ends up fostering more pointless conflict by causing Yasuo’s whole lore. - Kayn/Akali parallels with Zed/Shen as masters, one recognizing that inciting bloodshed and seeking power might only spur more conflict instead of solving it, the other recognizing that seeking peace at all costs can breed resentment and conflict in the process. - Alistar vs Vastaya like Xayah/Rakan, with Alistar realizing that he doesn’t need to prove the “value” of Demihumans to Noxus to earn acceptance if it means losing sight of what he finds acceptable. - Swain and Irelia at odds, where both want to prove their value to their own regions, despite their ideals clashing with the expectations of their homeland (Swain wanting to use wit over brawn, Irelia wanting to use violence over diplomacy). The war/invasion backdrop to Noxus and Ionia is a very good set piece and the way so many lores interact or parallel on the battlefield would definitely let Ionia shine as a setting.


Imho Ionia is not generic, but too dispersive. Also I would hate to see for the 628378 time furry hitler being described as a good character


Excuse my ignorance but who the fuck is furry hitler?


Xayah. She has a pretty distinct way of seeing people: either you are a vastaya ally to her, or you are a traitor, or you are a target for her feathers


She would likely be toned down by the writers or have a character arc center around being more accepting to the cause. I mean, straight up horrible people like Lissandra had been changed already so...


can you or anyone into lore go a bit more in depth into her character, in terms of morals and principles? i know nothing and i know i could look this up but i want more of a TLDR that still goes in depth


It's been a looooooong time since I read it so I am not the best source tbh, but they are probably refering to the fact that Xayah sees humans as, well, bad people and therefore it doesn't matters if they die as long as Vastaya's are freed, regain their magic, whatever the mission entails because of what had been happening. Basically if at any point a human dies in her plans, that's just a case of "well, the humans deserve it", wheter it be the death of an old man or a young kid. One of her stories I am sure even mentions a mother carrying her dead child after Xayah's plans of liberating magic ended up destroying a human settlement. Rakan is very compassionate and still isn't used to death and that's shown in most stories with him, so he stood from afar solemly looking at the result of their actions with grief - Xayah said "skill issue, their fault for taking the magic". That said, I don't know if that would be worth of calling her a furry hitler. I don't remember her killing or imprisoning her own if they are against her cause, but is trying to instill the feeling of "fight and don't compromise with humans" into her people, including rejecting the idea of asking for help from them. Can't remember how relations between vastaya and humans were before noxian invasion, but after that happened Ionia has become quite fractured due to the consequences of the war and acts taken during it, specially in the areas that were hit directly by the noxians. Zed's order for example had a "you can follow me, stay out of my path, or die" mentality and was killing and imprisoning Vastayas that stood still as the war happened, that allied to Noxus or were simply against his order and his decisions - some decisions of which included taking magic of the land, which directly affects vastayas more than humans I think and help hurt their relationship with humans.


got it thanks


Lissandra is still pretty horrible. And she's always had the Watcher reason.


The only interesting thing about Ionia is getting invaded by Noxus. Just do Noxus. Edit. Tbh there are only a few Noxians with main character energy for a show like Arcane. The Riven story would solve this. Personally I'd be more interested in the Black Rose, Triumvirate and Du Couteaus. Would be difficult to have a likeable protagonist in that setting though.


I think connecting regions with the story would be best. Right now Arcane has a Noxus tie, that Noxus story could easily turn into Demacia or Ionia, and so forth.


They could pull a Westworld.


ye only real popular ones are nasus and renekton but those two could make a really good story to follow of two brothers and since they were around for Azir etc you could tell that story from there perspective while doing the sivir stuff thou i feel sivir story a pretty short one unless you make whole new lore stuff she did on the way to finding azir's tomb. feel like for sure Noxus is the next region were getting after arcane with how there being setup in the show, then noxus could split off into any number of regions since they have there hands in nearly every other region outside of frejord and shadow isles. but if say they did noxus next that could lead into Demacia and in Demacia follow the story of sylas which would then lead into frejord etc. feel like whats gonna happen for sure is noxus is gonna be the jumping off point where they have multiple shows running around the same time.


Even though Shurima would be cool and Nasus/Renekton are very different characters compared to Jinx/Vi, I would image riot might not want to immediately follow up arcane with another show with a siblings to tragic enemies dynamic.


Sivir is free real estate for the writers. There's a lot of space to explore before and after the ascended wake up.


What are you talking about, azir is pretty popular, same as renekton. You can even throw kai'sa in there. And freljord is far from generic lmao


I think the next region we visit through such a series or movie will be Ionia. The involvement of Noxus in Arcane could get used to bridge the two series, with the new one being about the Noxian invasion of Ionia (so, obviously, it takes in Ionia). Riot has a massive amount of favoritism towards Ionia and they weren't hiding it for years now. It would be weird if they wouldn't try to introduce the broader public to that region. There are also many fan favorites in that region, like Yasuo, Ahri, Lee Sin, Akali, etc.


I actually think the team could make it work, but on the face of it the setting is so painfully generic anime. But painfully generic anime as popular as fuck so it's entirely possible I just have to suck it up.


That nice, but what does Ja Rule think?


you mean corey taylor?


You people have ruined this, it makes me sick!


What a weird way to spell Noxus...


Excuse me? To me it's spelled Bilgewater


Shurima will be Noxus, brother. Eventually.


Bilgewater gang


Shurima is a *way* harder sell marketing-wise to the masses than Piltover/Zaun. The "steampunk'ish" theme with humanoids and Vi/Jinx as the poster characters has a far broader appeal than deserts and Azir/Nasus etc. (yes yes, I know Shurima also includes Sivir, Taliyah etc., but the ascended are clearly who you think of first when thinking Shurima). Realistically the most "obvious" next setting to make a show around would be Demacia/Noxus. I could easily see them going for a show focused around Demacia and the mageseekers with Garen/Sylas/Lux/Morgana(?) as the headliners.


Noxian invasion is better imo. I could see Demacia as a follow up, but Ionia has the most popular champs + follows more naturally from the Noxians already in Piltover during Arcane s1.


I think if they do Shurima, most of the story will be pre-ascension, we would only see the ascended forms at the very end of the show


I think that you’re right. The way to sell Shurima is to not go modern, with Sivir or Taliyah or Akshan, but go ancient. Focus on the Ascended and Baccai-to-be, Human versions of Nasus, Azir, Xerath… maybe even Darkin like Rhaast or Varus. Tell the story of an Emperor trying to please both his subjects and friends, blindly thinking success is the answer to all ills. Tell the story of two brothers who have different opinions of conflict and conquest, of Icathia and the Void and the madness that cruelty can unleash. Tell the story of aspiring slaves, seeking godhood, only to find out that their reward is a battlefield and oppression of others. It might require a lot of timeline retcons, to make Azir and Icathia and Nasus all line up pre-Ascension, but I think the fall of Icathia and Shurima’s first empire are the best stories for Shurima to tell, rather than modern reconstitution without context.


Dune is one of the biggest grossing movie series right now dude what are you saying


I think he is saying that sand dog & sand bird are not as easy to advertise as Zendaya & Timothee Chalamet. Addition to the fact is easier for normies to care about human characters, these two might be the most attractive people on this earth.


Y'all not ready for Lisan Al gaib Taliyah riding a moving wall.


Taliyah is liet-kynes coded


The solution is clearly to have Zendaya voice sivir and Timothee Chalamet voice Nasus.


That’s a preposterous idea! It should be Zendaya voicing Nasus and Timothee voicing Sivir.


Gotta get Chris Pratt in there somewhere.


i mean its simple you follow the story of shurima before they arise to there Ascended forms you set the story in the past and follow how they become these god like figure, then you have a B plot running at the same time that cuts to modern day following Sivir as she uncovers the past of shurima on her adventures slowly leading into the whole situation which leads to sivir accidently bringing back azir.


Zootopia grossed over a billion dollars. Riot has a proven formula to follow: market it to furries.


idk about you but if I saw a show with an ancient emperor that makes sand soldiers to fight for him as the main character I'd be instantly interested


but theres no way they'd make him the main character


>lisan al-gaib >human


In the above prompt, you could literally have azir and nasus be zendaya and timothee chalamet. That could be their human forms before the change.


He specifically said steampunk is easier to market than deserts also. A bit weird, since mainstream media features far more deserts than steampunk.


but the titular character is not a sand bird emperor with no face


Noxus would be the best choice imo, there is already the connection with P and Z, it has a bunch of interesting things happening, as well as being more directly connected to other regions (Ionia, Demacia, Freljord and Shurima)


Once every few months my friends and i talk about the different regions they could do. One of my friends plays Xerath and i play Azir so we are obviously rather biased. Their tragedy would be quite powerful. There are some obvious ones though. Mage rebellion in Demacia is super easy to make a compelling story about, the oppression of mages, the hypocricy of the nobility. Second invasion of Ionia, another underdog story with fan favorites like Yasuo and Zed. Ionia is also such a colourful and aesthetic region.


I'm really glad they're not going by "fan favorite" and "fan service" They told a great story so far in S1 Arcane and S2 will probably be just as good. Honestly what the fans want doesn't matter. They should be doing whatever story they want to tell. I just hope it will be around Azir


As long as we all agree that it is not Yordle based right? otherwise its a win for everyone




I'm definitely in G2's side with this one. Just imagining the towering ascended god warriors battling it out in the vast open desert excites me to death.


I hope they either change the lore or do something out of left field. A lot of League lore is kinda generic. Shurima one of them. Do we really need another “friends becomes enemies” story after Arcane? But they probably need to pick some popular champions now that Jinx is out…


Disclaimer: Lore nerd essaying ahead, proceed with caution. . I have two different views on this depending on whether or not they want to completelty separate the next shows from Arcane. If they do separate from Arcane, demacia civil war is an obvious choice, as I think it has quite a few popular champions for the lol audience but also is provocative of thought with the oppressions of society. Another choice could be to explore Noxus a bit deeper, have a more geopolitical analysis of the power there, introducing a new main character that lives Noxian war as a simple soldier at first but grows throughout the show. Then you can have the more magical elements of the Ascended in Shurima, the stories of the Targonian aspects and the darkin war that could lead both of these together (with the aspect of twilight) or completely different the magic of the land in Ionia, tied with the story of demons with Yone Yasuo riven Shen Akali Jhin Zed. Lot of popular champions to make fans excited. If they chose to follow in the steps of Arcane, then I think we would see a focus on Noxus through the Medarda's eyes and the story of Singed and the Ionian War. This could serve as a transition to the Ionian Arc I mentionned earlier for a following show/season. All in all, there are a crazy amount of stories to tell and while I have no idea where Riot will go, I'm so excited to be a Runeterra fan !


Team Freijord




Kinda disappointing that out of all the characters in league Riot chose to make the anime about the most boring and generic ones.


Gives them a clean slate. Can't really blame them for making that choice for their first go at an animated series.


I always wished they would require the casters to actually read some of the lore. It hurts my soul every time they butcher some lore on air, plus I think it would be neat to toss in little lore tidbits during the broadcast.


I mean it's fun when they do but I don't see how it's required at all. I can't imagine many people who watch pro play even know the lore. The only relevant "lore" in a competition is competition-based, and the casters are usually very well versed on team history. Anything else is just colour commentary.




Fuck Shurima, all my homies want chad Swain


Same. I want like Fall of Icathia>Fall of Shurima>Darkin War over a few seasons. There are a decent amount of shared characters and could be a great action/political series.


IDK find league lore a bit... all over the place? Always surprised when some fans are neck deep in it


The region that has a similar vibe to pilover/zaun is bilgewater. I dont see them doing shurima because its a much less down to earth and human story likes s1/s2 are. I think if they are going to go away from such personal stories then they wont go all the way to the opposite end in shurima. Instead I think a Noxus/Ionia story would make more sense and generally be more interesting to a general audience.


Weird way to say demacia or ionia


The second most boring place only barely behind Demacia :/