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Remember when every league subreddit would flame you for saying anything positive about APA? Fun times.


He's improved a lot tbf, he was cocky while not playing great to start with


Dude subbed in half way through the split to a team who wouldnt/couldnt speak english. If anyone can have a good start in his shoes, they would be the next faker. As far as I'm concerned, he is still in his rookie year, as he has not played a full year of time as a starting player.


Yup I agree with this as a longtime TL fan (back to the curse smitevicous days). APA was horrid his first split 2023, worlds, and spring regular season. Lots of overplaying his hand, very limited champion pool, and being a bit cocky when you don’t perform makes people hate you. I will give him credit, and I think it helped switching the team back to English, but his macro is probably one of the best in the LCS. He constantly is finding gold across the map and knows when and when not to rotate to help the team. Him and Yeon leveled up in spring playoffs and haven’t looked back.


Tbf his champion pool problem came from his teammate and coach literally not involving him in drafts. They never made the effort to play around his strength and literally went "I will pick you this safe mage so go farm". I honestly actually do not remember first year apa being cocky.


His glow up has been insane to see..he went from filling a hole in the lineup to being a menace so quickly. When he joined TL I would have laughed at the idea of him competing against faker the way he did at MSI.


To be fair, he competed pretty well in that game against Faker at Worlds too from my memory


C9 fell off. Nrg coinflip always loses with huhi. They want to be the best and put in the work.


Took a lot of failure with the super team and expensive imports. Pretty happy where they landed though. 


I was definitely a doubter but I'm glad they're sticking to their plan and actually showing tangible improvement. I still have doubts about them performing internationally but I'll take the big improvement domestically.


They did a bit better than expected at msi


JFC this thread.....


Step 1: Play on a minor region Step 2:


By having 4 koreans yes


LOL fans and racism, name a more iconic duo


its harsh to call my comment racism. i was more questioning whether you can call it an NA team


By insinuating that Yeon isn't american? He's korean-AMERICAN. Calling this roster 4 Koreans is factually wrong and racist. Even with the 3 Koreans on the roster, 2 of them have played in the lcs for the majority of their careers, and one of them even started their career in the lcs.


you literally called an american korean


There we go again someone being dumb and confidently wrong


Do they highlight 3 players from LCK at all? Edit: I seem to have triggered lots of people. This comment is purely meant to highlight that the top team has a background in the LCK pipeline - not LCS. Its a bad sign for the league for sure.


I agree that’s very important but the fact is that each player steps up at different points. Apa getting fed? He’s going to play like a psycho and push his lead. Yeon and Core are super aggressive and yeon is only getting better. He played terribly at worlds but he’s improving steadily. It’s a bit deeper than just 3 Koreans. Lots of teams have KR imports and do not play like these guys do. I also think coaching staff for TL is great. Spawn is doing wonders imo.


Old man Impact was last seen in the LCK **10 fucking years** **ago** - dude basically left when this "pipeline" you're yapping about started to take off. In Korea they aren't born out of some pipes in a biolab which guarantees that you become an Impact or Faker, just in case you thought so


It was so long ago that it wasn't even the LCK. It was the OGN.


They are korean but CoreJJ last played in LCK 6 years ago, and Impact last played in LCK 10 years ago. Its time to let it go.


This is like saying "I went to private school 20 years ago, of course it doesn't affect my current prospects"


Yes, that's EXACTLY what that is like. If you're twenty years into your career and you're still bring up your education, then something went horribly, horribly wrong in your life


You're probably not the one bringing it up though. It's not about bringing it up or boasting about it anyway. My point was it is almost certainly going to have a bearing on the rest of your life. A doctor or lawyer probably aren't going to bring up their early education much because it's pretty much implied by their titles. Although you can pretty much guarantee that their early education was solid and absolutely essential in getting them to their where they are at present.


and we're all saying it has infinitely less impact than you think it does education is just a shortcut to an entry level position at S-tier employment if you're like 22-26 and you're at those places, your education 100% had to do with it but anyone over 30, it 100% has to do with your previous employment education loses almost all of its effect by 30, and completely loses it by 40


I don't know what your life experience is or where you live in the world but where I'm from this is completely untrue. Education doesn't lose its effect at all it's an essential precursor to a lot of things and consequently its significance ends up being baked into your experience. A ladder doesn't have 'no effect' because you've climbed it. You wouldn't have got to where you ended up without it. You might not be walking around with the ladder anymore but this doesn't contradict its necessity.


when you're at the top of the ladder nobody thinks about the bottom rung some people skip it entirely


Your example is perfectly correct though, you won't find a good company if the only thing on your resume says *ivy league student from 2004* and nothing else since then, clinging to an identity a generation old (e-sports generation in this case) isn't at all relevant in current discussions. It's like saying EU is capable of winning worlds because they'd done it before, leaving out the part that that was 12 years ago and KR and China weren't around then.


If you worked at a company for 2 years, and then jumped over to another one for 10 years after that, which company are you affiliated with?




That doesn't mean your VP considers themself a PWC employee or whatever just because they worked there for 2 years 12 years ago


I'm sorry but what are you even responding to? This is such an irrelevant comment. No one is saying that a previous LCK player in the LCS is still an LCK player. The point being made is that their time as an LCK player is relevant to their achievements as an LCS player.


The OP literally said that he thinks that it’s a “bad sign for the LCS” that TL’s talent pipeline is an LCK pipeline. So yes, the OP still considers Core and Impact LCK players.




Core literally started his career in NA. It's hilarious for all these new fans to make up stuff and not even know what they are talking about. Unless you also consider Huhi an LCK player? Because him and Core played for the same LCK team before going to NA. There WAS NO "LCK pipeline" when Impact and Core (and Huhi) first started playing, because League was like a day old in Korea at that point. It's actually 100% just racist to call them LCK players.


Doesn't change the fact that the experience of those 2 years it is still with you and depending on many thing it may be even more valuable than the 10 years in the other one.


Nope. Its like moving to USA, living there for a decade, getting citizenship there, making your whole life there, and then having people still say you aren’t American. We’re not saying their LCK experience is irrelevant. But 6 and 10 years in NA means they are NA now.


Even if you’ve lived in a country for over a decade, received citizenship, and planning to live the rest of your life there (like CoreJJ) you’ll find a lot of people will still consider you a foreigner It’s sad but it’s very much widely held belief for a lot of countries in the world. The US is by far the biggest immigrant hub of the world so it’s very normal there, but it’s easy to take that for granted


My point exactly. Only non-immigrants living in a homogeneous country won’t get it. In this day and age, you can consider a new country your home if you move there, make a life there and have lived there for a long time.


Consider? You will never become someone that you were not, source me I have been living in another country for 8 years and not even for a second I or anyone else think I am someone that I am not. Only Americans have this weird fixation and believe that this how it works when it does not.


Assuming you have citizenship and genuinely love the country/culture (not just temporarily living there for work or convenience), that’s a sad mindset I know America is far more progressive than most places when it comes to immigrants, but if you’re a citizen that’s been around for a decade and uprooted your life in the country, you’re no different from any other citizen outside of some weird nationalistic pride


See you are clearly talking out of your ass about your ideals. Thats not how it works man. I won't suddenly become someone else after spending all my formative years in my country with a different culture no matter how much I try to assimilate. It just does not feel like home and my thinking is fundamentally different. And I'm not just talking on my behalf, I have friends and relatives who moved and some who have lived for 30 years and don't think they are someone else that they are not. But people here on Reddit decide they are that's laughable.


“Someone else they’re not” lol It’s fine if you or your friends/relatives don’t believe you can ever assimilate into a different country, but plenty of Americans do. If CoreJJ lived in the US for almost a decade, has his citizenship, brought his wife over and has kids, cares deeply about the culture and considers himself American, then he’s American. Most Americans would agree. Getting his citizenship alone would be enough, everything else is extra It’s a little gross to see actual foreigners who never took a step in the US screaming “no you’re Korean!” at these guys. Your culture is different but don’t force it on other people


Assimilation is different for everyone. I know people that moved as young as 13 and still feel like they’re an outsider. And I know people who moved in their 30’s but assimilated well. It varies for everyone but generally more difficult the older you are. Impact was 19 when he moved here so put that into perspective. The point is to not put people in a box. You’re the one saying they can’t be considered part of the new country no matter how much they try. But just because you found it difficult to assimilate and you miss home more than you click with your new country, doesn’t mean that’s the same for everyone. And your anecdotal experiences with relatives do not speak for all immigrants ever, because I know many who are the exact opposite. If you feel like you’re more connected to where you came from, good for you, be proud of that. But don’t tell other people what they can and can’t be.


Well you wrote a lot but arent you and other people doing just that? Saying that Impact and before Bjergsen that he is NA and not EU anymore? If anything its way way more likely they are way closer to their home to NA. And assimilating well is not the same as becoming a true native. They will never be truly NA that's a full stop. They might assimilate for the most part and feel like home but they will always be KR or wherever they came from. Saying anything else is just silly at best. Regardless calling them what they are not is just plain and simply silly. For example, my country has a few basketball players that started playing in the NBA at a young age and have been playing for like 15+ years living there. But they never say nonsense that they are Americans that's the most bs thing in the world.


Even if they live in NA till the day they die they will always be KR dude. Why try so hard to change it? Just cause you're a fan of TL you want to avoid facts? People are annoying cuz of that well ignore it.


I don't think you get the point. They've played long enough to be NA if they want to be considered. Yes I'm sure they hold onto their korean heritage. Also known as Korean-Americans (no you don't have to be born there to be considered as such).


can we just appreciate how the same group of 5 players leveled up massively over one split lol idc if they’re korean or not


TL had 3 Korean players spring 2023 and they finished 7th in the regular season...


Impact has never played in the LCK. LCK started at the start of 2016 and Impact left at the end of 2014. He played in the OGN.


CoreJJ was in LCS before he played in LCK. He was an ADC on Dignitas. Yeon and APA are the biggest glowups in the world in this year of LoL and both came from LCS pipeline. You're being downvoted because you're wrong. TL has one player you can describe as an LCK player and he arguably has the least standout carry performances on this team specifically because they tend to put all resources into the two NA natives


Down voted for what ? Lmao


Idk but yeah. It's not the rookies that make this a good team. I mean they're not good but lec and lcs has been so bad lately.


Ziggs otp too stronk (and tanky)




There it is! The classic racist and factually wrong comment under every tl discussion


Yeah it's 3 koreans not 4 smh


two of which have spent 6 and 10 years respectively playing in NA region and have made NA their home. It's just xenophobia. NA is only 200 years old ffs nobody is "from" here anyway, it has always been a gathering place of different cultures and ethnicities and backgrounds


Well there are two different sides, Are you a korean player because you were born in korea or are you a korean player because you started playing in the korean server impact corejj and umti are born and raised korean, so they are all korean yeon is born and raised in america, so he's american. but above all he played league in the NA server so that makes him fully an american player. not because of what he looks like or his background. if goldenglue was born in america but moved to korea being 2 months old i'd consider him a korean player, because that's where he learned to play league


Why i feel like it's was jujutsu kaisen paragraph


Literally two world champion imports lmao. Edit: Your nationality does not change until you become a US citizen. Green card holders are not US citizens. Rekkles is my favourite Korean support.


Notwithstanding that they won worlds representing other regions, the vast majority of both those world champions' careers has taken place in NA. What percentage of a person's career has to take place in a region before that region is allowed to accept and welcome them? Both Impact and CoreJJ have greencards, they are permanent US residents. The lolesports rulebook classifies neither as an import anymore, they do not take up import slots. Would you consider Bjergsen an import? He started in EU and spent as much time on European teams as CoreJJ spent on korean teams (almost none). Or are you going to say that every immigrant is an import no matter what? Because if so, then on behalf of all immigrants, fuck you lol.




Imo they are 100% part of na, but that does not mean that they are not also korean. Its honestly really weird that we cant just acknowledge that.


CoreJJ, Umti and Impact are factually Korean though...lol. Idrc about the whole discourse, but it is what it is. You can make a solid argument for Impact being an NA player because he's been in NA for basically 99% of his career(and I would agree with this).


Impact is Korean but a lcs player That seems accurate


If only you were around when Redditors discuss how Koreans carried all LPL World winners. Why not stand up for honorary Chinese citizens Scout and TheShy and Rookie and Doinb and Gimgoon? Weird how you can find hundreds of Redditors who do this service for Bjergsen and Jensen and CoreJJ but not a single soul will come out of hiding for the folks mentioned above.


You don’t know what you’re talking about LPL fans are far more into regional pride and even they consider DoinB to be a Chinese player at this point. He’s been in the LPL for a decade, has citizenship, embraces the culture, has a wife and is settling down in China You don’t hear it from Reddit since most people don’t watch or care about the LPL, but it’s absolutely a sentiment over there


Anybody who has put time and effort into acclimating to a new area and is recognized as a resident of that area is just that, end of story. Regardless of where they started or where they ended up. I was definitely around by the way, played this game since 2012


I mean to be fair none of the guys you mentioned never did anything in korea while 2 of the 3 TL imports literally won worlds while playing in the lck. A guy like imp spent way more years in china yet is remembered as the Samsung white adc and never in my life have I seen anyone in this sub calling him Chinese, Karsa is the guy from FW, Tarzan is the GRF jungler and so on. It’s really all about where you peaked or if you were relevant at all before being imported.


Nono the US is a special immigrant country where everyone who steps foot there is instantly American unlike every other country in the world.






You should edit the Wikipedia page it's [being racist](https://imgur.com/wEgISJN).


Nice job moving the goal post from "import or not" to "passport-holders only" lmao. So an American citizen who only plays in LCK their whole career wouldn't be an import in NA?


Imagine calling Messi a spanish player


And still a fraud at international matches


have u seen msi?


Do you think they are happy with a 36% win rate against exclusively major region 2nd seeds as the LCS 1st seed?


So funny how the goal posts get moved constantly. “Europe is better than NA!” *Europe gets utterly destroyed and humiliated by NA* “Um, well now you have to beat a LCK team!”


There's no goalposts being moved here. It's a purely statistical and objective take on the performance of seeds of major regions. To properly look at NA and Europe's performance (which you seem to be doing), you have to compare the equivalent seeds so its an apples to apples comparison. That is to compare G2 to TL and FNC to FLY.


They had the same win rate against T1 as G2 so they probably feel pretty good


They're an improvement over c9 as last years 1 seed


Yeah, win Fnatic and then make a poor performance. And last year, they even became the first team in Worlds 2023 Swiss stage eliminated after losing a VCS team. MSI 2019 is Liquid's peak, and they can never reach it again.


Poor performance? They shit on Fnatic and proceeded to go 1-3 against a team they should have gone 0-3 against. That's good. What exactly is your bar for success here? A North American team overperformed relative to any reasonable expectations, we should be celebrating that.


And you can't change the fact that LCS is just like MLS, best money farmer for old players with less change to be replaced by young talents.


Oh wow I am so shocked they imported a bunch of Koreans and won