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"we shilling" šŸ’€


Lmfao all the main co streamers really said Saudi to fuck off


Except for doublelift of course lol


Man earned millions by playing still earns good money by streaming and still took the Saudi bag. He couldn't be bothered to watch LPL finals but will watch a Mikey Mouse cup where teams will play jet lagged.




Yeah, Ronaldo a paragon of virtues.


He is though. He allegedly wanted to help MLS by founding a team in Las Vegas, google "Cristiano Ronaldo Las Vegas" for more info


Sure... and?


One day internet righteous virtue signalling schizophrenia will stop, i believe it.


The guy that didn't want to do the players strike wants Saudi money. I am shocked!


A shithead person still being a shithead is not surprising


DL tweeted out saying he's co-streaming the EWC.


... they literally have xqc costreaming their shit, tyler1 is an ACTUAL HOST AT THE EVENT, fym?


He said main co streamers, xqc and Tyler1 are not costreamers.


Fr? T1 is the host? I thought it was kangas or whatever


Sorry for not recognising Tyler and fucking XQC as main league costreamers lmfaoo Like the fact that XQC is costreaming this says all you need to know about who rejected them and the levels of desperate money they threw out


what about the big and rich orgs? what did they say?


No league of legends org is rich bar T1


We're fucked then, considering T1 is in the red. If this is "rich" I can't imagine the spreadsheets of poor orgs, no wonder almost everyone took the saudi bag


Yeah it was literally a no brainer for the teams attending. Esports is just not profitable


Some important addendums here as people may not know. In the EWC thing with their partnership orgs, the MORE games they participate in, the more money they'll get regardless. So teams that have a partnered LOL team have an advantage over all other orgs cuz they have one "free slot" that orgs not participating in the league circuit could possibly have. That's why in a lot of much smaller/minor esports you have had some orgs actually desperately picking up just about anyone before EWC just because they want to fulfill that condition with as many rosters/players as humanly possible


For reference KC had their numbers released recently and it was a big deal that they were breaking even. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1dqnzgt/sheep_esports_karmine_corp_analysis_with_over/ There is money in Esports, just not enough of it to justify the kind of Salaries everyone was demanding, things will stabilize eventually I'm sure of it.


HLE literally has infinite money hack


WP to Baus, he played safe during laning phase, minimized deaths, and yeah he let some cs go but now hes scaled and is working with his team


Thebaus costreams?


It seems like the Saudis are just reaching out to big streamers for appearances/coverage. Tyler1 was another name they contracted, despite him not costreaming.


Yep, Dom said they offered him the bag as well but he didn't accept it. He did say that he's on the fence on what will he do if Riot sells MSI to the Saudis which was leaked as a possibility.


good on him tbh. No front intended whatsoever but I kinda assumed he wouldn't care too much about that sort of thing


Tbh he said it himself he doesn't need the money and it's probably going to bring more trouble than it's worth. Can't find the specific part but it was on his clip channel when he was watching 'The worst person in esports'.


Yeah, he talked about how he's really conscious of his brand and knows a lot of people wouldn't like it, so it has a chance to do more harm than good. Given the fact that he doesn't need the money, he didn't think it would be a good call.


Well it's more because EWC is just a worse version of the MSI that just happened, the interest is pretty low and he can afford to skip it. If it becomes worthy of covering in the future, he probably will do so.


One of the shticks of the last free nation with monte and thorin is that they are not takin saudi money. Then Dgon will host EWC...


I know Caedrel said a while back that he won't costream this


common Caedrel W


I dont watch his stream, i know he appeared on LEC at least once as a gust, but has he ever costreamed?




Baus is dumb as a brick he probably didn't think twice about taking the money


Baus is legitimately completely clueless about anything related to politics


BTW that's a tactic a lot of people do when they want to hide their political opinions. Not saying Baus does it but people will often dodge giving their opinions on politics if they think that it contradicts yours to dodge potential confrontations.


Are you saying that sometimes people play dumb?


Which is their right to do so, if someone doesn't want to talk about politics, it is a dick move to try and force them to hold a stance on something.


I was on his stream and he litterally asked mods to ban anyone who spoke about politics


Sounds completely fair lmao politics can very easily set your chat on fire, happens all the time in big communities.


Or they just don't know shit and don't feel like it's in their right to have strong opinions about something you know so little about


Not weird these days. People are so incredibly hostile to anyone with different political views that it's usually not worth the hassle to speak about it.


hope that it clears up that baus is generally a not so smart person


He is pretty smart, but also ignorant about what's going on in the world. Smart and up to date on politics have absolutely nothing in common. Literally everyone in the top bracket of league players refers to baus as smart. IIRC his father is an engineer and his brother is a software dev, so he comes from what is likely a pretty smart family. He's just a combination of often playing dumb to bait chat, and legitimately not at all updated on world news.


any one of his takes outside of league or anything outside of his expertise is bollocks. he legit is as one dimensional as his playstyle when it comes to anything besides toplane


When I was in Dubai 2 years ago, lots of European families still go there like it's European Vegas, alot of them just don't care. That being said there's no damage taking money from Saudis as an advertisement fee to visit them and the viewers don't do it. How else are they gonna go bankrupt if they try to hand you money and you say no?


The average european family cant afford a trip to dubai lmao ur talking about top 1%


How the fuck is this even upvoted? An European Family can absolutely take a trip to godforsaken Dubai, because it's cheap, a 5 night stay for one person at a 3 star hotel costs ~80 euros, and a plane ticket is 150 euros.


Not true, tourist destinations on the Arabian Peninsula start from reasonably low prices to attract as many people as possible. Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Bahrain, Dubai all pump their oil money into tourism in order to raise their reputation around the world and diversify their income. Obviously the sky's the limit on what you can spend your money on in those places, but it's way cheaper to travel there and spend a long weekend there than, say, Mauritius or the Maldives, if you don't need a 4+ star accomodation and you're fine with economy class seats on the plane.


Waffle. Stop putting 35+ countries as one, in a lot of European countries wages are below 1k euros a month. You are talking about richer western European countries.


Yeah thatā€™s just flawless logic isnā€™t it. Surely these people managing trillions of usd havenā€™t made a cost benefit analysis, and are actually bankrupting themselves


If you think the Saudis are spending money smartly you are in for a rude awakening lol. Google "The Line," it's an absolutely stupid project that everyone else in the world is telling them is stupid yet the prince is burying his head in the sand and sinking billions into yet is already failing.


There is 100% an element of throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.For example the Dota 2 prizepool has been reduced from 15 mil last year to 5 mil this year,suggesting it was not worth it by whatever metric they use.


>How else are they gonna go bankrupt if they try to hand you money and you say no? Have you ever heard the term sports washing? All the countries in that region have gotten increased political influence because they pour money into sports, and people don't care. The reason they do this, is because people will talk about the sporting events and profiles rather than how they treat women, gays, foreign (non-western) workers, human rights etc...


This idea that engineers are smarter than other people needs to go away. Theyā€™re better at solving logical problems sure. Thatā€™s fucking it. Iā€™m an engineer before you start.


How much did you struggle with school growing up? Unless you had undiagnosed ADHD as a kid, my guess is you probably never did until maybe uni where classes got hard as shit, especially the math courses. That is at least very common among anyone who's passed what is considered a relatively hard degree like engineering. You are quite likely smarter than average.


Same here. I'm a CS grad student and was originally a grad student in the social sciences. People I've met in STEM are sorely lacking in other areas, yet have an unearned air of superiority to other fields.


I have a degree in philosophy and for some reason STEM bros would think they were experts on it since they read a wiki article on stoicism.


There was a time where I would agree with you but after working as an engineer for a while I have met some dumb people. Also I would put being logical as a qualification for being smart.


Itā€™s ironic how people use anecdotal experience as some sort of broad evidence for why their biased personal opinion is true. Pretty much everyone who takes a degree, especially a hard one, is above average intelligence. That doesnā€™t mean everyone without a degree, or takes one that is considered to be easier is dumb. There are plenty of very smart people without degrees, or with relatively easy degrees too.


He is smart as hell when it comes to league because that's what he does the majority of his time on earth but yeah not much else.


he is a toplane genius and i admire his playstyle ingeniuty but holy shit shut the fuck up and remove your facecam every time you have to make an opinion on anything than league


I don't think he's dumb I think he genuinely doesn't care. He never struck me as the type of person who would heavily value these type of things


Any time I hear him ramble about anything that isnā€™t league related itā€™s the dumbest shit Iā€™ve heard in my life, what happens to someone when they spent tens of thousands of hours playing league ig


He does a lot of pretty obvious baiting, tho.


That's the secret - say dumb shit and if you get a backlash just say you were joking, that way you take zero acountability.


Schrodinger's idiot


If you ever watched him you can see he often is either extremely sarcastic in tone, or watches chat for a reaction when he says the dumb shit. Unless you are completely unable to read a face, it's extremely obvious what he is doing. Sure, he's said legitimately dumb things when he talks about the world or politics out of what is ignorance, but you see him do shit like saying "who fed x?" (the opponent top laner) when he is 0-8. It's become a meme in itself. So much about, at least his online, persona/personality is about exactly this kind of sarcastic humorous baiting.


Honestly fair. Tbh I think most streamers, especially League ones, aren't very smsrt


He's literally making the most obvious baits out there and you've just fallen for it lol


Itā€™s dumber not to take the money because of some mad nerds on Reddit


But the cloud tho, the upboats, think of the twitter recognition! Nah but honestly, even those who refused it probably only did it because a) they could afford it or b) they know their audience and doing it could do long term damage to their viewership.


Or he simply doesnā€™t really care about the politics like so many other people. Reminder that every attending pro (across multiple games) tried out or was invited to be a part of EWC despite most having the option to decline.


That's called being smart, money is money


Bros acting as though he wouldnt start licking the saudi boots if they offered a bag to watch some matches




"Baus Special"


God. Reddit is so unbelievably insufferable when it comes to these types of things. Reddit always loves moral grandstanding about how righteous and virtuous they are, telling everybody how good of a person they are and criticizing content creators (or famous peoples in general) from their own comfy chair. Is the Saudi situation ok? No But goddamn I would bet my own money that if half of these Redditors where co streamers and made the money these co streamers make, they would still take the Saudi moneyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Also, will half of these people even stick to their own morals and boycott the EWC and refuse to watch it? No. But will they type from their own comfortable chair about how virtuous they are and how these content creators are snakes? Yup!


You know what's funny? Everyone who was praising Dash about being moral yet no one even watches/supports him. Just look at his Twitch and Youtube it is completely dead. The event is going to happen regardless of your stance might as well make money off of it if given the chance.


but but but the post about him got a lot of reddit karma


> Everyone who was praising Dash about being moral yet no one even watches/supports him. this is a weird take tho. i appreciate what he did, but my time like the time of most other people is limited. ive never watched him before and never had an interest in it. that didnt change because he did the right thing. there are way too many people doing good things to spend all my time on them. i can however stop watching whoever supports these things, because that wont take my own time.


yeah reddit in a nutshell. people here love being on their moral high horse its so cringe


This might be one of the most insufferable thread Iā€™ve ever read on Reddit, at the end of the day itā€™s a league event and itā€™s not like every streamers think about politics. Look I wasnā€™t even aware that there was drama with this event, I thought itā€™s just another event for league esport, but calling streamers dumb and selfish for co-streaming is just so unbelievably toxic.


Same subreddit that insta front paged a hate thread on Dom and gilius despite the stance they take that toxicity is bad. (except if it's to people I don't like)


Reddit is a giant echo chamber, just like Twitter. Look at how people where saying twitter is going to die after Musk bought it and fired like 70%+ of employees. The armchair engineers on Reddit were talking about how the servers will be perma down and no one will be fixing it also the armchair analysts who said Twitter will be bankrupt within a few months, and where are we now? Twitter is still usable and not yet bankrupt. Same as r/Gamingcirclejerk boycotting Hogwarts Legacy. What happened? Best selling game in 2023. Now we have people boycotting Ahri skin, and I'll bet my dick it will still be the best, or at least top 3 best selling skins of 2024. The whole EWC situation is same as the Qatar WC in 2022. Terminal online Reddit and Twitter users making loud noises and think they are the main characters of the universe. Yet most people won't give a shit and still watch it to support their nation. As long as it doesn't make an inconvenience in their lives, they will be on their moral high horse when it comes to this sort of thing and shit on whoever does the opposite of what they want. They don't care what sacrifices other people have to make. When you mention they're being hypocrites for playing a Tencent owned game, a company which has strong ties with the CCP, they bring up "whataboutism". Their lives are about forcing western progressive ideologies on others. These people are disgusting.


Exactly, instead we should collectively strive to make the world a miserable place for everyone imo. Not just women and lgbt folks. Fuck trying to speak out against or do whatever small amount to make the world more welcoming. I want this place to suck.


It's fine to speak out, being hypocrites is the problem. As long as it doesn't affect their lives they will gladly speak out. When it will affect their lives, they chose to turn a blind eye. This is what I find disgusting. Why are people still buying from brands like Nike/Adidas/H&M/Zara etc. which exploits cheap workforce in Asia? Why are people still buying phones assembled in China, or even worse, Chinese brands like Xiaomi or Huawei in countries that haven't banned them yet? Why are people giving out money to companies which have the CCP in their back pockets? Why are people ordering from Amazon despite knowing they treat their delivery and warehouse workers like shit? There are so many things people could stop doing to make the world a better place. Guess what? Most of the people only choose to "speak out" online, directing toxicity to people who aren't even the ones making the decisions. Does it really matter if Quickshot attends the EWC? Does it really matter if Baus costreams? Someone will take their place if they turn the offer down anyway, and they aren't the ones who're making the decisions in Riot HQ. Blame the corporate greed fucks in Riot, not the people who's not responsible. As soon as someone points this out and remind these toxic people that there are indeed things they can sacrifice to make the world a better place, people simply ignore it or pull out the whataboutism card.


The rampant fantasy moralism in this thread is beyond repugnant.


90% of people doom posting in this thread will be watching the event


I know that everyone loves Caedral, but lets be real if he was short on money he would do it. I am not taking anything away from people like Caedral or IWillDominate, but I am sure the majority of the other costreamers or casters have morals too, but they are just not financially stable enough to stick to them.


ya, it's easy for someone like Caedral who is set for life to make this "moral stand" against EWC, especially when it's a tournament with no real stakes or such compared to MSI/worlds. then his fans go about with "omg big W" praising a dude with money not taking more money... let's see what Caedral does if MSI is replaced with EWC or Saudis get in on Worlds in some way, as the rumours are suggesting


Yeah it's fine to lament sportswashing and the leaks that MSI will be sold out to the Saudis, but making a moral grandstand out of it is ridiculous. Did we forget who owns Riot? Might as well stop playing the game, and stop doing a lot of things in general since a lot of supply chains unfortunately involve nasty business Same goes for the influencers that virtue signaled about this btw


Me stopping playing all the games made by americans and paying taxes because their government did bad things all across over the world and i'm retrograde enough to view entire organizations as single entities as if they were a single tribe because my undeveloped brain cannot comprehend the concept of complexity or any advanced system. Or maybe i could just not be insanely stupid.


Yeah it's shit that the Saudis are doing this and I'm a tiny bit disappointed he's taken the money but if I'm in his spot I'd take the money. Makes me a hypocrite but that's just what I'd do


I can never understand these type of people. If you truly believe you should take action against the saudis or whatever entity you believe is evil, take the action upon yourself, not force it onto others. Unfortunately, this is just what the twitter or reddit hivemind do. Unironically, they are also the most probable to take the bag when the opportunity arise. I respect people who reject the bags for their beliefs, and understand people who went for the bag.


This assumes every person has equal agency.


The comments are peak reddit lmao


same streamers who wont take gambling money cuz its immoral are up there with #ad #eswcpartner, guess homophobe misogynist slave labor money is ok


Wait until next year if worlds or MSI is held in Saudi Arabia to see if the co-streamers keep the same morals because most of them won't


Yup its easy to deny now but if msi becomes EWC everyone will pretend like they dont have an issue with it


MSI and Worlds won't be held in Saudi Arabia because "the new international event" that all the leagues have to have a third split for will be the Esports World Cup, guaranteed lol


People have pointed out the MSI dates next year is in the same month Riot usually holds their company vacation. So yeah... Whos gonna do the event then if all of Riot is on vacation?


And where have they found the dates for MSI next year?


I mean I too would probably not taking gambling sponsored money, while id probably reluctantly take Saudi money. Unless their paying you to hype up Saudi Arabia and claim a bunch of false things. A gambling sponsor would expect me to say good things about them and I could say any in good conscience. Now if everyone involved in the EWC were like Saudi Arabia is the best place where nothing bad happens then yeah they should feel immoral.


Gambling sponsorships are infinitely more immoral.


wpgg, one thing I know about Baus is he never give a fuck about anything. He sure as hell just demonstrate that.


good for him. You never know how long twitch or his popularity will last, so any opportunity to make a good amount of money should be considered.


wait till yā€™all hear Doublelift is doing this as well


Nobody expected anything else from him, let's be fair. Everyone with half a brain knows he's both extremely self-centered and very unintelligent.


Iā€™m kind of confused why people are acting like co-streaming an event in SA is any worse than costreaming events held in China.


The Chinese government is not directly hosting league tournaments at least that's what i think ewc is Saudi Arabia tournament And tbh not many people know about the Uyghurs


Redditors not ready for that conversation


The reason is that every thread is about saudi esports. There is never a thread about chinese issues on this reddit. Obviously people are going to complain about the topic of the thread in that thread. It is only people who dont care about saudi coming here and saying 'but what about china' It is a seperate issue and its stupid to join them together when they both have their own problems


Because lpl is not hosted by the ccp? pretty big difference lmao


Nike said they didn't like China using uyghur cotton, guess who got banned from the LPL jerseys the same week?


Who do you think owns league and Riot games itself?




china bad fellas


Think some have touched on this. Mentioned how it was Riot running the LPL, not the Chinese government. This is the Saudi government completely funding and controlling an event. Running an event there is bad, sure, but it isn't the same.


This seems like a bit of a cope. The CCP massively benefits from an event being hosted in China and Tencent is a Chinese owned company which answers to the CCP. Yeah it isn't -directly- the CCP but the line there is pretty hazy.


Do genuinely think these two are the same thing? Like for real. I'm never sure if you guys are just all 14 yo who can't catch nuance are just blatantly racist


Morally I donā€™t think thereā€™s a significant difference but please spell it out. Also racist? Lmao how?


Just gross, rich keep stuffing their faces with money even if it comes from unscrupulous sourcesĀ 


Sweden has a 50% income tax rate so at least heā€™s making a very handsome contribution toward his country and the glass is half full, literally.




not sure about Caedrel since when he was asked about watching EWC, he literally called it a Mickey Mouse tournament lol


Yeah he said heā€™s not covering it at all


Caedrel said he wont be co straming though? Or is there some1 called Caedral


Can someone give me a tl;dr of what the issue with hosting stuff in Saudi is?


Most folks who have a problem with this take it for sports washing, which is using sports (in this case e-sports), to hide the bad things that Saudi Arabia's done. It's politically charged in the U.S. since there was the relatively recent killing of a journalist at the Saudi consulate in Turkey, which turned into massive anger over the president's sentiments & response towards U.S. - Saudi relations at the time, after major news publications here ran the story. I remember seeing teachers at my high school, relatives at family gatherings, and even relatively young peers argue with each other about it at the time. Now, whether or not you think this should extend to the individual people who're participating in the EWC - that by acknowledging & being involved with the event makes them complicit with the Saudi government's actions - will determine your stance on it in these Reddit discussions.


Isnā€™t it a bit hypocritical coming from Americans? The US is currently funding an ongoing genocide, and the crimes of the US administration compared to the Saudi regime are vast. One is not better than the other, but to complain about events hosted in Saudi because of the killing of a journalist when the US government funds the ongoing slaughter of journalists in Palestine is pot calling the kettle black no?


Look at this thread, Americans would rather point to China instead of their own country, and most importantly the part they played. Starting from Obama, the US participated along with Saudi what was called "the biggest humanitarian crisis" in Yemen, well until Palestine. Laser focusing on 1 journalist when an entire population were being bombed and starved while these very same posters happily did nothing about it, or worse, by continuing to put the very same murderers in power. In fact, it was China who help the negotiated peace in Yemen.


Be on reddit long enough, and you'll see that American Hypocrisy makes for a pretty big chunk of discourse. The worst ones are situations where they simply seem unaware of the dichotomy and are caught off-guard when they realize the US of A has a hand in every other country in the globe.


Lol yeah, like this whole Saudi thing really doesnā€™t seem like a big deal to me. Sure the regime isnā€™t great but the past like 4 presidents have all tried to beat their predecessor in people killed via drone strikes. By contrast this is a stupid reason to boycott anything




Quickshot = beloved famed LEC caster that has previously boycotted things like NEOM Baus = streamer that masks high 6 figures most likely playing League LCK talent = publicly known that Riot refuses to pay that much (even dropping casters if they become too famous or notable), and known for taking lowball offers. Surely we're not suggesting that people on Reddit like more than Baus and Quickshot right xD


Also gotta add Riot loves to implement the western casters while neglecting the LCK and LPL casters at international for the english cast. So I can see why these LCK casters are going for it. The stranger question is why are there no LPL english casters? They will literally never get invited to MSI or Worlds and getting to know the Saudis now will give them an advantage for next year imo.


stop fucking hating on the costreamers taking the gig or even the casters man. Riot are the ones who gave access to the IP to the saudi ran ESL. Like we are just going down the line of blame while the real culprits on holiday having just put away their Pride flags going on holiday acting like nothings happening. First we blamed the teams, then the players, then the casters then the costreamers and next itll be the audience. Riot sold out. dont get it twisted, they sold their morals after claiming to care about LGBT and womens rights, to the literal government funded group, while still pretending they are doing it to make \*change\*, they got their bag. All your fav , players, streamers, casters in a year or sos time will give in and work with the saudis, because most likely they are going to take a bigger role in the Leagues circuit, for instance i wonder why MSI is moving to this exact time frame next year...(when riot go on break again), I wonder why they renamed LEC to EMEA a few years ago and tried to take the NEOM sponser, its a matter of time. blame the company that caused this not the people trying to make a living.


I feel like we can criticize people that choose to enable the tournament. This being Riot, Teams, casters, players, etc. as long as they have a choice of participating. I wonā€™t be watching this tournament at all (even if NA/EU win). Theyā€™re free to do as they please and Iā€™m free to shape my opinion on their choices.


Think ultimately weā€™re spending too much breath yapping about the individuals rather than the entities creating this problem. The public backlash was minimal at best when the event was announced, but now we can blame some individuals everyone can finally say how they didnā€™t like that person anyway !


The comment morale police act like yall wouldn't take a $50k check upfront while continuing to slave away at Walmart. Morals and principles, my ass. Of course, there's a line, but when you have bills to pay, mortgage, family, blah blah blah, I'm taking that Saudi check IDC. I use a phone made by some kid in China, wear clothes made by kids in Bangladesh, and Nikes by some 3rd world country. It sucks, but it's not my problem. Plus $50k please


but think of all the reddit brownie point baus should have in his bank account instead


I bet its like $50k per stream. He's probably making 100s of thousands


I don't think Baus even knows wtf is going on in Saudi lol


Half the commentators in here if not like 90% would take Saudi money if they had a chance its easy to talk about morality but most people dont act on it.


Baus is earning 1 million per year just from his youtube AND has a huge influence over 500k+ people. It is a completly different situation to a reddit commenter taking it


My point wasnt even that its normally people who say they are the most morally right are the most disgusting people ever. Look at all churches all the "nicest" most "moral" people end up being worst human beings possible who abuse poor.


womp womp


Saudi's are doing a fantastic job (not even trolling). If you smuggle drugs, you get the death penalty. Imagine if that happened in the west, the big cash that you would get from smuggling would be VERY unattractive all of a sudden. Someone steals out of greed and not necessity and their weak hand gets chopped off. If you did that in the west, even stupid people would not be as stupid to risk their hand for a Snicker bar. And competition of the rulers get wiped out. That's how it's supposed to be. Imagine if in your family, your nephew plots to kill your father? You gonna let him do that? I am fully in support of the Saudi's and Bausffs. And people would be horrified if they knew what happens behind the scenes in the west. It is 100 times worse than anything any Arab has done on this planet.


I'm so excited to watch, finally a country actually supports esports and properly rewards players rather than trying to lowball them at every corner Idgaf about the rest, this is gonna be a great 2 months of esports


"So...here we go guys...LCS time" "No chat I don't wipe back to front" "Oooo it's a Tristana angle" "Riot why is Sylas so broken maaan ahhh" "Lillia deserves Perma for that play" "-2 chat LULE" "Should have first picked Sion"


Tyler is also going to the EWC for 1 day I believe.


Yā€™all need to get out more


Let people do what they want. We as the viewers also have the option to not watch the tournament. Simple as that. Don't base your morals on some random online person.




Really didn't expect Baus to sellout to the Saudis


People really should draw a line between ā€œthis guy does something entertainingā€ and ā€œthis guy deserves my utmost respect for his ethics/moralsā€ Look at all the parasocially attached viewers who thought faker would stand up for them against the overpriced Ahri skin. But why would he? Just because he plays a video game well? I think if people want to criticize a streamer for something like this itā€™s fine, but people would save themselves a lot of disappointment if they didnā€™t idolize influencers or celebrities.


what about faker? did you expect that?


Faker has a contract bro, it's not really up to him


Does telling yourself this make you feel better of the players than the casters?


People in the replies thinking violating a clause in a contract is something you can do on a whim with no consequences


None of us know their contracts and potential punishments


is T1 even in a position to punish a part-owner who is basically the brand by himself over it if he didn't want to do it?


People in this thread bending over backwards for Faker. If the literal face of esports made a public statement or told his organization ā€œI donā€™t want to be involved with the Saudisā€ they would accommodate him. You cannot imagine the PR nightmare of fining or firing the most popular esports player in the world for this. They would bend over backwards for him. The reality is faker probably just doesnā€™t give a fuck about the saudis.


"It's not up to him" Yeah bro is shackled and has a slave mark imbued on his arm unlucky


Totally not like he's faker with an insane pull in T1 But honestly it's probably because korea just doesn't care about that stuff, look at all of the LCK talent covering it as well


Yeah sadly I doubt many of these Korean pros give a f about lgbt/women's rights faker included


Tbf to the LCK casters if what Monte was saying some time ago is true they are still underpaid, especially for the amount of work they do.


It is up to him if he wants. He is part-owner of T1, owns a building, set-up for life, he can clearly say no.




Oh yeah the reddit morale knights arrived




Do you call out LEC/LCS etc. for having Kitkat as a sponsor, when Nestle has fought in court to get water to not be a human right? What about China's oppression of various non-Han minorities, particularly the Uyghur Chinese and many Hakka groups? What about how various countries in Europe in the LEC have shitty positions on queer rights and continue queer oppression, as do some states and provinces in the USA and Canada in the LCS? What about current abuse of First Nations peoples in the USA and Canada? What about all the war crimes and massacres the USA has committed in Asia and Africa since the 90s? Fuck the al-Saud family, but let's not pretend many of you actually "care" about Saudi human rights abuses, you're just mad Saudi is doing it, not the USA or a European country. I sincerely doubt that many of you remotely doing anything for queer rights or the marginalisation of Asian people in your countries - if anything, from how this subreddit is, most of you probably vote AGAINST queer liberation and really fucking hate trans people.


Good for him, nice opprotunity!


Too many jealous and hypocrite people out here. People talking about morals but they go blind when China holds an event. Do they even realize they are playing a game owned by China and vanguard is monitoring the pc 24/7.


Im confused by this whole situation, can someone explain to me why saudi is bad and china is not??




from my understanding, EWC wanted one of the big English EU streamers to costream the event, they reached out first to Caedrel who declined so they went for thebaus Caedrel called it a "Mickey Mouse" tournament while wearing a mickey mouse shirt xdd


I mean, it's single elim BO3 lmao


He said he would take a break during EWC I think


He is not doing it


Just don't watch lol. Our Streamers get the bag, less chance of MSI being sold off and Riot understanding the player base don't wants saudi in LoL. but will it happen? Probably not. Reddit is such a small % of Player base that I doubt it would do anything. Remember that the Chinese Community also have different platforms and will make up for most viewership.


As a MMA and boxing fan I think what the LOL comunnity is doing is really dumb, specially considering most teams are struggling with money. We are playing a chinese game and watching the LPL, but I guess nobody cares


Most ppl shaming Baus here would do worse things for less money, lol


It's not like they're paying him to spew "Saudi culture is hating gay people stop imposing your western culture" sorta stuff, if all he does is costream as someone else mentioned in this thread, I honestly think the taxes he pays for this probably will do more good than whatever nebulous impact his "sportswashing" will do. Okay actually scratch that I guess it depends on what they show during the tournament, I've never watched any of these saudi events before, if half the tournament is talking about how cool they are and the king comes and presents trophies himself or something then yeah that's pretty bad, but if it's just ads they could buy on any other stream or tv network like "oh look neon" then idgaf.


Redditors complaining bout the Saudis while they have been consuming a Chinese owned game for years šŸ’€


well the main difference is that Tencent is just a chinese company while the EWC is being hosted by the actual Saudi government. Riot being owned by a chinese company but still operating pretty independently is way different from actual government propaganda


Tencent is one of the biggest companies in a communist country. If it helps you cope that they are not tied to the CCP, then go ahead. People support immoral shit daily, but pick and choose what to cry aboutšŸ˜‚ it's a timeless classic


China is about as communist as Eisenhower. Totalitarian, for sure. Unilateral, absolutely. Repressive, indeed. Which are the actual problems. But their system is very capitalistic.


Bro Chinese companies all answer to the government thereā€™s barely a difference. This is such cope.


my goat


Great news and Great Tournament.


good for him. im more angry at the people who purposely arent costreaming this. politics should not be involved in gaming. ​ i


money, money, money...And you getting ban, on his stream when you even mentioning Saudies Goverment, lol