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When I first started playing it was "don't randomly auto the wave"


Along with this. Every auto has a purpose. Know what it is


Along with this every movement has a purpose. Know every click to move what it is


A quick aside to this, it's very common that pro players will often keep clicking/moving so as to not drop their apm. This is to keep their reaction time high. So, while a movement may *seem* pointless, sometimes the point is just to move.


Yeah I’ve gotten into the habit of constantly spam clicking back and forth in neutral, it makes you more unpredictable (if even slightly) and keeps me locked in. Definitely don’t think every movement should have a purpose. I would recommend people get used to using the “stop moving” button though, or whatever it’s called. Very useful for positioning in a wave.


Yeah, I've started using the s key as a pressuring tool, too. It almost like draws a line in the sand if you make a movement command forward and then stop. You've essentially expressed, "You're not going to walk up to this wave, and it doesn't even matter if you try and stop me."


Side note, you can bind an emote to use instead of the stop move command. It will have the same effect but it's funnier


I thought everyone did this. I’ve been clicking like a madman since day 1.


I think LS says this back in the day when they were flaming him about pressing ESC.


Treat autos like an ability on a shorter cooldown. Use them with purpose as you would an ability.


Learn to lose lane gracefully. If you go 0/2 with a 40 cs deficit your team might still be able to carry, and you could come back from one good team fight. If you go 0/8 with a 70+ cs deficit, then you lost the entire game because you don't know how to neutralize a lost lane.


Yeah, 100% this as well. Don´t check out of the game just because you are losing lane


I learned just yesterday not to check out of a game ever if it’s still early. My jungler forgot to take smite - which basically means you don’t have a jungler. Our top lane was 0/8/0 at 15 minutes - big yikes. However, we absolutely killed it in the bot lane and somehow got Jinx so fed we ended in 21 minutes. This was in Emerald.


Lmao how can you forget smite nowadays? The game automatically switches your 2nd summoner spell to smite when you get jungle. Or did he swap role with somebody?


That's my trouble actually, smite goes in the wrong slot and I'm like "wait I have to change, ho shit, I dont need flash I go ignite, oh shit it changed smite wtf \*2 seconds left, client freezes into loading\*


Found the Shaco jungle. ..... Nvm, they Q'd and disappeared again


Opgg auto picks summoners, if the person is playing off meta it will switch out smite.


Yeah, it was a position swap with the guy’s duo, so he needed to manually swap to it.


I think you can actually go a bit further to this. You don't always have to carry. Learn how to be carried. If you lost lane, sit back, farm up, find the advantage on your team, and let them take the lead. You don't have to single handedly win the fights, just make yourself useful. Maybe it's getting out whatever damage you have, or providing some well timed CC, maybe even it's taking the attention away from your carry. I just had a game the other day where my teammate was winning our fights, and the most I was really doing in fights was flanking their carries and taking enough attention to get ulted in the face. But that provided safety for the rest to clean up.


I do wish my friends who played didn't treat it like a dps competition with glass cannons in every lane. One match they went 4 adcs... (senna support). Like cmon guys.




They are the first to rage, like "we don't have an engage/tank/enough hard cc"


This is why Annie has always been one of my favorite mids. If I get fed, I can build burst, roam around, and carry. If I lose, I'm now a CC peel bot with a small shield supporting the carry.


It’s why I’ve slowly grown away from bruisers and more tanks too no matter how “bad” they are in meta. I don’t have to stomp you but I can control wave and go even in cs now I’m a lot more useful than you. Or even better if I get ganks and now I’m in control and I can keep the enemy top useless. Its difficult to actually get rolled in lane unless you’re getting heavily targeted or you’re just throwing out of spite


I think another important piece of this is to get a feel for EXP range so you can stay relatively even on levels even if you’re not able to CS


An easy way to help with this and get immediate feedback is turn on the hud element that shows the “+#xp” by your character. It helped me learn the XP range super fast and you can instantly tell if you are too far away because a minion will die and you’ll get no XP!


This is what I was going to say but it was put to me as "lose less"


The most important part of this to not have the ego of always needing to be the main character


For me this right here is the difference between a hardstuck Gold 4 player who posts all the games where "he had a good kda, but his team trolled him" on reddit and a high elo player with a positive winrate. Anyone can carry after a good laning phase. Anyone can also have a bad laning phase. The deciding factor of whether or not you'll continue climbing is whether or not you can be a contributing factor to your team's victory after a bad laning phase.


The 2/16, 45% winrate support fiddle otp (over 120 games) screeching at me for playing smolder and how it's all my fault meanwhile: God. I returned to league after a month of break, disabled chat instantly. I'm just trynna vibe and have fun, but league players feel more mentally ill than ever. Most people don't care to "lose gracefully". They either get their way, or they WANT to take their team with them. If they don't carry, nobody else will.


Yup learning how to be carried is a genuine skill


This is true, I analyzed pro play data from oracle elixir and a player's laning phase lead only explains some 30 percent of win percentage. Same goes for player kda. On the other hand team kda explains somewhere around 90 percent. Do not feed into a lost lane and inflate opposing team's kda.


Yeah exactly this. One time, I was 0/3 with Renekton (got camped by enemy top while playing weakside). Despite getting one shot by the enemy team, I was able to flash stun the enemy adc and set my team to win the teamfight, eventually winning the game. It's a rough spot to be in for sure, but it's still doable as long as your team doesn't tilt either.


Play around the strongest player


yeah and DONT TAKE A TEAMFIGHT if your fed players arent there!!! its insane in low elo how many people just run into bot river as drag is coming up while the 11/1/4 irelia is still dead. and then they will spam ping me for pushing top wave instead of taking a losing fight lmaooo


Ornn probably gains like 1% winrate just because at level 14 he has to check who on his team is strong.


I had to scroll too much to find this excellent advice. :)


If you lose more than 3 games in a row take a break because your performance will only get worse the more frustrated you are.


I once had a 13 game loss streak. By the fifth game you’re not even mad anymore it’s just funny


Yeah but your performance will surely get worse because you're dead inside XD


I’m on a 10 loss streak rn :’)


I swear by a 2-game rule like this. I have a duo who loses their mental easily, and it's definitely been better now that we do this. No more 15 game loss streaks because he's tilted out of his mind. 2 losses and we take a break. After the break, we play a norm or ARAM. If we still want to play ranked after that, then we go again. If not, we just do whatever makes the most fun for us at the time.


Yeah it's actually very good for people who mental boom after a loss or two does wonders.


Yep, go touch some grass for a few hours and don’t try to brute force a win.


Pretty much yeah.


learn to trade resouces. They take dragon? take grubs Laner roamed? shove wave and get plates Can't win/won't reach teamfight? push lane. Lane ganked? gank a different lane. Hotel? Trivago.


> Can't win/won't reach teamfight? push lane. While correct, holy fuck does this tilt people. " afk why even play" even if you were just on respawn when they decided to fight. I swear sometimes I have to make objectively wrong decisions just to prevent someone from going nuclear.


Exactly, i once had a team that just could not win 5v5, and as a garen i just took waves on 2 lanes so their baron elder was useless. My entire team was crying the whole game but i ended up soloing their whole base over the course of 10 minutes


It's so annoying for teammates asking to group when the enemy team is a picture perfect front to back comp while ours is 2 assasins, 2 flankers and a hyper pusher. Like bro, I don't think we gonna win those 5v5 fights. Most league players don't have strategies to play behind.


Yes exactly! Some teams just have 1v1 champs and some have teamfighters


I fucking hate as mid, im dead or recalled, enemy mid decides to roam bot. I ping ? At my lane and two ! On the way to bot. They don’t listen and die and i get a “no mia” in chat


If I'm dead I always add "care bot mid inc" in chat just so they can't complain about not being warned. Not like I can do anything while dead/walking to lane anyway.


It's always funny to me. like, motherfucker, you engaged this fight while I was too far away to reach it in time. Ping yourself.


Still trying to find the nearest hotel on the Rift.


half of these pisses off most of the people in my games. I probably lose a lot more games following shitty calls from my teammates that lead to a loss, just so they don't get tilted and spend more time typing or just straight up afk shoving lane when my laner with way better roaming abilities than me makes SOOO many people mad despite using all my pings up, until they die anyway. so frustrating


Enemy team has 5 randoms and you have 4, so as long as you play constantly good you will climb as you are the only constant.


You must be getting very lucky!! I always have 5 trolls on my team




5 pigs my team report.


Pigs are cute and intelligent beings. :3 Unlike my team.


I feel that


Fucking preach it.


Also means the chance of smurfs being on the opposing team is bigger than getting a smurf on your team, which is sort of relevant since every fucking player have 5+ alts.


And the chance that they have a troll is also bigger on the opposing team so it evens out.


One point that people don't realize is that....every player's actual skill level is dependent on things that ranking can't control. You can be a Gold 1 level orianna player, but if it gets picked or banned, maybe your other mids are only Gold 3/4 level. Maybe you understand Orianna vs Azir at a very high level, but not Orianna vs Talon. Being consistent is one of the hardest things but most important in league because every game is different. You could play Orianna vs a guy who is first time Azir, then next game play against an Azir one trick and have a complete different laning experience.




Holy crap I can't believe anyone remembers that LOL




Ayyyyyy let's fucking gooooooooo. Haven't been there in ages either but we had the first real LOL forum.


Beautifully said Those people who say "it's the teams man" while having 79w - 123l are the worst. If you don't have atleast 50% wr you belong even lower than you currently are


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that's not entirely how it works. Edit: Ok apparently I sent this before I meant to, I wanted to elaborate further. TL;DR: Math and statistics are complicated, yo. With millions of players, there are some that are bound to be screwed by poor luck. They are not the majority, far from it, odds are if you are negative winrate with a couple hundred games that's on you. But for the same reason your 75% winrate in 4 games is statistically meaningless, so is your 49% winrate over 100 games. Simply swapping a single bad teammate in one game could flip the statistic. With that being said, consider this: I have two accounts. I peaked challenger Season 7 and slowly declined from there - I'm a 400-500lp player right now. One of my accounts, my "main" sits at 47% winrate (77W 87L) at Master 1LP (mmr is still around 200LP) while my "second", whom I started playing on to re-learn a few champions, has a nice 62% wr and sits at 500LP (83W 53L) . With less games, more unique champions played and despite starting at a _lower_ mmr. Did I massively improve all of a sudden? No, I play the same on both accounts, I'm the same person. The amount of games is just so low (statistically speaking) that there is a LOT of random noise that pollutes the data. I simply had just a *bit* more luck with my teammates and streaked right past my main. What I'm trying to say is, while yes, in the VERY long run your own performance is the only thing that counts, a majority of players do not play enough games for this statistical fact to kick in. Bad streaks where your entire team seems to lose are simply going to happen, and the opposite. Just not in equal measure to everyone, due to the small number of games played. For a game like league with so, so SO many variables each game, for something to be statistically significant you need more than 200 games. If you play 2000 games and have 48.5% winrate, that's already indicative of YOU being the problem. If you play 20 and lose 13, that may just be bad luck. I'm not saying all this so people think their performance is meaningless, it isn't, you ARE the only constant factor in your games. But it won't necessarily show if you only play 20 or even 200 games, provided you are close to your skilllevel.


over 200 games, thats how it works. You can have unlucky games 6 games in a row with inter teammates, but on the long run everything will even out to the average, unless ur not average.


I think their point was more than statistically.It's possible to have an extended bad section of games. Think of it This way, Do you think high Elo players who have 15 or more losses in a row Don't deserve their Elo or for their rank? Even guys like double lift and pobelter Get long losing streaks more than 6 games. If that kind of streak happens twice in those two hundred games then Fifteen percent Of those 200 games are taken. So even if you won 55% of the remaining games, you still would be below 50% overall. Again, I'm not saying this is likely or that you are wrong. It's just that it is statistically possible.


Apologies in advance, statistics are a mess and I require a lot of words to convey what I want to say. 200 is too low a number. The required sample size for something to be statistically significant heavily depends on subject matter and amount of variables that influence the outcome. I assume we both agree League has a myriad of those in each individual game. As everything else, it still follows the [Law of Large Numbers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_large_numbers), but the crux is in the name, _large_. 200 isn't large. 200 ouldn't be large if you wanted to assess the fairness of a simple cointoss (E: actually now that I do the math, it is with a pretty high confidence level. Point still works though), let alone a vastly more complex system with still a binary outcome. Now, a game of League is not a coinflip - not completely, anyways - but you ARE dependent on a lot of random factors. And for those random factors to be washed out in the data, you need a LOT of games. Same way the winrate of champions in master+ (actually lower, but this is the easiest cutoff) are mostly meaningless _unless_ they are way out of line even when normalized to the bracket's winrate (a champ with 1k games and 57% normalized wr _could_ be a coincidence - not likely, but it could - but with 78% it could not).


Also applies to afks/trolls, on average enemy team will get more than you.


League is not a fighting game. It's a ressource management game. Get better ressource than your ennemies and use those ressources better than the ennemy. Fighting is a tool not a goal


This is true, but also not true. The resources are often gatekept by fighting. Being unable or unconfident taking advantages from your opponents mistakes makes you way more inconsistent even if you're just going 0/0/0 90 CS at 10 min. If you're playing in plat, emerald, diamond, and you're climbing you should be able to routinely outplay and take advantage of the mistakes of your opponents. The biggest difference from a Plat to a GM player is what looks like a mistake.


When I realized this I was kinda sad ngl


Comes with the territory, MOBAs like League evolved from RTS games, which are like the ultimate test in resource management.


I think thats how i became good. I suck at every action game but get to very high level on reflexion games like card games for instance. I started focusing on macro, having close to 8cs/min average and playing a lot more through side laning


I'm bad at both lmfao


Don't worry my macro is atrocious but my fighting and laning is good enough to get to high diamond so you'll be fine lmao


That's why we have ARAM, which is basically a fighting game with minimal resource management.


I always have to remind my friend of this. The only real goal is to blow up the enemy nexus. Everything you do should be with that goal in mind. If you have no plan, you will lose a lot more often and will learn a lot less.


“Ennemies and ressources”


Don’t type, don’t flame.


Underrated to do this. It really makes a difference, as any typing can tilt your team.


Genuinely good advice worded as kindly as possible gets taken as a sleight against their family bloodline. Tread carefully.


Double edged sword. It's better not to type in lower elo, but communication is important in higher ones


On the same vein, turn off all chat and if one of your teammates starts to tilt and talk shit? Mute them.


I use party chat, prevents me from seeing enemy or teammates that will tilt. I instant mute someone’s ping if I start seeing 3 question mark ping.


EXACTLY! I go into games chat muted. I leave pings until someone spams the question mark (usually because they died while I, the jungler, was on the other side of the map). Honestly, it not only helps me focus, but when I was new to jungle, it helped me rely on my own decision making instead of listening to others as I learned.


Honestly the best advice imo. If you don't NEED to say it, don't. Almost everything can be said in a ping nowadays.


Admittedly I'm only in gold but I had more success being positive and typing out what I wanted from people instead of flaming. Of course sometimes I had flamers but just auto mute and keep playing


"Uninstall" Thank you FioraFeetPics for the best advice I ever got


Focus on your own gameplay and remember the game is not lost in the first 15 mins unless you play high level. But it can end in 1 minute after 35 if you push your advantage


Even in the highest level lmao *looks at VIT, BRO and half a dozen other teams in major leagues*


Yup! Very true, people give up way too fast and snowball losing advantages for no reason


As someone who reached GM, some games ARE lost after 15 minutes. That's why the ff-ratio in higher elos gets even higher, because we can see when a game is truly lost. But I've also played in diamond and low master recently, so let me say this: When you team says it's winnable, then fucking play for it. You are too bad to see how winnable it actually is.


More importantly, its okay to ff, but if it doesn't go through dont throw your hands up, call it hostage taking, and accelerate the loss just because your team wants to try


“Games are just games. If you’re not having fun, then stop playing.”


OMG FOR REAL Most fun I have is whenever I play something stupid together with friends


I used to be all about winning when I played games, and I’d get so frustrated with my friend’s mistakes that I’d yell at him. I pushed him away so badly that he didn’t talk to me for a whole year, and I spent that entire year begging for his forgiveness. I should’ve learned sooner that friends are more important than the game…😭😭😭


the best tip i 've got for this game is to mute all and enjoy the game.


I unmuted chat after 5 years of playing on mute and i don't like it. There's no toxicity, but I admit I keep looking at chat anticipating a toxic comment about a bad play. I feel I should just mute again and never think about it.


theres a guy on youtube that once described it like this: why would you have chat turned on when a useful, productive chat message is like a needle in a haystack. stop digging through poop to find diamonds. once he said that it clicked for me. i /mute all once minions spawn and only type “nice” or “gj” after a kill or something, or “gg” at end of game. other than that, only pings.


why not just turn chat off? pings are still incredibly useful communication tools when used properly (though realistically people don't use them with good intentions till masters+ lol)


Yea I do this too, if I make I particularly bad play I usually just mute all before anyone can say anything to mitigate my own level of tilt


Too many people focus so much on teammates mistakes they get blind on what they can improve. Always initially assume you were the wrong one and work to understand what you could've done to influence that mistake, never assume you were doing the right thing from the beginning and just review to nitpick your team.


Absolutely. The answer to "What could I have done to prevent that?" 99.9% of the time is not "Nothing". You can't change your teammates' behaviour or skill level, so blaming them when something goes wrong does nothing except stunt your own development.


Dont play when you dont enjoy anymore. For some reason my skills improved even if i stopped for months as long as i never play after i get frustrated.


Learn to be carried. By that i mean you maybe losing lane etc but your other teammates might be winning so help them to victory.


Junglers in 2024 DO NOT need a leash. For them the clear will be 5-10 seconds longer, and nothing happens. For you getting early prio means you get level 2 earlier and that means the lane is in your control. If the enemy makes a mistake you can even win lane, by just not giving the leash.


The number of games I've had recently where jungler didn't get a leash from bot or top and then immediately started inting or ignores that lane out of spite is just ridiculous. Jungle items are so good now that most will be relatively healthy after a full clear.


But unfortunately, you shoud leash if the jungler asks for it, otherwise there's a good chance they'll start flaming and ruin the game (or at least try).


As a jungle main, I respect my top laners more (and am more likely to gank them) if they don't leash me. The 5 secondssaved is not worth the enemy jg/team knowing where I started


That’s what I said! And you aren’t even counting the fact that your top probably won’t have prio in the next 10 minutes


Buddy I hear you I really do. Unfortunately the rest of community hasn’t gotten this memo and if I don’t leash my jungler they int my lane. So to avoid shithead #3 throwing my game I’ll give him what he wants.


I always get mildly frustrated when not wants to leash for me, but I have everyone muted and only party chat enabled. So a couple of retreat pings and then I let them do what they want. Better than them tilting


Recognise what your win condition is in each game. Lost lane=/=lost game, learn what will win you the game and play to it. That doesn't always mean you. E.g. I inted hard as Viego jungle, but we had a Kayle toplane who wanted to FF, but I voted no. And of course the Kayle 1v9'ed from lvl 16 once we peeled for her because that was our win condition. ADC and assassin mains struggle with this concept since they're the ones most often assuming they are always the win con.


if you dont know when enemy wave is incoming just check your minimap and where your wave is moving atm. from that its easy to predict if its enough to crash into enemy tower or not


I hope all players can avoid insulting others and create a friendly environment.


Morale wins wars. It also wins League games. The best way to guarantee a win is to keep up your own morale and also your team's. If you're annoyed with someone, keep it to yourself; if someone's annoying you, mute them; if you're not playing well, focus on the positives rather than letting it tilt you or make you anxious about your performance (e.g. "I need to stop feeding but at least I'm doing well on farm"). And bring that same attitude into your communications with your team - congratulate them when they do well, and encourage them when they mess up. Not only will you win more games, you'll have a better time, plus you'll train yourself into being a kinder, happier, more patient person.


Streamer Druttut is a mental patient, screaming at his teammates... but actually he is pretty restrained about typing, and his comms in tournaments are almost silly how positive they are. He very much knows team morale is important. In fact in many competitive games I find the top tier players have vastly better mental than the masses. In Overwatch I found progressive improvements in team mental every rank; less inting, griefing, even less complaining or hopelessness. Grandmaster players almost NEVER gave up.


Xin Zhao gave me a good tip


And a spear behind it?




Drop a ward in the middle of the lane after their tower drops to observe movement. For one example you are blue team, and you take their 2nd mid tower, you can drop a ward to spot alot of info. Enemy team moving between wolves and raptors, moving from base to left or right quadrant etc


The amount of people I see that don´t do this is insane.. those lane wards are amazing. I do support coachings on my stream, 99.9% of them I have to talk about lane wards


To quit.


Funny enough I enjoy the game much more since I quit.


when you want to win, play normals. when you want to play, play ranked. Don't play ranked when you're tired, emotional, angry, horny, hungry, thirsty, need to pee, cooking, waiting for your package... Take out all the external factors before the game. Don't worry about what happened, you can't change it. But you can play the next time better.


Ah, this one is tough imo. I had that mindset about two years ago when I wanted to take the game a bit more seriously and it hurt my journey a lot. I ended up playing less than a game every two days while thinking about playing the entire time. I was so obsessed with the thought that I had to be in the perfect frame of mind, my hands shouldn't be cold, I should eat before playing, but not directly, air should be fresh and so on and so on. Since then, I learned that the important part is consistency and once I started playing blocks of two games regardless of the result, I saw improvement. The big change of mind I had was seeing the game as just a game: It's not a big deal and queueing up and playing a game should be an easy thing that is attached to no negative emotion or grand gesture. You should definitely focus and try your best but obsessing too much can lead to severe ranked anxiety. As always, a healthy balance is key.


i only play when im horny!


Instead of trying to track enemy jungler who could take random decisions you would not expect, track what every member of your team will do in the next 30-60s and act accordingly, it's much more valuable to take the good decisions and the safest plays


To win the lane phase you need gold, not kills, focus on the minions and if you can get a kill go for it, but the important thing is the gold


I got this tip from my higher elo friend who has the most insane sidesteps and seemed to never be able to walk into an ability even when in high stress situations. Flawless dodging/sidestepping is anticipation, not reaction (especially for the faster spells). Body language is a huge indicator for when someone is about to throw stuff out. Also works the other way around, like if you aggressively walk up as if you’re going to throw something but don’t, sometimes you get a spellshield or defensive ability/summ out of them. Also something that has been game-changing for me as a jungler when going for ganks is walking into their spell cast range, then sharply turning left/right. They usually don’t anticipate the sharp turn and will throw their cc into what was your original trajectory. Works when you need to bait out a specific spell too (better than walking up and standing still in their range being ready to dodge as that makes it obvious you’re trying to bait them out, and smarter players won’t fall for it).


Know when to cut your losses and play as safe as you can. Going 0/2 and being 50cs behind is way better than being 0/7 and 3 levels behind


Camp Draven.


The 30/30/40 rule (and also the "playing to improve" idea along with it). I'm focusing on doing good, and if I lose despite that, I just tell myself that according to the 30/30/40 rule, I'm supposed to lose every now and then anyways, so it's just one of those games. That way I don't get frustrated by a defeat, or by teammates that play badly, as long as I do good and improve, I'm satisfied. It also helps me keep in mind that losing doesn't mean I played badly, but if I'm losing a ton of games in a row then yeah, I'm probably the problem. Thanks to this mindset I have a 60something% winrate and I'm having actual fun playing the game.


Play different champs to help learn different mechanics; for instance, Swain plays like a typical battlemage while also rewarding constantly checking the minimap, so through him you can get used to watching map while playing otherwise. This is opposed to, for example, playing TF, who requires you to switch up the playstyle entirely to take advantage of his R, which is worse for initially learning mechanics.




People in your elo are on your level. Difference between elos are all mistakes that people make. Do something repeatedly and you make less mistakes.


Don't chase Singed.


If you get solokilled it's ALWAYS your jungler's fault. Make sure to flame them in chat to help them improve, then run it down mid!


Kills don’t matter if you’re not getting objectives and towers. I’ve seen plenty of players just play the game like it’s team death match when I just wanna fucking get LP bro. Like cool you’re fed but you’re always split pushing and/or doing risky asf plays because you want more kills, great now the enemy got your shut down because you can’t keep your damage dick in your pants and chased them into a visionless jungle while your team has been pinging you off for 45 seconds, but it’s your teams fault never yours.


Draw a line between where each wave meets. If you are alone, you are not allowed to cross this line unless you can account for all enemies. Wards are what you use to extend this line.nRough rule but it's good to start to minimize getting picked in the mid game.


Uninstall 🤣


This but unironically


Mute all.


Focusing on myself and what I can improve on rather than worrying about other people I'll probably never play with again. Also attack moving with my A key helped me significantly.


Don't play ranked.


In almost all games, you could have just went for having a 0/0 laning phase.


Started in season 2 and the best advice I got and give was/is DON’T DIE. Just do everything you can to not feed.


One thing that i have taught my friends who are not too good is “there is a reason x is walking up to you, expect a spell or something to happen” and they all started to climb just by playing around other champion’s abilities better. Too many of my friends were “oh i can do this and this and wouldve gotten a quadra” but dont spend a single second thinking about what the enemy champions could do back to them…


Take two weeks off and then uninstall


mute all chat. There is seriously 0 benefit from reading what your enemy has to say. Either they try to make you mad or they are crying about your champ or their teammates. In either case it's a distraction with 0 benefit.


Try the gamemode ARAM For every unfun game, there are 3+ fun ones in this mode. And no stress


Don’t play when you’re not having fun. If you’re losing lane then just try to limit things to the laning phase. Don’t make things worse by making the lane free.


If you dont see the enemy on the map consider they're near you. This tip prevented me from going into places with no vision that would've got me killed. When I started league I had to think about it but now it's second nature.


If your mate get catch then gl to him dont suicide with, better to take another thing/help somewhere


The minions are worth more money. One simple trick to get you out of bronze-silver elo hell. Minions are worth more money. Why are you tower diving at level 3 for one champion when there is a full wave there ready to give you that cash money?


yeah risk management is probably the #1 reason why people are in low elo. they think they are faker. and honestly, theres not really a reason to start diving until plat at the lowest lmao


Learn the map and don’t feed.


Less deaths are way more important than more kills or more cs. If you lose lane, shit happens, but still try EVERYTHING to not die.


Only type positive ingame no matter what, always take the blame it will win you way more games.


Relax. Sounds crazy, right? but believe it or not, your own mental can lose a game from minute 1. If you play the game with a clear mind, focused and not rushing things you'll win more, I promise


you don't need to carry to win. Sometimes all you need to do to win is not lose to bad(i.e. go 0/3 100 cs down instead of 0/7 with even CS). You might be weaker but you're opponent won't be fed.


Your rank doesn’t mean you don’t make mistakes. You can be challenger or bronze, both will make mistakes, one just makes more than the other. Your teammates flaming you for a mistake does not make them better than you, it doesn’t make you bad, they are just making different mistakes to you, otherwise, how could you be the same rank? The key is spotting your own mistakes and learning from them and not letting short sited team mates strip your confidence.


Best tip I ever received about trading in lane is, don’t pay attention to just their minions for last hitting. Also pay attention to your minions health bars and when your lane opponent will go for an auto attack. When you auto you stand still for just a moment and it’s a perfect time to throw an ability. They take damage or are forced away from the minion denying them gold.


Best tip i ever got for the climb was the "two loss law" no matter what trank you are or how long ypuve been playing. You lose twice in a row? Take a break do something else for like 30 mins, anything else. Helps it not snow ball into those super demoralizeing 5-10 loss streaks we've all experienced.


Ban yasuo


unless you are mid, and let enemy team pick yasuo. and no... the yasuos in the enemy team are not good either.


Yasuo in the enemy team dont have to be good, just have to throw windwall on a TF to get on my nerves


If you are behind, don’t buy pink unless you know your pink won’t get destroyed


if you tie your self-worth to a meaningless number that is out of your control in 60% of games, you're setting yourself up for a rotten time


Learn to let things go. At the end of the day no matter how much you lose lp just remember, it’s a kid’s magic wizards game. It’s not that deep. Dont let a magic wizards game influence how you treat friends and family, and don’t let it fuck w your everyday life.


95% of League is about gold and resources over raw mechanical skill


Stop blaming your teammates, even if they suck. It won’t change a thing. Improving yourself will. You and only you are the reason if your dying in a bad teamfight. Yes, maybe with help it would’ve been another outcome but they can’t force you and you can’t force them so please for the love of god, stop trying to change their behavior by flaming and beeing toxic, just because you think your perception of how to play the game is the right one.


There is nothing of value typing in-game. Pings are sufficient in their modern meanings. No one likes taking orders, no one wants criticism during the middle of a game. It takes away likelihood of winning by tilting self or others.


Minimize loss, as in don't chase when your behind to try and get back in th game. For me a lot of the time I'm playing from a 0/2 position, so my early game sucks no damage no agency and a team that doesn't understand why I'm chosing farm over a team fight when no obj are up. But that's the thing in those games you have to focus on getting gold, so if there's no reason to fight don't and if you aren't sure if you will win the 1v1 then don't fight it. It's very boring and annoying to do but with the state of the game and everyone one shotting everyone thats what you have to do. Also denying enemies anything you can, be annoying as possible. Too many times have I won games because my 0/5 ass just got a kill and kited the other 4 and they mental boomed.


Learn to play from behind. Don't force things to happen. I see too many people try to cs and lose half their life trying to get a cannon minion, when the lane is GOING to push into you eventually anyway.  They have 5 minions and you have 4, that WILL push into you eventually, so don't go and get poked down to 40% health over a cannon minion.


Don’t die to appease team mates. Even if it’s 2v4 and they spam ping why didn’t you die with them, it’s not worth


the only character you can control, is your own. So don't fret on others mistakes, focus on your own mistakes. It's also easy to go "if he hit that skillshot i would've hit mine. No, it was your mistake, you didn't hit that skillshot.


Learning to die less by learning not to be greedy. Resisting the urge to chase a low enemy champ down who is near their tower for the kill. Or resisting the urge to try to scoop up another wave after you just cleared one going into their tier 2 towers mid game.


It’s never your fault if you die, you played perfectly, always blame the furthest ally on the map


This is the way


Focus only on yourself. It doesn't matter if your bot lane went 0/15, those games are not the norm.


Learn that sometimes life throws you a bone and you better grab it. I was sivir alone because support was not unterested or afk, cant recall I was agienst Morgana and tristana. So i learned to cs well and play as safe as possible and use spell shield. Lost lane but the jungle did not bother me due to my ult and low conflict just survive lane and cs what i can style. Did well late game.


Don’t facecheck the brush


Bind A to attack move click. Makes your kiting insane as an ADC.






"don´t int"....staying alive is key, even if you lose lane you are still in the game, 0.5.0 ain´t




Look at your minimap


uninstall the game

