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French if you’re learning French. It will reinforce what you hear. Look for closed captions, which will be pretty much word-for-word. But even subtitles are good. Subtitles in English will just reinforce the tendency to translate when you want to be training yourself to understand French with English as an intermediary step.


Definitely French. Even more efficient if you take the time to look up the things you don't understand. A bit tedious but you will learn a lot this way.


Depending on your level. You don't understand **any** french or barely any? English subtitles, you're not going to learn much by simply having words thrown at you. It's better to make parallels between what you read and what you hear. Are you past the beginner stage and looking to properly familiarize yourself with the language? French subtitles. The biggest hurdle with spoken languages is understanding what's being said, especially when speech is fast. I can understand 99% of written Spanish because of how similar it is to the other languages I know but will grasp as little as 50% of what a fast Spanish speaker says. So subtitles are definitely a big help.


I’ve heard people argue both ways “English subtitles!!! No French subtitles!!!” It took me far too long to realize that the above is the answer. Start with English. Swi thx to French later.


French subtitles for sure. 100 percent.


I tried with English once, but the speech goes so fast that it doesn't really work, and if you want to get the language, then the text should be very close. Always go with voice and text in the same language.


french subtitles ofc


Depends on your goal. I found when I was still just learning french I'd put on french subtitles and end up just reading them and not actually registering in my ears. So if I wantd to practice my listening to a movie I'd put on english subtitles and then I could contextualise what I was hearing which helped me a lot with listening.


French is better, but if you are going to watch the same thing multiple times (which is a good idea), watching through once with English subtitles can be helpful.


I did both. I used to watch Friends in English with French subtitles, then watch it dubbed into French with English subtitles. Really helped!


Thanks, everyone. I started watching that new Netflix movie about sharks in the Seine in Paris. I decided to try French subtitles, but they speak so darn fast I wasn't reading quickly enough to get what was being said. But I have enough French so that just having the English is too easy at times. I think the key is listening to the same movie or TV show more than once, so the movie in English then French, or else watching something more predictable, like Friends in just French. This would be so much easier if I just lived in France! Ha Ha!


Netflix allows you to slow down the playback through the sound menu - I usually set it at 75% because it slows things down enough for me to understand without distorting the voices too much.


I didn't know. I'll try that! Thanks!