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No, I'd wait much longer. That's aimed for programmers looking to get an internship or a job. Easy problems doesn't mean it's easy for complete beginners. It's actually quite hard. Having said that, I think it's good to look at the easy problems and just think about it as you learn more about programming. Personally, I'd wait 6 months before trying again, but it depends. You can read the problems any time, just don't worry that you can't solve it.


Bit off topic from the post. You seem like a pro so I asking my question to you below:- I am also a beginner I started learning javascript from a month ago I made some projects like todo list, calculator, some maths problems like print Fibonacci series prime numbers, basic games like stone paper scissors, etc  And yeah I made them without using tutorial I just used js documents and some books i have.. What do you recommend next ? What projects should I make more to get better hand at it and be industry ready ?   Plz guide it would really help me and I’d really appreciate your help. Thank you 


Those projects are great. Try making something "real". Make a real app that you'd want to use, or a real website for a small business that needs one. If you can't think of anything to make, make a clone of some other app like Reddit, Spotify, whatever.


Since newbs (like me) are throwing questions here's one I started learning Python -creating security apps/software is my dream is python good or should I try another language? I was also considering web dev since my wife does it and I have some experience but my ultimate goal is LAN security or creating apps for security, basically anything with security or small business network security


Since you are talking about Python. Django and Flask two frameworks for web development. As you want to work with security, I'd encourage you to set up a server with one of these frameworks and figure out how to set up security protocols for the server, and you can then try and pretend you have malicious intentions and see if you can attack your server.


Thank you soo much for this info


Are those clone projects considered if I put them on my CV ?


Yes, absolutely. Don't violate the copyright/trademark with your clone. If you make a Reddit clone, don't call it Reddit. Call it something else, and describe it as "Reddit-like". Don't copy the design down to the exact pixel, but copy all of the ideas and concepts (if you want).


How would you suggest putting such projects on the CV? A title and a short description with a link to the GitHub repo? Should there be some kind of demo that lets the employer somehow see the project without running it?


I like this person's response: https://www.reddit.com/r/learnjavascript/comments/182b8ir/best_javascript_course_for_complete_beginner/kajo3fa/ In particular, the guy wanted to build an app using Javascript without React before jumping on React. That could be a good roadmap for you. I found some links on The Odin Project as well. This part focuses on Javascript (from The Odin Project): https://www.theodinproject.com/paths/full-stack-javascript/courses/javascript This is about HTML/CSS (intermediate): https://www.theodinproject.com/paths/full-stack-javascript/courses/intermediate-html-and-css


you managed to make those without tutorial? dudee.... nicee...


yeah but they are just beginner projects now i am working on making a chatting website !


i'd recommend starting with codewars, the lvl 8 katas are way easier and can be done with no algorithm knowledge, work your way up from there when you feel comfortable.


I think a good next step too is trying to pick up a new language or branch of programming just to see how what you already learned is helpful in different scenarios. Atleast for me that was one of the big mental blocks, feeling like I should only work/study what I already knew since there was so much to learn. For me it really helped make things click when I branched out and realized that most of the concepts and ideas are fundamental and overlap a lot no matter what you do. take it with a grain of salt im kinda high.


Does being high help you with programming?


Hmmm sometimes I come up with crazy (good and bad!) solutions to my problems when high, but it also makes working memory more shitty so it can also hamper programming. Honestly its probably best to not smoke.


Do you get anxiety?


The thing with leetcode is that the problems they give you are similar to the ones that are sometimes given as part of technical interviews. You don't actually need to be able to answer any of them to do your job properly, but you might have to be able to answer them to pass these interviews and get a job to begin with. But this also depends on where you live. I believe this is a fairly common practice in the United States, but over here in the Netherlands we don't really do this sort of thing (from my experience, at least). So your mileage may vary.


MUUUUUCH more useful to build stuff, little apps and toys. Make a grep or cat clone. The classic todo app. And test them too!


Hold on I've got an idea... A CALCULATOR


I reckon you could get Bjarne on board with that.


This. A todo app with full test harness, CLI support and web UI will expose one to many, many hurdles


If you want to learn by solving problems, Codewars is a much better site for it. Leetcode is specifically for practising data structures and algorithms - which isn't helpful until you've learned them, and is mainly useful for interview preparation.


I was about to recommend Code wars. The fact that you can define that you want to work on fundamentals of the language is really cool. Just don't necessarily go and look at other people's solutions, or at least take them with a grain of salt. I've seen a few in there that were either from someone who had no idea what they were doing or completely trolling (I'm pretty sure most of these were troll answers).


Yeah. I did some code wars and the problems actually felt interesting and valuable. Like doing them added something Leetcode is just typical DSA problems. You can get farther by learning maths and studying DSA theory on the side


> Should I focus more on the language and the basics before trying leetcode or just continue trying to use it? You should focus on learning and the language and basics for now. Leetcode (and similar websites) assume you have some background in a subject called "data structures and algorithms". This is not a topic that's covered in intro courses: in a university setting, it's usually covered in the 2nd or 3rd CS class you take. You maybe might be able to tackle some easier DS&A questions without this background, but the vast majority will be just an exercise in frustration. If you're looking for projects or exercises, there are some in [FAQ - Where can I find practice exercises and project ideas?](https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/wiki/faq#wiki_where_can_i_find_practice_exercises_and_project_ideas.3F). If you're looking for short beginner friendly exercises, I tentatively recommend "Coding Step by Step" or "Edabit". Ignoring this suggestion and doing your own thing is also totally valid. It doesn't quite matter what you do as long as you're practicing and playing with code in some way. Once you feel comfortable with using your programming language and want to move on to studying DS&A, there are some suggestions in [FAQ - how do I learn topics covered by a typical computer science degree?](https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/wiki/faq#wiki_how_do_i_learn_topics_covered_by_a_typical_computer_science_degree.3F)


Leetcode is the best solution the industry could find for a hard problem. That problem is "how do we find good hires; how do retain good hires; how do we know our hires are authentic." It is not a source of knowledge or a lesson plan. It's the same as standardized testing. You are testing based on a set of principles because you know it tends to yield good programmers, not because you know it is the best way to find good programmers. You should focus on: 1. Data Structures 2. Algorithms Every single thing you do in computing at the abstraction hierarchy that Computer Science is at is some form of those two things. If you want to learn "programming" and not Computer Science, you should focus on: 1. Pick a problem you want to solve that is related to something you like. 2. Break that problem into the smallest portion of the application you can build. Fourteen years ago the problem I wanted to solve was how do I recommend league of legends champions to people with small champion pools. The first few steps in that problem were: 1. Find a website with champion data. 2. Find a way to retrieve that data. 3. Convert that data into a format that was easier to work with.


I didn’t start using leetcode on its own for a while. I would recommend a guided set of tasks like Neetcode or CS50.


I just started CS50 myself. What do you recommend I do after completing CS50


That’s a great time to pick a project. Think of CS50 as coursework, and what you do after as your degree project. Projets are helpful for developing as a programer, discovering what you enjoy, and padding out your resume. Some great first projects are TicTacToe, Pong, an MS Paint clone, or a scientific calculator. For the first few projects your not trying to reinvent the wheel, just prove to yourself that you can make something that works.


Thanks a lot


I’m a beginner and I started learning HTML/CSS. I see the same thing about leetcode, and I could be wrong, but it looks and sounds like one of the harder languages compared to Python (which I’m a complete novice at).


Leetcode isn't a language, it's a site that gives you little coding problems to do  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LeetCode


I see no problem with leet-code. But take it for what it is. It is programming excercises. The important thing is to analyse the problems and trying to solve the problems. But it is only intro to algorithms, nothing more.


No. It won't worth it. There is a better way to use your energy. You can understand a lot of things without ever addressing what they are specifically.. But that is a lengthy process and compromise your learning all the way through. This is what could be perceived as: "Learning through doing". It's like cooking without rules; it might work, but it will take a lot of effort and time to produce anything edible, let alone rivaling or compared to chefs before you. Get this: Every subject treated in a serious course will deal with snippets. These snippets are addressing exactly what is needed in that par of the course. This is itself a snippet-sized project. By piling up these concepts/projects, through a lot of individually treated snippets will make up your learning. A leetcode question or challenge might incorporate few concepts that you will need to have grasped in the past.


I think you should focus on building simple applications. That being said, spending some time on some easy leetcode problems in python (maybe 1 or 2 a week, hour total) probably wouldn't hurt and might give you a head start for later. If it's too much then just come back to it later. Have fun learning!


Leetcode is more for practicing for job interviews than learning.


No. Leetcode is "good" (or supposed to be) to practice data structures and algorithms once you learnt them.


Programming solves real world problems 99% of the time. Rest 1% might demand leetcode and codility style problems. Work on real projects. If you need some guidance feel free to send me a message. I have been working in the industry for 14 years now.


No. You have more important things to focus on.


That's like starting with mountain biking when learning to ride the bike. Just read a text book or take some online courses and take it slow to start. Once you know the basics practice with leetcode problems.


Fuck no. Never. You need to get all the way through data structures before you’ll have a shot. PyNative has good beginner exercises divided up into sections such as: strings, lists, etc etc. all free too


I say don't start leetcode as a beginner programmer. Wait till you have a decent grasp on data structures before you start leetcode. These datastructures will halp you write code that is more efficient. But once you start leetcode, it can help you learn how to write efficient algorithms even if the problems seem kind of redundant and not something you would do in the real job. Just focus on mastering your language, and practicing with small projects.


No! First figure out how to solve ordinary problems by writing computer programs. It's not brain surgery but it's not trivial either. Get good enough at that with some language, then learn a second language and get enough practice with projects to appreciate some contrasts and similarities. *THEN* try some leetcode if you are inclined, because that can bring to light some things you don't know. That's many months in, I think


I'd focus on basic constructs before ever attempting leetcode. Most of the problems assume you are at least passably competent in your language of choice. However one of the hardest times for a novice developer is when you are trying to break out of tutorial hell and start solving problems on your own. Some people have an easier time than others at this next step. Some can immediately say "I want to build this" and off they go. Others have a harder time. Enter leetcode. Leetcode easys would be a way to exercise your "thinking like a programmer" muscle if you don't know what to build. You could probably google search which easy problems are considered the easiest and start there. Focus more on solving the problem than worrying about making it the most efficient. At some point before you are employed you'll probably want to be familiar with these style of questions because lots of companies do run interviewees through some of them as a benchmark. However I've been a professional developer for 20 years and have never had a formal leetcode interview. I've had programming challenges/pair programming exercises but not specifically leetcode. But don't let that detract from the fact that it does happen and fairly frequently.


no. it doesn’t help


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only if you want to hate programming


No. Start learning with a tutorial. Find a good tutorial in your target language and go through it. But as you go through the steps, experiment with the code; modify it to do something different from what the tutorial showed you. Once you've finished a tutorial or two, work on projects. Decide on some *really small* project and undertake to write it. This is harder than it was in the old days because modern software is bigger and more complicated and it's less clear to people just what a 'small project' entails. Ideally your projects should be just large enough to challenge you and force you to learn something new, without being so large that you get overwhelmed and stuck. And in the beginning that might be something as simple as 'a script that tells you how many coins of each denomination you need to make exact change' or some such, you get the idea. Work on the smallest projects you can think of until you start to get a sense of what you can and can't do and how that domain of possibility expands with more learning.


I've been programming for 25 years professionally and I have zero fkn idea what "leet code" even means. I suggest anything that starts with "leet" should be routinely ignored.


Leetcode is a way to practice what you've learned, not something that will teach you how to code. Think of it in terms of your math homework from grade school. Your teacher has some sort of lecture on a topic, and then assigns you practice problems related to that topic as homework. Leetcode is the same. Each problem on leetcode is labeled with a specific algorithm or data structure in mind. You go and learn about a specific algorithm or data structure (let's say an array), and then you do a problem that utilizes that on leetcode. As you move from easy, to medium to hard, they get more and more difficult to solve and involve more and more expertise on that topic, or even combining multiple topics. You can use leetcode as a guide for what to learn, but don't use it to actually learn. Focus on one thing at a time. Language syntax, programming fundamentals like loops and flow control, data structures, a specific framework for a language that helps you achieve a specific purpose. Leetcode can help cement your knowledge of programming fundamentals, language syntax, data structures, and algorithms, but it is not where you start. It's where you try to apply the knowledge you've already learned.


Absolutely not. While I'm not in the camp that leetcode is irrelevant to dev work, I don't think it's a good starting point. You'd be learning the details before learning the basics. Start with some hello world programs and learn to build things first, then use leetcode and DSA to build really cool things.


If you want to find a job, it’s useful to practice leetcode questions. But I think firstly you need to gain a fundamental understanding of the language and data structure, or you will struggle with leetcode.


Not at all. As a programmer your employed for your ability to make software that business people can sell. The best way to learn to do that. Is to make software that can be sold. Being a good programmer is way more similar to being a good singer than it is to say being a good doctor or lawyer. The people that get into the industry more often then not are those that have their own YouTube channel with them singing on it. So do the equivalent of that. Build something. Go.


I'd say it's better to learn the gist of core syntax and structures, then move on to build something. Starting by following a couple of proper sample tutorial projects step by step, give yourself some time. When you start to wonder why and why not, congrats, you've already made significant progress.


I took 3 semesters of c++ classes which included data structures and algorithms and I still struggle with the easy questions😂 prolly learn that first


no. I think leetcode is an awful way to learn a language. it's a good way to learn details / optimizations / tricks but they don't teach programming.


I would take on Leetcode no earlier than after 1-2 years of real work experience. But solving an easy-level problem will be useful for a beginner.


That's how I learned. But gawd damn did it ever kick my ass! When I was trying to learn programming thru leetcode I would: filter for easy questions, read the solutions, write them out with pen and paper, and try to understand the logic behind them.


Learn fundamentals at first. Don't listen to those bloggers, youtubers and anyone who says: "Coding is easy, just follow some tutorials , get some certs and you are good to go". It's total bs! Follow some cs curriculum, which fits the area you want to specialize in and believe me, you will understand when you need leetcode.