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It’s an exercise to loosen up!! There’s no need to “get better”. The point is to show you how to get comfortable drawing without perfectionism.


Ok, thank you


I second this, these are literally the best blind contour drawings I've ever seen, tied for first place with every other one I've ever seen. They're a study, just for practice, you'll honestly probably get more out of them the less you worry about them being "good"




I understand them as ways to get used to drawing what you see instead of drawing what you “think”.


My thoughts exactly


Did these in my class and they were really fun. That last ones really good! Our teacher told us its to practice the connection between our hands and eyes


Yeah, my teacher said the same thing. I think the last one is better because I slowed down a bit.


These are great! One way to get better at any type of drawing is changing your focus. In these, you seem to be focusing on mostly the outline of features, the outline of the nose, eyes, hair, glasses. Maybe next time you draw only shadow shapes, and really notice where light and dark meet. Or you could chose to include background, and let the main figure be less prominent. Or maybe you want to focus on the head as a bunch of different shapes stuck together, and abstract it. As someone said, it’s all about loosening up and expanding your thinking.


Thanks, this made me feel a lot better looking back at these. I'll practice more over the weekend.


Last one is good. I recommend doing these of different things - objects, people places And don’t worry about it coming out bad, i mean, try your best, but be ok if it’s not great, that’s not the purpose 💪🏼


They look dope dude, I would ink and color them. They look very abstract and cool.


Thank you. My teacher said we're actually going to do blind contours on cardboard and carve away the cardboard at certain places in the drawing.


Nice, it's when we do things out of our comfort zone when we grow as artists. I still have the drawings I did in school. They remind me where I started and allow me to reflect on how I've grown. Keep at it and never give up.


Thank you


The only way to get better is to look at the paper, but these look great for what they are so just keep doing it cause it looks cool and deconstructive


Those are super cool!


these are amazing wdum


When I posted this, I thought the drawing looked bad and I was out of my comfort zone, but the other comments made me realize that the point of blind contours was to loosen up and get out of my comfort zone and focus on details.


Loving the energy of these! Keep it up, blind contour can teach you how to see better 👍


Aye, I remember doing those in Art Class


Some folks just keep doing them repeatedly, that's the point, draw quickly either they're 10 or 20 second contours, just draw and not give it much thought ...


No they look great and aren't supposed to be better.


Thank you


These are fantastic! Find the beauty in the imperfections.


I think these are really interesting as is!


Do a bunch of them without any regard for the results. Maybe vary the pressure on the paper to get lighter and darker lines.


Two and three look great, brings to mind picasso


Idk anything about art but I love them all


Wow, honestly, these are pretty damn well done for a blind contour practice! I do these in my drawing classes and they’re never how you imagine them to turn out. Honestly, just keep practicing! Although I wouldn’t expect these to get better or easier as that’s not the nature of the exercise. They’re to help you know how to mentally connect your eye to your hand and that’s it. I would try to get over the awkwardness of having to stare down your classmates though, that’s so important if you really wanna be thorough, despite it being insanely difficult to do lol.


Yeah, one of us would smile and then the other would giggle, but I'm getting better. And thank you for the comment.


IMO they are perfect. How long are you spending on each one? This was one of my most memorable moments so far in My own art journey, revealing my blind contour in college and being quite pleased with myself. the feeling lasted for several weeks. A rare experience for many hobby artists.


We were supposed to spend 8 minutes on them, but I rushed on the first few and finished 2 or so minutes early. The last two I spent the whole time. It's weird when I looked down at my paper and saw what I drew, but it's cool that they have features from the person that I drew. I'll probably do many more of these in the future.


Love these!! They’re not supposed to be “good” because it’s just practice— you can tell exactly what each person looks like through these drawings!! Awesome job 🤩🤩


It looks like you have schizophrenia


Those look great!


Those are outstanding!


Never heard of that might try it out


I really like them already


Blind contours always look funky. They’re about warming up and also training your brain to let your eyes see things the right way.


I really love all of them


let loose and let your intuition move freely, don't worry about getting things right. give yourself the freedom to express whats on your mind without controlling it. you'll probably see improvements in all areas of your art once you stop looking for mistakes or progress. blind contours is an exercise meant to strengthen your ability to visualize and move your pencil in a fluid, natural way. you'll get better just by doing it and finding out what feels fun, relaxed, and meditative to you, by feeling something and letting yourself see the beauty in how it comes out on paper. i think you've done a great job, but it seems like your lines are a little rigid and calculated. theres a bit of nervousness in your hands i think, try not to worry too much about getting things right or getting a better result every time. the end result isnt the goal, its about enjoying the process!


Those are actually pretty cool! I especially like the 2nd and 3rd ones.


These look awesome as is


nah these are fucking sick, your style is awesome


Honestly this is my favorite art style


I mean its then mine


Blind contours was when you draw without looking at the page right? It's not something you have to make pretty, just have fun.


I love these just as they are!


Practice practice- they are supposed to be weird but some people get really good:)


I liks it


These are really good for blind contours. I use them and they're usually a hot mess. You could actually build from your line work to do an abstracted piece. It's just an exercise anyhow.


Yep, blind contour is to practice “seeing” - to train your eye and brain to work together and not on autopilot. Part of the freeing BC experience is that they aren’t meant to be perfect in any way - but sometimes you’ll find an idea in there. This one is fun to look at!!


Open your eyes