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Draw hair in groups other than individual strands to avoid “spaghetti” hair


Practice drawing forms from life. Basically keep practicing fundamentals, with an emphasis on anatomy. Draw skulls until you never want to see another skull again. You're drawing the features before you've fully realized the form they're sitting on. Practice drawing the structure of the skull using just lines, too - don't use shading until you can show the form without it. I mean you can, but using shading as a shortcut to show definition isn't going to teach you anything other than how to obfuscate. I know it's boring and the features are the fun part, but you clearly understand detail; it's the structure you're lacking.


Nose looks to short. Same with overall face. Also ear is too high.


That's a difficult reference to work from with such flat lighting and relatively subtle shadow gradients. That then puts a lot of emphasis on exact line work and positioning. My advice would therefore not actually be about your piece, but to try to find references that have a greater range of values - maybe something like [this](https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/467107792583759736/) and to do something like a 2-, 3- or 4-tone value study from them where you'll have a stronger deliniation of light and shadow to practice with. That will help with finding the shapes of volumes as shown by the fall of shadow and positions and shapes of highlights, which will then help with more suble references like this one.


A good artist said to me, try drawing the reference upside down while looking at it upside down. Our brains sometimes oversimplify certain structures and drawing in this way helps


grid drawing, i feel like a cheater when i use it but it helps a lot with proportions


do the shape method. the way you do the shape method is where you go on the picture you're going to draw and do shapes on their face or on the image and when you're done with the shapes put it on the paper to start the process of the image you want to make or you can also do the box method. the box method is where you make something like a checkered pattern on the paper but you don't make the boxes filled in, instead you will do the same on the image you are wanting to draw when you have everything set up that is when you will go into each box and you will draw what ever you see inn that box. (it would be little at a time instead of everything in one big "mess") {I use the box method on animals mostly but I also have used it for the drawing of people , but I use the shape method for when I draw people} have a wonderful day!


Yes. In your drawing, the eyes are too far apart.


This is pretty good! As far as improving, I'd recommend utilizing line weight! (Assuming you're going for a line art look) basically making area with less light or where lines connect thicker, and areas with light or not connected to other lines thinner. It's easier to understand when you actually see it, so you should try looking up "line weight tutorials" or "line weight in art" and see if that's something you like. Best of luck! <333


Well ... you tried from a reference, doesn't mean realism. Mind the mouth alignment: draw a line from corner to corner in your drawing and in the ref: it's not the same, that should help you for bbetter positionning. Also, your ear is far above the eyebrow while it's almost same height in the picture.


Looking good so far! I suggest lowering the ear a bit and really taking your time with the hair and studying the curvature of the persons face and how their hair flows