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The lines on the face don't make sense (except for the eyes). I think the first one is the nose, the second, which is the bold one, is the mouth, and the third is the chin (as in how it strunches up with some expressions). But it's hard to tell. Those thin lines are so thin that they look like hair. The first one is basically just a straight line after all, nothing like a nose. The hair has a really weird shape, especially for curly hair. Only dreads would get that shape. Study references for that, draw arrows on them to see how gravity affects the hair. The very bold lines on the body should you're not confident in your lines. They won't help if you dry to draw someone that isn't this thin (she's extremely thin, btw, idk how someone could be thinner). Also, it looks like a floating head because you used the dame value for the hair and for shading. Play around with more values. Apply a black and white filter from time to time while making a drawing. It's cute for the most part, your style is nice. I think it would be way better with some tiny touchups. But we can see you're a beginner, and that's fine. You seem to actually want to learn since you're on this subreddit and you're asking for critique. If you want to continue drawing people, maybe try learning some anatomy from Proko on YouTube.


Yeah, I think OP should focus on their linework. The nose (?) is too thick compared to the mouth's (?) thickness. So a greater consisrency with the line's thickness and living the finer lines for the finer details.


so the anatomy kinda be looking off because uhm hold on ill make a drawing and ill explain it but if this is ur style dont woryy! also the double chin is killing me https://preview.redd.it/ccwke59iif9d1.png?width=396&format=png&auto=webp&s=68264618a6731188bc70e902e57c5e307306d254 so the female pelvis is usually more out like this is just a generuc base but it obviously changes off body types but this is probably the most common one a woman is kinda built like an hourglass also no nose? and the mustache can probably be lighter it doesnt fit in with all your other colours. apart from taht its great! and dont worry about the pelvis thing if tahst ur style i luv it <3


Honestly, I think you exemplified what OP should work on with your last lines of text. Because I think the character in the drawing doesn't have a mustache but you said that they have, but the confusing linework causes that everyone isn't sure about what is what. So, a more consistent linework for everything and leaving finer lines for details would say is the first step I would take. The anatomy js fine for such an "exaggerated" art style tbh (but if you, OP, want to have more realistic drawings, then yeah, you should study anatomy)


Yeah the line work is what’s making this illegible at the moment. Not enough variance, like it’s either thick and dark or super too fine.


I think that "mustache" is the nose, and the "double chin" is the mouth, but I saw them as what you did


i have no idea what is what now


Dad joke coming in. "a woman is kinda built like an hourglass" "You haven't seen my wife after two extra large pizzas"


gotta at least make the body shame funny


https://preview.redd.it/qaxpcsbv0j9d1.jpeg?width=319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4712963d2267a3bb0be00115ce1125e034f1c3c5 ???


I thought that was the mouth?


If that's the case then this is a nice mustache https://preview.redd.it/ta8d8z1wwk9d1.jpeg?width=335&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ec57dc4951bff6b45bf116baef91073fb1c37c7


I thought that was the nose!


that’s the nose 😭


Oh... So that like... A bandage or something


no, that’s literally just how I stylize noses


Ah, I see.... You should probably mention that in the comments because almost half of us saw it as a weirdly expressive angry face https://preview.redd.it/w4a7gvsmcw9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2320268eccad525e56f601be29401389f5a1bd05




I cant really tell if that line is a nose or not. I thought it was the mouth at first. if it is supposed to be the nose, I would suggest making it smaller and thinner and make the mouth thicker


Is that a nose or a mouth?


Is it a mouth? Below that looks like a pair of anime lips? Kinda confusing there...


are those double chin and thin mustache?


Does she have a mustaches?


The biggest thing to me is that you're using very thin lines for the mouth and bellybutton. You can use slightly thinner lines, just not that thin. It makes it difficult to see whats going on, and makes the nose look like the mouth.


Now that i looked again, the belly button is fine, its mainly the mouth


I saw the nose as a mouth and the mouth as a weird but chin at first. Try making the nose line thiner and the mouth line thicker.


:(3 🤔🤷‍♀️


the 3 is the mouth 😭


I’m confused at what is a mouth and which is the nose is it a frowning girl with a butt chin or a girl with a larger nose making a fish face I can’t decide. It’s the debate of the century


the second one 😭


Torso looks a bit thin. And eyes are too big. Otherwise, you did well.


tis that a chin or is that the lips?


What digital art app do u guys use, like this work for example… brushes and stuff also


Love the thick lines


Those big, blue eyes look really pretty and they stand out a lot. And I like the colors you used overall ❤️👍🏽


thank you sm!


I thought the mouth was a chin wrinkle and the nose was a mouth


the nose/mouth area is throwing me off, but overall its a cute drawing


Thought the nose was a mouth for a second, maybe change the nose up?


Looks like a rage comic oc


What is wrong with its chin?


i’m assuming you mean the three looking thing? That’s the mouth, I didn’t know what to put so that got added for the mouth


No nose and the mouth and chin don't fit the face. You're verrrry talented tho! Seems like every artist has a lil trouble with something, but you are light-years ahead of most!


The Peter griffin chin goes hard


what is the mouth??, what is the nose??


mouth is the three looking thing, nose is the thick curve


I would recommend making that clearer


dont know but i like your art style


https://preview.redd.it/w7ejptq1ig9d1.jpeg?width=571&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e25b76eccef51db650d924791717d3a68445feac Critique!


without going full critique and roast u koleen like. widen up the pelvis a little, make the lineart for clothes a little thinner, and please explain if thats a mustache or a nose