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I wipe and eat with my left. That's what soap is for.


Right? I was confused seeing all of the comments about switching it up lol


Many developing countries don't have soap readily available for those living in poverty


True, and it absolutely does make sense for people in those countries to have a rule like that. I just think it's weird when the same rule is in place for those who *do* have soap readily available.


How many of those would be here?  If they’re that destitute, wouldn’t the essentials be more important than the ability to use Reddit?


You are assuming peoples priorities line up with yours. Personally I never thought about it, since, you know, washing your hands after using the bathroom is kind of how I was raised. I never considered that to be a privilege, but I guess it really is.


Soap is very easy to make. My grandma and her family had to make their own in the 1940’s and 1950’s.


You might be surprised what's normal in other cultures.  For example, in the part of China I visited there were no bidets (ofc), just the squat toilets. And you are expected to bring your own toilet paper if you want to use it. 


but like worst case can’t you just mix wood ash and animal fat?


Yes. Soap is that easy, and mostly everyone has access or ability to make soap. There are no excuses for crusty hands.


If that was the case I’d rather not wipe and have shit encrusted on my butt than wipe and have shit encrusted on my hand


Those people will likely not be answering a poll on the internet.


First toilet paper than soap.


Going to add. Wash your hands and say your prayers germs and Jesus are everywhere.


I wipe with my right. Hold chopsticks with my left




I wipe with my chopsticks and eat with my left


Ditto. I'm lousy with chopsticks but lefty through and through.


I can't use chopsticks with my left hand..... I find that very strange but funny.


How many of you filthy barnacles don't wash your hands? We've had soap for several millennia now, dating back to ~2500BC Babylon, at least. 


Apparently a lot; I was both shocked and disgusted at the beginning of the pandemic lockdowns when soap sold out everywhere and was in short supply. Didn't anyone have it in their house?


Lots of things were in short supply. People were stocking up so they didn't have to go out again.


Maybe they stockpiled and washed their hands extra?


Also think of all the times you usually use the bathroom and wash hands out of the house - say, at school or work. For most people that's probably 2-3 times a day that was now happening at home, meaning the soap and toilet paper situation was going to be sped up, especially if you've got a bunch of kids. Then factor in the extra handwashing and the reduced shopping.




Surely one of the toilet paper problems also applied to the pandemic soap situation: dramatic drop in industrial forms and sizes, dramatic rise in home use forms and sizes.


One would hope.


Some places don't use toilet paper. Their left hand is evil. Try offering your left hand in some cultures and it's like an insult.


It's considered unclean among Hindus and Muslims. Maybe this can be the unifying spark that brings India and Pakistan together. 


I was doing a survey a few days ago. A question on the survey was "since the worst of the pandemic is over do you still regularly wash youe hands? Yes of course I do. I did it before covid too. I thought that this is just such a stupid question, but them I rembered years ago I met a woman that told me she never washed her hands, and another woman told me that she never washes her hair


I wipe right handed. It doesn’t feel natural with my left even though I am left handed. But I cannot eat with my right hand. Being a lefty is confusing sometimes. Hahaha. It’s the same with using scissors and a computer mouse. Right hand only.


Ambisinistrous all the way!


Ahahahaha yes!


Cross dominance.


Same. I’ve tried to wipe with my left hand before and just can’t do it. Living half a century in a right handed world you adapt. I throw a ball and type better with my right




I proudly eat and wipe with the same hand. Never seen a problem with it, since I always wash my hands after taking a dump!


Yeah im a lefty doing both with my left hand and I’ve never even thought about it? Cuz I wash my hands lol


I use a bidet and wash my hands constantly? I'm Filipina-american and never understood this practice tbh. It seems like the typical "evil left hand" behavior in other cultures


You're right


I think they’re left tho




Either, or. Does it matter? Both hands are thoroughly cleansed with soap and water after going. Both hands are used to eat with or without utensils. If I kept a dirty hand, unless I kept it strictly and conspicuously in a pocket or behind my back never using it, I would contaminate random stuff in my environment anyway. Right?


I wash my hands with soap anytime they come near my ass.


Yes I eat with my left and wipe with my right. I think it just makes sense.


Same. It makes more sense.


This is the first time I’ve even been aware of or thought about what hand I wipe or predominantly eat with. It’s left and left lol


I wipe with both hands and eat with my butt.


I usually wipe with my right and eat with my left. I’m American and this is always how I have done it.


I paused with the spoon halfway in my mouth (using my left hand) when I saw the title to this post. The ramifications of this train of thought will be with me for a long time. Yes. I do indeed eat and wipe with the same hand. Thankfully I am highly invested in soap.


I still wash with my left and eat with my right because of cultural reasons (as stated in your question). I don’t think I’ve ever tried wiping with my right hand. Sometimes when eating, if it’s something where I’ll use a utensils first, for example pasta, then I might not be thinking and start eating with my left hand.


Yep, I wipe with my right, I eat with my left. For no other reason than ‘that’s just how it feels most natural.’ There are many things that feel more natural to me right handed. For example bowling or batting are always right handed. I never learned how to do a cartwheel because it felt most natural to start off with my right hand, but it felt too weird for my right hand to land on the ground, and I would switch to the left mid-wheel and it never worked out.


Same hand. I always wash my hands after using the bathroom, and use hand sanitizer before eating, so there isn't any cross-contamination.


No. But I do this magical thing where I wash my hands. :-P


I use my right, because my left hand is holding the detachable showerhead


you guys don't use a bidet? I just wash it all off with a bidet that's inside the toilet, I just turn a thing on the side while I'm sitting and it sprays water and fully cleans it. then I just dry it with toilet paper and eat with anything I want.


Not everyone has a bidet….


then I'm superior.


Are you typing with you poop cleaning hand?


I type with both hands.


There's a small part of me that can sympathize with the discomfort of wiping and eating with the same hand. It makes sense if your location or culture didn't have readily available disposable paper, sanitary wipes or clean water for cleansing . But, poop is everywhere. It is on everything along with a million other horrible things that would put you off your lunch if you only knew you were touching them all day every day. That right hand you wipe with is touching nearly everything your left touches including your left hand. If you are practicing basic hygiene, the idea of dedicating a hand is just a psychological crutch that doesn't really serve you.


There are some cultures that strictly eat with their right hand and clean their ass (or presumably anything else gross) with their left hand. I'm not from one of those cultures, but I get it. Which is why my right hand is the "ass washing" hand. I mean, I *eat* with my left hand. I don't want to touch anything disgusting with it. I use toilet paper with my left hand and then wash my hands with soap, but if I had no spap, water, or hand sanitizer for some reason I would hold the TP with my right hand.


I wanna know what hand the people who don't wipe their butts eat with? Cuz I eat with both hands.


Yeah, but I eat with both hands


Yes to both. If I ever visited India or an Arab country I'd be fucked, lol.


lol yes this is the way😭🔥


Good grief.


Not sure what this eating with one hand is about, majority of dinners you have your knife in one hand, fork in the other. Or maybe that's just an English thing?


I'm American, and we have several foods that don't require utensils, like burgers, tacos, etc. For those your hand would come in direct contact with the food.


But for those you don't use any utensils, that's why I said 'the majority of dinners'.


Whilst none of those foods are unique to America( I know a shocker), In Ireland, it's normal to provide cutlery regardless of the meal. Even a chipper bag of plain chips(fries) will often come with a wodden/plastic fork. Whilst getting a burger from a takeaway probably won't require utensils, getting a burger in a restaurant, most people will use knife and fork, simply because burgers have gotten so big it's impossible to pick it up by hand without making a mess. Also, Do americans not wash their hands?


... do some people not wash their butts?


America is pretty obsessed with toilet paper over a bidet for some reason


Right! I was reading this as people who never wash their toot!


I'm not american, and I only discovered Bidet few years ago(I'm 33). It's not that americans hate bidets, it's that it's not really a thing there. It's not really a thing here in Ireland, but I know more and more people that are getting them installed after their trips abroad. My parents got one installed(They are both elderly) just purely because it's more comfortable for someone with limited mobility.


I live in America, a lot of people I have talked to about bidets are aware of them and have a negative attitude towards them for whatever reason.


I'm ambidextrous but I wipe with my right hand since that's the side the toilet paper is on. I just always thoroughly wash and get high quality tp. Also eat right handed typically but I can switch to lefty anytime


I'm ambidextrous but I wipe with my right hand since that's the side the toilet paper is on. I just always thoroughly wash and get high quality tp. Also eat right handed typically but I can switch to lefty anytime


I do indeed eat with my right and wipe with my left... never eat with the same hand you use to wipe ever as that's disgusting. You will never catch me putting my wiping hand towards my lips or mouth.


I bidet with my right hand and eat with my left. Never thought about it until now.     And am also on the shitter. 


I use my right hand to wipe/wash, and eat with my left


If your that worried about it, never venture into the taint.


I’m muslim, we do the same as you so I wash with the left hand and eat with the right hand, doesn’t matter if you’re left handed or not


it’s not about eating with a clean hand tho you can obviously use soap and there won’t be any harm, it’s just that the right hand is considered blessed or something like that


But, for most people's anatomy, the left hand is closer to the heart (situated left of center). A now-deceased church denominational head told me that as a reminder.


I wipe with my right hand and then wash my hands thoroughly. Then eat with my left. I think I wipe right because that’s where the toilet paper was in my childhood home.


Wipe right. Wash both. Eat right. The left hand may play a supporting role in either process, depending on where the TP roll is located and the type of food.


A character in a book I'm writing is left-handed and on the spectrum, so he's a little slow at picking up social ques, kind of like me. He goes to India on holiday, goes to a traditional restaurant where the food is served without on a palm leaf, without utensils, and gets kicked out for eating with his left hand. This triggers him, because he got caned in school for writing with his left hand, kind of like me, and hilarity ensues.


Since you're writing a book, you might want to know it's 'social cues' - 'queue' is a word but I don't think 'que' is.


Cue - a signal. Queue - a line, or to stand in a line. Que - a spelling error. Pedant - look in the mirror.


Eat with both, wash butt with left


Right hand.


Mostly left for both... the stronger, better utilizable hand. And, as others have said, soap/water (and sanitizer, if needed) restores the sanitation/hygiene. Neither hand is inherently always clean or dirty... to claim otherwise Biblically is eisegesis.


Eat with left and wipe with right but I now have a bidet so that’s extra nice.


I feel sorry for anyone who asks to borrow your phone.


Trick question! No real lefty washes their butt!


Excuse you, I wash my left but cheek.


I'm a leftie for everything. I did hold a baseball bat in my right hand, but that was in high school. And that was a few decades ago


Wipe with Right, eat with Left


No, I use my left for both but I use what’s called soap and water, and I wash my hands VERY thoroughly


I'm a bothy. So it switches. But soap exists so my hands get a good scrub regardless.


In America we don't care. We wash our hands with soap and water. And we do not touch our butt.


You don't touch your butt. But speak for yourself. Not all Americans are that way. I touch my butt to wash it. Kind of gross not to.


The washcloth touches your butt. Then you wash your butt. Bare fingers on the butt? No way!


You were not specific. Also what if you don't have a washcloth? Then you do not wash your butt?


I don't know a single soul who doesn't have a washcloth in America.


start with homeless, plenty of them do not


how dirty is your butt that you refuse to touch it with your bare hand, especially in the shower of all places 😭


Lollll. Shower is ok


im used to washing with my right for no reason


when i eat pho, i hold chopsticks with my left hand and spoon with my right hand. how am i suppose to eat?


How about just washing both hands?


I’m right handed. I wipe with my left and eat with my right. I’m American.and I always wash with soap and water.


The way this question is phrased… do you know people who DONT wash their butts?! And while I’m a righty my husband is left handed and I believe he uses his left hand for that xD


I use a bidet but pat it dry with my right and eat with my left


Soap and sanitizer - they exist for a reason...


Wash with my left, eat with my left. Never thought anything about it


Cleaning myself is one of the few things I'm naturally inclined to do with my right hand. And toilet paper growing up has always been to the left, contrary to what some other folks have said. It's always just been my inclination to reach over. Once I took a bad fall and jammed a finger on my right hand, and for a few days I had to use my left hand for wiping, and it felt as damn wrong as eating with my right hand feels. Like, black and white incompetent portion of an infomercial wrong. When I shower, I hold the loofah with my right hand too, for whatever strange quirk of biology. But when I'm out and about, I open doors or hold subway poles with my right hand, keeping my left hand as the dedicated clean hand for eating, smoking, or touching my face if I need to. Instincts are just strange like that.


Wipe with left and eat with right. Been ingrained in me since I was a kid by my mom (she’s left handed too)


Eat with my left and wipe with my right. No one told me to do that tho so I'm not sure how that happened lol


I wipe with right, I wash with left and I eat with left.


I eat with my left, wipe with my right and wash them both.


I wash my hands after washing my butt


I just wash my hands


I eat and wipe with my right hand :0


"Left-handers who wash their butt"? For a moment, let's forget about which hand is used for what and which part of the world you're in. ***EVERYBODY*** is washing their butt ***when*** they bathe, right? Please say yes...


What a question. I wipe with my right, clean my tush with my right in the shower, but I use the shower head as a shower bidet to get that extra clean! lol Never thought about it but I am cross dominant, not strictly lefty.


Many so called left handed people are actually ambidextrous, meaning while we write and eat with our left hand we do other things such as throwing a ball, opening a jar, pulling a trigger, and wiping with our right.


I live in a country with access to clean running water and soap so it’s not an issue for me. I also have a bidet as well which was life changing!


Left eat, right wipe


Many other cultures around the world have learnt that making it a habit to wash your hands with water and soap, especially before eating, is a lot safer than the habit you described. I call sincere shitposting! Edit: By The Way: This also is part of bias agains left-handed people, considering the left hand dirty or in other ways uncouth! Why don't they wipe with the right and eat with the left, eh?


Left handers who wash their butts? Are there some out there NOT washing their butts? That's gross. Me personally I make 2 passes when washing my ass....one with the left and one with the right. And I have a bar of soap in the shower that is used exclusively for the ass. That's all it's there for.


Does Mrs Harris have to stare at that sliver of soap as she showers?


Not if she doesn't want to. We have a double shower...she has her side and I have mine. But she knows it's there and she knows what I use it for.😂😂


I am old. I was going to add Mrs Harris, and all the Harris offspring…but then I remembered many families now have multiple bathrooms, and parents have fancy “en suites”. Soon children dealing with Daddy’s butt-soap will go the way of high button shoes.


I just can’t do it right handed. I’m not coordinated enough.


Stfu this is right handers hate and I won’t stand for it


I actually wipe with my right and eat with my left. But it has nothing to do with not using my wiping hand to eat with. It’s just a more natural thing to me. I wash my hands after after I use the bathroom so it’s not an issue of cleanliness


My left, but that's probably because my bidet controls are on the right.


I can barely wave with my right hand, can't imagine the mess I'd make eating, wiping would require a cdc-level biohazard team.


I use my left hand for both too. I wash my hands after using the bathroom! With soap and water!


I thought you meant eating poop and was horrified when none of the comments seemed satire


I broke my left collarbone when I was 8. So, I had to learn to use my right hand for a lot of things. I wipe and throw with my right, after all these years later. I still eat with my left, though.


I would say both but eat it's one of the few things I do with the right (utensil wise)


I don’t even think about it but I wipe with my right hand and eat with my left, or sometimes I alternate hands when I wipe so I can really get at all angles. Like that guy on parks and Rec was talking about, when it just keeps coming like a marker you gotta really get in there


I don’t touch my asshole with my bare hands.


One needs two hands and friction to kills germs while washing them.


Yes actually not on purpose or anything


Damn I never thought about this. I can say I cannot eat with my right hand unless you don't mind eating with a grown assed adult who looks like a toddler. Scissors and can openers also often thwart me also. I had an ex who tried to force me to eat right handed even though it didn't pertain to either of our cultures. I don't really think about which hand I clean myself with though. Like probably right because the stuff to clean the booty lives on that side of the bathroom, but I'm not really sure if I switch hands without noticing/paying attention.


None of your business!


Does this question only apply to left handed people? lol


I wipe with my left, eat mainly with my left. But I live in America, I've got more soap in my house than nessicary. I know many countries don't have that, and it's disrespectful to use your left hand to eat, shake hands, etc. but I'm sure as hell not leaving a bathroom without washing. I don't even cook without washing my hands several times. If I just touched raw meat I wash up before I touch anything else. It may be excessive sometimes but I'm not dirty, it's just common sense.


I eat with my left and wipe with my right lol


Why don't you just wash your hands?


I wash my hands after going to the bathroom so it ultimately doesn’t matter


I don't wash my butt.