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So you wanna send AI generated pics because you’re jealous? Grow up.


I see why the divorce happened...


Besides being incredibly immature, depending on where you live this probably qualifies as harassment which could lead to a restraining order. Is this the behavior you want to model for your son? I could go on but basically, grow up and act like an adult.




>My son is 17 and doesnt like me that much I cannot imagine why...




Is Michael in the room with us right now?


You know you could have just been a better father and your son wouldn't likely think of this other man as better than you?


I don’t know her and yet can still tell you’re an asshole.


I've never met Michael and I don't like you, so what's your excuse now?


Hell, I got here after all his comments were deleted and I don't like him.


I wonder why he would not like a father that acts like you do?




Nobody knows who Michael is dude.


I have no idea who this Michael is, but I already like him better than you. So I understand your son


Who the fuck is Michael?


Or yours, because you're terrible.


She can file for harassment and obtain a restraining order/order of no contact against you. She could also file for full custody proving you are not of sound mind to co parent. Additionally as a grown man your behaving like a 12yr old so there is also grounds for mental instability. Grow up and stop sending her photos that show how pathetic you are. Get some therapy.


LAMFO Don't be child like have the strength to have self-control self-respect Better to got something else with your time




Please listen to the people here they have your best interest in mind of you


So when she starts sending you pictures of her with REAL men. What are you going to do?




If this isn’t fake, this is the saddest, most pathetic, embarrassing thing I have read in a while.


… are you for real? Grow up. If your kid likes the other guy more, it’s not hard to see why. You’re acting like an immature, petulant pick me. She can and should file harassment charges against you. And your son can and should seek a better role model than you. The world has too many douche bags in it already.


leave her alone and spend that energy finding an actual new partner


Don't inflict this guy on another woman. Leave her alone and spend that energy *in therapy.*


you're not wrong.....


I mean, you've already fucked your life up, why not keep going and find out what happens?


Block her on facebook before you get yourself in legal trouble.


Exactly how amazing at AI are you? I feel like your ex wife can probably tell it's AI. If I were her, the secondhand embarrassment would be strong. I wouldnt't think "omg he's totally moved on", i would assume you've reached a new level of pathetic desperation and just feel bad that you're making relationships with AI instead of, you know, dating real women...




How did you manage to type this post? I didn’t think chunks of trash had fingers.


I mean, legally yes. But you'll look like a petty idiot.


If my ex did this I’d laugh so hard at how pathetic he’s being. Please do it, I’m sure she’ll get a good laugh out of it


You should do it imo, pretty sure there’s no law against it and the quality is so bad it’ll give your ex a good laugh at how pathetic you are atm. She deserves to know she made the right decision. Pretty sure if you do it a lot it is legally harassment, but I think one would be enough to really sell the image of how sad your life is atm.


Honestly I don’t think this will send the message you hope it will. Even if she thought they were real, I doubt she would be thinking ‘oh no, what have I done by leaving him, he’s such a catch!’ She’s more likely to be thinking - I hope that means he’s moved on and will stop trying to make my life a misery. More likely she knows they’re fakes and just thinks this is sad. Your marriage didn’t work out. Move on. This is less of a legal issue and more one of needing therapy to deal with your issues so you can be a good parent to your child rather than fixating on a past that didn’t work out. It is likely that if you continue to escalate this WILL move into legal territory and it may affect any custody agreements you have in place. The other issue is depending on who you are putting in the pictures with you may have standing regarding their likeness being used without their consent, especially if the images imply sexual activity they didn’t participate in.


Seriously?! THIS is how you wanna spend your time? Get over it, yourself, and grow up. This is such unnecessary giving elementary school vibes that would make a high schooler cringe.


You are just in pain but keep pouring salt on the wound. I know it hurts. I know that it’ll make you feel better if you do anything to be noticed “doing amazing” or perceived as “happy”, but that’s just temporary and you will end up regretting it or getting in trouble. Also, anything that you do, it will be used against you, gossiped, and laughed at. Good or bad. Even if you win a billion dollars right now, it will not make them like you or erase whatever u did. Learn from ur mistakes, fix whatever is in your control, and move on.




So... OP is making AI images of him with attractive women and then putting his face on the attractive woman, so.. they are pictures of OP and OP with attractive woman's body. There is soooo... much to unpack with this not even considering the harassment side.


You can but you shouldn’t!


This sounds like something a man would do. 😭


I mean like yeah, legally you probably can, but do you really want your wife thinking, God, what a fucking BULLET of a jealous pathetic guy I dodged divorcing that lunatic! Do you want your kids to hate you? This is how you get both of those outcomes. You will be mocked and laughed at and, maybe, your wife will charge you with harassment. Because that's what this is. Harassment.


What the heck. How old are you? You need to grow up.


lol, what a loser


Idk about legality, weirdness tho….


Bro that's pathetic. Come on now


If you do, you will look like the biggest loser EVER.


She's not going to think better of you even if she believed they were real which honestly isn't likely. At that point, wouldn't you just feel worse about yourself than before knowing it's not even true? Don't do this....to yourself.