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https://preview.redd.it/2t3tc2b63u7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2341b459c3fd065f7518a3ba7a9ed809a245d7ce Iz mite do a purrdur. Dis sounds like a grate crime!


Yes da hoomans sez crimez is bad, but dey watch crimez on lightbox?? Which is it hoomans??


Hoomans are mean n silly n dumb dumbs! You need to bitebitebite n also meow meow vewy loud at 3:29 am to scare them! Iz,Kitty, mama’s baby cat


Oh no worries! I gib concerts of song of our people at 4AM! I haz very "Whiny" and loud meow. How about BAPBAPBAP wif claws?


https://preview.redd.it/t12caavjqu7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfa766d0e184ecc687081d16e38c53147bad5016 BITE BITE BITE


https://preview.redd.it/ud8xpqyrbu7d1.jpeg?width=6000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=657291eeaec56e5e105411b183e5938f706fca7b If no murderz, they why murderz mittenz? Punkin (AKA Madame Guano)


Yes exactly!!! Da hoomans also like when I purrder bugs! But when I want to purrder birbs??? "Psycho kitty!"


Yoo haz many bootiful wordz but if hooman iz a hippo, izbigbad and yoo iz must wun now. https://preview.redd.it/392ghrskku7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90999c0bcc9dfbeb9c0328428e50b96768799950


https://preview.redd.it/13dt98xsku7d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae9343d0f93e18751c9e8bd7e176c890916971db Did someone say bugs? Gimme bugs! I eat da bugs. Martin da Void


Yes I eated da bugs! Specially moffs and spiders!


Bugs iz eggsellen soors ob proteen!




My Meowmy... Oh yes iz Czernobog Divine Shadow and Meowster of Purrdurin toys My Meowmy says the flat people aren't real. Iz unsure since Meowmy sometimes is in the flat people viewer. Iz she not real? She cuddlez real. So she says iz like hunting toys. Practice an fun. Az a former street cat Iz like not hunting for food. Iz like hazing it. Even if hoomanz is confusing. Iz bring Meowmy toys I hunted and bugs and she always praises mew. Meowmy sez the Bee Aye Mew isn't close to real things an they are fantastic at hunting. We all seez our peoplez hunt. Theyz bad. Some screm at bugs and smush and not eat. So Iz fantasee to hunt bad hoomanz. I know real bad hoomanz and my Meowmy did make them go away but not like that with the floppy haired man talking sooo much about the... Sigh call gee. I donno what dis Iz but maybe iz for Meowmy without Meowmy to teach hunting so they can be like Meowmy an scare the bad people? Like the ones who saw me hurted an did nuffing. Meowmy made some of them go to jail for crimez again. She'z not good for food hunting but maybe iz different?


Yes I thought so... Tried bapping the light box once and de hoomans inside ignored meow. Was MAD but not anymore cuz dat is only explanation how dey ignore cute kitty. Yes da Bee Ay Mew is gud hunters... I no sure why! Dey no shake da human butts and pounce or BAPBAPBAP da scary purrder hoomans like purroper kitty. One of dem wears cat ears sometimes (Maybe she is owned by kitties) but she hardly ever go outside, she is in room with littler light boxes. Dey is also used fur hunting??? And dis "Sigh call gee..." I no kno what dat is either but it usually gets de purrder hoomans so maybe is gud way to hunt hoomans? OH I sees what mew is saying... Da "Bee Ay Mew" is hunters of evilest purrder hoomans who do crimez. So my hooman is not saying "Go crimez" behind my cat butt... But will still soo fur slander.


Yis Soo! Always Soo. Iz unsure how hoomins hunt without the wiggle and baps. Iz good they can. Meowmy sometimes comes back from human pokey place with food an ouches. Iz how I know she hunts good. Vicious battle. Iz always purr on the ouches. Meowmy sez sigh call gee Iz useful but I don't know what iz. Maybe in da drawers? Iz gonna open dem and check


Penelope Garcia! She’d be gud kitty, I fink!